Book Read Free


Page 9

by Rebecca Jenshak

  He places both hands on his hips. “We’re looking good out here. Everyone is focused and excited.”


  One side of his mouth hitches up. “We’re in the pre-season bubble where everyone is dedicated and working hard, but soon enough that will fade. Last season was one drama after the other. The thing with Declan and the intern, then Ash getting a sex injury and missing two games.”

  I almost laugh, but it’s clear coach is really worried.

  “We had some unfortunate setbacks,” I say. “No one wants to win more than us.”

  “You guys are young. I don’t expect you to be on all the time. I know you have lives outside of hockey, but when those things impact the team, I worry. Especially when it feels like we have something special here. This is maybe the most talented team I’ve ever worked with.”

  A spark of pride fills my chest. I love playing hockey, but knowing you’re part of a team that has a chance to do big things is something special. “What can I do to help?”

  “Look out for the guys. You’re steady and reliable.”

  “You make me sound like a used car.” One corner of my mouth pulls up into a half-smile.

  “You’re a good guy, Leo. Your head is on straight. Be a leader, on and off the ice, that’s all I’m asking.” He slaps me on the shoulder and squeezes. “If only they could all be as scandal-free as you.”

  Nervous laughter escapes my lips as the weight of what he’s asking settles on my shoulders. He thinks he can trust me and he can—on the ice.

  “See you tomorrow,” Coach says as he skates off, leaving me feeling like the biggest jerk of all time for having his trust and respect when I’m secretly lusting after his daughter.

  Ash rode to the arena with me today and he’s waiting for me in the locker room.

  “What’s wrong with you?” he asks when he sees me.

  “Nothing. Tired, I guess.” I can’t get Coach’s words out of my head. I know I should have already had these feelings of guilt, but they were drowned out by the excitement of having Scarlett so close. I’ve been too focused on her to really think about what it’d mean for my relationship with Coach if he knew what happened. And what I want to keep happening.

  “Bullshit. You looked energetic as hell five minutes ago when you were scoring on Mikey like he wasn’t there.”

  I pull off my practice jersey and sit in my stall. “First road trip of the season. Do you think the guys are ready for it?”

  “Nice dodge. Fine. I won’t press.” He stretches his legs out and crosses one ankle over the other. “Yeah, I think we’re ready. You know as well as I do that nothing gets rookies going like those first few games. It’ll be a chance to see how we play as a unit and work out kinks. Loosen up. It’s just the pre-season.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.”

  “Cheer up, Romeo.” He laughs. “Your dream girl works here now and tomorrow we’re flying to Vegas.” He waggles his brows.

  “Yeah, about that. Coach wants me to keep an eye on the team and make sure everyone stays out of trouble and that there’s no drama on our first trip.”

  “They’ll be fine.”

  “What about you? He’s also worried you’re going to break your dick again.”

  He grimaces and curls into himself protecting his crotch. “Me too.”

  Ash had an unfortunate sexperience that resulted in a trip to the emergency room with a penile fracture. That’s an injury I hope to never have.

  “Not to worry, though. I invited the guys over tonight so they can get it out of their system and are focused when we leave tomorrow.”

  I groan.

  “Ah come on. I ordered food—all healthy shit. I picked up a small amount of booze, invited all the guys, a few girls; it’ll be very chill. Hey, hot tub clean for later?”

  “That’s not happening.”

  “Fine. Fine.” He grins so I know he’s fucking with me. “No hot tub, but at least come hang out. This will be good for the rookies, and for you.”

  “Good for me?” I prefer a quiet night in before games and he knows it.

  “Yeah, we’ll go good cop, bad cop on them together tonight and let you clear your conscience, and then we can all avoid your pep talks when we get to Vegas. Everybody wins.”

  A few hours later, I’m on Ash’s couch playing Xbox with Tyler. He’s coming from the juniors league, where he put up some impressive numbers. He’s on the chopping block to make the final roster, so I know I don’t need to waste my breath on giving him a pep talk. His ass is on the line.

  I’m not a fun-hater, contrary to Ash poking fun at me about not wanting to party tonight. Unfortunately, we’ve been friends long enough that I know he’s usually right. So I’m trusting that getting the guys together to hang and let loose will be good and not result in things escalating and a bunch of hungover guys showing up to the plane tomorrow.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket and I reach to get it while trying to keep up with the game one-handed. But when I see Scarlett’s name on my phone, I forget all about the controller and the game in front of me.

  “Sorry, man. I have to take this.” All those good intentions to back off from pursuing Scarlett after Coach’s talk earlier, take a flying leap out the nearest window.

  I toss the controller, and answer as I weave my way toward the front door. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Leo. I’m sorry to call.”

  “Nah, don’t be. It’s good to hear from you.” My heart’s racing as I step out into the driveway.

  “I think I forgot the form in your car.”

  I’m silent. Her voice has made me temporarily stupid, and I can’t process her words.

  “The form with your travel preferences,” she clarifies.

  “Right, uh, let me check.” I walk across the street and open the garage.

  On the floorboard of the passenger side of my car, the form sits partially under the seat. “Found it. Do you want me to email it to you or…?”

  “Can I swing by and get it? I’m already halfway there, and if I don’t get it to the equipment manager in an hour, my own father might fire me.”

  I chuckle. “Doubtful.”

  “Yeah, well, I’d rather the thought not cross his mind. I should be there in about ten minutes. Are you home?”

  “Yep. I’m here.”

  “Great. I’ll be there soon if I can remember how to get there.”

  “I’ll text you my address.” I do and then bring the form inside with me. While I wait, I pick up the living room and kitchen. She knocks as I’m lighting a vanilla-scented candle. Overboard? Probably.

  I hustle to the door and pull it open. I’m smiling even before I lay eyes on her, but when I do a once, fuck who am I kidding, a thrice-over, my jaw drops.

  She’s changed since work and the dress she’s wearing molds to her small curves, pushes her boobs up, and shows a lot of smooth, tan leg. Fuck me.


  “Yep.” My voice is tight and squeaks like I’m going through puberty.

  “Do you have the form?”

  “Say what now?”

  She laughs and brushes past me. I pick up my jaw and close the door.

  “I can’t believe I missed this the first time I was here,” Scarlett says as she walks through my house for the second time.

  She runs a hand along the framed jerseys on the wall and picks up a hockey stick lying in the entry way between the garage and kitchen.

  I take it from her and set it against the wall. “You were distracted by the pool.”

  “Among other things,” she says quietly.

  I nod toward the form on the kitchen counter.

  She picks it up and reads it. “Perfect. Thank you.”


  Awkward silence hangs between us. Damn I want her, but I can’t shake the feeling of disappointing my team and screwing up my relationship with Coach. Without that, I’m as good as done.

  She takes a step back. “I need to get this to t
he arena.”

  I want her to stay, but I keep my mouth shut. She’s my coach’s daughter. I’m the one he expects to stop any drama and keep the guys from losing their heads. But right now? I’m struggling to keep myself in check.




  I let out a long breath when I get to my car. I wave to Leo watching me from his doorway and slide into the driver’s seat. Memories from the last time I was here whack me over the head.

  My hands are shaking as I start the ignition. I’m already running late for my date and now I need to stop by the arena to drop off the form.

  When I try to put the car in reverse, nothing happens. Head swimming in a pool of Leo-induced thoughts, it takes me a few seconds to notice all the warning lights are on. I try the ignition again, but nothing.

  Ugh. I drop my head to the steering wheel. Not now. I comb through all possible scenarios. I do not want to walk back inside and ask Leo for help. But even if I call a tow, he’s going to notice me sitting outside like a stalker before they get here.

  I bring my purse and phone with me and knock on his front door for the second time tonight.

  He answers, phone to his ear, but when he sees me, he pauses.

  “I have to call you back,” he says and ends the call without a goodbye. “Everything okay?”

  “My car won’t start. I’m going to call a tow, but is it okay if it sits in your driveway for awhile?”

  He starts outside without answering. “I can take a look.”

  “That’s okay,” I say, but it falls on deaf ears.

  After a few minutes of staring under the hood of my car and having me try to start it again, he shakes his head. He pulls his phone from his pocket and puts it to his ear. “Hey, Frankie. It’s Leo. Can you get a tow out to my house tonight?”

  “That’s not necessary,” I whisper.

  He ignores me. Again. “Yeah. I think it’s the timing belt. No, not the Jag. It’s a friend’s car.” His eyes bore into mine, and I get butterflies in my stomach. Friend. Is that what we’re calling it? “Thanks.”

  “We can take my car to the arena.” He takes off without giving me a chance to speak. I hustle to keep up with him in my heels.

  He opens the garage door and gets in his car, starting it. I open the passenger side door, but don’t get in. “This isn’t necessary. I can call an Uber.”

  “You need to get the form to the arena in the next thirty minutes, yeah?”

  I check the time on my phone. Crap.

  “Get in, Scarlett.”

  He’s quiet as we back out of the drive and head out of his neighborhood.

  “Sorry for ruining your plans tonight. Looks like Ash is having a party.” Cars line his driveway and down the street.

  “Eh. We were just hanging out, getting to know the new guys a little more.” He glances over at me. “Where were you headed? A funeral?”


  “The dress. It looks like you’re going to a funeral.”

  Laughing, I tug on the short, black dress showing way more thigh than would be appropriate for mourning. “I look like I’m going to a funeral?”

  He mutters under his breath. Something about the dress being the death of him.

  “I have a date. Or I did. I’m not sure he’s still going to be waiting for me by the time I get there.” I sent Chad a text to let him know what happened. In a way, I’m hoping he decides he doesn’t want to wait an extra thirty minutes for me. I only accepted the date because Jade vouched for him. And also—I wanted a distraction from the guy sitting beside me.

  It all sounded fine until an hour ago when it hit me that it was really going to happen. I’m nervous about putting myself out there. And now I’m going to have to Uber to and from the restaurant. Just my freaking luck.

  “Who’s the guy?” The car seems to speed up and the muscle in Leo’s cheek flexes.

  “A friend of Jade’s boyfriend.”

  “A college guy?”

  “Yes.” A nervous laugh bubbles in my chest. “What’s with the third degree?”

  “Just making polite conversation.” His tone still has a hard edge.

  We make it to the arena in half the amount of time it would have taken me. I fling the door open. “Well, thanks for the ride. You’ll let me know where they towed my car, so I can get it?”

  “I’ll have him drop it off at the arena tomorrow.”

  “Wow. He can fix it that fast?”

  “Frankie’s a friend,” he says simply. “Is Lewis expecting you?”

  “Yeah. He’s still here.”

  “How are you getting to your date?”

  He knows exactly how I plan to get there; he is so not driving me to a date...with another guy.

  “Thank you for the ride and for working your Leo Lohan magic on my car service, but I can take it from here.”

  His brows raise defensively. “It’s no problem, Scarlett. I’ll wait.”

  I consider arguing, but doubt he’ll listen anyway.

  The arena is mostly empty at this hour and my heels clack on the floor as I navigate the quiet halls. After I drop off the form with Lewis, I turn back around, heart racing faster with each step closer to the parking lot. Leo is still parked at the curb, staring straight ahead with a frustrated scowl.

  I told him I had it from here. I don’t know why he keeps insisting to help, if he’s going to be all pissy about it.

  “Look,” I say when I take a seat inside the car and he doesn’t make any move to go. “I think it’s best if—”

  Whatever protest I was about to make dies on my lips as Leo wraps a hand around the back of my neck, pulls me closer, and covers my mouth with his.

  Shock makes me slow to respond, but when his tongue slips past my lips, I press my mouth to his harder and give into the crazy desire I feel every time he’s near. His kisses are all-consuming and the only thought in my head is more.

  I might not like the idea of dating another professional athlete like Leo, but I do like him. Especially when he’s kissing me.

  He pulls back too soon, leaving me breathless.

  “Sorry.” His voice is gruff. “Fuck. I’m sorry.”

  I press shaky fingers to my swollen lips. Wow. I forgot what that felt like. No. That’s a lie. I remember, I’d just been pushing it way down past the frustration and heartbreak of Rhyse and finding out Leo is another selfish athlete.

  Though, the more I get to know him, the less I believe that. It may have just been a team get-together he left, but he did drop everything to help me tonight.

  He starts the car. “Where am I taking you?”


  “Your date or whatever. Where is it?” His scowl returns, and he refuses to look at me while he waits for my answer.

  And just like that, frustration burns. Seriously? His mood swings are giving me whiplash. Whatever. He wants me to date someone else, then great, glad we’re on the same page.

  I tell him the address and sit back in the seat, silently fuming as he drives. His hands wrap around the steering wheel at ten and two and he stares straight ahead.

  Even if Chad is gone, I’m going to the bar, ordering a drink, and hitting on every cute guy I see. Take that, Leo Lohan. What kind of game is he playing?

  He pulls in front of the restaurant, and before I can flee, he hits the lock button, keeping me inside.

  “I’m sorry, okay? I shouldn’t have done that.”

  My cheeks flame with anger and humiliation. “It’s fine.” I try the handle. “Let me out.”

  “I like you,” he says.

  “Yeah, obviously.”

  “It’s just—”

  I squeeze my eyes shut. I physically cannot hear another word. “Save it. It doesn’t matter.”

  The last thing I need is to listen to more of his words of regret for kissing me right before I walk inside and meet my date for the night. I get out of the car and fidget with my dress. I
haven’t been on a real first date since before Rhyse, and despite my anger, I need some reassurance right now. “Do I really look like I’m going to a funeral?”

  Maybe black was the wrong call.

  “Nah.” His voice softens. “You look gorgeous.”

  Seconds pass with only my heartbeat filling the silence between us.

  “Thank you for the ride.”

  He dips his chin in a small nod. “Anytime.”

  I shut the door, step back, and watch as he pulls away from the curb.




  I barely remember the drive back to my house.

  Sitting in my car, engine off, I run the pad of my thumb along my bottom lip. Scarlett is on a date with another dude. And I freaking kissed her.

  I can’t seem to stay away and that’s messing with my head. I’m a smart guy. I know the ramifications, and still… all I want to do is drive back and get her. She belongs with me.

  Crossing the street, I walk into Ash’s place, where cars still line the driveway and road.

  Chanting from the back of the house leads me to where the guys are all gathered.

  “You’re back!” Ash juts his chin and yells over the noise. He’s at the back of the group. “I thought you ducked out for the night.”

  “Nah. Just had to take care of something.”

  Ash raises one brow. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah.” No. I motion with my head toward the center of the room.“What’s going on?”

  Instead of answering, he weaves through, leading me to the front where I see what they’re all staring at. Or in this case, who. Johnny Maverick is shirtless, doing pushups in the middle of the circle.

  Tyler holds up a stopwatch in one hand and counts along with the other guys.

  “Should we tell him to save his energy?” Ash asks, knocking my arm with his elbow.

  “Nah. Let him wear himself out. Maybe he’ll sleep on the plane ride.”

  “Time,” Tyler calls. “One hundred and one.”


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