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Deceitfully Damaged

Page 9

by Abigail Cole

  Once he’s fully seated again, Axel leans against the bathroom counter and lifts himself onto it as I help to raise Avery. His back presses against the mirror with Avery straddling him, her shins firmly on the countertop allowing her to grind over him. It’s Axel’s turn the groan, his eyes rolling back in his skull as he grips her waist. Reaching for the lube, I squirt a generous amount of my rounded head and rub it down my length. Squeezing some more onto my index finger, I slip my hand between Avery’s spread cheeks to massage her small puckered hole. She freezes immediately, glancing back in my direction despite the blindfold.

  Axel glances at me nervously but I expected this, shifting forward to press my front against her back. “Just relax babe. If you don’t like it, we’ll stop.” Her back sags against me slightly as I continue to circle her hole with my finger, dipping in slightly as Axel rolls his hips to massage her internally. Burying my face into her neck, I spread my legs to rub against Axel’s thighs and line myself up with her back entrance. To her credit, she only tenses slightly as I begin to enter her in slow motion, inching in and then smoothing back out. Axel takes her mouth against his, swallowing her whimpers as the initial pain seeps into mind blowing pleasure.

  Reaching around, I release Avery’s wrists from their binds and her nails instantly find my thighs, digging deep enough to tear the skin. Sinking my teeth into her neck, I relish the feeling of her ripping me to shreds as I finally imbed myself fully into her. The tightness is unreal, Avery squeezing me tighter than a vice. Axel slowly starts to swivel his hips beneath her, the three of us moaning in unison at the feel of our cocks rubbing together inside of her. His balls rub against mine as he speeds up slightly, knowing any quicker will have us both coming undone in seconds.

  Avery leans forward, feeling around before planting her hands on the mirror behind Axel as she pushes her chest into his face and starts to move herself. Any worries I had this would be too far for her evaporate as I watch the incredible woman in front of me take control of two guys at once. I follow her movements, keeping myself fully seated inside her as she winds her hips over Axel, his face the picture of how I feel. Avery’s moans grow louder, the sounds filling the bathroom as she tips herself over the edge I’m barely clinging onto. The pulsing tightness that contracts around me is squeezing torturously, and I love every second. Sweat coats her slender body as she rides the waves of her orgasm, screaming ‘Gaxel’ as I knead her breasts in my strong hands. Tingling in my legs builds upwards, intensifying into an explosion as I pull myself free from Avery as slowly as I can manage and spill my cum into the nearby sink on a loud groan.

  Judging by the screams to my right, I slid my dick out at just the right time and caused Avery a second orgasm. She’s riding Axel’s dick expertly, her cries softening as she starts to ease down. Judging by the look on Axel’s face, he is seconds away from exploding so I quickly lift and cradle Avery in my arms. After relieving himself into the sink as well, Axel follows me into the room, an exhausted Avery slumped in my arms. Placing her onto the bed, I remove the blindfold and tuck her into my body.

  “You’re not escaping so fast this time,” I say softly into her ear. Axel shifts in on the opposite side, caging her between us, although the limpness to her limbs says she’s not in any state to stand unsupported anyway.

  “I don’t… stay after sex…” Avery breathes as she drifts off, no doubt being pulled under by the copious amounts of afternoon drinking. My eyes slide closed with a wide smile on my face, mentally high fiving myself for an excellent plan. Axel’s hand finds mine over Avery’s stomach, our fingers linking as sleep starts to take a hold of me too.


  Throwing the controller onto the carpeted floor, I slouch back into the gaming chair with a huff. I can’t concentrate on any of the games I’ve tried to play, after seeking out a distraction from my fitful sleep. My mind won’t switch off but that doesn’t stop me from feeling fucking exhausted. My stinging eyes are begging to rest and I can’t hold back the non-stop yawns leaving me.

  It was so easy to buy into Ray’s plot for vengeance while I was in his office, hearing the story of how his daughter was taken from him. I felt his hatred as if it were my own. But once I had retreated to my room last night, the internal war between my head and my heart started to rip me to shreds. Although I understand this daughter for daughter concept, a part of me wonders if I can go through with my side of the plan he has in mind.

  Never mind the plan, the thought of seeing Avery again soon has me twisted into all kinds of knots. I’ve decided to leave her believing we are related, hoping she has the willpower to keep from getting to attached to me. ‘Cause lord knows, I sure don’t. Not that she will be a problem after Ray’s had his way. Pushing down the guilt at that thought, I focus on the future I have waiting for me here. I’ll be part of a family that wants me. No lies, no false promises.

  “There you are,” Rachel’s voice leaks into the room, saving me from my thoughts. Rounding the chair in fluffy white slippers that make a scuffing sound with each step, she pushes a warm mug containing a pale liquid into my hands and orders me to drink it with a sweet smile. Returning it as best as I can manage right now, I sip the heated milk and hum slightly as it works its way down my throat. A sense of calms immediately seeps through me, relaxing my limbs to that blissful numb feeling.

  Rachel perches on the low table opposite me, watching me keenly like I am the centre of her universe. Her hair is loose down her back and she is completely make-up free. A thick dressing gown covers her body, with ‘R.P.’ embroidered in gold on the left breast, which causes me to frown.

  “Does everyone have to wear clothing stamped with Ray’s initials when they join him?” I query. Following my eyeline, the brunette begins to giggle.

  “No silly, those are my initials. Rachael Perelli. Ray is my husband.” My eyes widen and I splutter on the drink like a complete idiot. Giggling more, Rachel leans over to take the mug from me while I wipe my face on the hem on my t-shirt. Mumbling an apology, she waves her hand through the air. “Don’t worry about it, you weren’t to know.”

  “So, Ray married his maid?” I immediately regret the rude question, but Rachel’s smile doesn’t even falter.

  “I’m not a maid, I’m the lady of the house. But with Ray’s line of work keeping him busy all the time, I prefer to occupy myself with cooking and cleaning my home. Truth be told, our marriage never fully recovered after Sydney’s…. well, anyways, we prefer our own outlets but we still honour our vows, through sickness and health.” Her smile has a sad edge now while I realise the extent of who she really is.

  Her actions all make sense now. No wonder Rachel has been naturally mothering to me; I’m around the age Sydney was when she was killed. This incredibly kind and thoughtful woman has suffered at the hands of my so-called father and now my emotions are clicking firmly into place. Any doubt of the task I’ve been given has disappeared. I need to bring Rachel justice, and then I will look after her the way she’s looked after me. I’ll be the son she and Ray never had, since we’re all swapping parents and children like candy these days.

  Leaning forward, I stretch out my hand for her to take and speak softly. “I’m so sorry for what you’ve had to endure. I promise I will do everything I can to right the wrong that has been done to you.”


  “Ahh, Wyatt.” Ray rasps as I step into his office as requested, sounding croakier today than I’ve heard him before. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting all day. Don’t bother sitting down. Everything is in now place, it’s time for you to prove your loyalty to this family. Just a technicality really, before we can allow you to leave.” I hover inside the doorway, unsure what this technicality business is about but I’m happy to jump through his hoops so I can get onto the task at hand. For Rachel.

  I shift my weight from foot to foot as Ray reaches for his phone. After placing a quick call and pocketing the iPhone again, two guards shove past me to assist Ray to his feet. Only n
ow is his true fragility coming to light. Aiding him on either side, the old man grunts as he walks with the use of a long cane. But I’m still not fooled to think he couldn’t have me executed with a simple word if he fancied it. Whoever Ray Perelli is, he has deep connections and more power than I could muster in my pinkie finger. That much is clear by the armed henchmen that run to his every whim and treat him with the upmost respect, despite his weakened state.

  Edging out of the room, I follow the trio without being asked. I have to take tiny shuffles so as not to trip Ray up, which would be hilarious but I value my limbs. It takes us five times longer than necessary, but we eventually round the front of the house and find ourselves in the main hallway. Up ahead, I notice Rachel standing by a concealed door I hadn’t noticed before, around the back on the staircase. As we approach, she opens the door wide and kisses Ray on the cheek as he passes, disappearing inside with his guards. I hesitate at the sight of darkened steps leading down but Rachel’s chestnut eyes crinkle in encouragement.

  The air feels different as I creep down the steps - cooler and laced with anticipation. As if the whole house is frozen, not a window flapping or floorboard creaking, waiting for whatever I’m going to find at the bottom of this staircase. The guard ahead has a torch for Ray, but it doesn’t help me much. My foot hits the bottom level, the cold stone seeping through my socks and making me shudder. Glancing around in the darkness, the guards rush forward to switch on electric lanterns lining the long corridor.

  “Joining us is a lifelong commitment, son. Once you’ve completed your task, you can live in the luxury you’ve tasted these last few days. Everything you’ve ever wanted will be yours. But first, you’ll have to pass your initiation.” Ray’s voice bounces around the corridor and he grips onto my forearm with a surprising amount of strength.

  Using my arm as support, Ray shuffles forward and drags me along with him to a doorway on the right. It looks straight from the medieval catalogue, thick wooden beams encased in steel. A small barred grate sits centrally, with an opened slidable sheet of metal for peering in. Inside is pitch black so I can’t get a hint of what’s on the other side, but I can hear scratching against the wall and a soft whimpering leaking through the grate.

  My heart starts to pound in my chest, the easy feeling I’ve had since arriving here fleeing my body. The bigger of the two guards places the torch onto one of my hands and a weighted object in the other. After opening the door, he grips the back of my t-shirt and shoves me inside. The door slams shut and locks behind me as I scramble to locate the creature inside with the flashlight.

  What I find is miles away from the vicious animal I was picturing in my mind. An emaciated woman, all skin and bone, is crumpled in the corner of the stoned cell, scraping her bloodied fingernails against the rock. Her matted dark hair covers her face and her pale skin is filthy. It’s then the stench hits me. Raising the back on my hand to my nose, I remember I was handed something and on inspection, find a handgun clenched in my fist.

  “This is your test, son. All of my men are required to exact their own revenge so they can understand the need for mine. This way, everyone is loyal to my cause and thankful for this chance I provided them.” Ray’s cracked voice sounds through the porthole. I stare at the feeble woman in confusion. She barely registers I’ve entered her cell.

  “But I’ve never seen this woman before in my life. She’s never done anything to me.” I answer without taking my eyes from her, knowing I won’t be able to do whatever it is they expect of me. Did Ray actually think I could waltz in and shoot this woman? Or is the real test to leave me locked in this cell with her until she inevitably tries to eat me like some cannibal psycho?

  “Exactly,” he chuckles darkly. “That is your birth mother, Wyatt. A druggie who sold you to the Hughes as a new-born babe. We’ve been able to track the records of Nixon’s offshore bank accounts, he has been paying this woman monthly for the past 20 years to support her addiction and keep her quiet.” To say a rush of emotions barrelled into me would be an understatement. Confusion, anger, misery, things I can’t even explain pour into my being and consume my thoughts. My grip tightens around the semi-automatic, the flashlight’s shine never wavering from her grotesque body.

  “She abandoned you Wyatt. Now’s the time to take your revenge. Kill her.” Ray’s voice echoes around the walls, finally drawing a flinch from the horrendously skinny woman. Noticing me for the first time, she uses the wall to push herself up onto blistered feet. A slight hunch remains in her shoulders as she faces me, her thin hair falling aside to reveal matching clover green eyes staring back at me. My heart jolts as all hopes of this being a twisted joke vanish. It’s really her. A mom I didn’t know about until yesterday, looking upon me like a stranger. I have so many questions but the gormless look on her face tells me she’s either high or her brain is too far past fried to respond. Does she remember having a child at all? Did she ever look for me? Or did she take the money and inject it all without a second thought?

  “What are you waiting for? Do it!” Ray shouts from behind. Something metal hits the cell door causing a loud clang to assault my ears. Pulling the slide back on the pistol, like I’ve seen on movies, I raise it in line with her forehead. My hand quivers slightly as I swallow thickly. This isn’t me, I’ve never shot a gun. I try desperately to muster some of the anger I felt a moment ago so I can blame the overriding emotion for shooting, but I can’t get it back.

  Looking into her blank eyes, all I feel now is misery. Misery for the life she’s clearly led, for the chances she’s missed out on, for whatever brought her to this makeshift dungeon in some mobster’s house. But her misfortunes haven’t been for nothing. Whether she remembers having me or not, she made the selfish or selfless choice to give me away, which has provided me with a life I wouldn’t have known otherwise. I’d probably be addicted to heroin or dead if I’d remained with her.

  Sighing, I shake my head and lower both of my arms. The second the flashlight leaves her frame, she shifts forward with a shriek that pains my ears and makes me jump. Knocking the flashlight from my hand, she tries to grab the gun with as much force as she can - which evidently isn’t much. Pushing her away from me, she lunges over and over again like she possessed. I can’t believe this – she would try to kill me after I spared her, despite whether she recognises me or not.

  On another feeble attempt to knock the gun from my hand, my finger slips on the trigger. A bullet ricochets off a nearby wall loudly but not even that stops her attack. Continuing to scream, she claws and scratches my neck, biting down hard on my chest through the material of the shirt. Jerking in disgust, I shove her away from me forcefully.

  I hear the scuffle of her fall but it’s the immediate silence that follows which panics me. Shining the light across the floor, the addict is lying deathly still with her back at a twisted angle. A growing patch of dark red seeps from the back of her head to cover the stone around her. Rushing over and kneeling, I quickly check for a pulse but there’s not so much as a flutter under my two fingers pressed to the side of her neck. No. She’s dead, and it’s all my fault. I’ve killed someone, regardless if it was an accident.

  Metal sliding open sounds behind me as the door is unlocked and Ray steps inside, his cane tapping on the stone. One of the guards crosses the cell to retrieve the gun I’d dropped somewhere between shoving her and checking for signs of life. Ray’s crinkled hand lands on my shoulder with a supportive squeeze.

  “Well done my boy. Some say using a gun is the coward’s way out. But you took your revenge with your bare hands, like a true killer. I knew you were the right fit for us, which is why I have such high hopes for you. Welcome to the family, son.”


  The Range Rover flies over the rocky dirt path as I push my foot down on the accelerator. Glancing in the rear-view mirror, I see my mom and Nixon’s shadows run from the house in the rising sunlight, no doubt shouting after me as I tear through the forest. Low hanging branches smack
the rental with wet leaves as I uselessly try to duck them from inside the vehicle. I feel the tyres resist against the rough terrain but I don’t slow down, needing to put as much space between me and them as possible. I need space and time to think. My breathing is coming out in ragged pants, a tightness in my chest making it hard to concentrate on the barely visible road.

  Splashes of fat rain drops hit the windscreen, the weather apparently sensing my mood since I have a full-on shit storm happening inside. Before long, the rain grows so heavy my view is obscured amidst the rapid back and forth of the wipers. Catching a glimpse of a side road, I quickly twist the steering wheel and immediately regret it. The back end of the vehicle skids out as I lose control, frantically spinning the wheel in the opposite direction in an attempt to regain control. Slamming my foot on the brake, I lurch forward as the Range Rover stops and stalls.

  “Come on, come on,” I beg for the engine to turn over so I can get the fuck out of here. The headlights brighten outside as a rumbling rolls through my fingertips, although I can barely see where to go. Figuring I’ll crawl the car through the dense woodland until I come to a main road, I push my foot down on the accelerator. I hear the engine rev and the wheels turning but I remain stationary. After a few more failed attempts, I open the door and lean out to see the back wheel firmly stuck in a muddy ditch of my own making. Fuck it.

  Slamming the door closed to shield me from the now horrendous downpour outside, I throw myself over the steering wheel. My whole world has been spun on its axis and I can’t stay here a second longer. But stealing the keys from my mom’s purse and running out into yet another incoming storm probably wasn’t the smartest move. I can feel my heartbeat pulse through my entire body and I know it’s not because of my near crash. Information I don’t fully understand is flooding my system, the only piece I can hold onto is that my mom lied to me.


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