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Twisted Bonds

Page 6

by Reilly, Cora

  I leaned against the wall. “Our father’s men stitched us up so we didn’t bleed out. Then they took us home where our father was waiting with the doctors of the Camorra. Two of them tended to Remo and me while the others performed an immediate C-section on our mother, cutting Adamo out of her.”

  Savio stared at me. “They cut him out of her with you and Remo in the same room?”

  I flexed my hand, staring at my scars. “Blood’s blood. Father thought it would make us stronger.”

  Savio touched my shoulder and squeezed. “Fuck. That twisted fucker. I wish you and Remo could have killed him.”

  “Regret over the past—”

  “Is wasted energy, I know,” Savio said, then pulled back and ran a hand through his hair. “Fuck. Now I really need to beat the shit out of someone.”

  “Diego is a decent opponent.”

  “He is,” Savio said. “But I’m supposed to fight his sister first. It requires too fucking much concentration not to seriously hurt Gemma.”

  I nodded. Training with Kiara always proved much more stressful than fighting my brothers, because with them I didn’t have to be careful of every move. If I made a mistake, I paid with pain. With Kiara, I could end up seriously injuring her.

  “Does Adamo know?”

  “No, he doesn’t know anything of what happened.”

  “Not even that our mother’s alive, I assume?”

  I shook my head. Adamo had been in a difficult phase and it seemed unwise to burden him with the weight of the past.

  “You should tell him. He isn’t a little kid anymore, and this concerns him too.”

  His phone buzzed and he fumbled it out of his pocket. “Need to go. Diego’s already asking what’s taking so long.” He typed in a message then looked back up. “Are you going to come over to the gym later? I’d like to spar with you and go over possible moves for my cage fight.”

  “I’ll bring Kiara along. I need to work on her defensive skills.”

  “All right.”

  I watched my brother leave, considering what he’d said. Maybe he was right. Adamo deserved to know the truth about his birth, and why Remo and I were messed up. But Remo was even more volatile than usual with Serafina in the mansion, and Adamo was on edge because of the situation as well.

  When I returned into the kitchen, only Kiara was inside, humming as she stirred reddish dough in a bowl. She smiled over her shoulder at me.

  I asked, “What’s that?”

  “I’m trying a recipe for red velvet cupcakes. I want to perfect them for Savio’s fight. I’m sure he’ll want a sweet treat after.”

  “Savio usually treats himself to a whore or two.”

  Kiara pursed her lips. “Well, maybe they’d like a cupcake too.” She laughed, shaking her head. My own lips twitched seeing her joy.

  “I thought we could head for the gym for defense training. After the attack on the mansion, I think it’s absolutely crucial that you learn to defend yourself.

  “Now?” Kiara asked, glancing down at the dough.

  “Yes, Savio asked me to spar with him later.”

  “Okay,” she said hesitantly, and put the bowl in the fridge. “I’ll just grab my gym clothes.”

  Kiara was always tense when it came to her defense training, which was why I decided not to tell her I planned on having her fight Savio. He’d trained with the young Bazzoli girl a couple of times now and knew how to hold back when faced with a petite woman.


  When Nino and I entered the Falcone gym, I could already hear the sounds of fighting.

  “Gemma, be careful, for God’s sake!” a familiar voice shouted.

  “Shut up, Diego. You keep distracting me!”

  The dojo came into view and with it the fighting cage. My eyes widened at what I saw.

  Savio was inside the cage with Gemma. The girl reached only his chest but moved with a grace and confidence that showed she was used to fighting. It was still an unsettling sight. Savio was scarred and muscled, and this girl tried to land a hit in his side, which he blocked.

  “You need to be quicker, Kitty, if you want to hurt me,” he taunted.

  Her face turned even redder and she tried a kick between his legs.

  Diego, who was clutching the mesh of the cage, shouted, “Gemma! Stop the shit!”

  Savio bent down, hoisted her over his shoulder and threw Gemma over his back. She let out a surprised cry when she hung head-down over his shoulder while he held her with one arm over her calves.

  “Let me down! Savio!” She wiggled desperately, but Savio had her trapped. She started pounding his thighs with her fists and he turned to us with a grin, completely ignoring Gemma. For a moment, I thought he’d clap her butt because it was typical for Savio, but he didn’t.

  “How old is she?” I asked Nino, who led me closer.

  “Thirteen, I believe.”

  Diego noticed us and glanced from Nino to me, his expression falling slightly. Maybe he remembered our last encounter when he’d suggested I was Savio’s newest conquest. I tried to ignore that he, like Savio and Nino, was only wearing fight shorts. All these naked chests were making me uncomfortable.

  He straightened and held out a hand to Nino, shaking hands with him. Then he gave me a small nod. “Mrs. Falcone.”

  I stifled a smile.

  “What? No ‘nice catch’ comment today?” Savio hollered. Gemma had stopped fighting by now and was trying to keep her head up.

  Nino frowned at his brother then glanced between Diego and me.

  Diego gave Savio an incredulous look. “Shut up.”

  Savio chuckled and finally set Gemma back on her feet. She swayed slightly then narrowed her eyes and shoved his chest, embarrassment unmistakable on her face. “Don’t do that again. I’m not a little kid.”

  Savio climbed out of the cage, grabbed a towel and began wiping his chest. “If you say so, Kitty.”

  Gemma glowered as she followed him. “Hello,” she mumbled to Nino and me. I wasn’t sure if her face was bright red from exertion or embarrassment. That didn’t make her any less stunning. Despite her tomboy attitude she looked like a doll: long dark hair, olive-green eyes and sweet pout.

  “Savio, can you help with Kiara’s training for a while?”

  My heart sank. There could only be one reason why Nino wanted Savio around.

  Savio glanced at me then shrugged. “Sure.” He flashed Gemma a condescending grin. “Maybe you have a chance against Diego, Kitty?”

  Diego scoffed. “As if.”

  Gemma made a face at her older brother. “You’re always worried about hurting me, that’s why I’m going to kick your ass.”

  Diego nudged her toward the cage and muttered something under his breath.

  I followed Nino and Savio toward the boxing ring, trying not to freak out yet. Savio swung himself over the ropes and held them open for me. I climbed through and sent Nino an anxious look.

  He shook his head. “I know you don’t like it, Kiara, but we need to make progress. Now more than ever. If you refuse to fight Remo, you’ll have to deal with Savio.”

  “Good to know that I’m not your first choice,” Savio said, winking.

  I gave him a shaky smile.

  “Get in position,” Nino said. I could tell that he wouldn’t back down today.

  Swallowing my nerves, I faced Savio. Had he always been this tall and muscled?

  “Like what you see?” he asked, stretching out his arms.

  My mouth fell open. “I ... I didn’t...”

  “Check me out? Sure.”

  I glanced at Nino for help. He looked slightly amused. “My brother needs a good ass-kicking, maybe you can give it to him.”

  “Ready?” Savio asked.

  I nodded, but the moment he advanced on me my muscles started freezing up. “Tiny, this is your chance to grab a feel, don’t waste it.”

  I glared at him in indignation. He was smirking, but cautious. I tried to block his hands but he was too qui
ck and strong, and then I was on my back and he had my wrists above my head in one of his hands, the other hand on my waist holding me down.

  My chest heaved and I tried to push through it. Savio released my wrists without backing off, still hovering over me. “Try to push me off.”

  I reached out with shaking hands. For some reason I couldn’t bring myself to touch his bare chest. Savio jumped to his feet and held out his hand, pulling me to my feet.

  “Kiara, I know this is difficult for you, but we need to condition your brain to unfreeze in situations like that,” Nino said.

  Savio regarded me. “All right. Let’s try a different approach. Come closer.”

  He waved me toward him until our feet were almost touching and I had to tip my head back to look up at his face.

  “You have a problem with my closeness, right?”

  I nodded.

  “Touch my chest.”

  I glanced toward Nino, who was looking thoughtful. Savio stepped into my line of vision.

  “Eyes on me. Nino, can deal. You’re not grabbing my dick, only my chest.”

  I huffed out laughter and hesitantly pressed my palms against Savio’s chest. Of course I could feel a blush rise into my cheeks. Savio’s mouth twitched, his eyes darting to Nino.

  “Does she blush like that whenever she touches you? She must be lightheaded when she touches your cock.”

  Without thinking, I slapped his chest.

  Savio grinned. “See? Was that so hard?”


  The amusement disappeared from Savio’s expression. “All right. I’m going to wrap my fingers around your wrists now.”

  Savio gripped me like he’d said. I concentrated on his eyes, which held my gaze steadily. “I’m going to force your hands down my body. Not lower than my waistband, calm down, and you’re trying to break my grip or stop me in some other way. Doesn’t matter how. I’ll move slowly, giving you plenty of time to consider your options.” He cocked an eyebrow. “Ready?”


  Savio tightened his grip and pushed my palms down his pecs to the beginning of his six pack. My gaze darted down to his fight shorts.

  “Eyes off my dick. He’s not your problem.”

  I snorted, and that seemed to do the trick. I tugged at Savio’s hold but he didn’t budge. Without thinking I let myself fall back, startling Savio. His hands tightened to stop my fall and I used the momentum to bring my leg up and aim a kick at his groin. In a stunningly fast move he released one of my hands and blocked my kick with his hand and raised knee. He jerked me back to my feet.

  “Not bad.”

  I smiled proudly.

  “Now we’re turning the tables. I’m going to put my hands on your body. Shoulder blades to ass or hips to tits. What do you prefer?”

  I blinked as if he’d spoken a foreign language. “What?”

  Savio stepped closer and slowly curled his fingers over my hipbones. “Like this and I’ll move up,” he explained quietly. I swallowed, having become completely still. He moved his arms around me so his palms rested on my shoulder blades, bringing us even closer. My breathing quickened as I craned my neck to hold his gaze. “Or like this and I’ll move down.”

  “The first,” I said.

  Savio nodded and dropped his hands. “Okay. Let’s choose a safe word.”

  “Safe word...”

  “That’s a word kinky people use because stop turns them on.”

  I shook my head, not sure if I was on the verge of a giggling fit or hysterical breakdown. Maybe both.

  “Let’s choose a word. One you’ll be reluctant to use. You should only use your safe word to stop our simulation if you really can’t bear another fucking second of my touch. I want you to cross your boundaries.”


  Savio tilted his head to the side. “What would make you extremely uncomfortable? How about ‘lick my pussy’?”

  I pressed my lips together and turned to shoot a desperate look at Nino, but he was gone. Savio nudged my chin so I faced him.

  “It’s only you and me, Tiny. Focus, all right? I’m going to touch your hips now and you’re going to say ‘Lick my pussy’ as a safe word. Stop won’t change a fucking thing, got it? Stop me in any way you can think of. Ready?”

  I took a deep breath then nodded.

  Savio rested his hands on my hips. It was strange to allow this closeness. Slowly he slid up, fingertips brushing my stomach over the fabric of my shirt.

  “Are you just going to let me feel you up?” Savio said challengingly.

  I gripped his wrists, trying to pull them away, but he kept moving higher, reaching my ribcage. I raised my hands and brought my elbows down, trying to slam them into his wrists. Savio snatched his hands back before I could do real damage.

  He nodded. “Good. That would have hurt.”

  We repeated the same simulation two more times.

  “Let’s change things up. Turn around.” I did. Savio stepped very close so I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. “Nervous yet?”

  “Not really.”

  “Then let’s change that.” Savio startled me when he wrapped an arm around my waist, pressing his palm against my belly and pulling our bodies flush together. A choked sound burst from my lips. Squirming, I tried to free myself, but this position was definitely more challenging for me. “Think, Tiny. Focus on the present.”

  Pushing through the fog of discomfort, I tried to kick his shin then ram my elbow into his side. I didn’t manage to free myself. At least, Savio didn’t seem unhappy with my progress.

  “I think this is enough for today,” Savio said eventually, releasing me.

  I wiped my sweaty, trembling hands on my gym shorts. “Thanks for being patient.”

  Savio gave a one-shoulder shrug. “How about you show your gratefulness with a few delicious cupcakes?”

  I grinned. “Red velvet dough is in the fridge.”

  He looked surprised. “You’re starting to grow on me, Tiny.” His gaze focused on something behind me and I saw Nino heading our way. “Nino’s going to work with me in the cage now.”

  Savio and I climbed out of the boxing ring when Nino arrived. He wrapped his arm around my hip and regarded me questioningly. “How did it go?”

  “Good,” I said proudly.

  “You’ll probably have to deliver tonight, Nino. I riled her up with my magical hands.”

  I pressed my forehead against Nino’s chest as I laughed. “You’re impossible, Savio.”

  “I’ve been called worse.” He nodded toward the cage. “I’ll go ahead and warm up while Nino makes sure I didn’t misbehave too much.” He sauntered off.

  “You seemed to be taking Savio’s approach really well. Maybe I tackled your problem wrong,” Nino said.

  “Savio was really patient, and his humor helped loosening me.”

  Nino nodded. “Savio has a way with words and women.”

  I huffed. “I don’t think he’d need to rely on whores if he bothered to use his charm on normal women.”

  “Savio is lazy. He rarely bothers charming women, but when he does, his success rate is impressive. He could take over Stefano’s job without trouble.”

  My lips curled, thinking of the Camorra’s romancer.

  Nino kissed me. “It’s good to see you improve. You’ve come far.”

  So have you.

  “Hey lovebirds, I have a fight I need to win.”

  Shaking his head, Nino led me over to the cage. Diego and Gemma had pulled up chairs and were waiting for the spectacle to begin. Nino followed Savio into the cage and I sat down beside Gemma, who gave me a curious look.

  Diego, too, regarded me for a moment. I supposed by now they knew all the rumors. In the past it had always been my biggest fear that the truth about the rape would come out, that I’d be regarded as less because of it, but now I was glad everybody knew. It was freeing.

  Savio and Nino assumed their fight positions. They both looked impressive with
their focused expressions and tight muscles.

  “Go!” Diego shouted.

  Savio was the less-restrained fighter. He taunted and challenged Nino with words and his expressions. It didn’t make his kicks and punches any less focused. I mainly watched Nino, the eager look in his face, the way every muscle was conditioned in fight mode. It was a surprisingly even fight. I wasn’t sure if it was because Nino was holding back or because Savio had become an equally lethal fighter. I wasn’t familiar enough with fighting to tell, and they both weren’t giving one hundred percent because they couldn’t risk injuring Savio mere days before his cage fight.

  I glanced at Gemma who leaned forward in her chair, arms propped up on her knees and lips parted as she followed the fight. I could tell that her focus was solely on Savio. It was obvious that she had a major crush on him, and it made me feel protective of her. Savio was an absolute womanizer and while I doubted he’d go for a girl that young, I worried she’d get hurt.

  Noticing my attention, Gemma’s expression became less infatuated and she sat back in her chair, crossing her arms.

  After training, Savio stayed back with Diego and Gemma while Nino and I drove home. In the car, I touched Nino’s thigh. “Gemma is head over heels for your brother.”

  Nino slanted me a look before he returned his attention to the traffic. “And that worries you?”

  “Yes. For Savio, girls are meaningless fun. She’s young and easily influenced.”

  “You can’t protect everyone. I know you’re sensitive because of what happened, but Savio won’t make a move on the Bazzoli girl.”

  “Because of her age.”

  “That, and because Remo honors the traditionalists among our followers and the Bazzolis are as traditional as they come. Like the families in the Famiglia.”

  I frowned. “Really? But Gemma is allowed to fight and she doesn’t seem very docile.”

  “When we took over power, her father asked Remo for his opinion regarding the matter. Remo said it would be good to show a girl how to defend herself because it would also make sure that she could ward off advances before marriage. That convinced Bazzoli. Since then Gemma has been learning how to fight. Diego is always with her though.” Nino covered my hand. “You’re too kind for this world, Kiara.”


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