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Broken Promises: The Broken Series Second Generation

Page 4

by Heather D'Agostino

  “That was pretty good. Ever think about baseball?” I teased, and he started laughing.

  “I don’t want to play sports. I had this same conversation last night with Carsen at the field house. Why do you think there’s so much broken glass over there?” He motioned to the wall.

  “I’m sorry. You can talk to me. I won’t judge.” I shrugged. What the hell was I saying? I felt like I was in the middle of this weird dream where Caleb and I were friends. I was going to wake up any minute and he’d be calling me Princess again.

  “I might take you up on that. Once Carsen calls Mom, I know she’ll start in on me too. ‘Pick a major. What are you doing with your life? You need to do something meaningful.’ I’m so tired of defending myself to my own family.”

  “I understand more than you think I might. My mom harassed me for months about taking summer classes, and getting a head start,” I grumbled.

  “We’re quite the pair, huh?” He chuckled, and jumped suddenly. When I saw him pull his phone from his pocket, I laughed.

  “Quite the pair who’s apparently in trouble.” His shoulders slumped. “That’s your dad. I’ve been given orders to bring you back to the gym immediately.” He shook his head. “Guess I should have asked permission to take the princess out of the castle.”

  It was in that moment, with those words, that Caleb took away whatever moment we’d just had. He still thought of me as this little spoiled girl that had it better than him when it came to the gym. I thought we were getting somewhere, but I guess he wasn’t all that different from the rest. He was still a guy, and guys are jerks.

  Chapter 7


  When we got back to the gym, Dad was leaning against the front desk with his arms crossed. “Your phone broke?” He gave me the look.

  “No.” I patted my pocket and realized it wasn’t there. “Crap,” I hissed. “I must have left it here. I’m sorry.” I grimaced.

  “I’ve been texting you for the last hour, worried sick about why you weren’t texting me back. You know the rules, Rils; you don’t go anywhere without your mom or I knowing about it.” He glared at Caleb, and I knew this was my chance to pay him back for saving me the other day in the ring.

  “It wasn’t his fault. It was my idea. I asked for a ride.” I scrambled for excuses as Caleb’s face went from shocked to pleased. “I needed to clear my head. He said he could help me. I’m sorry I worried you.” I figured the more I talked, the longer he had to cool down.

  “I didn’t know you didn’t know she was with me, sir. Next time I’ll call you.” He waved his phone in the air.

  Dad softened as he pushed off the front desk. “Don’t let that happen again.” He aimed it at Caleb. “You and I are going to have a talk later.” He pointed at me.

  “Yes, sir,” we both said in unison. Dad walked away, and I turned to Caleb. “Now we’re even.” I glared at him.

  Caleb shrugged. “Fair enough.”

  He stood there unmoving, and it was driving me crazy. I was still mad at him, and now I was mad at my dad too. “Don’t you have like, stuff to do?” I pressed my lips together.

  “Yeah. I’m on desk duty. You’re kinda in the way.” He laughed as he motioned to where I was standing.

  “Well then, get to it.” I stormed away, muttering to myself about what a jerk he was. One would think by the way we act around each other that we were dating or something.


  The ride home with Dad was a quiet one. He didn’t say one word until we pulled into the driveway. “If you want me to treat you like an adult, you need to make adult decisions. Leaving the gym and not telling anyone is not an adult thing to do.”

  “I know, Daddy. I’m sorry.” I used my sweet little girl voice.

  “I’m sorry Daddy isn’t going to work this time, Rils. I know Dean hurt you. I know you’re mad. You wanna take that out on some old bottles and bricks, fine, but tell me next time.” He put the truck in park, and turned in my direction.

  “How’d you…” I was completely lost on how he knew any of this.

  “Caleb came to my office before he left for the night. He told me the truth, that is was all him, and you didn’t even know where you were going.”

  “Of course he did,” I grumbled. “The one time I can actually do something for him, and he has to go and ruin it.” I tossed my hands in the air.

  “What are you talking about?” Dad opened his door to get out.

  “Nothing.” I brushed him off. I was not taking the blame for the sparring the other day, no matter what.

  “You think I don’t know he was covering for you the other day?” I stumbled to a stop, almost crashing into his back as we walked up the front steps. “I know everything, Rils. It’s my job as your father.” He opened the door, and let me pass in front of him. “Biggest lesson here… you wanna be a grown up? Start acting like one. That means owning up to things you do wrong.” With that, he tossed his bag on the counter, and jogged up the stairs. I hadn’t seen Mom yet, so I assumed he was looking for her.


  I’ve spent so much time the last few days at the gym, I decided to stay home and relax today. I thought it would be a quiet day at home, but Claire called and invited me to a party tonight. She says that she got the invite from a friend that graduated last year, and there were going to be a lot of college guys there. I’m not sure how I feel about going, but we haven’t spent much time together, so I feel like I need to.

  “Hey, Mom?” I stuck my head out my door. “Did you tell Dad about this?” I was surprised my dad was ok with my going. I mean, I’ve never really gotten into trouble, but it’s a party with older guys.

  “What Dad doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” She stepped into my room and grinned. “I was younger than you when my parents let Ally and me go to the beach for spring break with your dad and Cole. You’re a good girl. I know we can trust you.”

  “So, what happens when he finds out?” I sat down on my bed; images of Dad coming to the party and dragging me out floated through my mind.

  “I’ll take care of Dad; you don’t need to worry.” She smiled and started to leave.

  “I’m not going to end up with another little brother or sister over this, am I?” I called.

  “Not that I plan on, but you can’t blame us for trying?” She sing-songed down the hall.

  “Ugh!” I made a gagging noise.

  I spent most of the afternoon trying to decide on what to wear. I didn’t want to look like a high school girl, but I didn’t want to look like I was trying too hard either.

  I finally decided on a denim skirt paired with a soft yellow tank. It was fairly warm out at night, and I wasn’t sure how much of this party would be outside. Claire hadn’t given me many details, so I wasn’t really sure what I was getting into.

  “Rils? Ride’s here,” Mom’s voice echoed through the house. Dad had gone out to run errands, Mom’s plan I guess, and wouldn’t be back until I was long gone.

  “Thanks,” I called back as I slipped into a pair of flats, checked myself in the mirror one last time, and then rushed down the stairs. “See you later.”

  Just as my hand hit the knob to the front door, I heard her, “Midnight.”

  My shoulders sagged. I couldn’t wait until college started and I didn’t have a curfew. “Ok.” I sighed. I wasn’t going to argue. She was letting me go. If I whined, she might make me stay home.


  “Where exactly are we going?” I glanced at Claire as she drove along the dark highway.

  “Into the city.” She pressed her lips together. She was hiding something.

  “Where though?” I watched as we drove past the gym, and turned toward the Beacon Hill district.

  “Do you remember Bethany Norman?” She grinned.

  “Yeah.” The Norman family owned a chain of department stores. Bethany went to elementary school with us, but then her parents put her in private school. They were totally loaded, and Bethan
y always acted like she was too good for us.

  “Her brother Thomas has a brownstone up here.” She pointed at the brick houses along the street. I saw her last week when I was shopping, and she invited us here. Isn’t it awesome?” She bounced before parking on the street.

  “Am I going to know anyone here?” I swallowed. Bethany and I weren’t really friends. I didn’t know anything about her brother, or any of his friends.

  “You know me.” She chirped as she climbed out, and bounced on her toes. I swear she was hyped up on something because she was extra chipper tonight.

  “Promise me we can leave early if we don’t know anyone.” I turned with a panicked expression. I didn’t drive, and I wasn’t calling my parents to come and get me.

  “It’ll be fun.” She grabbed my arm and started pulling me toward the steps. As soon as we reached the door, it burst open. A guy in a blue golf shirt was standing in the doorway with a red cup in his hand.

  “Come on in, ladies.” He stepped to the side and gestured with his hand for us to step by him.

  “Thanks.” Claire grinned. “Where can I get one of those?” She pointed to the cup.

  “Keg’s in the kitchen along with anything else you’d like.” He turned as if he was going to follow us, but stopped when another group of people came up the steps.

  “I don’t like beer,” I hissed under my breath.

  “So, have something else.” Claire shrugged.

  I looked around as we moved through the sea of people in the house. I didn’t see anyone I knew, and it was causing me to panic. We rounded the corner to where the kitchen was supposed to be, and I heard a familiar laugh. It brought both relief and frustration. What was he doing here?

  “Princess!” Caleb opened his arms like he wanted a hug as he stumbled closer to me.

  I backed up, and he frowned. “Are you drunk?” I tipped my head to the side.

  “I don’t think so,” he stared at his hands like they had the answer, “well maybe a little. Ok, a lot.” He started laughing and moved closer, throwing his arm around my shoulders in the process.

  “Do you know each other?” Claire looked confused.

  “Caleb’s mom and mine are best friends. He’s like my annoying older brother.” I rolled my eyes and at the same time I felt Caleb stiffen beside me.

  Claire poured herself a beer and then turned to me. “Want something?”

  “Not that.” I curled my lip.

  “Awe, what’s wrong, Princess? Not a beer drinker?” Caleb wobbled and stuck out his lip. “That’s ok. I’ll drink yours.” He lifted his cup to his mouth, and finished whatever was in it. “Get me another.” He thrust his hand in the direction of the guy who was apparently keeping tabs on the keg.

  “Please don’t,” I warned. “He’s had enough.”

  Caleb frowned, but then smiled when someone brought him another cup. Shock covered my face. He was obviously drunk. I couldn’t believe they’d let him keep drinking.

  “It’s water,” the guy that handed him the cup clarified. “He hasn’t had anything here but water. He showed up this way.”

  “I’ve had a lot on my mind.” Caleb sulked.

  “He’s been rambling about some chick since he got here. Some chick he can’t have. ‘Untouchable’ as he calls her.” Keg guy made air quotes.

  “I didn’t know you were seeing someone.” I turned toward him. It wasn’t my business, but Caleb and I had been sharing a lot lately.

  “Doesn’t matter.” Caleb lifted the cup to his lips. “Gonna get some air.” He pointed to the back door, and slipped outside.

  As it closed behind him, someone handed me a cup. It was red, and fruity. “Go slow. I don’t wanna be cleaning puke out of my car tonight,” Claire warned.

  “Promise.” I laughed as I stared at the door Caleb had gone through. I don’t know why I cared, but I did.

  “Go. I know you want to. I’ll be fine.” Claire nudged my shoulder.

  “You sure? I don’t want to break party code.” I pressed my lips together as I continued to stare at the door. She nodded, and I rushed after Caleb.


  “Are you ok?” I shuffled across the outdoor deck. Caleb was leaning over the railing, looking out into the dark back yard. His shoulders tensed, but he didn’t turn around. “You can talk to me, if you want.”

  “I don’t want to talk, Princess.” He almost growled the word, and refused to look at me.

  “Ok. I just thought…” I let the words trail away.

  “Thought what? That you’d come out here and help? Make me feel better?” His voice, his anger reaching both their limits. I knew he’d blow soon, but I couldn’t help it.

  “You helped me. Is it too hard to believe that I could help you?” I lifted my arms at my sides. “I’m sorry that I tried to care.” I shook my head and started to turn, but he stopped me.

  “Wait.” He sighed dramatically before turning to face me. He was still leaning against the rail. “I’m not mad at you. My problems aren’t yours. I’m sorry I snapped, Princess.” He closed his eyes as if he was in pain.

  Anger and hurt churned in my gut. “Why do you do that? You know I hate it.” I stomped my foot. “Do you just like being mean to me?”

  His eyes closed again, and this time he paused before answering me. “If I wasn’t drunk off my ass right now, I probably wouldn’t do this, but what the hell. Let him beat my ass. It might be worth it.” He was talking to the sky like there was a person there.

  “What are you…?” Before I could finish, Caleb stepped closer and crushed his mouth against mine.

  Chapter 8


  Her lips were soft, and tasted like strawberries. She let out a little squeak when I kissed her, but it turned to a sigh as I held her there. I knew it was wrong. I knew that her dad would probably kill me when he found out, but I’ve been thinking about this since she waltzed into the gym three weeks ago. I’ve always thought she was pretty, but now that she’s grown up, she’s gorgeous.

  “I’m sorry,” I muttered as I stepped back. It took me a minute to get my bearings. I’ve been drinking for hours, trying to get her out of my head. I glanced up and saw her shocked expression turn to hurt. “No, I’m not. No more lying.” I growled as I slammed my fist against the railing. I was probably going to regret that in the morning.

  She turned and started to walk away, and I knew I needed to act fast. “Riley, wait!” I reached out and my fingers brushed against her wrist.

  “What was that?” she whispered as she slowly turned back in my direction.

  “A kiss?” It came out like even I didn’t know what we’d just done.

  “I know that, but why?” She crossed her arms and kicked one of her feet at the ground.

  “I’m not sure,” I huffed. I ran my fingers through my hair and tugged at it. Could I really tell her how I felt? Was I ready for this battle because that was what would happen? “You wanna know why I call you Princess?” I smiled. I couldn’t help it. I liked her, and I was about to bare my soul.

  “Sure. Whatever.” She flung her arms out and let them smack her sides.

  “I need you to hate me because if you hate me, then you’ll stay away.” I knew I wasn’t making sense, but in my drunken mind it was crystal clear.

  “Huh?” She crinkled her nose, and it made her look so cute.

  “If you stay away, then I don’t have to fight this so hard. It was working, and then you started coming around and making me care. I need you to hate me, Princess.” I blew out a breath as I leaned back over the railing. The world was starting to spin faster, and I didn’t want her to see me like this.

  “You want me to hate you because you like me? Do you know how elementary you sound right now Caleb? What are you, five?” She sounded incredulous.

  “Makes sense, right?” I continued to stare at the grassy area below. “Your dad is going to kill me when he finds out what I did.”

  “What? Kiss me?” She stepped closer.

  “I’ve kissed boys before, quite a few actually.” She seemed proud of herself.

  “Really?” I stood up. “Any of them turn you on?” I stepped closer, and I saw the tiniest of shivers run through her body. “Did they make you feel the way you do right now?” I moved closer, daring her to move, but she stayed rooted in place. “I know you’re fighting this. I know that you’re scared after what that asshole did to you. I know you think that we’re all like that, but we’re not.”



  I didn’t really understand him, and I don’t think he did either. “What are you saying?” I moved closer and he held his arm out, halting me.

  “I don’t want to puke on you. Stay over there,” he warned.

  “I don’t want to see you puke either.” I made a yuck face just as he rushed to the far end of the deck. His body convulsed as whatever he’d poured down his throat came rushing out.

  “I’m sorry.” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “I’ve been trying to drink you away all night.” He leaned against the railing, facing me this time.

  “Why?” I moved closer, and watched as his eyes travel up my body.

  “I thought we covered this.” He sighed. “Your dad kicking my ass is a big reason, and we’re supposed to hate each other.” He chuckled.

  “I do hate you.” I grinned as I moved closer. “Hate you so much that I want to beat your ass in the ring. I hated it when you wrapped your arms around me during the self-defense class, and I hated it even more when you took me to that abandoned building.”

  “What about the kiss? Did you hate that?” His eyes darted to my lips as I stepped closer. We were almost touching at this point.

  “Mmm hmm.” I nodded. “I think I hated that the most.”

  He leaned closer, but I leaned back. “No offense, but I don’t need a repeat right now. You just barfed.” I cringed at the thought.


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