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Page 11

by Ariana Kenny

  Chapter 9 What Happened Next

  When I got back, the first thing I did after dropping Cass, Violet and Camille off, was go see Johan. I had to explain why Michael wouldn’t call him back. Ever. Why he wouldn’t see his son again – or at least I hoped he wouldn’t see the amended version. He greeted my solemn face at 2:00am in the morning as I stood at his door, me in a fresh change of clothes, and he in his pajamas and slippers, squinting thorough the wire frames of his glasses. I felt breathless and heavy as I said to him that Michael and I had become separated at a club, and that I hadn’t seen him since. I hated lying to him. I expected fear, panic even, but instead he patted me on the arm reassuringly, took me inside and told me I wasn’t to worry as he had only spoken to him a few hours ago. Michael had left a message for me: To say hello and thank me for the ride.

  I drove out to his place immediately on instinct of course. I didn’t care that it would take time away from getting back to where I needed to be. When I arrived there was a small ‘For Lease’ sign staked in the front yard. I peered through the windows just to be sure, and it was empty. I went to where I picked him up at work, and they told me they hadn’t seen him since the night I had arrived for him. I had known in my gut something was going to come back to bite me (no pun intended), but returned back home nonetheless, and after I got back, I became caught up with Cassie, and with my new life, living with the dead, or – almost dead.

  When I arrived the locks were changed, and a note had been half stuck under my door by the landlord. Cassie and Cam had been trailing behind and were not yet with me when I discovered the piece of paper with a number scribbled on the back. Violet was already out scoping out the territory. I called the number on the back of the note, so I could at least get my things. He must have run to meet me, because he appeared from the shadows of the apartment floor corridor in no time at all.

  He arrived, horrid man that he was, in his handyman overalls and a smug attitude that had to be making up for his lack of height. He was quite young, working for his father who was the actual landlord and he announced his presence with “Well I hope you don’t expect to get your stuff back until I have my rent paid. Now Sarah’s moved out and finally left you her half of the bond’s owing. Wondered what took her so long.” Nice.

  “Good to see you too, Peter. How about you let me back in, and I will have the rent made up by tomorrow. I need to crash.” I really did. I was caked with dirt and could hardly keep my eyes open in spite of the blood I had still pulsing through my system.

  “Sure and you clean out your stuff and never come back. No pay, no way”. Cassie and Cam arrived just then, appearing out of the shadows behind me and he suddenly stood, entranced. They were beautiful, stunning, and commanding in presence. Cassie came and snaked her body against mine. She gave a defensive look towards Peter, while Cam walked up to him and ran her finger across the pocket of his overalls. He watched her finger as though entranced, then gazed up at her. Cam leaned towards him and almost indiscernibly, she spoke in to his ear.

  “I give you my word Peter. You will have your money by 6:00 tonight. Won’t you do me this favour and open the door” she whispered to him. He handed her the key as if on automatic pilot. Cam smiled at him as she clasped her fingers around the key before she threw them over her shoulder at me without even breaking her gaze with him. I smiled to myself as I opened the door. Cassie walked on in, and Cam followed shortly behind, closing the door as she passed through it. “Nasty little man” she commented before touring the parameter of my flat purposefully. “We will need to make some changes. Don’t you think Violet?”

  I turned in surprise, but there she was in my kitchenette helping herself to a beer from the fridge. “Indeed” she stated “I have some ideas. Let me take care of it.”

  “I will take care of the landlord, you take care of the decor” Cam was so matter of fact, I had no doubt they had run this arrangement time and time again.

  “Guess I get to take care of you then,” Cassie suggested to me, clearly pleased. She walked over the infamous couch and kicked it unceremoniously. It was the lightest of kicks but the thing bucked off the ground before coming to rest. She gave me a wicked smile. “First things first - this thing’s gotta go” she remarked before disappearing out of the window in a rush of old papers.

  It left me disoriented, because I had imagined leaving everything behind to start a new life of a kind, but never imagined them moving in. I had never been so sure of anything else before. I felt like I belonged, truly, and as though I was just starting out. For the first time in my life I felt in control of my own direction. I took the hand which she held out for me and followed her to the clearing.

  As I mused on my situation Violet cracked open the laptop I had left sitting on the kitchen bench. She appeared delighted and motioned to me to come over. “Show me” she demanded. With no influence over me required, I switched it on.

  “It might take a while” I noted. She laughed and I took heed, smiling in return. “Where do you want to start” I asked tragically. I say tragically because it turns out Violet could learn incredibly fast. It put me to shame. I showed her the internet, then email, opened up a couple of programs and boom – she was flying solo.

  Cam had been working on a list as she wondered the house. She slapped it on the counter and Violet winked back at her. It was at least an hour before Cassie came back. She threw open the door and strode in looking pleased with herself, a young man stepping in behind her looking around curiously as though he was in a daze.

  “This is Elias” Cassie introduced before continuing on: “He’s giving us a lift to the party spot”.

  “What party?” I asked confused as to the role this guy was going to be playing.

  “He’s delicious!” Sparked Violet instantly.

  “Hey!” I cautioned, suddenly alarmed. Cassie jumped to my side and took my arm.

  “Don’t worry, he’s just giving us a lift, that’s all. Can’t exactly carry that thing,” She pointed at the couch, “Down the street in my arms.” She and Elias laughed, I let a strained chortle out as I tried to gage what Elias might know. Cassandra took my hand and pulled me towards the door. “Let’s go!” she beamed and with that we left. By the time I was down the stairs with Cassie, the couch was already on the back of Elias’ truck.

  “How the hell?” I exclaimed. Cassie pointed up towards my window. Violet peered about from the upstairs balcony before she launched off the side of the building, landing by Camille’s side below. They had actually just tossed the couch off the balcony and caught it at the bottom. I hopped in the cab next to him and moved over to let Cassie in but she closed the door on me.

  “See you there” she kissed me and knocked on the side of the cabin door before disappearing in to the night. I turned to Elias who looked like he was having the best night ever.

  “Elias, I’m Matt.” I offered.

  “I know.” he smiled back at me. He started the engine.

  “So… Where are we going?” I asked suspecting the answer.

  “We’ll know when I get there. I feel awesome. I was just on my way home and she came to me.” I felt a pang of jealousy sink in. As we drove, I asked Elias a bit about himself. Turned out he was a carpenter by trade. No family. Few work friends. His past time was collecting old movies and trying to save to buy a place as an investment property.

  We pulled into an alcove clearing amongst a bush area about 45 minutes later. There was a small lake and the three sisters were already there ready and waiting of course. Flame torches were staked in a wide half circle, half of them lit and Cam lighting the others ceremoniously. She could have dashed around and had it done before I had time to blink but she took her time and seemed to be enjoying it. Cassie stood in a flowing floral knee length number with black boots and a tan faux fur lined jacket, though she didn’t need it. She approached the vehicle as we drew to a stop. Cam was in tight black pants, boots and a sequined black shirt that swayed with h
er body. Violet was perched on a rock, relaxed and mischievous looking. Cassie greeted me as I got out of the truck. She kissed me deeply. “I missed you” she said staring straight into my eyes.

  Violet eyed us briefly before she slunk off her rock and moved towards Elias. She had blue jeans and a brown singlet shirt to complement her eyes, a long flowing over-shirt blew lightly in the breeze. When she reached him he was standing by the open door of the car and she shamelessly pressed her body past him to turn on the radio. A wicked grin passed between them.

  Reluctantly breaking from Cassie, I went over to the truck to liberate the couch. Elias came to assist me. We dumped it on the ground and Violet pulled a lighter fluid box from a bag she had left sitting next to the rock and doused the offending couch well. Cassie shook a box of matches gently in front of me and I took them gladly. I struck one and gazed into the flame momentarily hypnotized. This was not about burning some offensive couch. This was about letting go of my old life. Cassie wrapped an arm around my waist and I tossed the match.

  The couch burst into flames and the girls yelled out together excitedly. Elias looked at me confused but entranced nonetheless. I had no doubt he had questions. I still did, and I knew what was going on. A bottle of vodka appeared and Cam took charge of the drinks. We drank and Cassie and Violet danced freely around the burning couch. It felt freeing and I sat on the grass taking it in. Elias came to rest next to me. He lay on one side spinning his glass as he regarded me. “Strange night” he mused.

  “You could say that” I said reservedly. I wasn’t sure what to say or what not to.

  “So what’s the arrangement. Are you like with the three of them?” I didn’t expect something so upfront so I laughed out loud. “So I take that it’s a no to that question. It’s just you and Cassie then”.

  “Yes Cassie and I. I can hardly remember anything before and it’s only been a couple of weeks”.

  “I hear you. I can hardly remember anything before tonight.” He lay down in the grass and gazed at the sky, his arms crossed under his head. “They don’t look like sisters” he wondered out loud.

  “I think its more sisters of bond. I offered as I watched them. Cam, usually so sedate, seemed enthused at the dwindling fire and cradled Cassie, their heads touching. Violet looked like she was having a very good time, spinning and then she suddenly turned towards Elias and I, though he wasn’t aware. She started walking over towards us.

  “I like the tall one” Elias went on about Violet, unaware of her approaching. “Think she might be interested in a date if I asked?” He continued to be oblivious to her approach. From the look in her eye I wasn’t sure if I should warn him to run or congratulate him on his wish coming true.

  I decided I had chosen these people, I had to trust them, crazy sister- freshly released from hell and all. “I think you might be in luck Elias” I said as I got to my feet. “I’m going to go see how Cassie’s faring. See you later eh.” He half sat up and saw Violet coming towards him – he made a fist in the air and I obliged by knocking my knuckles against his. Good luck to him. I liked him. Hapless in luck as he might have been to come across us this evening I doubted he would know it to be bad luck either way. Violet would probably leave him with fond memories of her, and little else to remember about the particulars of tonight. Cassie had told me she was the most virulent of all of them with regards to mind shaping, being the eldest, and over 800 years old. But that was behind me. Cassie was watching me come closer as Cam spoke to her. As I approached, Cam disappeared in a wisp, flying past me into the night. I searched past Cassie into the black, as if I might catch sight of Cam or where she was going. Cassie walked to meet me and threw her arms around my neck.

  “I was wondering when you would come to get me” she said huskily to me.

  “I was watching you. And Elias needed some grounding” I responded. I leant in and gave her a kiss, not deep, just gentle.

  “Aren’t you sweet” she smirked at me. Then she became serious, and drew in closer to me. “You know I love you Matthias, if you don’t love me yet I know it takes time…but I want you to know….” She trailed off, uncomfortable.

  “That you’re not just sticking around to burn my couch” I finished for her. I wasn’t used to her looking uncomfortable. She had always been so in control I didn’t want her to feel vulnerable now. I liked knowing she was tough. I might be stronger than most vampires when I drank blood, but I still lacked in many departments and felt at a disadvantage. In all I didn’t care though. When she smiled at my comment and lightly pushed at my chest my heart pounded harder. The blood I had drunk before had almost completely worn off and I was just me right now, and enjoying it.

  “I thought I might get you a new one actually. Mark a new era with a new couch. You and I…”

  “And Cam and Violet” I noted. I threw my gaze over in Violet and Elias’ direction and they were clearly past the first date status.

  “It can just be you and I if you want” she offered. “They can stay anywhere and we can still be in touch just the same”.

  “They can stay. We’ll work it out. I just keep waiting for you to disappear. Be some kind of dream. I fell asleep at the wheel two weeks ago and I’m in limbo somehow.” She grabbed me by the collar, her strength detectible beneath her touch even though she was gentle.

  “You wish” she grinned at me. “I am going to make you so damned happy Matt. Open up your soul and make you fly” I grabbed her head on both sides and looked her straight in the eye. “You and I, Matthias. Matt. You make my heart rush for the first time since I died. I never want to let you go.” With a cheeky, yet sultry look she knocked my feet out from under me. She kissed me as we touched the ground. The night was all but lost, as the fire burned out, but I still burned. She nicked her lip as we kissed and I tasted her, and felt my blood boil in response.

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