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Page 31

by Ariana Kenny

  Chapter 24 Batten down

  I stalked through one of the rooms in the club, searching. Who could I pick? Someone the world wouldn't miss. I didn't want to kill them, but there was a good chance they might not survive what I was going to put them through. I scanned and singled out a guy at the bar who just got slapped across the face by a woman strutting away defiantly. I worked my way to him and sat on the bar stool next to him.

  "Not your night." I remarked.

  "Bitches all of them" he said leaning back in to the drink he was nursing. He was drunk - excellent start. "You got a woman?" he asked. I didn't want to sully Cassie by even discussing her with this guy.

  "No. Why have just the one."

  "You got it right then. You know what you're doing." ‘Drunk guy’ slurred back at me.

  "You look like you need a place to stay. Like you've had a bit too much, friend. I have a room here if you want to crash. He went still and regarded me, swaying as he struggled to size me up.

  "You're not gay are you. Not trying to pick me up?" He stammered accusingly.

  "No. I own the place. Don't want to see you get in to trouble getting home." Not a lie-much. I fully intended to sack the bartender who decided to serve this shmuck past the point of no return.

  "Oh good." the guy said slumping back on the bar. "I would have had to smack you down otherwise." He smacked the bar as he said this and then burst out laughing, and I faked a smile. This guy would do just fine.

  I led, and half carried him down the hall to the supply room we had. Rummaging around quickly while he tried to gain his bearings. I found the bottle I was looking for and a cloth. Before he focused properly I stood behind him and held the cloth over his mouth. He surrendered to unconsciousness without a fight and I dragged him into my room. Hooking him up to the drip attached to Cassie, I then bound him, gagged him and pushed him under the bed. I would find a better way once I saw if it worked. Fresh blood, from a live victim. This was the missing link.

  It worked. The colour came back into her cheeks almost immediately. I had no idea how to explain this one though, or how long I would have to do this. Hopefully not long. I would also have to be careful not to take too much, as well as find a way to erase his memory, or scare the life out of him enough to prevent him from speaking. He might have been wasted, but he could still trace back his steps. Still, I took the credit card receipts from the bar, and checked his pockets and wallet for any other signs of how he got here or what he did that night.

  I was returning to check on 'drunk guy on tap' when I got diverted. I walked past the kitchen - our kitchen, not the club's - and noticed Myria sitting, staring into her coffee. She looked sad, she had been crying and was lost deep in thought. Just as I passed the doorway, a slight movement caught my peripheral vision. I flashed back and into the room. Camille was hovering over Myria with Russell's large hunting knife, the one that he had been killed with. I moved as quickly as I could, catching the blade and cutting my hand as I grabbed it. Cam hissed at me and made another lunge for Myria.

  Myria fell to the floor and I grabbed Cam with both my hands to hold her back. Cam thrashed in response and Myria screamed bringing Viktor and Violet to us. Viktor immediately ran to help me and between the two of us Cam finally gave up and sank to her knees sobbing. Violet came over and placed her arms around Camille, while Myria fled the room.

  Cam looked at me through her tears. "You shouldn't have stopped me. She took a life, one of us. She's out of control!"

  "You never killed anyone?" Viktor said rhetorically.

  "Not like that. Not cold, with their own blade. Not family!" she hissed back.

  My world was still falling apart. It was too much. "I need some air" I announced before leaving the room.

  Returning to my room, I checked on drunk guy. "Shit!" I yelled. He had died after all, but not from the transfusion. His tie had caught on the underside of the bed. He must have woken, struggled and killed himself. I closed my eyes and tried to stabilise myself. I was losing my soul tonight. So much was wrong. I let a roar rise from my throat. "What next! Come on!" I dared fate, and got up to get outside, try and get some perspective.

  I walked back out into the cold and sat on the ground beside the building and put my head in my hands. My world seemed bleak. I had just sentenced someone to a slow death. I was just feeling nauseous and ready to gag when I heard a sniffling

  “Myria? What are you doing out here. You should go inside.”

  “She wants to kill me.” Myria sobbed.

  “She's angry, she’ll calm down. Give it time. Do you even realize what you did? You killed someone. And not just someone. Russell! He cared for you most of his life, was Cam's best friend. Shit, if no one ever forgave you, it wouldn't surprise me”.

  “You hate me too”.

  “I don't....hate you. Myria. You have done something unforgivable" She whimpered at my words. “Myria, I don't know why you thought you could do that. How could you even think about it?” A question I was probably really asking of myself after what I had just done.

  “I was just desperate. All I could think about was Cam. Getting her back. I wasn't thinking. Just doing.” She let out a big sigh. “You wouldn't understand”.

  Yes I would I thought. “Love makes you do strange things” I reasoned with her and for myself.

  Myria sat beside me on the ground and slumped her head on my shoulder. “I am so sorry. For everything I did. I would fix it if I could." Myria sobbed harder and grabbed at me looking for comfort. I relented and put my arm around her.

  “Like I said, Cam needs some time. Lay low, stay quiet and she'll come around” I had aimed for enthusiastic, but my tone was too flat.

  “No she won't. She hates me. I killed Russell. I killed him and I'm glad Cam's back but I miss him. I wish.... I wish... I could take it back. Change things. Now I'm all alone. What will I do? If only I was stronger..." Myria pulled her head away from my chest, but kept it low. “You wouldn’t know.” She muttered.

  “Myria. I just accidentally killed someone. I understand.” I blurted it out, but it felt a relief to tell someone. “I feel better just saying it.”

  “At least it was just a mistake. You didn’t do it on purpose Matt.” Seeking support from Myria felt odd. Her comfort felt double edged. We sat in paused silence for a moment before Myria spoke again. “Maybe I could fix it. Maybe fix the machine somehow. It could take years, but I could do it! In a few years I could be even more powerful.” Myria nuzzled back in to my chest. I let her take comfort from the contact. I felt somehow neither of us could be forgiven. I had taken, or was taking a life right now, albeit a marred soul. But still. I was taking a life for someone I loved. Not as different as I would like.

  “Is there a way to make you stronger, sooner?”

  “Not unless you have some kind of mojo juice I didn't know about.” We sat quietly resting against the wall. “Matt. You know I saw this. You and I…together.”

  “Don't start this again”. I pleaded of her.

  “I mean it. The runes never lie. Cam has all but slammed the door on me. Cassie is dying. I can't even fix that for you. Some witch I am.”

  The thoughts flowed through me. Witch. Power. Wonder what being a vampire would do to boost her power.

  “I know what you think of me but I only want you to be happy Matt. I would bring her back if I could.” I dropped my hand to Mryria's hand. It was bruised and broken. I broke the skin on my wrist and offered it to Myria.

  She looked up at me. “I can heal myself you know”

  “It's been a big night. Save your strength.” I lied. She latched her lips to my wrist and took a sip. By the time she removed her mouth she was already healing. Pausing to look me in the eyes, Myria slowly reached her head up and kissed me gently. When we parted, I could hear her heart pulsing faster. She clung to me with more vigour.

  “At least we have each other" she said softly.

  Power. Strength and magik. She would be able to do
it then. Fix Cassie, restore Russell. Right all these wrongs. I could deal with the consequences later. My fangs elongated and before she had a chance to realise what I was doing I sank my teeth in to her. She tried to cry out, but I had my hand on her mouth. She whimpered and struggled, but quickly gave in. As she slumped in my arms I didn't even care about what I had just done. I buried her under a tree just near the wall and waited.

  When daylight threatened the horizon I realized Myria wouldn't awaken immediately so I used the time to dispose of drunk guy. For the rest of the afternoon I paced,lay beside Cassie trying to justify my actions to myself. As soon as the sun set I hovered above ground, waiting.

  The earth moved so slowly at first I wouldn't have detected it if I had not somehow been able to feel her awakening. It was an odd pulling, tingling sensation, every nerve on edge. Had I needed to breathe I would have felt suffocated.

  I had never experienced the turning process from the other side. When you are becoming a vampire, you die, you can feel it, you know it. On waking every sense in on razor’s edge, heightened, but there is an absence of internal churning, no sense of your organs working, and nothing but quiet because your heart isn’t beating anymore no blood rushing through your ears. The sensation is disorienting, disturbing. I had felt the urge to dig out from the dirt when I woke, but I had never felt the pull from the other side. The sense of anticipation and connection. I could understand the thrall. Did this mean Myria would have to do anything I said now. Obey me, as her maker. All I needed was for her to be strong enough.

  Myria came out of the ground gasping for air on instinct. I reached for both her hands and pulled her up to meet me. Her eyes met mine and I braced myself for her ire. I received none. She looked crazed, gritting her teeth, but I knew the feeling well. It wasn't anger, it was shock. Her body tensed. I gripped her shoulders to help focus her. As soon as both my hands tightened, she yelled and I was thrown off her by an invisible force. Landing on my back, I quickly righted myself.

  "I know you must be pissed with me, but I can explain." I started. She stilled and I tensed ready to see what was going to happen next. Her face softened, she walked towards me. Taking my hand, she smiled, and I eased.

  "I understand Matt. Don't worry. I'm glad."

  "You understand?" I queried.

  "Absolutely." Myria said before breaking her hold on my hand and giving an exaggerated look of shock. "I had no idea how hungry you feel waking. And how strong." She looked up at me and locked with my gaze. "This is so going to work for us."

  "Let's get you something to eat." I said ushering her inside.

  When we got back to the club Violet and Viktor were in the kitchen talking. As I walked through the door leading Myria they stopped talking mid sentence and shot me a horrified glance. I was aware of Cam in the room next to us, but she didn't join in.

  "What have you done. Matt. Why?" shouted Violet.

  "Violet!" Viktor warned. He knew. I could tell. "Let it go".

  Myria helped herself to the fridge and tore into a bag of blood without even heating it.

  "Matt. Seriously." Continued Violet.

  Myria shot her a look and simply said "Hush."

  Violet then opened her mouth to chastise her, but nothing came out. About this time Cam sauntered into the room sipping on a Cosmopolitan. And leaned against the back wall.

  “Myria, stop.” I commanded, but Myria just looked at me irritated. No immediate obedience as I expected.

  Cam stood watching me with a stare I had not yet seen come from her before talking. "Not very nice to do that now is it?" With those words from Cam, Myria looked at her, then reacted without hesitation.

  "Sorry Violet. Speak" Just like that Violet could talk again. There was a new development. I felt hopeful anticipation rush through me.

  Blood still around her mouth, Myria came over to me and threw her arms around my neck. She tried to kiss me but I moved away.

  "What, what is it?" Myria asked.

  "It's just that I don't feel like that about you." I tried to explain.

  "I don't understand. You have to. You have to love me enough to have changed me. It was so we could be together wasn't it? You changed me to be with me. Why else would you....?" she stopped suddenly.

  "Myria..." Caution tainted my voice.

  "You changed me because you thought that I could help Cassie. Bring her out of her sleep." A tear rolled down her cheek.

  The room darkened and Myria sucked in a breath to shout at me. "Even under the Living Death spell you still can't see past her!."

  "How did you know what it was Myria, what spell?"

  Defiant, Myria laughed. "I did so much to make you see we are supposed to be together. All for nothing."

  "What do you mean. What did you do?"

  "What I had to! No more, no less. No more or less than you. Killing some poor guy just to keep her alive, barely....killing me - hypocrite"

  "Stop" I interrupted. Violet ran out the door. I knew she was going to check on Cassie. "How did you even know what it was?"

  Myria clutched her head. "I don't know and it doesn't matter." she gave me a look like she could turn me inside out.

  Cam, still patiently leaning against the wall finally chimed in. "Yeah Myria. How did you know all this. How did you know what exactly was wrong with Cassie? Hmm?"

  Myria turned her look on Camille.

  "So what. You think you know but you don't. So I made her sick, I organized it." she turned back to me. "So we could be together. Now, you need to know this....I will never fix her, and without me, forget it. You may as well let her rot.”

  “You don’t have a choice, you have to do what I say. I say fix it Myria. Fix whatever you have done, then you can do whatever you want, or go wherever. That’s the deal.” Myria just stood silent, still, and a darkness cropped over her. Static tensed the air and the lights flickered. Viktor stood to his feet readying for conflict. Violet rose to stand next to him.

  “I want you to know.” Myria said quietly to me. “I could give her back to you, but I’m not going to… I want you to know that Matthias. And as for the tie between maker and vamp, well I am so beyond that. So you’re just going to have to watch her die, and think about all the choices you made that got you here.”

  I charged at Myria this time, but she rose her hand and I was immediately pinned to the far wall. She stomped up to me, and Viktor who tried to intervene was thrown through the gyprock. "I'm not going to kill you, you know. You need to beg me for my affection before I'll let you die. Enjoy eternity in the meantime. I hear it's worth nothing without the person you love." She hissed at me before whispering. "The thing I am most proud of is my own personal twist - needing a live donor or it doesn't work. Either way, you won't be able to live with yourself. I know you." With that she cast a gust of wind through the room, and wisped away

  Cam finally straightened and turned ready to walk away. "You idiot...". She paused to say. Violet arrived back at this stage.

  "....Turning her wasn't all that different from trying to slice her throat open Cam. Why am I the idiot". I defended myself dumbly as I tried to avoid Violet's stare. Cam delayed her exit to address me.

  "Because before she was crazy and powerful. Now she is crazy, super powerful and undead. You do the math. You thought you had to watch out for her before – that was nothing. You saw some of what she can do now." With that, Cam was gone. Viktor and Violet remained with Viktor picking plaster from his hair.

  Violet was watching me with an expression I couldn't place.

  "Say what's on your mind. Just don't keep staring at me like that."

  "Don't talk like that to her, or you won't be talking again, understand. Strength or not, I will take you down." snapped Viktor.

  "Cassie never wanted to take anyone’s life. Matthias.. Don't walk this path. It's almost impossible to come back."

  "I didn't mean to kill him. It was an accident."

  She shook her head. “How do you think y
ou are going to keep doing this? Do you think you're going to find a stream of volunteers lining up to be live donors? Even if I influence them to forget....."

  "Won't take long before people start to put things together." Viktor finished her sentence. Violet bowed her head.

  "I can't deal with what would happen if I didn't do this, keep her alive, no matter what the cost. I didn't mean to kill him though. It really was an accident.”

  I believe you matt.” Violet responded.

  “Violet, what else can I do?"

  "I don't know, but we have to come up with something. I'm going to talk with Camille." "We. You said we have to come up with something." I pointed out to her.

  "I can't let go either. Guess we're both going to hell." With that she left and Viktor came over to me.

  "Walk with me" Viktor demanded, and I compiled.

  Viktor was bigger than life, older than anyone in our group bar Violet. He had always treated me with respect, and I hoped that he would do the same now.

  "Where are we going?" I asked.

  "While you were away, I branched out a little." I wrinkled my brow, not yet understanding. Viktor descended stairs to a small room and placed his hand in a reader. In the dark I could make out only the outline to shelves in the room. There was nothing emitting heat to allow me to form an infra-red image from. Viktor turned to me to continue talking. "We have two issues on our hands now, keeping Cassandra which will mean making mistakes, probably killing more people. You will also have to find a way to immobilize them, unless you expect them to sit pleasantly. Are you really ready for what that means?"

  "You aren't going to try to talk me out of it?"

  "Can I?"

  I shook my head.

  "Didn't think so. I'm not about to start preaching. I made my own mistakes I have to live with, so will you." Flicking on the light, there were an assortment of equipment illuminated, strung or hooked up 2along the walls. Chains, restraints, guns, crossbows, a shelf with chemicals, and plastic labeled boxes. Viktor strode over to pull one of the boxes from its shelf, and he turned thrusting the box into my hands. You're going to need this. It's a prototype of a piece of equipment used to sedate people indefinitely. You hook it on their head, it does it's work though light and sound waves, army issue.

  "Thanks, but I'll sort this out, so everything is back, how it should be. No more mistakes. I don't want to have to need this. "

  "I won't have you calling on Violet every time you need someone’s memory fixed. I won't be helping you bury the bodies. Understand?"

  "I get it." After a pause I asked the question that had been burning under my skin. "Viktor. How many people have you killed?"

  "A lot. Too many. But I only regret the ones I killed in the name of someone else. The rest I wear on my soul freely."

  "Were they good people?"

  "A couple, but mainly I find the ones that people don't come looking for are the ones that create havoc and wreak pain on others. No one misses them, or wants to ask too many questions." His voice brightened. "I like to think of it as civil service...." I smirked.

  Leaving the room, we ascended the stairs "What was the second issue we have." I asked. "Myria?"

  "Mmm" Viktor affirmed. "Keeping the witch at bay. Isn't going to be easy. I don't know what we can do about that yet."

  Elias' voice sprung up from behind us. "I can fix that for you."

  "Where have you been?"

  "Out feeding. And having fun. I found two goth twins. Awesome night, but looks like I missed a bit."

  "What do think you know about stopping Myria." asked Viktor cynically.

  "I don't think we can stop her, but we might be able to keep her at bay." came Elias' reply. "Remember when I was stuck in that warehouse with Michael? He had a marking on his hand that stopped Myria from using her magic. Well I know what it is. I'll bet it still works."

  "Draw it" demanded Viktor

  "Ask nicely" Elias came back at him. Viktor took a step forward and I placed my hand on his shoulder to settle him.

  "Elias, please. This isn't the time. We are all in this now." I said as patiently as I could muster.

  "I don't think so." Retorted Elias. Viktor and I baulked at the response.

  "What?" Viktor asked disbelieving.

  "I don't think she would really give a toss about me. You all on the other hand." He extended me a piece of paper. It already had the markings on it. I held it as though it was the last map on earth leading to treasure. Map. Suddenly my mind raced. Myria had been obsessed with finding the place that restored life. Camille's life had been restored. What if there was an option to restore to Myria her own life, or Russell's. I pocketed the paper and left Elias and Viktor to pursue my growing theory. I ran to Myria's room and started rummaging around. I found her stockpile of papers. Her notes, drawings, everything she had been hoarding. As I sifted through the belongings I suddenly became aware of a presence behind me.

  "A liar, killer and a thief" I heard Myria say. I turned around to see her standing over me.

  "I am so sorry Myria. I never meant for you to feel like this."

  "All's fair. Not like I can't find my own company to play with. I have come for my things though."

  I stood my ground as she inched towards me "There is another crystal isn't there?"

  She stopped in her tracks. "No, not another crystal. There is another machine though." she moved to lean into me. Placing her hand on my chest she whispered to me "By the way lover. If you think I would let you go so easily without feeling some of my pain, you are as dumb as they come."

  Pain surged through me and I felt like I was on fire. I could hear my own groans through the pulsing pain in my skull. Weakly I grabbed for the drawing Elias had given me. I held up the paper, and she withdrew as though she herself had been burned. She screeched and in a whirlwind disappeared. At least I knew it worked now.

  On my knees I was surrounded by swirling papers, and realization took me over. The next few weeks or months were going to be one hell of a test. All I could do was stay focused and try not to lose myself any more than I already had. I would limit blood taking for as long as possible in between feed times for Cassie, and only target people the world wouldn't miss so much, people that maybe we could do without. Just in case. Just in case - there was a line I hoped I wouldn't have to cross again. In the meantime, I was going to have to talk with Viktor about beefing up security, and place the mark from the paper Elias had given me on Cassie. Keep her safe.

  That night I slept, though barely. I tossed and turned dreaming fervently. I dreamt of Paris, of Egypt. Then I dreamt of Cassie. Playing with a lock of her hair, stroking my neck and teasing my ears. I kissed her, and was kissed by her, but as much ecstasy as I felt, I also felt dread. As she trailed kisses down my neck, I noticed her hair was different, her smell not as I remembered from waking. When she looked up I saw it was not my Cassandra, but Myria. As I pushed her away, she floated as though suspended in water. I could hear her taunt me. "I might not be able to come in to your home, but I can still visit your mind." I woke in a cold sweat.

  That night I got the mark tattooed on my lower neck, along with Viktor, Camille and Violet. I couldn't bring myself to mark Cassie permanently, but drew it in charcoal on her shoulder. The only one who refused was Elias, saying he didn't need to worry, given he had nothing to do with the situation. I hoped for his sake he was right. We even incorporated the mark, into the entrance way decor of the club. No coming home for Myria. At least not to do harm.

  Elias packed and went wandering again. Nomadic lifestyle seemed to agree with him. Watching him leave from the upper balcony of the club, I strayed into my own thoughts again. Michael had mentioned 'he' not she when he cryptically mentioned how Cassandra had been drugged, 'he did it...'. I couldn't shake the feeling we were missing another variable, another player here. Still, why worry everyone. First things first. Find something Myria wants, something to bargain with. I was going to find the location of the other
restoration device, and blackmail Myria into fixing Cassie. My Cassandra.

  Anything else was collateral.

  Volume IV The Other Story

  It is a rare find, when something seems to be as it presents itself. All those times we let indiscretions pass by, forgiving them, forgetting them, until something happens that makes us put it all back into perspective again. They become those moments of clarity we sometimes wish we never found, causing the child to grow into an adult all too soon. But then, there are also those moments of crystal clear understanding, what we ought to be doing, should do, that we just can’t help but ignore, because what’s left of the child within us, yearns to reach out and touch…..

  25 years later….

  The dark blue vehicle flew down the dark road a little faster than it should have but otherwise with no major event. It was dark, and a minute to midnight according to the lighted clock on the dash, though it had always run a little faster. Inside, the heater was being toted with by the girl, who looked no older than maybe 21, while her boyfriend drove. He playfully smacked her hand away from the dial.

  "Hey!" she protested.

  "Hey nothing, I'm cooking here El!" came the reply. The girl, El, reached back over and turned the dial again.

  "Well I am freezing over here, Sam. Aren't you supposed to be looking out for me? Be all gallant and offer me your jacket or something" Sam wound down his window in initial response, and under her scowling reached behind him and started rummaging around in the back seat.

  Suddenly alarmed El straightened up. "Can you just keep your eyes on the road" she pleaded anxiously.

  "Not if I want to play the part of being a gallant boyfriend at the same time!" Sam produced a jacket from the backseat, and El eased back, smiling as he concentrated his focus back on the road. El slipped one arm in the jacket before slipping the seatbelt off her other shoulder and settling in to the oversized garment.

  "Happy?" Sam asked in genuine interest, while he regarded her smugly.

  "Very." came the response and El grasped Sam's arm to snuggle up to.

  "I was thinking," Sam started up again. "I thought I might switch to psych classes next term. That way we can hopefully have the same schedules. No more waiting to catch each other in the hallway....."

  "That sounds great" came an enthusiastic response, "but I thought you hated stats."

  "Yeah but I figure this way I can just copy your work."

  "I like your style!" El said lifting her head up to kiss Sam on the cheek. He turned at the last minute to catch her lips with his, when there was a sudden thud with something slamming onto the car bonnet. The car swerved, and Sam struggled to regain control of the car. They drew to a halt at the side of the road, and El and Sam sat gasping for air in the dark. One of the lights had been smashed in the hit, so there was barely any light other than the moonlight left to make out the details of their surrounding.

  After a pause, and as their breathing returned to normal Sam reached over and belatedly put the hazard lights on, letting them blink in the otherwise empty darkness.

  "As if that's going to make a difference now" El hissed in a whisper.

  Sam frowned back at her. "Why are you whispering?" he hissed back at her...

  They both peered out the back window in unison. In the road there lay the body of what looked to be a man. Sam moved to open the door, but El grabbed this arm, fear marking lines on her otherwise flawless features. "What are you doing?" he asked.

  "Don't go!" she pleaded in a frightened tone.

  "I don't have a choice, I can't leave him there. Call an ambulance will you!"

  Sam exited the vehicle and strode towards the body. As he got closer he screwed up his features in anticipation of seeing gore. Still, he had to check. Behind him, Sam could hear El get out of the car and come closer, fumbling in her bag for her phone.

  Sam bent to one knee and reached over to feel for a pulse. It was the body of a man, average in height, hair bloodied and matted across his face. "No pulse" he said flatly as El found her phone and punched in the emergency numbers. Sam stood and looked up and around.

  "I'm on hold!" she exclaimed. "Can you believe I am on hold!" El caught sight of Sam's worried and puzzled face. "It's ok babe, it will be ok. It wasn't your fault. He just fell out of nowhere."

  "I know that....." Sam continued. An operators voice sounded on the line and El drew away from Sam to talk.

  "I need an ambulance..... Someone hit our car, we think he's dead...... I don't know where we are. Sam. Where are we? Sam?". Sam continued to look up. No cliffs, no houses.

  "Where the hell did he come from to fall on the top of the car like that?" Sam was talking out loud. The man had definitely fallen on to the car. He hadn't been run into.

  "Sam?" El asked, letting the phone leave her ear. "Sam. Are you alright?" She walked towards him as he looked back down at the body. El watched Sam as she approached him cautiously. All of a sudden, Sam jumped, and ran the few feet to meet her. El heard a groan from the man lying on the ground and she shrieked out loud in shock. Sam had reached her and was grabbing at both her arms, pushing her towards the car.

  El put the phone back up to her ear. "Oh my God! He's still alive! Quick what should we do?" Then the man stood up. "He's standing up! Sam tell him to stay still. The ambulance is on it's way." El became irritated at Sam's efforts to get her back into the car. "Sam, it's ok to have a freak-out, but right now we need to help this guy. He needs to lay down off the road somewhere". Sam was still distracted looking back at the now standing man who rotated his neck and stretched his shoulders back. El slipped past Sam and walked towards the man, but Sam grabbed at her arm stopping her from moving forward.

  "Something is really wrong here El" Sam blurted out. As she swung around to protest El froze.

  Two men stood behind Sam. One was tall, one was shorter, but both were stocky and looked menacing. They were not looking at Sam and El though. They were looking at the man behind them.

  "Eleanor." Sam took her hand and they entwined fingers. Caught between two evils they began to back away towards the man who had hit their car. The shorter of the two men broke out in a snarl, ending in a hiss. His two canine teeth grew on the end of the hiss, extending, ivory white and glistening in the moonlight. El fell to the ground, eyes wide in horror. Sam stood still and breathless.

  The man with the fangs simply snarled. "Marcus!" and the taller one disappeared before their eyes. On this move, the man from the road launched forward with a yell, reaching the shorter one before he had had time to move forward. The man from the road then punched at the others throat sending his through the air in to the field on the side of the road. The man then turned to face and stare directly at Sam and El.

  "I'm really sorry." choked Sam. "Just let her go. Please."

  The man stood over them, still spattered in blood, his hair strewn across his face wet and hanging over his features where it was loose. He growled and his canines extended like the other man's had.

  Just as Sam braced to be pounced on, and El closed her eyes in anticipation, the growling subsided abruptly. El opened her eyes again. The man was still standing there, but looking over Sam's shoulder, out into the road. Sam looked behind himself. He saw a woman, dressed in black with snow white skin and black hair running to her waist. She was standing, holding a blonde woman, petite in build, by the neck. Looking back at the man, Sam motioned to El to get up. She did so and they both fled as the man continued to stare transfixed, down the road. He looked perplexed.

  Half way down the road they saw the short man who had been thrown in to the field rise to his feet. He started stomping back towards the road with an angry look on his face.

  "Marcus!" the man yelled.

  El and Sam broke into a faster run. As he did, Sam looked over his shoulder. The man in the road was no longer rooted to his spot, he was walking forward towards the two women.

  After only a few steps a rope with two balls on the end came
flying out of the foliage. They caught the man in the road off guard, wrapping around his legs, and he fell to the ground. As he did, the two women disappeared. The taller man reemerged holding a bag and a pair of metal cuffs. Sam looked forward and broke into a full run. No need to see what happened next...


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