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The Fate of the Dragons Series Box Set

Page 18

by Amelia Wilson

  Ty jolted from his place and lunged at the Mistress just as hands found their way around his neck holding him back. Luc crumbled to the ground under the weight of three men as the Mistress held Abby in place with her gaze.

  “Luc!” Abby gasped and turned to face Luc who struggled to get up from the ground. The Mistress stumbled back trying to hide her shock as Abby turned her attention to Ty.

  “Let them go,” Abby demanded. “Your quarrel is with me.”

  “That it is,” the Mistress said waving her hand. The men holding down the brothers ceased and Abby quickly went to their sides inspecting their wounds.

  “How did you do that?” Ty whispered as Abby checked his throat.


  “You snapped out of her trance.”

  “She had me in one?” Abby wondered running her hands over his throat. Ty nodded as his eyes widened.

  “We thought she was about to hurt you, that’s why we attacked.”

  “But don’t you see?” Abby turned to face the woman on the steps. “She really is my mother. That’s Callie.”

  “How dare you speak her name,” the men from the crowd hissed and advanced faster than Abby could move. Callie lifted her hand up and stared at Abby intrigued.

  “Are you really?” Callie said moving in closer with no laced commands pouring from her. Abby stepped away from Luc and Ty towards her.

  “You died,” Callie’s voice cracked as she studied Abby’s features. “All those years ago. You died by his hands,” Callie pointed to Ty who quickly dropped his head.

  “And it was Luc who saved me by giving me his heart.” Abby turned to face Luc and smiled tenderly at him.

  “No,” Callie stepped back throwing her arms up into the sky. “You are tricking me, my Abigale died.”

  “A part of her did yes, but according to Luc and Ty I am still very much the same girl you lost. And I believe this belongs to you,” Abby reached into her pocket and pulled out the ruby pendant that dazzled in the dim light.

  Callie gasped trying to hold her composure. “You tried to kill me with this didn’t you? Why? Why are you trying to kill me?”

  “You killed my husband. I didn’t know that the girl who did so was of my flesh and blood. But,” Callie paused to take in a deep breath. “Tell me my dear, is your heart whole again? Did Ty deliver your heart as I asked him to do?” Abby smiled and shook her head.

  “He did. His debt is paid to you.”

  “No,” Callie turned her back to Abby and moved back to the throne to sit down. Abby stole a glance to Luc before turning her attention back to her mother. “It is not complete. He was ordered to kill you and that is what he will do. Since the necklace I gave him clearly didn’t do its job correctly,” Callie said as Abby watched the tenderness from her mother’s face turn vengeful.

  “I’m just going to have to do it another way.”

  Chapter 8

  Ty and Luc scanned the crowd as Abby stood between them. Every single woman slipped out through the side doors, leaving only the men remaining. In the depths of her being fear began to spread throughout her. Abby wondered how many of her mother’s children she would have to take out before she would prove to the Mistress she wasn’t just another girl.

  “What’s going on?” Abby asked Ty. Ty kept his guard up ensuring that Abby remained between him and Luc.

  “The woman was human,” Ty explained. “They know they will be killed if they tried to fight. So they are leaving.”

  “How many do you think you can take?” Luc asked as he glanced around Abby to Ty.

  “Five maybe 6, you?”

  “Not sure, but I guess we are soon going to find out.”

  “I don’t want your position if that is what you are worried about,” Abby shouted to the Mistress. “I never wanted that. I just want to be left alone with Luc and Ty.”

  “Be still,” Callie order holding up her hand and glaring at Abby. Immediately the room was silent as the men stood still but crouched ready to strike or shifted.

  “You really aren’t after this throne?” Callie rubbed her hand over the smooth glass surface relishing the coldness.

  “No,” Abby admitted. “I never wanted that. But I do want the death threats to stop and I want you to release Ty from his deal with you.”

  “And what if I object to your demands?”

  “I don’t know, but I am certain we can find a way to co-exist.”

  “You silly girl. You still have figured out why you can’t live. Why I won’t allow you to.”

  Abby pressed her lips into a tight line as waited.

  “The moment I knew I was with child, I knew what you were. The night with Nathanael ensured that I would get everything I ever wanted. And what I wanted was for the men to cower under my reign. But I was human at the time. And on my death bed, your father came to me and fulfilled his promise. He gave me his dragon heart so that I could rule with him. Over time he taught me all I needed to survive in this world. But you,” Callie rose from her throne and stepped closer to Abby.

  “You killed him. You killed a part of me that gave me immortality. And with your heart beating in my chest, I will have that again.”

  Ty stared at Abby before shifting his attention to Callie. The moment his eyes locked on hers, Ty felt his limbs go limp. There was no fighting the Mistress’ hold. He was trapped.

  “Stop!” Abby cried out trying to shake Ty out of his trance.

  “I’ll do it, I’ll give you my heart. Please just let him go.”

  “You’d give up your life for him? A traitor?”

  “I would lay my life down a thousand times over if it meant I could spare them from you,” Abby hissed.

  “Very well, I accept your offer. Give me your dragon heart and I will let one of them live.”

  “My heart has two halves,” Abby said. “One half for each brother.”

  “Abby no, you can’t you’ll die!” Luc cried out rushing to Abby’s side. Tears filled her eyes as she stared at Luc.

  “Don’t you get it? She’s won. She will always have a hold over Ty and you will never trust him. If she gives Ty, the piece of his heart that she has, and I give her mine, then maybe you two will be able to live out your lives in peace.”

  “It’s not worth it. Ty would rather die than let you sacrifice yourself for him.” Abby cupped her hand around Luc’s face and kissed him. She held him close and whispered into his ear. Luc clung to her and kissed her tenderly on the cheek as she pulled away.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked letting the pain jab his heart.

  “It’s the only way.”

  “It is settled then,” Callie said with a grin stretching to her eyes. “Bring me the boys heart.”

  Two men slipped away into the side doors as Abby held onto Luc and Ty.

  “You have until they return to say your goodbyes,” Callie cackled.

  “May we step outside and have a moment alone?” Abby asked her voice thick with sorrow. Callie glared at her and nodded.

  “If you shift and try to fly away, I swear no matter where you go I will find you and kill you.”

  “I know.”

  Callie nodded once more, and the crowd parted allowing Abby and Luc to gather Ty and drag him out into the fresh air. The moment the cool breeze kissed his face, Ty regained himself and stared at Abby in disbelief.

  “What are you doing?” Ty asked. “You can’t be serious. I won’t let you. I’d rather kill you than see your heart put into that evil woman.”

  “Relax brother,” Luc said with a smile. “All is taken care of.”

  “When you get your heart back, you are going to be asked to take mine. No matter what, you need to go through with it.”

  “Abby, I can’t.”

  “Yes you can, and then you’re going to follow Luc’s lead got it?”

  Ty looked up to stare at his brother. Luc’s grin gave Ty all the confidence he needed. Despite their differences, there was only one thing they had in common. They
both would do anything to save Abby and to keep her in their lives.

  “Fine. But know this, I love you Abby. From the moment I saw you and I love you still.”

  “I know. Now you are going to have to trust each other and love each other.”

  “It’s time,” a guard said disturbing Abby’s and Ty’s embrace. Ty crushed his lips to Abby as she held Luc’s hand. Luc swooped her up the moment Ty released her and held her close.

  “I hope you know what you are doing, because if this doesn’t work,” Luc whispered.

  “It will.”

  Abby pulled away from Luc and Ty and followed the guard back inside where her mother waited patiently on the throne. Beside her, a little black box rested by her feet. Abby’s eyes darted to Ty.

  “That’s it, I can feel it.”

  “I must admit, I had hoped for a fight. But,” Callie dipped down and scooped the box into her hand. “I suppose this will be just as gratifying to watch you die.”

  “Give Ty back his heart first, then he will take mine.”

  “You really think I would trust him with such a task? No. He gives me your heart first, then, I will give his back.”

  “That was not the agreement,” Abby said as she stepped back from Ty.

  “We didn’t make any arrangements yet child,” Callie laughed as she waved her hand. Ty’s face shifted from sorrow to stern as he pivoted on his heels to face Abby. The empty glare in his eyes told Abby and Luc all they needed to know.

  “Ty what are you doing?” Luc asked rushing to Abby’s side and pulling her away.

  “Get out of the way Luc,” Ty sneered. Luc growled as Ty swung cracking his fist against Luc’s face. Luc stumbled back and regained himself as he took his stance.

  “Do you see a girl?” Callie said. “You shouldn’t play games with me. Not when I am holding all the pretty pieces.”

  Abby ducked and dodged as Ty and Luc threw punch after punch. Each drawing blood with each strike. Abby didn’t know what else to do but to rush the stage for Ty’s heart. She knew the only way to stop them was to get the heart herself.

  Without a second thought, Abby bolted up the stairs and plowed into Callie. The woman fell back dropping the box as Abby raced to scoop it up.

  “That was a mistake,” Callie screamed as the men in the room shifted into their dragon forms ready to strike. Abby’s eyes widened with fright as the ground shook from their stomping.

  “Now you all will die,” Callie shouted raising her arms up. “First your beloved brothers will kill each other, then I will take your heart for myself.”

  Chapter 9

  Abby held onto the black box as Callie slipped behind the glass throne and pulled forth a long sword with jagged edges. Abby scrambled back as Luc flew across the room. Everything around her swayed as she tried to wrap her head around what was going on. Even the dragons snipping at Luc and Ty seemed confused as to who they should attack.

  With the box close to her chest, Abby bolted from Callie as the blade whizzed over her head taking a strand of Abby’s hair in the swing. Abby glanced to Callie disgusted at her.

  “Callie, you don’t have to do this, we can work something out,” Abby huffed ducking under one the dragons that was too preoccupied with Ty and Luc to notice her. Callie didn’t flinch as she moved toward Abby with the blade in her hand. The red dragon Abby took shelter under shifted causing Abby to lose her footing.

  Abby reached out to stay upright and dropped the box. The little lock sprang open revealing the golden shard of Ty’s heart. Abby lunged for it as Callie whipped her hand back and with all the strength she had, plowed the blade into the dragon’s leg. A might roar rocked the room sending debris from the roof falling over everyone in the room.

  “Just give me the heart and all this will stop,” Callie demanded trying to pry the sword out of the dragon’s leg. Through the commotion, the red dragon kicked the black box closer to Luc. Abby reached out for it as it drifted further from her.

  “Luc! The box!” Abby screamed as Callie twisted her head to see the box at Luc’s feet. Ty’s glazed eyes shifted to it and he shoved his brother away from it.

  “That’s not yours,” Ty hissed leaning down to pick it up. For a split second Abby wondered if Ty would place it into him ending this battle. But as she paused to stare at Ty, she could see the absence in his eyes. Even when he was so close to becoming complete, Callie still had her hooks in him.

  “Luc do it now!”

  Before Callie could command Ty to come to her, Luc tackled Ty with all he had. Abby gasped as the brothers slide across the floor and slamming into the claws of another dragon.

  “You’ll thank me later,” Luc huffed as he drew his hand into the box to pull out the golden shard of Ty’s heart. Callie screamed as Luc tossed the box aside and jabbed his fist into his brother’s chest.

  Ty gasped trying to pull in the fresh air as Luc pulled out his heart. In a fit of rage Callie turned her head to Abby. Her eyes filled with the hatred she had been harboring for eons and charged Abby.

  Abby ducked and bobbed trying to avoid Callie’s blade. But the Mistress was faster. In one swoop, Callie’s sword cracked into Abby’s arm. If it weren’t for the red dragon’s claws the blade would have taken Abby’s arm completely off. Instead the tip plunged into the beast.

  Once again the ground quaked as Abby screamed in pain. The sound of her cry snapped Ty out of his daze as Luc rolled off him.

  “You ready to kick some ass?” Luc groaned.

  “Thought you’d never ask,” Ty sneered jumping to his feet. Ty let the fire within him consume his body and draw out the dragon inside him.

  Abby slumped to the ground as Callie leaned over her with her fingers curled around Abby’s throat.

  “I don’t know what you thought you could do, but this ends now,” Callie said holding Abby at bay. The surrounding dragons growled as bursts of flames shot from their snouts. Callie’s fingers tightened around Abby’s neck cutting off her air supply as she tried to speak.

  “You’re right.” Abby’s voice cracked under Callie’s strength as Abby dug her hand back into her pocket and pulled out the necklace. The ruby sparkled in her hand as it spun.

  “NOW!” Luc screamed. Callie twisted her head toward Luc. That split second of distraction lessened Callie’s grip around Abby enough for her to shift to the left. Abby smiled as Callie turned her gaze back to her.

  “I have something for you,” Luc said slipping behind Callie. Luc grabbed the pendant from Abby’s hand and clasped it around Callie’s neck.

  “What is this?” Callie said dropping her hand. Abby sucked in the air she so desperately needed and scrambled away from Callie as she dropped her sword.

  “Just a taste of your own medicine,” Luc said as Ty swung his tail knocking Callie off her feet.

  “No!” Callie screamed as the necklace tightened around her neck forcing her to drop to her knees. Ty held his ground expecting the other dragons to charge as their Mistress lay clawing at the necklace that was draining the life from her.

  There was a silence that filled the room as everyone watched as Callie’s life slipped away. Ty shifted back into his human form and moved to Abby’s side.

  “Don’t watch,” Ty said turning Abby towards his chest. Abby buried her face in his shoulder trying to block out the images of her mother dying before her eyes.

  “It’s done?” a voice asked. Abby peeked around Ty’s arm to find the others had shifted back into their human forms as well. Each of them with the same vacant expression of awe and wonder.

  Abby nodded as Ty opened his arms, releasing her. She stepped back and stole one last glimpse. All that remained was a pile of dust and the ruby necklace resting on top of the ash.

  “What happens now?” Another man asked looking for answers.

  “All hail the new queen!” other’s shouted as arms raised to the sky.

  “Are you okay?” Luc asked lifting Abby’s bleeding arm up to examine it. Abby shrugged and gav
e him a weak smile.

  “I’ll live.”

  “You know, that plan was crazy right?” Ty said glaring at her.

  “But it worked.”

  “How dare you!”

  Abby and Ty turned their bodies to find a single man in the midst of the others wielding a blade. Rage filled his eyes as he seethed.

  “NO!” Luc cried out as the man rushed towards them in a blur. Before anyone could react, Ty found himself on the ground with the blade lodged into his chest. Luc wrapped his arms around the man’s neck and twisted. The room was silent once again as the cracking of bones shattered the peace.

  “Ty!” Abby dropped to her knees trying to figure out how to stop the bleeding. “Why did you do that?”

  “He was after you,” Ty said gasping for air.

  “You can’t die on me, please,” Abby cried too afraid to pull the blade from him.

  “Maybe this is how it was all supposed to end, anyway.”

  “Don’t say that,” Abby wept as she looked up to Luc. “Please, do something.”

  Luc nodded and wrapped his fingers around Abby’s shoulders to lift her to her feet.

  “You’re not going to like this,” Luc said keeping his eyes to Ty.

  “Do it anyway,” Abby said as Ty’s eyes rolled back into his head. “We are losing him.”

  Chapter 10

  “Ty?” Abby leaned over him waiting for his eyes to open. Her heart broke with each passing moment.

  “What happened? Why didn’t it work?”

  “It worked Abby, just give him a moment,” Luc said squeezing her shoulders. Abby sucked in a deep breath and held it. Her eyes locked on Ty’s face hoping for any sign that he was pulling out of his daze.

  “Holy…” Ty screamed as he shot up gasping for air. Abby clapped her hands over her mouth to stop herself from screaming. Before Ty could lay back down to rest, Abby threw her arms around his neck and held his head to her chest.

  “Not that I don’t love his view,” Ty croaked, “But what just happened?”


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