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Slow Hands

Page 4

by Faye Avalon

  Her core was wet and throbbing, but she held Logan’s gaze as she handed the item across to him. ‘This is from the same batch,’ she explained, her voice thready with lust. ‘The only difference is the colour.’

  He took it, perused the box as if it held something mildly interesting. ‘These things come in different colours?’

  April nodded. Her pulse hammered when he opened the box and held the vibrator up to study it. Her eyes zeroed in on his fingers as they slowly stroked and glided over the smooth plastic before moving to the ridged areas of the toy. More heat shot between her legs. She wanted to clamp her knees together, squirm in the seat to get some relief, but he was looking at her with that steady blue gaze.

  Saying nothing, he flicked the switch with his thumb and raised his eyebrows when nothing happened.

  ‘New stock,’ April explained, annoyed that she’d forgotten to ready the toy. ‘It needs batteries.’

  ‘Right.’ A flicker of something deliciously wicked came into his eyes as he handed over the toy. ‘Maybe you should handle that.’

  She wondered if he was imagining exactly what she was picturing. How his hands would subject her to the same slow and steady torture with which he’d made his acquaintance with the vibrator. Strong, leisurely strokes that would incite an aching need everywhere he touched...making her crave, making her burn...

  Every cell of her body fired with the intensity of her thoughts as she slipped the batteries out of the box and pushed them into the toy.

  She was so primed, so aware of him, that the sudden whir of the vibrator as it sprang into action made her start. The pink giant oscillated and pulsed, adding to the sensual heat April was trying her hardest to ignore. When Logan held his hand out for the toy she basically threw it at him. No bloody way was she going to make any kind of physical contact with the man while she was in this state of heightened arousal.

  He smiled, and she knew he was aware of every thought and reaction she’d had.

  ‘It’s got three speeds,’ he said, holding the toy in one hand, while reading from the box. ‘And it can be used in the shower.’

  Logan flicked the switch again and the vibrator went into top-speed mode. It started undulating. Oh, for pity’s sake. She couldn’t take much more of this.

  Her intimate muscles contracted so hard she feared she might climax just from the sight of his adept fingers manipulating the thing as it continued to tilt and roll. Bloody hell, but she suspected Logan’s hands were a damn sight better suited to manipulating more interesting things than a piece of plastic.

  ‘And you’ve sold hundreds of these?’

  Of what?

  April gave herself a fierce mental shake. ‘This kind of toy is one of my top sellers, but this is the first time I’ve used this particular supplier for them. They were offering a limited time deal and I sold them as a special offer. They turned a decent profit.’

  Thankfully he switched off the vibrator, but he continued to hold and study it.

  ‘Did Veronica Lebeck purchase the product through your website?’

  ‘No. Party-plan. Most of her friends bought one. I pretty much offloaded all the stock I had with me that night.’

  ‘When was that?’

  ‘About six weeks ago.’

  ‘Anyone else complain of problems with their purchase?’


  April had an image of him in full legal wig and gown, interrogating some poor sap on the witness stand. She imagined he’d look pretty spectacular.

  ‘How’s business right now?’

  ‘It’s good.’

  ‘No need to cut corners? Take below-standard stock in the hope of offloading it fast?’

  ‘No.’ Her annoyance levels rose rapidly. ‘I would never deliberately sell sub-standard stock. I’ve got a good reputation...a huge percentage of returning clients. If you want to see testimonials, I can provide those easily enough.’


  ‘Satisfied customers.’

  His grin flashed quick and sexy. ‘Excuse the pun?’

  Still annoyed by his questioning of her standards, April glared at him. ‘I’m glad you’re finding this funny. I’m afraid I can’t share the sentiment.’

  ‘What’s the deal with your insurance?’

  ‘I forgot to renew it. Believe me, I’ve had sleepless nights about it, but I was distracted at the time. Personal matters. It was a foolish mistake.’

  Logan studied the toy again, turning it this way and that. He placed it down next to the box on the table beside him, then walked over to his desk and picked up a sheaf of papers. ‘You might as well complete these while I take a closer look at the terms and conditions on your website.’ He handed them to her. ‘Something wrong?’

  ‘You need me to complete forms? Just to get your advice?’

  He shrugged. ‘You’ll need to do them at some stage—might as well be now. Whoever handles your case will need the information, so go ahead and fill in the paperwork.’

  Firm and non-negotiable, April thought as he went back to perusing his laptop. Did anyone ever get the better of Logan Fitzpatrick? Unlikely. Which only heightened her disappointment that he couldn’t be her lawyer. Probably just as well, though, since April suspected she’d be paying off his fee like a second mortgage for the next fifty years. Lawyers of his calibre didn’t do discounts or mate’s rates.

  Looking on the bright side, there was nothing stopping her from letting him be something else. Nothing in the way of her acting on her undeniable attraction for the man. She was single, unattached, and desperately in lust. It would just be sex. Where was the problem?

  Somehow she managed to drag her thoughts away from carnal possibilities long enough to complete the paperwork.

  ‘Done?’ Logan asked as she put down her pen.

  She nodded.

  ‘Good. Now I get to feed you.’

  The way he said it made her stomach do crazy, stupid things, but it might have been the copious amounts of caffeine she’d swigged down while completing the forms.

  She was still on edge from that display with the vibrator, and her gaze flashed to where it sat on the side table.

  Logan followed the direction of her look as he walked around his desk. ‘I’ll hang on to that. Unless you need it?’

  Since her hormones were enjoying their own private disco, and her stomach had yet to settle from its vibrator-induced rollercoaster ride, April knew that she’d definitely be needing something. It looked as if her sample stock drawer would be raided the moment she got home.

  This rampant flare of sexual attraction wasn’t going to diminish any time soon. If anything, the more time she spent in Logan’s company, the more she bloody wanted him.

  ‘Keep it,’ she said. ‘You might want to do more research.’

  ‘Yeah, I might.’

  He held out his hand, his fevered gaze inviting her to take it...and much more. Shivers of awareness rippled down her spine as his fingers wrapped around hers, and heat burned between her legs and made her knees wobble.

  ‘I’m starting to develop a fascination,’ he said.

  ‘With vibrators?’

  His gaze dropped to her mouth, and he made a long and seductive perusal of her lips. Those shivers shot from her spine straight to her core. She was wet, and aching, and so turned on it was ridiculous.

  ‘Not just vibrators,’ he said, his fingers tightening even more as the compelling blue of his eyes caught her in their devilish depths. ‘Although I’d like to know more about how they work.’

  Oh, and how I’d like to show you.

  ‘You’ve just had a practical demonstration.’

  ‘Of the basics. Not the logistics. Can those things actually make a woman come?’

  Oh, God.

  ‘Of course.’ How the hell did she sound so composed w
hen her whole body was firing on all cylinders? ‘Women don’t always get their needs met by a man.’

  He waited a beat. ‘Then that man isn’t doing his job properly.’

  April pulled her inner muscles up hard. Anything to stop the constant throbbing and intense need. It was getting unbearable.

  ‘I suppose you’re going to tell me you’ve never had any complaints.’

  Why had she said that? Did she have some hidden propensity for torturing herself? For baiting him?

  ‘Not one.’ He moved a little closer. ‘Which is why my women prefer the real thing.’

  Bloody hell.

  ‘That’s what they tell you.’

  He caught her other hand in his, moving ever closer. ‘They tell me with a satisfied smile on their face. That’s if they’ve got the energy left.’

  Unable to resist, and not wanting him to have all the fun, April stepped closer this time. She touched her breasts to his chest, enjoying the way he sucked in a breath.

  ‘We women are good are bolstering men’s egos. How do you know that as soon as you’ve fallen asleep your women don’t go and seek out Mr Sparkly?’

  His throat contracted, then his eyebrows rose. ‘Mr Sparkly?’

  Had she said that aloud? Who cared? ‘It’s one of the games we play. At parties.’

  She was on a roll now, feeling bold and daring. If this thing between them was going anywhere, then it made sense to let him know that he wasn’t the one who’d be in the driving seat.

  ‘Sex toy parties?’

  He tilted his hips and his erection nudged her stomach. This time they both sucked in air.

  ‘I prefer the term “adult toys”.’

  His hands settled on her hips, fingers digging in. ‘How does it work? The game?’

  ‘There’s an instruction sheet inside the box. I put one in with all my vibrator products.’

  His impressive bulge pushed harder against her. ‘I’m not much for instruction sheets. Prefer working things out for myself.’

  ‘Typical man.’

  ‘There’s not much typical about me.’

  She shimmied against him. ‘So I’ve noticed.’

  His hands moved to her ass, tugging up her skirt and coaxing her legs apart to guide that impressive bulge between them. She was ridiculously wet.

  He brought his mouth to within a whisper of hers, held there as they both breathed hard. Tilting her chin, she raised her lips to his. It was the lightest of touches, barely skimming, but the reaction pushed deep into her being and made everything come alive. Her heart hammered, her senses spun.

  The kiss deepened until it was hard and hot. She dragged her hands up his masculine chest, felt his heart beating fast against her palms.

  ‘I really, really want you,’ she managed between kisses.

  He groaned low in his throat, his hands gripping her hips and hiking her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist.

  ‘And I damn well want you,’ he said, his voice rough and edgy. ‘It’s time to eat... And I don’t mean pasta.’


  APRIL DIDN’T KNOW which way was up right then. Her head spun wildly and all her senses were sharply focused on the feel of Logan pressed hard against her pulsing core.

  Drugged by his kisses, she was only vaguely aware of him moving them across the room, and she could do nothing else but return those drugging kisses. It was only when he turned and levered her onto the corner of his desk that even the tiniest thought slid beneath the sensual haze.

  The hard surface against her ass must have jolted something in her brain and brought her reasoning powers back from where they’d been languishing in erotic pleasure.

  Logan stepped between her legs, the movement pushing her skirt up to her thighs. He swept a hand behind her, clearing the way to ease her back against the polished walnut surface.

  ‘Wait,’ she said, pressing a hand to his chest.

  The feel of his heartbeat throbbing against her palm and his chest widening with each inhalation didn’t help her focus. She had to suck in a couple of steadying breaths.

  ‘Let me think, just a minute.’

  She forced herself to do exactly that, ignoring Logan’s frown and the brush of his fingers up and down her arms.

  ‘What we’re about to do doesn’t usually need much in the way of thought,’ he said, his voice rough and low.

  ‘I know how sex works, thanks.’ She took a huge breath in and let it out on a sigh. ‘But I’ve got a whole lot at stake right now, and I’m not about to jeopardise it by enjoying a quick roll in the hay.’

  His grin took for ever to get where it was going. ‘I don’t see any hay. Just a big old desk that’s crying out for some action.’

  ‘This isn’t funny.’ Strange, but she couldn’t seem to take her hand away from his chest. ‘If this all goes belly up, I’ll be right back at square one.’

  He stepped back just a tad. ‘Regardless of what happens tonight, or any other night, I’ll make sure you’re not back at square one.’

  ‘How?’ April dropped her hands to her thighs and tried to pull down her skirt, but Logan was still between her legs and she couldn’t get very far. ‘Why would you even be interested in helping me if you’re not the one handling the case?’

  He placed his hands over hers and leaned in closer. ‘For starters, someone has called in a favour. They asked me to meet with you, give you my advice. Then there’s the fact your problem interests me—added to which it’ll likely be a quick and easy fix. And I bloody love those.’

  He dropped a kiss on her mouth.

  ‘If you need any further explanation, let’s just say I’m intrigued by you as much as your predicament, and that I like the idea of riding in on my white charger and coming to your rescue. Finally, there’s the fact I’d like to fuck you senseless and watch that suspicion fade from your eyes.’

  April’s mouth had gone dry. ‘I don’t need rescuing by someone on a white charger. I just need a lawyer. And I’m not suspicious.’ She needed to get those things out of the way before she zoomed in on his other comment. ‘Do you really think it’ll be a quick and easy fix?’

  ‘Can’t see it being a drawn-out affair—especially when the evidence seems thin.’ His palms pressed down on her hands, angling her so that he pushed her thighs open wider. ‘But as for fucking you...? I plan on that being a slow and extremely pleasurable process, which I intend to draw out as long as possible.’

  Her stomach muscles clenched, the movement shooting right to her core. But still she couldn’t quite let her mind relax around what was at stake if she gave in to this almost overwhelming attraction and need burning inside her and things went south.

  ‘The timing seems off.’

  He tapped the spot between her eyebrows. ‘Because you’re overthinking. We’ve already established that this doesn’t have to be complicated. It doesn’t have to be anything other than mutually satisfying sex.’

  April shook her head. ‘Maybe I am overthinking, but if the shit hits the fan I could lose my business.’

  He took a breath and moved back, resting his hands on her knees. ‘If you’re not sure, then this isn’t going to happen. If you want to call a halt—’

  She reached up and placed a finger over his lips, certain that if she did call a halt he wouldn’t press her further. ‘I don’t want that.’ With a shake of her head, she ordered herself to go with the flow and stop looking for the worst-case scenario. ‘I just need you to understand where I’m coming from.’

  She laid her hands over his on her knee, then looked him square in the eye so that he could have no doubt of her agreement...and her intention.

  ‘What I want is hot, uncomplicated sex.’

  Heat burned in his dark blue eyes. ‘I can get behind that.’

  He leaned in, taking her mouth in a steamy kiss t
hat made her lose all coherent thought and shot her into pure feeling. She slid her palms up his chest, wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her so that she could press her breasts to the solid expanse of his chest.

  She matched his kiss with a brutality of her own, demanding he give her every inch of his mouth, every inch of his tongue. There was nothing tentative between them, no easing in, no push and retreat, no chance of shifting perspectives, or doubts or qualms.

  April wanted him, and she sensed that the lust sizzling between them wasn’t the kind that would burn out easily. And even if it did, she knew that being with Logan was something she would never regret.

  Maybe she really was an idiot, she thought vaguely as his hands settled on her hips and he pulled her closer to the edge of his desk, but she wanted this. She wanted him.

  He kept up the assault on her mouth as he encouraged her back onto her elbows, leaning over her so that his strength enveloped her body. He seemed to be everywhere, his powerful presence sliding over every inch of her, his scent permeating all the available air in the room. She felt hot, cold. Sweaty and shivery. She felt...everything.

  He eased away from her, drawing his hands down her hips, her legs, and then reaching beneath her skirt. April trembled, her body intensely alive from just the touch of his hands. How the hell would she survive anything else?

  He reached up, curling his fingers around the edge of her panties. She jerked, and a needy sound rumbled deep in her throat as he tugged at the wispy lace.

  Although he’d pushed her skirt up her thighs, it still covered the necessities as he yanked her panties down to her knees.

  ‘Fuck,’ he grated, his fingers tightening around the lace. ‘You’re a freaking wet dream.’

  ‘The latest addition to my catalogue,’ she said huskily, watching him as he continued to peruse her underwear. ‘It’s important to take every chance to advertise my wares.’


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