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Broken Promises: The Broken Series Second Generation

Page 9

by Heather D'Agostino

  I think I fell asleep around midnight, or so. All I know is Caleb’s nose nuzzled the back of my neck, and his arm tightened on me slightly. It was as if he thought I might try to escape or something. If nights with Caleb were like this, I wasn’t sure I’d ever want to escape, and that thought alone scared the crap outta me.



  I was an idiot. Plain and simple. The idea that I thought I could sleep in the same bed with her and not want to rip her clothes off was stupid. Despite the fact that she was in great shape, Riley’s body was lean. At some point in the night she’d moved impossibly closer, and at this very moment my dick was pressing right into her ass. I honestly can’t believe she hasn’t woken up from it. Her hair smells like strawberries, and every time she moves a little the scent wafts up my nose. I’ve been awake since before the sun rose, and I’ve been fighting with myself for hours. I know I should just get out of bed and stop the torture, but I can’t. I’ve never been this close for this amount of time, and every minute means something.

  “Mmm.” Riley moaned as her legs flexed, and she started to turn in my arms. I froze, unsure what to do that wouldn’t be awkward. “Five more minutes,” she mumbled as she rolled to face me, her nose nuzzled my neck, and she burrowed into my chest.

  I took a few deep breaths before deciding to stop the madness and extricate myself from her. Carefully, I slipped from her arms and climbed out of bed. The room was freezing, but it helped keep me in check. She curled into a ball before pursing her lips and sighing. I don’t know what she was dreaming about, but I hoped it involved me.

  “Fuck, I’m in trouble,” I hissed as I rushed over to my bag to grab some clothes for the day. We needed to get on the road soon. I rushed into the bathroom, and locked the door before turning on the shower.

  It didn’t take long for the water to warm, although I probably should be taking a cold shower at this point. I stepped under the spray, and closed my eyes. I could still see her there in the bed, only this time she was naked in my mind. I growled as I reached for the shampoo bottle and squirted a liberal amount into my palm. I suds my hair before rinsing and going for the soap. As I lathered my body, my dick throbbed. Visions of Riley plagued me, and I finally gave in. My hand slid down my stomach, and I wrapped my fingers around my cock. It pulsed against my palm. I gave a squeeze before I slid my fingers from the base to the tip. It felt so good, my hips jolted forward. It had been so long since I’d been with a woman that my body played tricks on me. I closed my eyes and pictured Riley on her knees in front of me. She was grinning up at me as her fingers danced along my length. My hand moved faster and faster as my fantasy built. She was leaning over, licking me with the tip of her tongue. Her eyes hooded as she watched for approval. “That’s right. Like that,” I mumbled. I squeezed harder, pumped faster, until I exploded. A grunt escaped from my lips as I reached forward to prop myself up against the shower wall. My breathing was labored as I came to back to Earth. I didn’t want to open my eyes because I knew the fantasy would be over. I couldn’t talk to her about it. We haven’t done more than kiss. I was surprised last night that she didn’t fight me when I climbed into bed with her.

  “Caleb?” There was a soft knock on the door. “Are you almost done? I really need to go to the bathroom.”

  I turned the water off, and grabbed a towel. “Yeah. One second,” I called back before rubbing the towel over my head. I quickly dried off the best I could before wrapping the towel around my waist and opening the door. “Sorry. It’s all yours.” She stepped back and I moved around her. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t notice the way she looked at me. Her bare thighs on full display with the t-shirt were enough to do anyone in. I’d have to be blind not to notice, and yet part of me wondered if she’d done this on purpose.



  “All set?” I glanced over at Caleb as he climbed in the truck. We’d packed up our things and while I put everything in the truck, he went and checked us out.

  “Yep.” He cranked the engine and set a small brown bag on the seat.

  “Can we get some breakfast?” I looked out the window for any kind of restaurant, and didn’t see anything.

  “Already got that taken care of.” He opened the brown bag and lifted out two packs of PopTarts and O.J.

  “I was thinking something that involved silverware.” I took one of the PopTarts from him.

  “That takes time and money. This is fast and cheap. We need to get on the road, and we need to save money if you want to stay somewhere nicer than this place.” Caleb opened his PopTart and took a bite. “I used to love these things when I was younger.”

  “Me too. Thanks.” I smiled as I bit into mine. It was thoughtful that he’d gotten something for us. I knew I needed to be more thankful than I’d been so far. He didn’t have to do any of this, but he was without question.

  “I’m hoping to make it to Texas by tonight.” He pulled out onto the highway. “It’s supposed to be nice weather, just hot.”

  We drove along munching on our breakfast, and I stared out the window, watching the landscape change as we drove. “I’ll pay for tonight,” I suddenly offered. “I mean, you paid for yesterday.”

  “I don’t mind. You need to save for college. Books are expensive.” He kept his eyes on the road, but I saw his body tense when I mentioned paying.

  “You have to buy that stuff too, and we’re doing this for me,” I argued.

  “I also work, you don’t. I have money saved up.” He all but growled. I don’t know why he was getting mad. I was trying to be nice.

  “Why are you mad at me?” I squeaked.

  “I’m not.” He smacked the steering wheel with his palm. I mashed my lips together as my eyebrows drew down. Caleb had been acting weird all morning. He blew out a frustrated breath before turning the truck off at the next exit.

  “What’s wrong? Why are we stopping?” My head whipped around, looking for where the trouble was. Caleb pulled into a gas station parking lot, and threw the truck in park. “What’s going on?” I glanced at the gas gauge. We had almost a full tank.

  He shoved open his door, and climbed out. As he rounded the front, he shook his head and grumbled something to himself. Just as I was reaching for the handle of my door, it flew open. Caleb stood there staring at me, his eyes wild with a look I’d yet to see from him.

  “Get out.” He grabbed for my hand.

  “What is going on?” I tried again. “Caleb…” He cut me off by smashing his mouth against mine. He moved us so my back was pressed against the side of the truck. One knee went between my legs as his hips pressed against me. He was practically crushing me against the metal. Every part of him from shoulders to thighs held me pinned. His head slanted as his mouth devoured mine. Soft groans filled the air around us, and I wasn’t sure what was coming from him and what was coming from me. Hands slid from my shoulders up to my jaw as he delicately cupped my cheeks. After a few moments, he pulled back as fast as he’d started. His forehead rested on mine as he attempted to calm himself.

  “Sleeping next to you all night; not being able to touch you the way I wanted; having you naked in the shower just feet away… you’re killing me. You have no idea how bad I want to make you mine, but I want you to want it too. So, I’ll wait. It’s gonna kill me, but I’ll wait.” He huffed as he pushed back, and the warm morning air filled the spaces between us.

  I stood there, still coming down from the high his kiss created as he sauntered around the truck, acting as if he didn’t just bring me to the edge of a cliff and leave me there. He climbed in, and then looked in my direction through the cab. “Coming?”

  “No,” I murmured thinking he wouldn’t hear me, but when I looked up at him a wicked smile spread across his face. “It’s not funny,” I grumbled as I closed my door and he put the truck in drive. Game on, Caleb.

  Chapter 16


  We’ve been driving for the last four days, and we
’re finally nearing the end. We crossed into California three hours ago, and Caleb assures me that we’re in the home stretch. “This place is amazing,” I call out as I lean farther out the window. When we crossed into the city, I rolled my window down. It’s hot out, but I don’t care. I’ve never left the East Coast. I’ve seen some big cities traveling with my dad, but nothing like this.

  “I don’t know. Seems kinda crowded to me,” Caleb grumbled. “I don’t care for the smog, and the traffic.” He tossed his hands in the air before laying on the horn for the billionth time.

  “But look!” I pointed ahead of us. We don’t have this at home.” The Pacific Ocean lapped up on the shore a few feet to our left.

  “We have Boston Harbor.” Caleb laughed.

  “It’s not the same.” I pouted. “There’s so much I want to do while we’re here. The parks and museums to start with, and then the zoo. Maybe Alex will want to show me around.” I bounced on the seat as I tried to take in everything. It was like sensory overload.

  “Let’s get to our hotel first, then we’ll figure all that out. I need a shower in a bathroom that doesn’t smell like stinky feet.” Caleb cringed as he made a turn onto another highway. “The GPS says it’s right up here.”

  We pulled into what I knew was a hotel we couldn’t afford parking lot. “This looks expensive,” I murmured.

  “Don’t worry.” Caleb shot me a smile. There was something about the way he looked at me that said he was hiding something, but I brushed it off. I was too excited that we were here.

  We pulled up to the front area where you unload and a bellhop met us at the curb. “I know we can’t afford this. What are we doing here?” I turned frightened eyes on him.

  “Stop worrying. I’ve got it covered.” He put the truck in park, and climbed out. After removing our bags and placing them on a cart, he handed his keys over to a valet. “Come on.” He held his hand out for me, and I slowly took it.



  If she knew how I paid for this room, she’d probably never forgive me. The day after we left, I texted my mom to let her know what was going on. I didn’t think this trip needed to be a secret, but Riley did. She’s been irrational at times, and I don’t know if its hurt or anger talking.

  Yesterday when we left our hotel in Arizona, Mom texted me telling me that Wes and Angela had made reservations for us when we reached San Diego. I called her when we stopped for lunch, and she assured me that they weren’t mad at Riley. In fact, they made a similar trip when they were younger. I’ve been trying all day to figure out how to tell her about all of this, but I know she’s going to flip.

  I’ve convinced myself that keeping it a secret a little longer is ok. The fact that she’s questioning this hotel tells me I can’t for much longer. We both know that we’re living beyond our means at the moment. Part of me doesn’t want to hurt her just yet. I have no idea what meeting this Alex guy will do to her. If it doesn’t go well, she’s going to need someone. If I take away her trust now, that someone won’t be me.

  Chapter 17


  “Thanks.” I handed a twenty to the bellman as he left our bags by the bed. I managed to get us checked in and up to our room without Riley finding out about who paid. Now, all I wanted to do was shower and wash the road filth off. “I’m gonna hop in the shower, and then I was thinking we could grab some dinner and go exploring.” I dug out some clean clothes from my bag.

  “Ok.” Riley flopped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

  “Did you want to shower too?” I stood waiting. I knew it would take her longer to get ready.

  “I’ll shower before bed.” Her head lolled to the side as she yawned.

  “Ok. See if you can get a quick nap in. The time change is gonna be rough.” I smiled and her face fell. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I just really wanted to find my dad today. He’s probably working though, huh?” She mashed her lips together in thought.

  “We have time. Let’s have fun tonight.” I laughed.

  “Fun. I can do that.” She grinned as she kicked her feet against the mattress in excitement.

  “Give me a half hour to get cleaned up, and then we’ll go.” I collected my clothes, and made my way into the bathroom.

  I had to give it to Riley’s parents; this place was nice. Everything was clean and smelled so fresh. We had a view of the ocean, and there were lots of things to do in the area. The pool looked inviting, and I was hoping that I could convince Riley to go for a swim later.


  “Ready?” I held out my hand for her to grab.

  “Let’s do this.” Riley giggled as we made our way down the hallway to the elevator bank. We rode down in silence, and then stepped into the lobby. There was a water feature in the center with lots of windows. Several planted areas made you feel as if you were outside.

  “Wanna walk tonight?” I waited by the door. The valet was ready to get the truck if she said no. “There’s lots to do right here.” I motioned to all the shops and restaurants within the few blocks of our hotel.

  “That sounds like fun.” She grinned, and we made our way down the steps. Living near Boston, we walked a lot. There were lots of places near the gym. It was getting into the city that was the issue. Riley’s home was outside the city. Wes wanted privacy and built his home in the suburbs.

  “Burgers, steaks, or salad?” I motioned to the buildings surrounding us. “We can eat whatever you want?”

  “Let’s go in here.” She started tugging me toward a pub. There were umbrella tables out front on a patio of sorts, and open windows showcasing the large bar area inside.

  “Lead the way.” I chuckled as she excitedly stepped through the doorway. Loud music greeted us along with one of the bartenders.

  “Have a seat wherever you like, man. Someone will be right with you.” He smiled and then went back to making drinks for the customer in front of him.

  “Let’s sit here.” Riley pulled me to a table near one of the windows. “We can see everything, and it’s not so loud.”

  “Whatever you want.” I chuckled.

  “Whatever I want? I like that response.” She grinned as I pulled her chair out, and she sat down.

  “I think I’m going to go for a burger.” I scanned the menu, and then set it aside. I watched as Riley stared at the cardstock. Her eyes scanned over it, and her mouth twisted in thought. “See anything you like?” I tapped her menu to get her attention.

  “Yeah.” She flipped it over and started scanning the back. “I just…” Her voice trailed off.

  “Just what?” I used my foot this time to get her attention.

  “It’s expensive,” she whispered.

  “I told you to stop worrying about that. We’re in California. I came prepared. Why do you think we stayed in all those shitholes for hotels?” I leaned back in my chair. “Get what you want.”

  “I want this steak, but it’s a lot.” She sighed.

  “You order it, or I’m going to order it for you.” I crossed my arms.

  “You’re being bossy.” She scowled.

  “I’m being your boyfriend. Call me old fashioned, but I believe the guy pays and the girl gets what she wants to eat.” I shrugged.

  “When do you get what you want to eat?” Her head tipped to the side.

  “I’m working on that.” I lowered my voice as her cheeks flushed. I wondered if she’d catch my meaning, and apparently, she did.

  “Maybe later.” Her foot nudged mine.

  “That’s not what this is all about, Rils.” I dropped the flirting for a moment.

  “I know.” She smiled as a server approached our table.

  “What can I get you?” She smiled at us with her pen and pad ready.

  “I’m going to have the classic burger, and my girlfriend will take the NY strip.” I handed over my menu.

  “That comes with a side.” The server looked somewhat annoyed.

“Fries please.” Riley smiled as she too handed over her menu.

  “Coming right up.” The girl turned on a dime and marched away.

  “She was trying to flirt with you. I saw it on her face.” Riley laughed.

  “That’s why I used the ‘g word’,” I laughed. “I’m not blind to other women. I know enough about girls to know when I need to speak up.” I twisted the napkin that was in front of me between my fingers. My mom had taught me a lot of this. She told me when you’re on a date, you need to make it clear to everyone around you because they don’t always get it.

  “I’m impressed.” Riley smiled and nodded. We hadn’t had much chance for me to flex my manners on our last date.

  It didn’t take long for us to get our food, and we started eating right away. Our server spent little to no time checking on us, and I made sure that my tip indicated that.

  “You ready?” I stood after wiping my mouth. “I was thinking we could just walk around, and maybe hit the pier later.” I held my hand out for her to take.

  “Sounds fun.” She had a little bounce in her step as we made our way outside and started walking down the street.



  California was nothing like I expected. It was warm, but there was a constant breeze. People were everywhere, but it didn’t feel crowded. Caleb had been the perfect gentleman, and I almost forgot the reason we were here. Our evening consisted of things I’d only dreamed of. A nice dinner out; walking along the boardwalk; hanging out on the pier.


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