A Calm Mind

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A Calm Mind Page 6

by Ruairí Cinéad Ducantlin

  “Landry are you able to project the image above the table?”

  “Yes. Stand by.”

  It took six full seconds for the three-dimensional holographic type image to appear above the make-shift conference table.

  “You can manipulate the image with your fingers. The emitters will sense your movements and respond accordingly.”

  Corb responded to the information from Landry by reaching up and pulling one of the star systems forward, making the specific star system larger and more focused.

  “The third planet is Plentari. It is where we are headed. First, we are going back to K’an, in the Jenny, to pick up Ragnar and Cassandra. The Marissa will head directly for the Plentari system. We will rendezvous three light years from the star, this time above the orbital plane.

  The Jenny will make first contact. If it goes well, the Marissa will follow the Jenny into the system.”

  “That has to be six hundred light years from here.”

  “Yes, Captain Evans, it is six-hundred and twelve light years from our current position.”

  “Thank, you Landry. Please only respond to direct questions.”

  “Did I overstep my position, Mister Johnson.”

  “Yes, in a very small way. Consider it passed. Where was I? Oh yeah, rendezvous. The word Plentari is both singular and plural and refers to the people, the star system, and the inhabited planets.”

  “Corb, you are verbally dancing. Why is Himari here?”

  “Josh, the Plentari are a matriarchal society. To the Plentari, males are servants, laborers, breeders, and are not permitted to hold positions of authority.”


  Joshua immediately understood the implications.

  “For the first contact to be successful, Himari will assume temporary command of the Marissa and remain captain until we depart the Plentari system.”

  Captain Joshua Turner is a soldier at heart and understood the orders were not coming from Corb but a higher command.

  “Can we open the communication channel to Q'eqchi'?”

  “Landry, can you open the communication channel to Q'eqchi' and redirect it to this room.”


  “Will you open the communication channel to Q'eqchi' and redirect it to this room?”

  “I am sorry, was the first question a request to open the channel?”

  “Yes, Landry, it is a nuance of the English language. By context, inflection, and intent, you can infer the first question was a request to open the channel.”

  “My apologies, Mister Johnson. The link will take some time to open the micro worm-hole. Stand by.”

  “Landry, how long will it take to open the link?”

  “Captain Turner, the link has been established.”

  “But you said it will take some time. I don’t understand.”

  “Captain Turner, we are almost eight-hundred light-years from Earth. It required two-hundred and twenty-two microseconds to establish the link.”

  “Corb, your friend needs to learn the relative disposition of time and human nature.”

  “Brando, Landry is being literal. Give it time, he will figure it out.”

  “Captain Evans, I believe I understand your frustration. A few seconds to me is a very long time. For humans, a few seconds is relatively short amount of time. I shall endeavor to classify time parameters in an acceptable manner.”

  “Landry, did you infer from the conversation you needed to make a shift in your communication strategy?”

  “Yes, Captain Evans. I assessed the conversation and concluded a new response was appropriate.”

  Corb was tired of talking about Landry.

  “Enough, Landry show us Plentari Prime.”

  “Coming up.”

  “Corb, he does learn fast.”

  “Yeah, Brando, let’s hope it is fast enough.”

  Chapter Ten

  Petty little men and women.

  “We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.”


  Aboard the Jenny

  “Affirmative, Captain Turner, we received the status reports. Good work on the emitters.”

  “Colonel, what about Lieutenant Hofstadter, any orders?”

  Captain’s Turner and Raitt, Himari, Brando, Nick, Corb and the Chief were in the galley of the Jenny. Landry had offered to project Davinder over the table. Lucinda vetoed the offer and Davinder appeared on the main monitor in the galley.

  “Captain Turner, Lieutenant Hofstadter is ordered confined to the brig until the Marissa returns to Earth. You will have the orders in the next data packet. Of course, the Russians deny any knowledge of a Mikhail Vladimir Mikhailov.”

  “Of course. Regarding the mission to Plentari. Colonel, can you confirm the orders?”

  “If you mean, is Himari going to take command when you reach the Plentari system? I can confirm. The orders are also in the next data packet. It was kept quiet because we did not know if the mission to Kripkeni would be successful.”

  “Understood. Final question Colonel. I presume Ragnar and Cassandra will have a role in the Plentari mission?”

  “The orders are forthcoming, Captain.”

  “Understood. Is that all Colonel?”

  “No, there is another question. We were unaware of these communication devices being able to communicate video. Almost real-time video. There is very little lag. How did you do it? How did you acquire the new technology?”

  Before Captain Turner could respond, Landry spoke up.

  “It is not new technology, Colonel. I simply enabled the communication devices to work at their intended capability.”

  “Who is speaking?”

  “My apologies, Colonel. I am Landry, the Jenny’s AI.”

  “Corb, what did you do?”

  “Davinder why are you blaming me?”

  “Because, I know you. How come this AI is not in any of the status reports?”

  “Colonel, that is my responsibility. I did not want the knowledge of Humans possessing an advanced AI to become common knowledge.”

  “I see. That is why we chose this crew. That is prudent, Captain Raitt. Inform your crews, as of this moment, the AI is classified Top Secret on a need-to-know status. Did you say your name is Landry?”

  “Yes, Colonel Khatter. The crew refers to me as Landry. I am happy with the designation.”

  “Landry are you capable of ensuring your existence is kept secret?”

  “Yes, Colonel. I can assist in ensuring my presence does not become common knowledge.”

  “Consider it an order, Landry.”

  “Understood, Colonel.”

  “Captains, is there anything else we might want to share? Maybe a new quantum computer?”

  Landry interrupted in an obviously excited voice.

  “Is the Jenny searching for a quantum computer?”

  “Landry, the colonel was speaking to the captains and was being sarcastically rhetorical. Additionally, it was rude for you to interrupt. Now, will you please be quiet until spoken to.”

  “Yes, Mister Johnson. My apologies, Colonel, Captains.”

  “As I was saying, is there anything else I should know? What about you, cowboy?”

  “Come on Davinder, do you think I would tell you if I was planning something?”

  “No, Corb, you would not. I remind you, they are my friends sitting around you. You bring them home or I will come for you.”

  “Understood. We love you too!”

  The screen went dark before another word was uttered. Himari pulled the grins from everyone’s face.

  “What do we tell the crews?”

  “We’ll have both crews muster on the Marissa. In the morning. Chief, can you put emitters in the Marissa’s main hold? Enough emitters to cover the entire deck and the bay doors?”

  “Landry, how many crewmen will it require to complete Captain Turner’s request? Complete installing the emitters in the Marissa’s main bay no later than oh

  “It will require three teams of two crewmen and two lifts. If we disable the gravity emitters, we can forego the lifts and save about two hours.”

  “Chief, see to the emitters for the Marissa. I want the Jenny under constant surveillance until we depart.

  Q'eqchi' Compound

  “Davinder, are we doing the right thing? Sending them out there? Lucinda’s report about Michelle is disturbing. Should we call them back and send new crews? Maybe crew rotation is needed. Another spy? How are we going to stop the infiltration?”

  Davinder was letting Jan ramble and ask rhetorical questions. Eventually, he snapped the conversation back to the now.

  “Jan please provide a situational report.”

  “As you noted, the Russian’s are denying any knowledge of Leonard aka Mikhail.

  The Jenny and Marissa are on station at Kripkeni Six. They are scheduled to depart in three days. Corb plans to send a message to Plentari Prime requesting negotiations to commence. Of course, the NATO Five are freaking out. They think we are overstepping our authority.

  Situationally, not much has changed. Crew status is unchanged. Well, except for Michelle. Corb, Lucinda, and NT say they have a handle on Michelle’s psyche. I have requested Lucinda monitor the situation closely.

  End of report. Not much.”

  “Thank you, Jan. I hope Michelle pulls through for her and for Corb. Let us hope Captain Raitt, Major Tanaka, Ms. Brady, and Ms. Roa are successful.”

  Aboard the Marissa

  “Computer, project the image of the Plentari star system.”

  Landry had been prepped to silently respond to the request for a holographic image of the Plentari system to be projected in the Marissa’s main hold. The image of the Plentari system appeared four meters in front of the Jenny and was two meters in diameter. Several of the Jenny’s crew were surrounded by the image and had to take several steps back to be on the outside of the projection.

  “Everyone, this is the Plentari system and that bright green planet is Plentari Prime. It is our next destination. There is nothing more for us in the Kripkeni system, there is no need to continue to pay the docking fee. We will depart, at oh-seven-hundred tomorrow. We will take the Jenny with us. At one-hundred light years, we will drop out of the slip-stream and release the Jenny.

  The Jenny will continue without the Marissa. She will meet us at Plentari system in six weeks. Our mission is to support the Jenny in her First Contact mission. Questions? Yes, Sergeant?”

  “Do we anticipate hostilities?”

  “That, Sergeant depends on the Plentari and Corb’s abilities. Yes, Lieutenant?”

  “Six weeks? Is there a plan to increase the Marissa’s FTL speed? The current FTL speed puts the distance at eleven weeks.”

  “Everyone, please check your personal training files. There is some new data for each of you. Maintenance, there are some improvements in the preventive maintenance schedule and processes. Navigation, you will find a significant increase in the FTL speed. Weapons team, the fire control systems will be more responsive.”

  Several seconds of silence erupted into spontaneous cheering. Captain Turner put up his hand for silence.

  “Any more questions? Yes, Lieutenant?”

  “What do the Plentari have that they are willing to trade a case of SPAM for whatever it is we want?”

  More chuckles that quickly faded.

  “I do not know, I have not yet been briefed on the specific mission details. I know where to be and when to be there, everything else is TBD.”

  Not accepting the captain’s response, the Marine lieutenant persisted.

  “What about it, Mister Johnson? What do the Plentari have that we want or need?”

  Sometime, over the three years since he acquired the Jenny, Corb had lost the insecurity he felt being around the life-long military crew members. Military brass, hard-nosed sergeants, and highly educated “Doctors of BS” no longer impressed him. He did not know how the insecurity was lost, he just noticed he no longer cared. His Lucchese boots, clean Levi jeans, crisp shirt, and cowboy hat was just as much a uniform as the Air Force Blues or Marine Fatigues.

  “We are expecting to trade for medical advancements and advanced computer technology.”

  “Mister Johnson, that is the generic mission parameters. I think you are going to have to be more detailed.”

  Corb put up his hand, indicating to Captain Turner to not intervene with the marine lieutenant. Lieutenant Rocha and Corb were the same six-foot three but the lieutenant had at least thirty pounds on the slight cowboy. Thirty pounds of muscle and a fondness for a good tussle.

  Corb removed his hat, handed it to Lucinda, and walked through the edge of the hologram before standing toe-to-toe with the Marine squad commander.

  “Lieutenant Rocha, you will be informed of the mission parameters when your commanders determine you need to know. Until then, I suggest you refrain from making unjustified demands for information. Or, we can adjust your thinking. Either way, your call.”

  His tone was so soft, so firm, so direct, the tension meter jumped to eleven. Everyone near the Marine and Corb took a couple of steps back. Captain Raitt subtly grabbed Captain Turner’s arm, indicating let it play out.

  The lieutenant grinned, causing Corb to grin. They hugged each other and turned to face the assembly before Corb spoke.

  “Lieutenant Rocha and I planned this little encounter. Everyone on these ships has an individual mission. Navigators keep us from flying through a star. Maintenance keeps the air clean and water warm. Cooks are the most important of all. The Marines… Marines like to fight.

  You were all chosen for a reason. Not everything is as it seems. This is the first step. There are many more steps ahead of us. Don’t let a little boredom distract you from why you are here.”

  Corb looked to Rocha and grinned. Rocha responded with oorah! Every military person, regardless of branch or country affiliation, responded with oorah! Rocha repeated oorah! This time, however, everyone in the bay responded with OORAH! Three times more and the echo was defining. Captain Turner closed the muster.

  “Everyone, make ready, we leave in the morning.”

  Corb walked over to where he, Joshua and Lucinda stood in a private little triangle.

  “How long have I known you, Corb? Why the secrecy? What are we going to get at Plentari?”

  “Lucinda, you would not believe me if I told you. Have a little faith. If we are successful, we will change humanity. Change humanity again. Only this time, it will benefit everyone.”

  Chapter Eleven

  It is just a bloody nose.

  “The most frustrating thing about injuries is that they take so bloody long to heal.”

  Jason Statham

  Aboard the Jenny

  “We will arrive at the Plentari system in seven days. About that other thing, Cassandra knows what happened on the Marissa.”

  Cassandra, Michelle, Lucinda, and Janish were in the middle of a rigorous Yoga session in the Jenny’s hold. The Jenny had flown to K’an and picked up Ragnar and Cassandra. Three weeks into a four-week trip, the Jenny was between K’an and the Plentari system, headed for the appointment with the Marissa. The ship’s crew was becoming antsy with anticipation. Janish was speaking to Lucinda about the current mission and a rumor of an incident on the Marissa. Lucinda often took off the captain’s mantel and became one of the girls during their yoga workouts.

  “One of the Marines was hurt in training. They were performing zero-gravity combat training when he flipped on his magnetic boots three meters off the deck. The magnetic boots pulled him to the deck and broke his pelvis. He somehow managed to scald his face and chest with his rail gun. They were lucky, the bolt lodged into a girder and did not go through the hull. He will be on a medical deferment for months. He lost a stripe for not having his weapon secured correctly. The Marissa is likely to return to Earth before the corporal returns to duty.”

  “Captain, Raitt, the
re is another option for Corporal Hicks.”

  “Landry, what have we told you about spying on us?”

  “Captain, Raitt, I was unaware the cargo hold was considered off-limits.”

  “That is not what I meant, and you know it. Why are you eavesdropping on our personal conversation?”

  The four ladies stopped their Yoga poses and looked toward the ceiling and the nearest speaker.

  “Ah. I see. Even when you are in a public place, communicating in a normal volume, it is still considered private. Therefore, it was impolite of me to listen and offer a suggestion.”

  “That is correct, Landry. But, now that you have butted in, what is your suggestion regarding Corporal Hicks?”

  “About that, I may have spoken out of turn. I will require approval from Mister Johnson to discuss Corporal Hicks’ medical options.”

  Flipping a mental switch, turning back into the captain of the Jenny, Lucinda’s next question was in a tone that everyone, including Landry, understood.

  “Are you telling me, Landry, there are secrets between you and Corb that may benefit my crew? And, are you telling me that you are prevented from discussing these benefits with the captain of this ship?”

  “Captain Raitt, the information to which you are referring is classified need to know. I am not permitted to discuss the classified information.”

  Landry was learning fast.

  “The captain is need to know regarding everything and anything that is material to the safe operation of this ship.”

  “Ms. Wilbon, the information not being discussed is not material to the safe operation of the Jenny.”

  “Fuck you, Landry.”

  “Vulgarity does not change my position, Ms. Wilbon.”

  Lucinda, put her hand up, indicating stop.

  “I will take it up with Corb. Landry stop listening to our conversation.”

  “Yes, Captain Raitt.”

  The ladies completed an abbreviated Yoga session in silence.

  “Landry said something about you and the ability to help Corporal Hicks on the Marissa.”


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