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Broken Promises: The Broken Series Second Generation

Page 13

by Heather D'Agostino

  “How about we share?” She broke the muffin in half and held out a piece. I leaned to the side and opened my mouth. When she placed the muffin next to my lips, I took a bite.

  “Your turn.” I mumbled as I chewed. I watched as she delicately took a bite and attempted to catch the crumbs that were falling from her lips. Her eyes fluttered closed as the morsel made its way into her stomach. “I think you were hungrier than you want to admit.” I chuckled as her eyes opened.

  “Maybe.” She grinned as she held it up for me to take another bite. This time I was able to put the remainder in my mouth. When my lips touched her fingertips, I made sure to suck lightly. Her eyes flared before she yanked her hand away. I watched as she shifted in her seat. I was turning her on.

  “Something wrong?” I fought to keep amusement out of my voice.

  “Nope. I’m fine.” There she went again.

  “Un huh.” I laughed. She finished off the muffin before moving to open the donuts. We followed the same routine eating them, only they made much more mess. By the time we finished, we both had powdered sugar all around mouths, and Riley’s fingers were coated.

  “Got any napkins in that bag?” I teased as I attempted to lick the sugar off.

  “Sorry.” She grimaced. “I guess I wasn’t thinking about that.”

  “That’s ok. Come here.” I motioned for her to move closer. As soon as she was within arm’s reach, I gently lifted her hand. I carefully leaned slightly to the side as I licked each finger clean. Her breathing picked up, and a little moan slipped from her lips. My hand slipped causing the truck to jerk.

  “Watch the road!” She squeaked as I Iicked the last finger. She pressed her legs together and I couldn’t help but snicker.

  “You still fine?” I mused as frustration settled on her features.

  “Yep.” She turned away from me as she shifted again. She was trying to relieve the pressure I was slowly building within her.

  “I don’t believe you.” I laughed. “You seem tense.”

  “Nope. Not at all.” She quipped as she stared out at the road. We were reaching the state line and heading into the flat boring part of the drive.

  “Need me to stop so I care of that.” I nodded to where she’d now crossed her legs.

  “Nope.” She still refused to look at me.

  “I think you do. I think that you’re thinking about last night. You know that now it won’t hurt. You know that feeling I gave you in tub will come back. You know how good we’ll be together, and you keep thinking about it. You’re wound so tight right now that all I’d have to do is touch you, and you’d explode.” My cock was hard just thinking about it. There was so much more I could do with her now that we’d gotten past the initial time. I could show her how her body could come to life. I could give her the pleasure that she was so desperately craving at the moment.

  “I’m fine.” Her lips pressed together as she gritted the words out.

  “You’re not fine. You’re turned on.” I chuckled. “You’re turned on so much right now that you’re aching and you can’t do anything about it.” My chuckle turned into a snicker as she shot a warning glare in my direction. “Keep thinking about it. Think about everything you want me to do to you. Think about how it’ll feel.” The more the words poured out of me, the harder I got. I’d be stopping soon to take of this if I didn’t stop talking.

  “You seem to be a little uncomfortable yourself.” She tipped her head to the side as she stared at me.

  “I’m fine.” I smiled as I stared back at her.

  “Un huh.” She giggled. “You don’t seem fine.”

  “This is nothing.” I pointed to bulge in my pants. “You’ve been turning me on for longer than you think. I just don’t have to hide it anymore.”

  Chapter 23


  The longer we were trapped in the truck together, the harder it became to ignore him. Little things he did began to mean so much more. The curve of his lips when he was teasing me; the way his eyes twinkled when he laughed; the way his t-shirt stretched over his chest and arms; all of it turned me on more than it should. It was as if Caleb had awakened a part of me that I never knew existed. I’d heard that sex changed things, but not always for the better. Some couples grew closer, but others fell apart. This was like a whole new experience for me. I had nothing to compare it to, but Caleb understood that and let me discover things on my own.

  “You keep staring at me like that, and I’m going to pull over.” His head turned in my direction and then went back to the road.

  “Like what?” I shifted slightly. I really didn’t think I was staring, but I’d been daydreaming so much that it might have happened without my knowing it.

  “Like you wanna eat me.” His voice sounded gruff. “I’m trying to drive.” He attempted to sound upset, but I knew he was joking.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not doing anything,” I mused as I kicked my flip flops off and propped my feet on the dash. My shorts rode up slightly as I slumped down and sighed.

  “Rils. I’m warning you,” he teased.

  “I’m aware.” I grinned as I rolled my head to the side. I stared at his profile. His jaw was clenched, his hands white knuckled on the steering wheel. His breathing picked up as he muttered under his breath. “Screw this,” he grumbled as he took the next exit. We were in the middle of nowhere and the only thing around was a ‘texting’ pull off.

  “What are you doing?” I put my feet back on the floorboard, and sat up straight.

  “Something I should have done an hour ago,” he muttered. “I’m trying to drive, and you are determined to not let that happen.” His eyes darted in my direction before going back to the road. We reached the parking spots of the texting area and he threw the truck in park.

  “Who do you need to text?” I was confused by his sudden urgency.

  “No one. Come here.” He unbuckled his seatbelt, and pushed his seat back, away from the steering wheel. I waited a second too long, and before I could say much, he had me unbuckled and was pulling me by the waist to get closer. “I’ve been staring at these legs for the last hour. Your teasing has kept me in a state of perpetual arousal, and I’ve reached my breaking point, Rils. I’m going to give you what you want so we can get back on the road.” His nose skimmed my neck before his sucked my earlobe. I shivered in anticipation.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I mused. I liked this Caleb. This Caleb wasn’t holding back, and I knew this time would be different. “I’ve just been trying to get comfortable.”

  “You’ve been trying to get me to notice. You don’t have to try, Rils. I notice everything. I see the way your eyes flare when you stare at me. I see the way your breathing picks up when I’m close. I’m sure your nipples are aching right now, and I bet if I touch you, you’re going to be dripping wet.”

  “No,” I contemplated.

  “Don’t lie to me,” he warned as he began kissing a trail down my neck, stopping at the collar of my shirt. “I see it in your eyes, you want me to ease this ache that’s deep inside you. You want me like I want you, only now you think you know what you’re getting.”

  “Think?” I sighed as his hand slipped up the back of my shirt and in one motion, had my bra loosened.

  “I’ve been giving you time. Going slow. I don’t have to do that now.” He was back on my neck, sucking and making his way toward my lips. “I’m going to fuck you in about thirty seconds, and it’s going to be like nothing you’ve ever felt. You’ll be addicted to me by the end of this trip. That pussy is going to crave me, and you’ll feel it get wet when I’m near. Do you understand?” He pulled back slightly, shifted in his seat, and shoved his shorts down around his ankles. His cock sprung up and a small bead of fluid dripped from the tip. I swallowed as my eyes went from it to his face. “Too much?” A quick smile appeared before his eyes went to my shorts.

  “No.” I shook my head. I liked dirty talking Caleb, but I’d
never heard him like this before. “It’s just new.” I shrugged as he pushed my shorts over my hips. While I wriggled out of them, he grabbed a condom and rolled it on.

  “Come here.” He pulled lightly at my waist. “No one’s around,” he reassured as I glanced out the windows. It was the middle of the day, but he was right. No one was around.

  He positioned me over his lap and I lowered myself onto him. There was no burning this time. No pain. Nothing but pleasure. The tingling that had been slowly building swelled inside me as my head fell back in pleasure. “Caleb.” I panted. It was overwhelming at first. All the things I’d heard about sex began flooding into my head. This was what everyone meant. This was the mind-blowing part. This was what I’d been waiting for last night.

  There was a slight ache when I began to rise and fall, but the pleasure took over and any slight discomfort faded into the background. “You good?” Caleb’s voice was strained. My eyes blinked open, and met his. Obvious restraint was painted on his face. I nodded, and it was as if I flipped a switch. His hands went to my waist as he lifted and pulled me against him. His hips lifted from the seat on each upward thrust as his lips connected with mine. I used the back of his seat to brace myself as one hand moved from my waist, up the front of my shirt to cup my breast. He squeezed and tingles raced through my body.

  “Mmm.” I moaned into his mouth. It was in that moment that the roles changed. I. became the aggressor, and Caleb was along for the ride. My palms ran down his chest, kneading and squeezing along the way. I broke our kiss and nipped his jaw before moving to the top of his shoulder. He groaned when I bit him. “Too much?” I pulled back. I’d read about this, but had never done it so I wasn’t sure where the line was.

  “No baby.” He panted. “You won’t hurt me. Do what makes you feel good.” He grunted as he forced my hips down, sinking himself as deep as he could get. “Fuck, you feel good.” I shifted a little and his head dropped back against the seat.

  “Like that?” I swiveled again and watched as his mouth opened, but no sound escaped. I grinned in pride as I realized I’d found Caleb’s weak spot. I did it for a third time, and his hands flew to my hips.

  “I’m gonna come if you keep doing that,” he warned just as I brushed him away, and rolled my hips again.

  “We’ve got three more days on the road.” I gasped as he sat up straighter and began thrusting faster. We were there and this time I understood what was getting ready to happen. In a matter of seconds Caleb’s entire body went stiff, and then lax against the seat. His eyes closed as sweat dripped from his body. I leaned forward, resting my head on his shoulder as our breathing synced and we collectively sighed. “That was…” My words trailed off as I realized that I couldn’t describe what ‘that’ was.

  “I know.” Caleb rubbed my back as he pressed a soft kiss to my neck. “This is what you’ve been waiting for. I told you we’d be good together once we got passed that first time.” He hugged me tighter. “Think you can behave now while I drive?” He snickered as I lifted my head.

  I frowned at him as I attempted to climb off his lap. “What’s that supposed to mean?” My forehead creased as he held me close.

  “It means you have to stop putting these sexy legs on display, and you can’t be batting your eyes and licking lips like you’ve been doing.” He grinned as he loosened his grip on me.

  “I haven’t been doing that.” I scowled.

  “Yes, you have. You don’t get it, Rils. You are sexy all the time. You don’t have to try. I look at you, and I want push you in a dark corner and ravage you. I’ve had to hold myself back for years, but now I don’t. You don’t get it. I’d keep you naked if I could.” He winked as a boyish grin appeared.

  “I don’t think we’d get much done with me being naked all the time.” I giggled.

  “We’d get plenty done, just not the things that you’re thinking about.” His eyes flashed before he helped me climb off his lap.

  “Un huh.” I laughed as I adjusted my shorts and bra. Caleb disposed of the condom, and then righted his clothes. He cranked the truck, and directed us back onto the road. “I think we’re going to be about a half hour behind schedule now.”

  “I’m not worried.” He tossed a smile in my direction as we merged onto the highway.


  “Can I ask you something?” We’d been back on the road for about an hour now, and I knew that I might not like the answer I got to this, but it was killing me inside to not know.

  “Sure.” He adjusted the sunshield to block the afternoon sun.

  “So.” I twisted my fingers together as I squirmed in my seat. “How many have there been… before me, I mean.” I looked away and stared out the window. I didn’t want him to see my reaction if I didn’t like his answer. I had no right to ask this, but I couldn’t help it. He knew he was the only one for me, so I wanted to know.

  “You know that doesn’t matter, right?” He reached over and touched my thigh. I flinched at the feel of his palm.

  “I’d still like to know,” I murmured.

  “You’d be number two.” He sighed. “I told you about my ex-girlfriend, she was number one.” His voice sounded slightly worried. “You knew you weren’t the first when we started this.”

  “I know.” I was still looking out the window. It was easier to have this conversation when I wasn’t looking at his face. I didn’t want to see the possible hurt that I was putting there. “I just… I needed to know that I wasn’t one of many.” I sighed.

  Caleb withdrew his hand and placed it back on the wheel. “What kinda guy do you think I am?” His voice rose slightly.

  “I don’t know. I’m sorry.” I turned and saw the hurt flash across his face before he hid it. This was the old Caleb, the one who used to work so hard to piss me off.

  “I’ve been slowly falling for you for years.” He hit the steering wheel with his palm. “I’ve been fighting an internal battle over my feelings because I know that your dad could take me out if he wanted to. I know that somewhere inside you, you know that the number of women I’ve been with doesn’t matter. What matters is that I’m with you right now.” His face was getting redder and redder the longer he talked. “Do you hear me right now?”

  “Yes.” It was a little more than a whisper.

  “Do you believe me?” he begged.

  “Yes.” A tear leaked from my eye. “I do, but you have to understand that this is all new for me. Every time we do something, part of me wonders how many times you’ve done it before. I can’t help it.”

  Caleb slowed the truck down and pulled over. He turned to face me. “I’m falling in love with you, Riley. Do you hear me? I thought I loved my ex-girlfriend, but after being with you, I know it wasn’t love. This,” he wagged his finger between us, “this is love. And as far as worrying about my past… it doesn’t matter because everything we do is like doing it for the first time for me. I’ve never felt like this, and it scares the shit outta me. I keep waiting for you to walk away, to find someone better, to realize that you don’t want to be with me.” He sat there panting as if telling me this took everything out of him.

  Meanwhile, I’m still processing that he told me he loved me. “You really love me?” It came out as disbelief, but I’d seen the way he looked at me.

  “Yeah, I love you.” He grinned. “I’m fucking crazy about you.” He laughed as he shook his head.

  “I love you too.” I giggled as he watched me. We sat there for a few minutes like two fools before he pulled back out on the road.

  “No more of this crazy stuff, K?” He pushed against my shoulder.

  “K.” I smirked. He loved me. He actually said it, and I knew he meant it.

  Chapter 24


  The ride home seemed to take much longer than the ride out there. I don’t know why. Usually going home seems faster. You don’t have the excitement, and time seems to move faster, but not this time. When we reached the Massachusetts state line, I felt a
huge weight being lifted while a new one settled in my stomach. We were back. We could get back to our lives. The knowledge that I’d been keeping a secret from her after I promised I wouldn’t was slowly killing me. I’d tried to work up the courage to tell her everything at least twice a day. It never seemed like the right moment, and the longer I waited the harder it was to justify doing it. She was going to hate me, and I wasn’t sure if our new relationship would survive the fall out.

  “You ready for this?” I glanced in her direction when we finally reached her driveway.

  “No,” she murmured as she stared out the window. “How come it looks so different to me? We’ve only been gone two weeks.”

  “Maybe you’re seeing it with different eyes now.” I shrugged. All I wanted to do was escape. I knew I sounded like a pussy, but the idea of facing her father made me sick to my stomach. “I’ll stay as long as you want me to,” I reassured her as I patted her leg.

  “You think maybe we could just skip this part, and go to your house?” She offered a half-smile before a small laugh escaped.

  “I’m sure my mom would rat us out.” I chuckled. “She can’t keep a secret to save her life.”

  “You’re probably right.” Riley rolled her eyes before a breath escaped between her lips.

  I pulled up to the house and cut the engine. It looked quiet from the outside, but I knew different. Lights shone through the windows of the home gym, and Angela’s car was parked off to the side.

  “Guess they stayed home from work today,” she mused as she avoided opening her door. It was strange. I’ve been on Riley’s case to let me be a gentleman for days, telling her to wait for me. Now, she’s actually doing it, but it’s an avoidance thing.

  “Guess so.” I unbuckled and turned to face her. “We do this together.” I gave a quick smile before leaning forward to peck her lips. I opened my door, and slowly rounded the truck. I knew Wes and Angela would be home. I’d talked to them when Riley was in the bathroom at our last stop. I’d told them we were almost here. Now, I was rethinking that. Was I ready for the firing squad?


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