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The Amazon's Curse

Page 3

by Gena Showalter

  "You will die for this, vampires!" someone shouted.

  "Not by your hand," she heard a male voice say. The vampire king?

  Despite her pain, Nola grinned. Relaxed. Zane was here.

  For hours, the battle continued to rage. Nola didn't want her sisters injured, but neither did she want Zane to lose, and waiting proved difficult. She chewed at her cheeks, dug her nails into her palms and broke into a sweat, which caused her back to burn as if it had been set on fire.

  Finally, the tent flap rose and light flooded inside. And then he was there, standing in front of her. Her vampire. Zane. Her heart knocked against her ribs.

  "Knew you'd come," she said, her voice barely audible. She hadn't screamed during her whipping, hadn't made a sound, but holding her cries inside had scraped her throat raw.

  "Nola...sweet..." He approached her slowly, as if she were a trapped animal. " What did they do to you?" There was horror in his tone. He crouched beside her, reached out and smoothed her hair from her damp forehead. Then he froze. "How is this possible? I'm touching you."

  "Yes. Happened just after you'd left." Any other time, she would have been mortified for him to see her like this: broken, helpless, naked but for a sheet covering her lower half. Her relief at seeing him alive and well, however, was simply too great.

  "I will destroy the gods for this. I will find a way to raid the heavens and I will--"

  "No, no. This is a blessing. I've had time to think, and I believe I know what's happening. Each time I admit something about you, like the fact that you did not deserve what was done to you, and that I trust you, I've been given back a piece of my life."

  His brows furrowed together, and a spark of hope entered his eyes. "Can you pass the camp boundary?"

  "No. My sisters carried me there, meaning to toss me out, but that invisible wall blocked them."

  Fury replaced the hope. "We didn't hurt your sisters--I knew you would hate it if we did, but now I wish I'd sliced each and every one of them to pieces. They abandoned camp or I would see to it now."

  "You're here now. That's all that matters. long will you be able to stay?" Her nervousness returned. His king would want him back. And the Amazons would one day come back. "You can't remain forever and I can't leave. We'll be forced to separate again and--"

  "It's all right. It's all right, sweet. I'm here, and I'm not leaving without you. No matter what. You freed me. I will find a way to free you."

  The burst of strength her nervousness had given her drained, and she expelled a breath. "As long as I have you, I'll be all right."

  "Yes, you will." He stretched out beside her and angled his head, displaying his neck to her. The scent of him filled her nose. Dark spice and tree dew. She inhaled deeply, savoring.

  "Drink," he said.

  "Wh-what?" Even when they'd been trapped on that island, he had not let anyone drink from him. Not from his wrist, and certainly not from his neck.

  "Drink. I know biting and blood are distasteful to your kind, but you will heal faster if my blood flows inside your veins."

  "No, you don't understand. I don't mind drinking from you. I just don't want to disgust you. I know you do not like such things being done to you."

  "I want to give you everything, Nola. Even this. With you and no other. I need this, so please. Please."

  Please, this proud, strong man had said. How could she deny him? She cried out as she edged toward him and sank her teeth into his neck, hard as she could, cutting past skin and hitting vein. Blood instantly trickled down her throat. Once, the thought of doing this would have been distasteful to her, as he'd claimed. But this was Zane. She wanted him inside her. Any part of him that she could get. And like him, she wanted him to have everything she had to give.

  "I never thought to allow someone to take from me again," he said, petting her head. "The demon queen, I was her slave for many centuries and she took from me whenever and however she desired. Her methods sickened me, but I allowed them because she had something--someone--my compliance was supposed to purchase. Did I ever tell you that?"

  He was trying to distract her from her task, she suspected, as the warmth of his blood spun through her, lighting her up from the inside out. But she did not stop, because she wanted to hear more.

  "When she died and I was freed, I thought to never endure such things again. You, though, I think I would allow to do anything to me. It has been that way since the first. I don't understand it, either. Your presence doesn't drown out the memories or take away my revulsion for this act with others. My...need for you simply overrides it. But why do I need you, do you think?"

  Finally she pulled from him. She didn't move away, but snuggled into his waiting embrace, head cradled in the hollow of his neck. The action pained her, but only a little. She could feel the flesh weaving together on her back.

  "When I was a child, my mother mated with a man and left the Amazon camp to live with him. They had no money and so they...sold me, time and time again," she said, heat spreading over her cheeks. "I know the desire to never again be touched by another. But with you..."

  "Oh, sweet. I am so sorry."

  That gentle tone brought tears to her eyes.

  He wrapped his arm around her, careful of her injuries. "You once told me your family had destroyed you, that you had killed them for it, but I had no idea they'd done such things to you," he said.

  She flattened her palm against his chest, exactly as she'd wanted to do all these months while watching him. His heart beat, fast and hard. "Maybe we remind each other of what we were like, before. Unafraid, untainted. Maybe we see the future in each other and the past ceases to matter."

  He didn't reply, which disappointed her. Instead, he settled her onto the blankets and sat up, which angered her. Did he not want a future with her? Was that what his silence signified? Did he--

  He traced a fingertip along her spine, and she shivered. "All healed," he said huskily. "And now, all mine."

  Thank the gods. She wasn't sure what she would have done if he'd rebuffed her as she'd once done him.

  "Make love to me, Zane." She'd never been with a man of her choosing. Never given herself completely. She was suddenly desperate to know what that was like. With this man. Only this man, who was surely a gift from the heavens, even amid her curse. "Please."

  Chapter Seven

  Zane flipped Nola to her back so that she was peering up at him. A gasp escaped her, but she didn't try to scramble away, even though he loomed above her, dressed in his blood-splattered battle clothes while she was naked.

  Her breasts were small but firm, perfectly tipped with hard pink nipples. Her stomach was flat, her skin sun-kissed and smooth. He could see every ridge of her ribs and knew she hadn't eaten since his departure six days ago. Damn her sisters! Had she not already been through enough torment, without her tribe adding to it?

  He was going to burn away the images of what they'd done to her. Burn away the memories of the men who had used her. He would replace both with thoughts of himself. He didn't care what he had to do to accomplish it.

  "Have you ever experienced pleasure in the act?" he asked.

  Up and down her chest rose with the force of her breathing. "No. You?"

  "Long, long ago." He only prayed he remembered how to please his woman. With the demon queen, he hadn't cared to try. He'd simply endured. Never had a female's enjoyment been more important to him. "If I scare you, do something you don't like, tell me."

  She nodded, nervously licked her lips. "You tell me, as well."

  It was his turn to nod. Rather than suck on her nipples as he desired, he lifted himself off her, reached behind him and tugged off his shirt. He tossed it aside. His boots and pants quickly followed, leaving him as bare as she was.

  Nola's gaze traveled the length of him, and fire leapt inside her turquoise eyes. "Zane..."


  "No. You won't hurt me. I just wanted you to know I like what I see."

  Her t
rust emboldened him, as did her praise. Gently he eased atop her. Skin against skin, hardness against softness. They moaned in unison. Contact with anyone else, even his king, was hell. Contact with Nola was heaven. Her legs opened, allowing him a deep cradle.

  "I want to kiss you now," he said.

  Only when she whispered her consent did he lean down and press his lips against hers. Softly at first, barely even a touch. But the sweet scent of her was in his nose, her nipples hard against his chest, her thighs pliant against his, and soon he had to have more. He licked at her, and her lips eagerly parted. His tongue glided past their teeth to intertwine with hers.

  He'd had her blood, but he'd never had her mouth. To his delight, this was even better. Sweeter, headier, not for living or healing or even to relieve hunger, but simply for pleasure. It was addictive, and he wondered how he'd gone without this for so long.

  Tentatively, she tangled her hands in his hair. And at first, her tongue was hesitant against his. Seeking, as if she wasn't sure what to do with it. But the more he explored her mouth, the bolder she became. Soon their teeth were banging together, their bodies writhing against each other. Sweat was beading over his skin, his blood heating as though lava flowed in his veins.

  "Going to...suck your...breasts now," he managed to say between pants. "Like that?"

  "Yes. Yes." She, too, was panting. She, too, was sweating. Her eyes were closed and her head was thrashing from side to side.

  I did that. Pride filled him as he lowered his head, fitting his lips around one tight little pearl. He laved it with attention before turning to the other one--careful, so careful to deliver pleasure without any sting.

  When he kissed his way down her stomach, she quivered and gasped his name.

  "Stop?" he asked. Would be difficult, but he would find a way.


  Thank the gods. Never had he been more determined in his life. He would know this woman, every inch of her. Nothing would be prohibited. Body, mind...soul. Mouth watering, he licked between her legs. Wet, wild, wanton.

  A memory of doing this very thing to the demon queen slipped into his mind. He'd once hated this act--until he'd tried it on Nola on that island. Oh, how he had enjoyed doing so, which had shocked him. Since then, he'd craved it--another shock. He wanted this to last forever. Nola was precious, a treasure, her cries a drug for his ears. Do not think about the demon. She has no place in this wondrous moment.

  "Like?" Please, please, please.

  "Mmm, yes. Before, they just ripped at my clothes and shoved their way--"

  "No, no. None of that." As she'd spoken, she'd stopped writhing. Had released her death grip on his hair. "That does not belong between us. It's just you and me in this bed. You and me."

  Her eyes were luminous as she nodded. "Bite me, then. Take my blood and remind me that my vampire is claiming me."

  "No. No, I can't."

  'Because you do not take from living beings?" she asked hesitantly.

  "You, I would gladly take from. Anytime you would have me." It was the truth. "But as I told you, I know your kind abhors that, and I will never ask you to do anything you do not want to do. I will find my nourishment elsewhere."

  "No!" she shouted, and it was a soldier's cry. She might appear delicate, but she truly had the soul of a warrior. "You will only ever take from me."

  A possessive warrior, he realized, wanting to grin. He crawled up her body, fit his cock against her moist entrance. "I will only ever crave you, sweet. That much is true."

  "I need you inside me. I need to feel you, as deep as you can go. Your shaft--and your teeth. Take all of me. Please."

  Oh, that please...He'd seen the way her expression softened when he'd uttered that word. Now she thought to use it against him, bless her. Inch by inch, he sank inside her, careful, meticulous. Never had he exercised such exquisite care. Finally, though, he was in her to the hilt. They were joined; they were one. She surrounded him, hot and tight and wet, and it was better than he'd anticipated.

  Tenderly he cupped her face. Her beautiful face. His thumbs brushed over her lips. He would care for her all the days of his life. He would ensure no one ever hurt her again. "Ready?"

  "For you? Always."

  He withdrew from her, almost all the way out, before sinking back in and groaning at the bliss. Her back arched, and her perfect white teeth nibbled on her bottom lip. Her head fell to the side, revealing the delicious plane of her neck. Still he did not bite her. He wouldn't. Wouldn't do that to her.

  In and out he moved, in and out he savored her. He stared into her eyes the entire time, and she stared into his. It was as if they were each other's anchor. As if seeing each other kept them here, locked in the moment, just the two of them, safe and cherished. There was nothing else, no one else, the fruition of every secret yearning he'd ever possessed.

  "Bite," she commanded.

  "No. You are healing."

  "No, I am healed. Bite me. I want it. I need it. Don't deny me this. Please, don't deny me this."


  "Please, Zane. Please. With you, nothing seems wrong. Don't make me beg."

  He could not stand the thought of this strong woman begging for anything. He bit, fangs driving into her neck. The sweetness of her taste exploded on his tongue, through his body, making his muscles quiver and his bones vibrate.

  "Zane," she cried as her inner walls spasmed around his shaft. "Zane, Zane." Her hands clutched at his back, her nails digging into his muscles. "Yes, yes, yes."

  "Nola!" That was all his body needed to propel into its own release. He roared, shooting inside her, filling her up with everything that he was. In that moment, his entire existence made sense. He'd been born to be this woman's mate. He'd given himself to a demon to better understand this precious woman's pain. He'd been chosen for the gods' cruel game to ensure this woman's survival.

  He loved her. Would always love her.

  And now, he thought, an idea springing to life, he would save her.

  Chapter Eight

  Nola cuddled against Zane's body, happier than she'd ever been in her life. She'd just made love. Truly made love. And it had been amazing. Her body had hummed with pleasure, and her mind had soared to the heavens.

  Only once had she considered her past, and Zane had quickly defeated the memories, as only a strong, fierce warrior could. No one had ever made her feel as protected or as prized as this man had. She hadn't thought such feelings possible, actually.

  "Zane," she said, grinning. She was buzzing with joy, drunk with it, and just might smile for the rest of her life. "Thank you."

  "I did do a good job, didn't I?"

  It was the first time he'd ever teased her, and she liked it. A laugh bubbled from her; she couldn't hold it back. Soon she was laughing so hard, tears were streaming down her cheeks.

  Zane's lips were twitching. "Some men would take this as a criticism of their performance."

  "But as you know you did a good job..."

  "I'm not one of them," he agreed.

  They shared a grin.

  His arms tightened around her. "You said every time you admitted something about me, you were freed from some part of your curse."

  "Yes." Reminded of her plight, some of the happiness drained from her.

  "Then do you have something else to admit to me?"

  "Oh. Well...I-I--" Nola sat up and peered down at him. No longer did he appear so confident and joyous. His expression was blank. No, not blank. Fear was sparking in the depths of his eyes. For some reason, seeing it gave her courage. "I love you. I love you so much I ache with it." The words tumbled from her; she couldn't stop them. "I can't imagine my life without you in it. I want to make love to you every night and wake up to you every morning. And I don't want you to think I'm saying this only because I wish to lift the curse. I'm not."

  "You are too honest for such a trick." He grabbed her and rolled her under him. "And just so you know, I love you, too. So much I would die without you.
You are my life, my heart, my everything. Wherever you are, that's where I want to be."

  She hadn't dared dream of having a man like him, or a life like they would surely lead, not even as a child. It had seemed too much to ask, too unattainable, and she had preferred to wallow in her sorrows rather than risk hope.

  "The gods didn't take your ability from you," she said. "You can still create dreams. For the first time in my life, I see joy in my future."

  "Oh, Nola. You are my joy."

  With another laugh, she threw her arms around him and rolled him to his back. Her dark hair fell around him, forming a curtain that left only the two of them--just the way she liked it.

  They made love twice more and spent several hours simply talking and getting to know each other better, before dressing and emerging from the tent. Night had fallen, but vampire warriors still patrolled the area.

  Nola spotted the king and her sister in front of the fire. There was no love lost between herself and Delilah. Nola had once tried to murder Layel, after all. She marched on, determined. Anything for Zane. Still...

  "Will they...what if..."

  Zane captured her hand with his own and squeezed. "They will love and welcome you or we will find somewhere else to live."

  She shook her head. "I don't want you to lose everything you hold dear because of me."

  "Nola," he said, stopping her and forcing her to look up at him. "You are all that I hold dear. Nothing else matters to me."

  Tears burned her eyes. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

  "It is I who is undeserving. But you have my word, I will do everything in my power to prove myself worthy of you."

  She pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "You already have."

  "Nola," she heard Delilah call.

  Nola turned and Zane wrapped his arms around her, keeping her in the protection of his embrace. The blue-haired warrioress was walking toward her, expression blank. Layel stayed close on her heels, a blade in his hand, as protective of his woman as Zane was of Nola.

  "You are well," Delilah said.

  "Yes. And you?"

  "Yes." And then Delilah was there, grinning, pushing Zane aside to hug her tightly. "I've been so worried about you."

  Nola glanced at Zane and he gave her a nod of encouragement. Biting her lip, Nola hugged her back.


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