A Calm Mind

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A Calm Mind Page 7

by Ruairí Cinéad Ducantlin

  The shower door did not fully enclose the shower stall. The shower door was open at the top, allowing Michelle to holler over the water’s noise. Corb, seated on the couch, was only half-listening when Michelle mentioned helping Corporal Hicks.


  “Yes, Mister Johnson?

  “What did you discuss with the ladies, regarding Corporal Hicks?”

  Michelle turned off the water to not miss Landry’s response.

  “Captain Raitt was discussing the extended medical leave for Corporal Hicks. I mentioned there is another option for Corporal Hicks. However, I remembered your orders and discontinued the conversation.”

  “Landry, that information is confidential. Simply mentioning there might be another option was a violation of the confidentiality and in my trust in your ability to maintain a confidence. You are not permitted to discuss it with anyone. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Mister Johnson.”

  Corb looked up to find Michelle standing directly in front of him, hair still wet and dripping, with a towel wrapped low around her waist, hands on her hips. Michelle’s face no longer radiated warmth. Recently, now in particular, her face radiated a look of tortured anxiety.

  “Michelle, I am not going to tell you about what Landry thinks he may know. There are some things I learned from the Ch’en that must not become common knowledge.”

  Michelle dropped the towel and let the cold shower water continue to drip from her hair on to her breasts. The ploy did not receive the response she expected.

  “Michelle, I can’t tell you.”

  “Someone is going to die, Corb. You don’t care.”

  “Yes, Michelle, I care very much.”

  Reaching up, he pulled her wet body on to his lap. Gently wiping her tears, he tried to ease Michelle’s pain.

  “Telling you would put your life in danger. Telling anyone would put their life in danger. I will not let anything happen to you. I promise. Do you believe me?”

  “That is the point. I believe your words and your intentions. Not everyone, certainly, not another alien species, will understand your intentions.”

  Sobbing, she laid her wet hair on his shoulder and allowed herself to be warmed by the cowboy she loved.

  “That is enough. This topic is closed until I say it is open again. Mister Johnson, I am the captain of this ship. My number one responsibility is to protect the crew and this ship. If you have information that will help me achieve those goals, I expect you will share it with me when needed.”

  With Lucinda’s sharp tone, the argument ceased. She was unable to extract the information Landry referenced about the corporal’ injury. She seldom referred to Corb as Mister Johnson. In this context, in the galley, in front of the entire crew, she was asserting her authority.

  “Ragnar, Cassandra, please begin your briefing on the Plentari.”

  Cassandra was eagerly waiting for the opportunity to talk about what she had learned from the Ch’en.

  “The word Plentari translates to Ours. It is meant to signify ownership but also something else, something more. As you know, the Plentari is an irregular word in English. It is singular, plural, and possessive based on context. Plentari is a hard, demanding, planet where males are considered inferior. The Plentari people refuse to negotiate, or even speak, to other species if the females are not the authority. Nick, you will need to stay out of sight and keep your mouth shut.”

  Initially surprised, everyone snickered at Cassandra’s good-natured barb.

  “Now, hold up, just how hard and demanding are they? I might like hard and demanding.”

  “Nick, males have no rights and can be summarily executed for the smallest infractions or poor etiquette. The slightest insult, touching a female, looking at a female eye-to-eye can result in immediate execution.”

  “Got it. I have work in my quarters when we get to this godawful place.”

  “You are a smart man.”


  NT and Nick bumped fists at the comment then looked to Cassandra to continue.

  “I have sent to you all a series of briefing packets. Please, I am serious, you need to read the packets. Ragnar?”

  “Plentari Prime needs ore. Any metallic ore. Iron ore is the number one request. The Sol system has so much iron ore in the Kuiper Belt, with technology from the Ch’en, we can easily mine it and trade it for technology and credits with the Plentari.”

  “If we know this, why is the Marissa waiting for us? Why not get a load of ore and have it on hand during the negotiations?”

  “Excellent question, Chief. Landry?”

  “Thank you, Lieutenant. Chief, the Marissa is needed to augment the illusion that humans are a matriarchal society. Or, at least matriarchal when interacting with the Plentari leadership. Two ships with female command structures will confirm to the Plentari that humans are not a male-dominated society.”

  “Bloody ‘ell. A whole planet of Women’s Libbers.”

  “That’s why you need to hide when we get there, Nick.”

  “Even you?”

  “Especially me.”

  Janish’s comment and the quick interaction with Nick generated chortles of agreement.

  “Thank you, Landry.”

  “You are welcome, Lieutenant Jensen.”

  “That’s about it. In the data packets are more details regarding trade opportunities. Lucinda?”

  “We have six days before we arrive. We are going to change the command structure now. It will give us practice in our new roles. We need to feel natural in front of the Plentari. Also, when we interact with the Plentari, we will limit male images appearing on the monitors as much possible. Excluding Corb, we want females to be in control of the Jenny.

  Landry, can you reconfigure the stations in the science lab and the med lab to replicate the bridge stations.”

  “Yes, Captain Raitt.”

  “Good, do it. Corb are you ready to begin negotiations?”

  “Yes. Initially we will follow the script. If they ask for me, I will step to your side and slightly to the rear. From there, we will see what happens.”

  “Thank you, Corb. On the bridge, at first contact, will be me, Cassandra, Janish, and Michelle. Cassandra you are the first officer. Janish, you are the navigations officer. Michelle you are the adjunct, assisting where needed. Corb you will remain in the background until requested.

  Himari is conducting a similar briefing with Captain Turner and his command staff. They are pulling in a couple of female marines to stand as guards in the bridge. One more thing.”

  Turning to face the individual with an accusatory look, Lucinda spoke in the abstract to the crew, but her questions were directed to the accused.

  He is going to lie to me, I know it. I need to be smart and trap him. He knows something, and I want to know what it is.

  “I received a report about another training injury. Yesterday, during training, here on the Jenny. I read there was a badly broken nose. Looking around I don’t see a broken nose. I expected bloody nasal bandages and raccoon eyes, dark and bruised. Would someone like to explain to me why I received a false report?”

  “Lucinda it was not big deal, just a little bloody nose. NT’s elbow and my nose intersected in zero-gravity practice.”

  “Corb, you need to lie better.”

  “Lie, Chief?”

  “How many broken noses do you think I have seen in almost thirty years in the Navy? That was not a little bloody nose.”

  “Yes, my nose was broken yesterday. Yes, it was badly broken. No, I am not going to tell you how it was repaired. If our negotiations go well… The negotiations must go well… Please read the materials. We have a lot to do.”

  Standing, Corb mutely left the galley.

  Chapter Twelve

  It could have been worse.

  “Reality is the leading cause of stress among those in touch with it.”

  Lily Tomlin

  Aboard the Jenny

t has been three days. Nothing. No progress for three days. I say we pull out and find somewhere else to trade our ore.”

  The male crew sat around the bridge of the Jenny commiserating. Everyone wanted to be present when the negotiating team provided an update. The tension was also deep on the bridge of the Marissa. The Jenny and the Marissa were one-thousand meters apart, fifty-thousand meters above the Plentari capital city of Plentari. Plentari defensive fighters ringed the Earth ships but maintained a discrete distance.

  “Nick, you need to relax. They know what they are doing, and you know what Corb can do. Between Lucinda, Janish, and Corb, nothing is going to happen to them. Everything will be okay.”

  “It is no use, Chief. Nick is not going to stop worrying. Janish is in a position that might be dangerous and there is not one thing he can do about it. Nick’s worry meter is pegged.”

  “Pegged? There’s an old school term. I suppose you are right, NT. Can we, at least, get him to stop whining?”

  “Not a chance, codger.”

  “NT, what did he call me?”

  “Chief, he said, you are an old guy, a grandad.”

  “Look at you, translating British insults. Correctly. Wonders never cease. Pegged?”

  “Nick, old speedometers and other gauges used to have a little stop, a peg, that limited the needle from going beyond the scale. The term pegged means to be running beyond the limits of the gauge.”

  Nick just nodded acceptance of NT’s response and went back to staring at the monitor. NT continued to try and remove the worry from his friends.

  “In Cass’ last report, she estimated another five hours of talks. Lucinda’s report concurred. Captain Turner confirms Himari’s report is similar. That leaves about another ninety minutes. If they started on-time this morning. We have about ninety-minutes before we hear something. Landry, do you have anything to contribute?”

  “No, Mister Brooks. I believe you have stated the current situation very well. I am monitoring the Open Meeting Hall. Our team is safe, and negotiations are continuing.”

  “You are monitoring the Open Meeting Hall?”

  “Yes, Chief. The Plentari network is not well secured.”

  “NT, stating the facts does not lessen the anxiety.”

  “No, Nick, it does not. Landry, I hope the Plentari do not know you hacked their network?”

  “No, Mister Brooks. The Plentari are unaware we are monitoring the Open Meeting Hall.”

  “Landry, can you display images of the Open Meeting Hall?”

  “Yes, Mister Brooks, images are available.”

  “Well, then?”

  “Oh, I see, do you want me to put the images of the Open Meeting Hall on the main monitor?”

  “Yes, Landry. The question, can you display the images, was a request to display the images. It is a nuance of human speech coupled with high anxiety. We short-cut a lot of speech when we are under stress.”

  “I understand. Thank you, Mister Brooks.”

  An image appeared on the main monitor. An overhead image of a triangular table appeared. At one point of the triangle, the point was abbreviated, creating a seat with a position of authority. The humans were identifiable, but the image was remote.

  “Landry, can you use the emitters to create a holographic image of the hall?”

  “Yes, Chief Symington.”

  “Landry, if possible, that was a request.”

  “I see. Chief Symington, how big would you like the holographic image?”

  “Landry, for an AI, you have a lot to learn. Place the projection on the main table in the galley.”

  “I can do that but will not be able to see it from the bridge.”

  The crew ignored Landry and practically ran to the galley. They took seats around the main table as the image was forming.

  “Landry, can you replicate the projection on the Marissa?”

  “No, Mister Brooks. I can, however, send a video feed of this room.”

  “Do it and open a secure comm link to the Marissa.”

  “Link established.”

  “Thank you, Landry. Captain Turner are you seeing this?”

  “Yes, we see it. Thanks, it will help.”

  “Agreed, we were starting to worry also. Lucinda is speaking.”

  The Open Meeting Hall on Plentarian

  “Thank you, Madame Negotiator. Our accommodations and your people’s kindness have been warm and friendly. I believe we have reached an accord. The terms are favorable to both sides. What more is required, to ensure we sign the agreement and return to Plentari with the iron ore?”

  The Plentari Madame Negotiator was seated at the top of the triangular table. To her left were three Plentari who did not speak a single word during the negotiations. To the right of the Madame Negotiator sat, Himari, Cassandra, then Lucinda. At the far end of the table, opposite the Madame Negotiator, sat Janish on the corner with Lucinda. Corb sat in the middle, directly opposite the Madame Negotiator. Michelle sat to Corb’s right on the corner with one of the Plentari who did not speak.

  The Plentari Open Meeting Hall is a triangular shaped room with the triangular conference table centered in the great hall. Himari estimated the hall was eleven meters on each side, and four meters high. The floor and walls are a plain, common-looking, construction material that resembled Terrazzo back on Earth. The ceiling was an ornate series of interactive murals. The murals were projected on to four large triangular sections of the ceiling. Despite being more than nine meters in the air, the images were sharp and easily understood. Interestingly, when nothing important was being discussed the murals rotated with images that displayed a history of the Plentari people.

  However, when the negotiations were underway, the projections changed to images that were relevant for the topic being discussed. When the negotiations were about trading ore, the images showed Plentari manufacturing facilities and high-technology available for trade.

  The Plentari are humanoid in appearance with a few subtle differences. The females all measured between five-foot four and five-foot six. The few observed males were all less than five-foot four in height. The females had a short, soft-looking, rust-colored fur, covering their heads and forearms. Arms ending in an elongated hand with three fingers and an opposable thumb. The nails on the fingers of the females were shaped into triangles but were not colored. Most noticeably, their rust-colored fur appeared to be deliberate and was a contrast to the skin hues. The Plentari skin was a muted gray-green that appeared to change with mood. Cassandra speculated the Plentari can change the color tone of their skin at will. When agitated the hue was darker blue. When pleased, or calm, the hue was more pale green in tone.

  The human negotiation team was on edge during the sessions because the Plentari people are always coming and going. At any time, only the Madame Negotiator and a few female servants spoke to the Humans. During the negotiations, it was only the Madame Negotiator who spoke for the Plentari. Smaller females and a few males performed service duties. Lucinda, Himari, Janish, Cassandra were nervous. Corb appeared serene and not worried. Michelle is ancillary to the discussions and had not spoken during the negotiations.

  Except Corb, and the few Plentari servants, no other males were noticed. As expected, males were excluded from interacting with the Humans.

  The crews on the Jenney and Marissa watched the proceedings with much less anxiety.

  “Landry, you have a lot of information on the Plentari. Can you gauge, from the discussion, have the negotiations gone well?”

  “Captain, Turner, are you asking for an assessment or an opinion.”


  “The negotiations have gone to form. Captains Tanaka and Raitt, and Ms. Brady have not erred in their position. Mister Johnson has held back and remained quiet. I believe they have achieved an accord.”

  “Thank you, what is your opinion?”

  “The Plentari are not known to be cordial. The Madam Negotiator is engaging in a form of chit-chat. She is waiting
for something.”

  “Are they in danger?”

  “I do not know, Sergeant Davies.”

  “What is your bloody opinion?”

  “They should not continue the idle chit-chat. I believe Ms. Brady has figured it out.”

  The crews watched intently as Cassandra interrupted Himari.

  “Ladies, I believe we have reached the accord. It is time we return to our ships and begin the journey to return with the ore.”

  “Ms. Brady, please, indulge an old woman a chance to know our guests. How is it you came to be a captain, Ms. Raitt?”

  At the Madame Negotiator’s request, Lucinda begins to recount her military career, careful to always indicate she was answering to senior officers who were female.

  Michelle stood to get a drink and returned from the side table with two refreshments. One for her and one for Corb, placing Corb’s drink on the table. Before she can sit, the Plentari on Michelle’s right, stands, draws a blade, grabs Michelle’s right shoulder, spinning her so she is facing the accoster. The attacker slices Michelle diagonally across her torso, from her left shoulder, through her heart, ending just above her right hip. The laser saber cauterizes the wound but kills Michelle.

  In one movement, Corb teleports to a spot between where Michelle is lying and the Plentari with the laser saber is standing. Corb bends to one knee to tend to Michelle. Touching both Michelle and the attacker, all three disappear.

  Part Two

  The Calm Mind

  Chapter Thirteen

  Which way do we go?

  “Achieving life is not the

  equivalent of avoiding death.”

  Ayn Rand

  Aboard the Jenny

  “Mister Johnson, and the others are in the medical lab.”

  Hearing Landry’s pronouncement, the crew of the Jenny looked first through the open doors then rushed to the medical bay, directly across the central corridor, opposite the galley.


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