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Maxwell's Fall

Page 6

by Tielle St Clare

  But everything about her tempted him to indulge. He couldn’t resist another taste of her skin, a nip to her earlobe, loving the way her pussy creamed when he bit her, a quick scrape of his teeth to her neck, another sampling of her pretty tits.

  The flavor of her desire sang on his tongue and his cock leapt in his jeans, wanting its freedom, wanting to be buried in her cunt.

  He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of her pajama bottoms and dragged them down. Once over her hips, they fell with a quiet thump the ground. The scent of her pussy flooded the room, filling his head, drawing the wolf to the front of his brain.

  Her pussy was almost bare—not fully waxed but trimmed and slick, the rosy pink of her pussy lips flushed deep red and glistening with her juices.


  Subtlety left him. He dropped to his knees and lifted her thigh, draping it over his shoulder, opening the sweet space between her legs. Delicious perfume covered him.

  Honey. She smelled like honey. He watched his hands moving across her skin. He spread his fingers across her stomach and slid down, trying to touch all of her but the liquid heat from her cunt called to him.


  Tielle St. Clare

  He had to grit his teeth to keep from howling.

  Her thighs were drenched with her pussy juices and he couldn’t resist lapping, capturing that spicy liquid on his tongue. He swirled the tip of his tongue across her smooth skin, a delicious detour before he plunged in, sliding his tongue between the slick folds her cunt.

  Her cry bounced off the walls as her fingers grabbed his head, using him for support. Loving the strength in her hands, the power she used to hold him, he growled and went deeper driving his tongue into her entrance, sinking as far as he could, preparing her for his cock. The wolf’s ears perked up, catching her breathless moan. She squirmed, trembling in his arms, the sweet flesh of her pussy slick beneath this tongue.

  Needing to feel her come, he fucked her with his tongue, short shallow pulses. Her thighs tightened, squeezing his head as her fingers slid through his hair, holding him close.

  The wicked animal’s purr vibrated through her pussy lips sinking deep into her core. She dropped her head back against the wall and closed her eyes, every sense in her body centered on the tongue pumping in and out of her pussy. Each stroke ignited delicious tingles, blurring her mind until she couldn’t think.

  He eased back and slid his tongue across her clit, a light teasing stroke that jolted her eyes open. He grunted, the pleased satisfied sound of a male who’d been proven right. The revelation hit her brain moments before the orgasm flooded her pussy, hitting hard and fast and with no warning. She cried out and absorbed the delicious little shocks.

  The self-satisfied sounds turned to hungry growls and she thought she heard him snarl “more” against her skin before he drove his tongue back into her passage, the hard sharp penetration sending a new spike of renewed need through her pussy.

  Strength-stealing shudders rippled through her core as he licked and kissed her sex, dipping his tongue into her opening, drawing back, lavishing seductive attention to her clit. He seemed to be testing, exploring her responses, finding those places that made her breath catch.

  Swallowing deep, she braced her standing leg hard against the ground using his strength to hold her upright, the bite of his fingers cupping her ass and hips, moving her against his mouth, slow shallow pulses as he fucked her with his tongue. The first sensitive inch of her pussy sizzled with tension.

  “Please.” She wasn’t sure what she was begging for—more, deeper, harder. Jackson.

  His name echoed through her mind but it didn’t fit, didn’t match the man with his face between her legs. He seemed different, stronger, more dangerous. Wicked.

  He gave another flick to her opening then drew back, lapping at her pussy lips, the intensity shifting as he teased. She fought for breath. Every nerve still tingled but there was no pattern—he flicked and licked, swirling his tongue around her clit before drawing back and placing a hot hard kiss on the inside of her thigh. The need spread, moving in streaks from her pussy into the rest of her body, making her breasts throb.


  Maxwell’s Fall

  She dragged one hand off his head and grabbed her breast, needing something to ease the ache. Her fingers slipped down to pull on her nipple. A tiny jolt zipped into her pussy, tracking from the tight peak.

  He raised his eyes and watched, the low growls of approval urging her on.

  Delicious vibrations slid into her sex but before she could enjoy the subtle sensations, he drove his tongue into her entrance again, reaching the nimble tip deep before pulling back. He lashed her clit then plunged into her pussy again. He stretched so far, teasing the top of her passage, before retreating and circling her clit, this time soft and light, mere whispers that moved as wild caresses through her core, into her chest. She squeezed her breast, pinching the nipple almost to the point of pain, matching his thrusts as she rocked against his mouth.

  He jerked his head back, flipping his hair out of his way, looking up at her. A strange red light flashed in his eyes.

  “That’s it, honey.” As she watched he stretched out his tongue and stroked the top of her crease, flicking past her clit while his eyes burned. “Touch those pretty tits, imagine I’m sucking them while I fuck you.”

  Following his instructions, unable to do anything else, she squeezed her breasts.

  The frantic touch made it better and worse. A low, harsh groan ripped from her throat.

  Too much and yet not enough.

  “Damn,” he whispered, his tone reverent. The right side of his mouth pulled up into an arrogant smile. If she’d been in her right mind, the sight might have irritated her, but she wasn’t. Wasn’t anywhere near her right mind.

  She pumped her hips forward, trying to tempt him to return. “More?” Her plea was almost more than her sex-drenched mind could handle.

  But she saw the reaction, watched it flare in his eyes.

  “More.” His answer was definite. Strong. Powerful.

  She blinked, staring past her own hands on her breasts, the hunger flickering in his gaze as he turned his attention back to her pussy. Tension did a wicked little zip through her body, ripping from her breasts to her cunt. Even before he touched, licked, she felt the edge of the blade teetering. Held breathless for a heartbeat, she waited, needing, anticipating.

  Time slowed as he leaned forward, giving her the lightest touch, a quick flick of his tongue. He looked up as if to confirm she was still watching, then eased forward, sliding his tongue between her pussy lips, letting her feel every inch as he approached her entrance.

  Vaguely aware that she was panting, she reached for him. Silky soft hair, just long enough to slide through her fingers, stroked her skin, mirror images of the delicate touches to her clit. A sound that was part grunt, part groan broke from her lips as she pumped her hips forward, trying to find a harder contact. He groaned and licked, sinking his tongue between her folds like a starving man, as if he couldn’t taste her fast enough, deep enough.


  Tielle St. Clare

  He lapped at her clit, a quick, delicious taste before he returned to her opening, driving his tongue into the tight passage, not deep but just enough to make her insane.

  She grabbed the back of his head and tried to guide him back to her clit.

  Frustration bloomed inside her as he resisted her direction. Not that he didn’t know what he was doing. Or that what he was doing wasn’t amazing, sexy, and fucking wonderful but she wanted more. Wanted to come. And every stroke of his tongue, every thrust just made the need worse.

  “Please.” She dragged in a frantic breath. “Fuck me.”

  This time he seemed to hear her. He drew back, wrapped his lips around her clit and suck, slow rhythmic pulses. He slid a single finger between her pussy lips and slipped it into her opening, slowly fucking her as he worshipped her clit. The dual caresses sent her fly
ing, delicious zings running through her pussy, threading into her limbs.

  She cried out, releasing her breast and putting both hands into his hair, fingernails biting into his scalp. A low hungry growl reverberated from his chest and throat, flowing into her pussy, as if the little bit of pain she gave him made it all the better.

  Her body pulled tight, consumed and condensed by the steady, intoxicating thrust of his finger, sliding in and out of her pussy, fucking her until she couldn’t take it any longer. Until she needed more.

  “Damn it. Fuck me!” The command filled the room.

  He gripped her ass and tipped her forward, driving his tongue into her one more time, trailing kisses along her slit, returning to her clit, no seduction, no hesitation. He took the tight bundle between his lips and sucked hard, pulsing caresses that shot into her pussy.

  “Ah!” Her cry reverberated through her entryway, the delicious tension rippling from her clit and racing into the rest her body, draining the strength from her muscles.

  He hummed, the sound so low it became a growl, and continued to lick, long lush strokes that worked the orgasm deep into her core, making her body shudder. She closed her eyes and breathed, her mind blank, the only sounds her breath and heartbeat.

  Through her eyelids, the world spun. Dizzy and satisfied, she clung to the one constant in her world—Jackson. Hot kisses whispered across her thighs. Subtle flicks of his tongue, higher, along her stomach and up, pausing between her breasts.

  “Gorgeous.” She blinked her eyes open. The glitter of her pussy juices sparkled around his mouth. He licked his lips. “Delicious.”

  Her heart pounded loud in her ears. No one had ever told her that before. No one had ever meant it before.

  Heat—pure, animal desire—stared back at her. She swayed but he was there, catching her, warmth and strength covering her body.


  Maxwell’s Fall

  He pressed close, nudging his erection against her bare pussy. Her clit—sensitive from coming—vibrated but he backed off before it was too much. Fire streaked along the tight muscles of her throat as he teeth raked her skin, almost painful but still not quite enough.

  She turned her head, silently begging for more. Something burned inside her to feel that delicious pain again.

  Max stared down at the pretty female, baring her neck, offering herself. He clamped his lips closed, hiding his teeth. The sharp canines filled his mouth and were clearly nowhere near human. The taste of her cunt lingered on his tongue, his mouth, driving him insane. The wolf screamed in his head, demanding he fuck her, claim her.

  Max shook his head, fighting the animal’s instincts. He was human. He was stronger and fucking more logical than the beast inside him. Red once again teased the edge of his vision but he blinked it away. He licked his lips and tried to force his body to retreat. Just a few inches. If he could get the distance, he might, just might be able to escape.

  Mandy tipped her head back to meet his gaze.

  Fuck. Her eyes were hazy from the double orgasm, her cheeks flushed a delicious red. And her lips…fuck she kept licking her lips, as if she was imagining his cock in her mouth. Or her taste on his lips.

  Drawn by the image, he bent down, placed his mouth on hers, blending the flavors of her cunt with her mouth. The wicked spice and sweet exploded on his tongue. He grabbed her ass and pulled her hard against him. Heat surrounded his dick as he pressed against her pussy, liquid practically burning him through his jeans.

  He grabbed the back of her torn t-shirt and dragged it down, leaving her naked, bare before him.

  The faint voice of his conscience tried to insert itself but before the sounds could make sense in his brain the wolf howled its need, its intent.

  He pulled back, enough to capture a breath, thinking it might be enough to clear his brain. But the scents of their bodies together only made it worse. And the hint of uncertainty that flickered through Mandy’s eyes.

  She grabbed her lower lip between her teeth then let it slide away, as if bracing herself for the rejection. A burst of anger throbbed at the base of his skull. That Jackson would have left her insecure. If she belonged to him, she’d always know she was the sexiest woman in the room. He bent down, cupping her cheek in his palm, covering her mouth with his, slower this time, savoring the softness of her lips.

  When he lifted his head, she looked up at him, her mouth red from his kisses, her eyes glazed with passion he created. The driving urge to be inside her flooded his chest.

  The need pushed aside any hesitation. He scooped her up in his arms and headed toward the stairs.


  Tielle St. Clare

  Mandy gasped and tried not to scream like romance novel heroine. The world shifted beneath her jolting her out of the lovely stupor two orgasms in quick succession could cause.

  His strength eased her panic and the languid satisfaction returned to her muscles, leaving her limp and draped against him. She turned her head and buried her nose in the nape of his neck, inhaling the masculine scent. She’d always thought Jackson smelled good—crisp and clean scents from his aftershave—but this was different.

  Earthy, male, intriguing. It made her want to taste.

  Unable to deny herself the pleasure, she stroked her tongue across his skin and lapped at the base of his neck. A growl rumbled beneath her tongue—a clear warning.

  She giggled, feeling no threat. Instead she repeated the caressed a little longer, harder.

  His taste was as delicious as his smell.

  He tipped his head back and looked down at her, the red glow returning to his eyes.

  “Be careful, honey.” The warning was lost in the endearment, the sexy way he drawled the word. “It’s not wise to tease the beast.”

  The thought of Jackson being “a beast” drew another giggle.

  “Maybe it’s not wise,” she whispered, letting the words brush against his skin, emboldened by the lust that emanated from him. “But it’s kind of fun.”

  A quick snap filled the air moments before she felt the tap on her ass and the bright bloom of pain. Her head snapped back and she looked up at him, blinking, her body vibrating between shock and desire.


  “Naughty girls get punished.”

  “P-punished?” The word caressed her pussy sending a rush of liquid through her cunt.

  “Yes.” He reached the top of the stairs. “Good girls get fucked. Naughty girls get punished.” He set her feet on the ground and she stood, using him to support her shaking knees. He placed his fingers beneath her chin and tipped her head back so she had no choice but to look at him. “Do you understand, Amanda?”

  The firm, almost paternal way he said her name sent shivers down her spine.


  “Repeat it back to me.”

  She forced her lungs to take a shallow breath. “Naughty girls get punished.”


  “Good girls get—” She swallowed. It wasn’t like she hadn’t used the word before but, standing here, she felt very much like a schoolgirl in the principal’s office. He stared down at her, the stern set of his mouth warning her she was quickly entering the dangerous realm of “punishment”. “Fucked. Good girls get fucked.”


  Maxwell’s Fall

  “That’s right.” He stroked the backs of his fingers across her temple, lightly touching her hair. “And you want to get fucked don’t you, Amanda?”

  She dropped her gaze and nodded.

  “You must answer me, Amanda. Do you want to get fucked?”

  “Yes.” The word burst from her throat, almost defiant. A sexual energy crackled between them making her nerves sing. Every wicked fantasy she’d ever had—since she was old enough to know better—involved a strong, dominant male, ordering her, fucking her, commanding her to take him. She’d just never imagined that man would be Jackson.

  “Very good, Amanda. Now go get on the bed and spread your pretty legs. I
want to see your pretty cunt.”

  Her legs wobbled and she was glad he was holding her up.

  She pushed her shoulders back and turned, walking the short hallway to her bedroom, trying not to think about the fact that she was naked and he was still fully dressed and she was walking away in the full light of the hall.

  Insecurities assailed her as she pushed open the door. Her ass was too big, her hips too big. Hell even her breasts were too big—though some guys obviously liked that. She stopped beside the bed, not sure she had the emotional strength to climb onto the mattress and spread her legs, bare herself to him so blatantly.

  Her throat tightened like someone had a fist around it. But even as her mind fought the fear, her body reveled in it. Her clit aching. She squeezed her knees together. The subtle movement only made the need worse. A few hot words and she was ready for more.

  Ready to be a good girl.

  “Get on the bed, Amanda.” Lust and command filled his voice and pushed aside some of the fear. The sight of her naked ass walking down the hall hadn’t turned him off. He still wanted her.

  Still, her body struggled to follow his instructions. Moving slowly, she placed her hands in the middle of the bed and put one knee on the mattress. The image of how she must look overwhelmed her and she froze, not sure she could go on. She opened her mouth, thinking to tell him no, that maybe they could turn down the lights and crawl under the blankets.

  Heat enveloped her pussy, warm fingers dipping into her cunt. The caresses locked her muscles in place and she froze, afraid to lose the intoxicating touch.

  “I told you not to tease me, honey. And the sight of this gorgeous ass is too tempting.” He scraped his teeth across her hip. The thin streak of pain translated into pleasure by the time it reached her brain. The fire from his bite pushed her hips forward, rubbing her pussy against his hand, the shallow movement pressing her clit against the heel of his hand and she groaned. More. She rocked her hips again. And again. It would be so easy for her to come.


  Tielle St. Clare


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