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The Fate of the Dragons Series Box Set

Page 6

by Amelia Wilson

  Luc stood back, stunned, as he watched Abby shift the beam to one side giving them just enough space to wiggle out. Abby heaved once more widening the space before stopping. She turned and smiled at Luc. He shook his head in disbelief at the sight.

  “Is there any part of you that is human?” he asked, as she extended her arm out to him and they slipped through the opening.

  The fresh air cooled their burning skin and cleared the smoke from their lungs. Although their flesh was dark and dirty from the soot and charcoaled beams, no burn marks scorched their skin. Abby glanced down at her palms to find the angry red flesh was already fading back to a soft pink.

  “Oh no,” Abby dropped to her knees and tears filled her eyes. The small cottage she had loved so much as a child was nothing more than burnt up match sticks. Everything had been turned to ashes before her eyes. Luc rushed to her side and put his arms around her.

  “It was just a house. We can rebuild it.”

  “No,” Abby wiped the tears from her cheeks. “We can’t.”

  Over the sound of the roaring fire a small chirping caught her attention. Both Abby and Luc scanned the area for the source of the noise. Abby’s eyes locked onto the tiny flip phone lying at the opening of the driveway.

  She glanced at Luc before moving towards it. Luc reached out and grabbed her by the arm holding her back.

  “What are you doing? It could be a trap. He could be hiding in the canopy waiting for you.”

  “If he wanted me dead, he would have killed me in there. No, this is something beyond taunting. This has become a game to him and if we are going to win, we have to know what his rules are and break them.”

  Abby slipped her hand out of Luc’s grasp and walked over to the phone. She leaned down slowly and plucked it from the dirt. The tiny screen lit up with green neon colors displaying the number.

  “Oh God, it’s calling from my dorm room.” With trembling hands Abby flipped opened the phone and placed it to her ear.

  Chapter 9

  “I’m so glad to see you have retained Luc’s gifts. I had expected you would be turned into charcoal long ago. You know, you really should be more careful with gas appliances. I hear they can be deadly.” Abby gritted her teeth trying to hold back her fury as Ty’s laughter rang down the line.

  “What do you want Ty?” Her blood boiled as she waited through the laughter.

  “If you are with my brother, then you should know what I want, your heart on a platter.”

  “Not going to happen today.”

  “I thought you might say that – so, I guess I will have to settle for your lovely roommate’s instead.”

  An earsplitting scream stole the warmth from Abby’s body. Everything went ice-cold and she stared off into the distance.

  “Abby? What’s wrong?” Luc asked, his fingers curling around her arms. The world shook around her, but Abby didn’t respond. Her mind was locked on to the fact that Jess was in trouble. Slowly, her eyes focused on Luc. Concern and fright filled his eyes too, and Abby realized it wasn’t the ground that was shaking but her body. Luc had been trying to shake some sense back into her, but all she could do was remain frozen with the phone to her ear.

  “Abby, I know you can hear me,” Ty’s voice shrilled with pleasure as the scream cut off. Abby’s heart crashed against her chest and its constant drumming pounded in her head.

  “Yes,” was all she could muster as an answer. Any more than that and she knew her fear would leak into her words.

  “Good. Now, here are my terms, if you want to save your friend. You are to go to the field where I took you that first time and come alone. I will release Jess and she can be on her merry way. But if I see my brother anywhere in the vicinity, be it ground or air, I will kill her.”

  “I understand.”

  “I knew you would. Now say goodbye to Lucas for me and make it sweet. I want to hear all about it when you get here.”

  “How long do I have?”

  “An hour.”

  “I can’t make it back in an hour! It took three hours just to get out here.”

  “Well, then, I guess you are going to have to get creative aren’t you?”

  Before Abby could protest any further the line went dead and she was left standing in the dirt road listening to the deafening silence.

  “Abby talk to me. What did he want?”

  Abby let the phone slip from her hand and crash to the ground at her feet. The cheap plastic shattered on impact. All the broken pieces littered the ground.

  “You know what he wants. It’s what he has always wanted.”

  “You can’t go there. I won’t let you.”

  “He has my roommate, Jess. I can’t let her die because of me.”

  “You can’t go there, alone. He will kill you, and then he will rip your heart out and crush it.”

  “Maybe that is what should be done. Maybe it’s time to give up. He’s won.”

  “Don’t talk like that.”

  “Luc, he only gave me an hour to get back. How am I going to do that?”

  Luc squared his shoulders and stood straight. Abby’s eyes dropped to the ground letting the dread fill her up. All she had ever wanted was a simple life. A boyfriend to have fun with and maybe even a family later. But all her dreams and wishes seemed to have dried up, and she knew there was no way for her to have that life, because another one hung over her head like a guillotine.

  “Abby, I think you are more like me than either of us realize.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “I saw the way you moved the beam. You have the strength of a dragon and the heart of one too. I think somehow, over the process of time you have evolved and became as I am.”

  “That’s impossible.”

  “No, it’s not. But even if it is, think about it. Think about all that you have done already.”

  Abby pushed the guilt and fear out of her mind and nodded. “I can try, but you have to show me how.”

  “I can do that.”

  Luc stepped back until he was at the tree line. Abby kept her eyes locked on him as he closed his eyes. Light sparked from the palms of his hands, as a burst of heat shot out from him. Abby stumbled back and threw her hand up to her face to shield herself from its intensity.

  Her mouth dropped open as Luc’s human body was swallowed up by the golden rays. She wiped her sweaty palm on her leg and blinked, trying to gaze through the beam. But as the light faded, Luc’s human form was no more. Instead a green dragon with golden scales stood in his place.

  “Holy shit.” Abby’s mouth dropped open even more. She took a small step forward and reached out to touch it. Luc’s giant head shifted, causing her to stop and move back. Then, just like the last light of the sun flashes on a clear horizon, the dragon was gone and Luc was back.

  “Wow,” Abby said staring at him.

  “Okay, so you want to ball all your emotions into the center of your being. Let love and hate, lust and modesty consume you. Let fear hold you in place and then let it all out in one burst of energy.”

  Abby nodded, as if she understood and stepped back. She closed her eyes and drew out all the emotions she had pent up inside of her. The lust she held for Luc, the sorrow of losing so many over the years. Everything came boiling to the surface. Eons of time had been lost because of Ty. Then in that moment when Ty’s face was the clearest, she let out everything with a resounding scream.

  Her body drifted away from her and came back together in a different form. She glanced down at the claws and gasped.

  “It’s okay,” Luc said. A smile stretched across his face. “I know it’s disorienting at first. But you’ll get used to it. Just let yourself feel what it wants to.”

  Abby nodded and held herself marvel at the golden scales that lined her body.

  “Now, clear your mind. Think of nothing. When you let go, you’ll shift back.”

  Abby did as she was told and closed her eyes. She pushed all thoughts from her mind and felt
the tug from the center of her being, pulling her back.

  “You’re amazing,” Luc gawked as Abby panted, trying to keep from freaking out.

  “Do you know what this means?” Luc asked rushing to her and scooping her up in his arms. Abby laughed as he squeezed her tight. His lips pressed against hers before he set her down on her feet.

  “We can’t let Ty know. Not at first,” Abby said. Luc’s lips curled at the corner.

  “This will change everything,” he said. “We will save the flying lesson for another time. Right now, we need to save Jess.”

  Abby nodded and trembled at her new ability. She knew there was something different about her. She just didn’t realize how different she was until that very moment.

  “Come on,” Abby finally said. “We are running out of time.”

  Abby stepped away from Luc allowing him to shift. Without wasting any time, she climbed onto his back. Wind kicked up around her and flying into her face as they took to the sky.

  Chapter 10

  Abby sighed as she stared at the long earthen path winding through the trees. Her heart skipped a beat and her stomach turned with anticipation.

  “You don’t have to go alone,” Luc said. He lifted his hand and patted her shoulder, ensuring he was right beside her. Abby shook her head and glanced over her shoulder to him.

  “He made it very clear that I had to come alone.”

  “Just remember, he can’t hurt you. Not anymore. You are one of us.”

  “Maybe not me, but he can hurt Jess.” Abby sucked in a deep breath and patted Luc’s hand. She stepped away from him and made her way through the trees towards the clearing. Images of Ty’s face burned in her mind. Regret filled her with each step she took.

  If only I hadn’t spent the night with him. If only he hadn’t seen the scar. Would we still be on this path? She wondered, brushing aside the overhanging branches. Each step filled her with dread. She stopped, in a panic. There was no telling what she would find beyond the trees. Flashes of horror movies filled her mind.

  This is real life, she tried to convince herself. Jess will be right there. Ty will be with her and you can’t choke now. Jess is counting on you. She nodded and pushed herself to keep going. The thought of losing Jess was the only strand of sanity she clung to as she walked.

  The sun in the sky flickered through the canopy of the trees. If it weren’t for the situation, the day couldn’t have been more perfect. A warm breeze played with the strands of her hair and the trees were lovely reaching up towards the heavens. But dark clouds of regret and fear clouded the beauty.

  Abby stepped behind a tree and paused. Carefully, she glanced around the tree and saw Jess and Ty in the middle of the field. Abby cupped her hands to her mouth at the sight of Jess on her knees, her hands bound and Ty hovering over her.

  You knew it would be like this, Abby said to herself trying to find the courage to come out of the shadows.

  “Your friend better get here soon,” Ty growled grabbing Jess by the hair and pulling her backward. Jess’s back arched with the pressure of Ty’s grip.

  “She won’t come,” Jess argued. “She wouldn’t do it.”

  The sound of Jess’s voice cut into Abby. Her stern tone and assurance that she wouldn’t come for her drove a long stake into Abby’s heart. Even Jess doubted her loyalty. Abby dropped her hands to her side, straightened her back and stepped out into the field.

  “Let her go, Ty!” Abby shouted. Jess and Ty’s heads whipped around to find Abby coming out of the trees. Jess’ mouth dropped open and her eyes popped with surprise, as a sinister smirk sneaked across Ty’s face.

  “Are you alone?” Ty asked his eyes darted about the tree line half expecting to find Luc.

  “Yes. Now let her go.”

  “Fine,” Ty said leaning down and pulling a blade from his boots. Abby watched from a distance as he sliced through the ropes binding Jess’s hands. The moment Jess was free, she scrambled away from Ty and climbed to her feet. Ty laughed, watching the girl struggle to move.

  “You came,” Jess gasped and flew into Abby. Abby wrapped her arms around her friend.

  “I wasn’t going to let him do this to you.”

  “Abby, he is going to kill you.”

  “No. He won’t. Now get out of here quickly. You will find a man in the park, waiting for you.”

  “Abby?” Jess pulled away from her and stared into her eyes. “You’ve changed.”

  “You have no idea,” Abby sighed, before releasing her friend. Jess sprinted out of the field leaving Abby alone with Ty.

  “Honestly, I didn’t think you had it in you,” Ty said playing with the tip of the blade.

  “You have no idea what’s in me.”

  “Actually, I do which is why we are here.” Ty’s eyes narrowed in on Abby. She tilted her head and moved closer towards Ty.

  “I’m so glad you have come to your senses. Of course, I was enjoying our game.”

  “This is no game, Ty. This is my life and you are not going to interfere with it anymore.”

  Abby stood inches from Ty and kept her shoulders back. Ty’s laughter filled the clearing. “You’re right. Once I have that heart, you won’t come back to bother me anymore.”

  “Don’t you think that after all this time you could simply have let us be?” Abby asked as she crossed her arms.

  “You still don’t know do you?” Ty stepped back. His eyebrows rose. “My brother didn’t tell you everything.”

  “He told me all I needed to know.”

  “Really? Did he tell you how you were meant to be mine?”

  Abby’s mouth dropped open and she stared at him. Ice chilled her body, and she shook her head.

  “You’re lying.”

  “Am I? Maybe you should talk to your new boyfriend and ask him about the treaty that was signed giving you to me.”

  “You’ll never have me.”

  “Oh, I will.” Ty lunged at Abby drawing the blade back and ramming it into her body. The sound of the crashing and twisting of metal filled the space, as the blade bent back against Abby’s chest refusing to penetrate her skin. Ty’s eyes widened, and he dropped the blade.

  “How is this possible? You’re human.”

  “Not in this life,” Abby sneered. She reached out for him and grabbed Ty by his neck. She lifted him inches off the ground and glared at him.

  “You will leave here and never come back, do you understand?”

  “But how?” Ty choked as he dangled from Abby’s hand.

  “It doesn’t matter how. The point is, I am just like you and you can no longer hurt me. Now go.”

  Abby tossed Ty away from her. He flew through the air and crashed to the ground hard, feet from where Abby stood. His eyes were wild and wide with fright.

  “I don’t understand. You can’t be...” His voice quaked and sputtered as he tried to speak.

  “I am giving you this one chance to make amends and leave. But if I ever see you again, I will unleash everything I have on you, and destroy you as you have been so hell-bent on destroying me.”

  Ty shook his head and turned. Abby watched as he scrambled to his feet and in a flash shifted from his human form to his dragon body, before taking to the skies. His silver hide blended into the clouds and the sky making him virtually impossible to see. Abby exhaled, as she kept her eyes on him until he disappeared from her sight.

  With Ty gone and the threat of his dagger no longer a concern Abby allowed herself a smile. Everything about her had changed. She was no longer a meek little girl, trying to carve out a life for herself. She was strong and brave – and she was a dragon.

  However, something Ty had said had punched a hole in her mind. It was true she didn’t know the whole story of what had happened the day that Luc gave his heart to her. All she saw was Luc’s memories. Whereas she wanted to know everything, Abby realized that she didn’t have to know everything. All that was important was that Jess was free, and Luc was waiting for her in the park.

  She turned on her heels and made a beeline for the trees. She raced over the roots and rocks, until she got to the other side where Luc and Jess waited for her. The moment she saw Luc, tears filled her eyes.

  “Are you okay?” Luc asked rushing to her. He scooped her up into his arms and held her tight.

  “I’m okay. Turns out I am more indestructible than we thought.”

  “What happened?” Luc set her down on her feet. Abby’s eyes flashed to Jess and shook her head.

  “Not now,” she said stepping out of Luc’s embrace and moving to Jess. Jess stared at her with her mouth open and her eyes wide.

  “I really didn’t think you’d come. God, and to think I set you up with him. I am so sorry.” Abby opened her arms. Jess didn’t hesitate to step into them and hug her.

  “It’s okay. It’s over.”

  “Is it?” Luc asked, lifting his head to the sky. Abby knew what he was searching for and smiled.

  “He won’t come back. I’ve made sure of that.”

  “But,” Luc started and glanced at Abby. She pressed her lips into a tight line and shook her head again.

  “Not now,” she mouthed keeping her arms around Jess. Luc nodded and flashed a timid smile at her.

  “Come on, let’s go get you checked out and make sure you’re okay,” Abby suggested as she guided Jess out of the park. Luc paused to steal one more glance towards the sky.

  “Relax, he won’t be coming back,” Abby reassured him. “Not anytime soon anyway.”


  The cool air rushed around her ankles sending chills up her legs. The only form of heat came from Luc’s body behind her. With his hands over her eyes, hiding her sight, Abby sighed.

  “Are we there yet?” she asked impatiently.

  “Just a few more moments,” Luc whispered in her ear. His hot breath tickled her ear as he spoke. She drew her arms around her body to hold him to her tighter.


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