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Page 17

by Bex Dane

  "Come lie down." She patted the bedspread, keeping one arm over her breasts.

  "Not feeling like lying down right now." Ugliest bra I'd ever seen. Shit.

  She removed her arms from over her breasts and smiled.

  Like a moth to a flame, I crawled up next to her and pulled her so our legs were side by side. My arm slid around her shoulders and twisted her until her tits pressed up against my bare chest. Bending one knee over my legs, she reached up and rubbed the stubble on my chin. "Better? Or you need to sulk over this a little longer."

  "Better now. You're gorgeous whatever you wear. It's not you. It's the idea of you being bound. Didn't like the crown either. It was like a sign of ownership."

  "Mmm. We're free of those bindings now."

  "Yes." I bent my neck to kiss her sweet lips. Delicious. I didn't stop kissing her as I slid down and worked off her pants. I didn't dare glance at her underwear.

  She climbed up and rode me backwards. I made sure her bandage wasn't rubbing on anything as I pulled her hair and teased her till she screamed for it. She came hard for me. Beautiful. Nothing in the world was better than the two of us together. I got lost in her as I came inside her. My girl. Back in my bed.

  She collapsed on me and I wrapped both arms around her, pulling her back tight to my chest. Our breathing evened out, and I whispered in her ear. "Love you, CeCe. I'll never grow tired of watching you come apart and let go for me. Know what it means to you. Means a lot to me too."


  "You got that with me, always. Whatever you need to give me, you can. I'll be here. I'll gladly take it."

  She turned in my arms, and her hair fell in my face. "Thank you."

  "You need to talk about all the shit that went down with you, I'm here for that too. Lay it on me."


  "But let me tell you one thing. What your parents did to you was not your fault. It says nothing about your value or worth. You are priceless to me."

  She smiled her blissed-out grin. I tucked her into my side and pulled the covers up. We slept like that for hours. The sun passed the bedroom window and the sky turned a darker blue. When we woke, it was only four in the afternoon.

  She wrapped her arm over my stomach and sighed.

  I sang in her ear. "Making love in the af-ter-noon with Cecelia."

  She giggled. Glorious sound, her giggle.

  "What's jubilation mean?" I asked her.

  "Mmm." She hummed like jubilation was some yummy dessert. "Exultation, euphoria, extreme exuberance."

  "Hmm?" My girl was so damn smart. Sexy big words coming out of her mouth like candy.

  "Joy and happiness like you've never experienced."

  "Ah, well then, the song fits the girl. You are jubilation."

  She giggled again.


  "Nothing. Thank you. You're jubilation too."

  I turned us so I was facing her as we both lay on our sides, my hand still under her neck gave her a squeeze.

  "Did you sleep with anyone?" she asked me.

  "No. Didn't want anyone else. I decided right after you left I'd find you. Worked my ass off to finish all the houses in the tract, so we could take off looking for you."

  "You found me."

  "Needle in a fucking haystack."

  "How did you find me?"

  "Rogan recognized your necklace." My fingers found the tiny clasp under her hair. "Let's take this thing off."

  She grabbed it. "I can do it." Her hands attacked the clasp. She grunted and struggled with it.

  "Turn around. Let me do it."

  She paused and rolled over, lifting her hair for me to see the clasp.

  "I wanna take this off you. You don't wear his brand anymore. When you're ready, you’ll wear my ring. But it won't mean I own you. It means I love you."

  She nodded and lifted her head to help me get the necklace out. I chucked it against the wall, and it fell to the floor. When I turned her back to facing me again, we both smiled. The noose around her neck was gone.

  "You wanna teach?" I asked her after a while.

  "I'd like to, yes."

  "Where? Hale?"

  She laughed. "Not Hale. Kids. Middle grade. High school. The time I missed in America."

  "You got it."

  "I need to earn my teacher's credentials."

  "You will."

  "I don't have any money. They don't pay you when you're a student teacher."

  "Hey. Made it clear. You're living with me. I'll pay for whatever you need. You want another Mercedes, I'll get you one."

  "I don't want a Mercedes."

  "Whatever you want."

  "I want a horse."

  "You do?"

  "I love horses. Always wanted one. Could you teach me how to ride?"

  "Of course. This place has an empty stable and barn waiting. I'd love to do that for you."

  "Is Orion still alive? She's your old horse from Idaho, right?"

  "Yeah. Tessa brought her to Massachusetts. I asked Tessa about her. She said she's happy with Traveler and Rogan's dog on their ranch. We can go visit her anytime."

  "That would be nice."

  "By the way, we're going shopping tomorrow. New bras and underwear. Sexy. Matching."


  Chapter 26

  The next day, Cecelia and I lay side by side in the living room couch, her hand across my abs, her head on my chest and one leg draped over my knee. She'd slept for twelve hours, eaten breakfast, and now we were lying in front of a fire I'd made in the hearth. I watched her for signs of stress, but she seemed to be handling all that went down well. "Talked with Rogan while you were sleeping."

  "What did he say?" She looked up at me with her endless macchiato eyes.

  "He says he's in contact with Torrez. He'll make his move on Soraya within a week."

  "Good. I'm nervous for her. Ivan and Yegor could take everything out on her, even though she had nothing to do with it."

  "She's in good hands. He'll call us when he can." I gave her shoulder a squeeze and a rub. "Rogan's getting his FBI contacts involved. He thinks the Sharshinbaevs are trafficking women. Possibly men too."

  "Really? I thought it was just me and Soraya."

  I shook my head. "When he put his arm around your neck to subdue you, I knew then. It wasn't just the two of you. The look on his face. He handles lots of women like that. I don't know how many, but it's not just you and Soraya. You two were the floor models. They used you to attract buyers, promising them beautiful, educated women like you. They basically offered you to me for sale."

  "God. That was so awful. I knew something was wrong, and I knew then I had to fight. I didn't care if he killed me."

  "They told you you were a princess, but they forced you into it. I'll bet no one was getting paid. Fasul. All the workers who built the palace. All slave labor."

  "I hope Rogan and the FBI put a stop to it. Can Rogan find a way to get Fasul out of there? And Nariam?"

  "I asked him to look into it. If Rogan can't do it, Dallas runs a contractor for hire operation through Siege. We'll talk to him about Fasul and Nariam."

  "Okay. So he's gone? We're free?" The hope in her eyes made me feel good. I gave her that freedom. She fought for it too. We did it together.

  "Yes." I kissed the top of her head.

  "Thank you for never giving up on me. You took a huge risk."

  "Worst feeling in the world, knowing you were scared and alone over there. Didn't think of the risks at all. I'd do anything to get you back. Your life means more to me than my own."

  She arched her neck and kissed me. "I love you. You're all that I am and everything I have." She used my own words on me.

  "You and me together, Cecelia. We're meant to be. I'll fight like hell for you if anyone ever tries to get between us again."

  She sighed and rested her cheek on my chest. Where it belonged.

  "I have something I've been wanting to give you. Waited through graduation, the fire, s
ix months without you. Not waiting a second longer."

  Confusion, surprise, and love all passed through her face as she watched me drop to one knee and pull the box from my pocket.

  "Want you to chase the wind with me. Forever."

  "Oh my god!" She trembled and wrapped her arms around my neck.

  I whispered in her ear the words I'd been holding in for far too long. "Be my wife. Be my everything."

  She nodded into my neck. "I love you more than is sane for a woman to love a man. I never should've left you. I'll never leave you again."

  We kissed and something inside me healed. My girl did that for me like I did for her. I opened the box and showed her the ring. Five carats total, a massive brilliant round diamond in the center, and two round side-stone diamonds. "If you want bigger or a different setting, I'll get it for you."

  Her fingers trembled as she reached for it. "It's spectacular. No. I love it like this."

  "Marry me out there on the rocks. At the edge of the sea." I slipped the ring on her left hand like I'd been dreaming of doing for a long time. "I'll see if I can get some migrators to fly over."

  She laughed through the tears. "I don't need migrators."

  "It'll be cool. Some geese, a few cranes. Maybe a pod of whales."

  "Stop it."

  "I'm serious. If you want pterodactyls to fly over, I'll arrange it."

  "I don't need pterodactyls."

  "Good, because I would never be able to spell that to order them."

  Chapter 27

  Seven Months Later


  The day we picked for our wedding turned out to be unusually windy for June. The wedding planner suggested we move the ceremony inside, but I said no. I'd fight wind, rain, and anything else nature threw at me to marry Zook on our cliff.

  My veil whipped behind me like the tail of a kite. The salty air stung my checks, blowing off all the makeup I'd carefully applied. I didn't care. As long as Zook was standing at the end of the aisle, I'd persevere.

  I walked by myself. I didn't want anyone to give me away. I wanted to give myself to him. My breath hitched at the sight of Zook standing next to Destry. They wore matching black and white tuxedos with crimson silk ties and kerchiefs. They looked absolutely stunning and nearly identical. But I could tell my man apart. Mostly by his cowboy hat. But he also held a softness in his eyes. A fervent heat that glowed only for me. Destry's eyes had that feral cat nervousness, like he was itching to get out of his tux and out of his skin. Torrez stood next to Destry, also looking dashing in a tuxedo.

  He'd made good on his promise to rescue Soraya and then proceeded to fall in love with her and marry her. She blossomed with her new freedom, becoming the independent woman she was meant to be with Torrez at her side the entire way. Soraya and I volunteered time and money to an organization to fight human trafficking and help victims recover from their ordeal. So many women had suffered much worse than we did, and we felt the least we could do was help them.

  At the end of the short aisle, I stopped before Zook. My heart thudded and a swell of gratitude clogged my throat. We'd both fought long and hard for true love. And today we were celebrating it.

  "You look exquisite." Zook lifted my veil, and his warm lips kissed my cheek.

  The wedding dress Soraya and I picked out was fantastic. Not designer. We'd found it on the rack at a discount price, but the lace cutouts and mermaid tail fit my body like the dress was made for me. The maid-of-honor dress Soraya wore drew all the attention to her. A lacy Dolce & Gabbana slip dress with a low-cut square neckline and red satin straps. I didn't mind sharing the spotlight with my sister today. She looked fabulous and we were celebrating. She could wear whatever made her happy.

  I handed Soraya my red and white bouquet of roses, and Zook took my hands. Despite the harsh wind, a peaceful calm passed through me. He smiled at me like he'd found his soul mate, and I returned the same smile because I knew I had.

  The officiant's hair blew forward in the wind, and he held it down with his hand. "Zook, your vows."

  Zook took off his hat and handed it to Destry. On cue, the wind stopped for a moment. Destry stilled, as did the small crowd in attendance at our little ceremony on a rocky cliff over the ocean.

  Zook swallowed, and I watched his Adam's apple bob before he started to talk.

  "I never knew jubilation."

  Oh my gosh. I was going to cry.

  "Couldn't spell it or comprehend it. Wouldn't even let anybody teach me."

  I had to look away for a moment. His eyes. The love and intensity were too much. But only a second and then my eyes drew up to his again.

  "Then you came into my life, and joy set root in my heart. It spread through my soul and erased all the dirt that had come before. My love for you will never die. It will grow evergreen. I'll never stop learning from you and loving you."

  I sniffled, and his hands squeezed mine. A small smile quirked at the corner of his lips. "I promise to fill your life with jubilation and to love you unequivocally till I take my last breath."

  His gorgeous smile grew wide and the wind picked up again, blowing my tears and veil back. He was smarter than any man at Hale.

  "Cecelia?" The officiant nodded for me to say my part. Oh gosh. Could I do this?

  "Zook, my love, my life." He smiled and nodded. "My wings were clipped for so long I'd given up hope. But you showed me the edge of the ocean. And I wanted to reach it. It seemed too far away, but you held out your hand. I only had to grasp it and let you guide me. I'm so glad I made the leap. In your arms, I'm safe to hide and free to soar. I promise to love you to the ends of the earth and sea forever."

  He kissed me, and I didn't feel the wind or see the crowd. I only felt the complete wholeness of that kiss and the assurance I was the luckiest girl in the world.


  We mingled at the reception, which luckily was inside a clubhouse at the bottom of the bluff. I'd met Zook's mom and dad the day before. His mom loved the letter Zook wrote to him and left her old life behind. She had reconciled with Zook's dad, and they were living in Idaho. They looked so happy to have their family together again.

  We visited with Rogan and Tessa first. Zook's friend, Gustavo, who had been released from prison, teased him about his upcoming concert tour.

  "That's my twin brother. He's right over there." Zook pointed out Destry in the crowd. At the ceremony, Destry had sung a unique and moving version of "Make You Feel My Love."

  "I know. Just teasing you," Gustavo replied.

  Blythe, Locke, and some of Zook's crew mingled and seemed like they were having fun. Dallas brought his wife, Cyan, and I got to meet her. She was lovely and I thought we could be good friends.

  After we finished a delectable dinner, Destry came up to us with a serious look on his face. "I'm going to find Lyric."

  "Right now?" Zook asked him.

  "Yes. It's time. If there's any chance at all we could have love like you have, I need to go for it. No more wasted time."

  "Will you tell her everything?" I asked him.

  "I'll tell her the truth. She needs to know. But most of all she needs to know how much I love her."

  Zook patted him on the shoulder. "Good luck, brother. Go get her. You need anything, you call me."

  "I will."

  "You can stay with us anytime. Remember that when you feel lost. You always have a home here."

  "Thank you."

  Destry hugged us both and left the reception hall. Hopefully, Lyric would forgive him, and they could heal together.

  The rest of the night went by in a blur. All I remembered was Zook smelling good, his warm hand ever present at the base of my spine or around my shoulder, the scratch of his tuxedo against the lace of my dress. Rogan and Tessa danced and gazed at each other, probably remembering their wedding. This was a night we'd look back on too and remember the day we pledged our love.


  One year later


p; Five pelicans flew by in a line as I sat on my patio by my fire pit that I built and bought for myself.

  Cecelia joined me with two plates of Boston cream pie, the special kind she makes with the cream cheese inside. She handed me a piece of pie, a fork, a beer, and a letter from ADX Florence in Colorado, the maximum security federal prison where Jeb would spend his dying days.

  "This what it looks like?" I turned the letter over in my hands.

  "If you mean a letter from Jeb Barebones, yes it could be. Open it."

  My gut twisted for a second, but I brushed it off. I tore the top off the envelope and skimmed through the first half of his bullshit, but at the end something caught my eye.

  I put the letter down and looked at my wife. "Jeb says he repents. He wants my forgiveness." Irony not lost in my tone.

  She chuckled. "Does he now? Are you going to give it to him?" She took a bite of her pie, dragging her sexy lips over the fork to get every last bit of chocolate.

  I took a bite too and savored the sweetness of the delicious food my wife made for me. "Nope. I'm not gonna give him that satisfaction, but I am gonna write a letter."

  "To Jeb?"

  "No, to Mr. Jensen."

  "Who's Mr. Jensen?"

  "He's our old neighbor from back on the compound in Caldwell. He's the one who needs this apology because he's the one who tried to help us and couldn't. He bought chickens from me, he gave Destry a guitar, he let Tessa read his encyclopedias. But there was nothing more he could do to help, and I'm sure it bugged him. I want to write him a letter and thank him for what he did for us. Shoot, I'm gonna send him the best damn chicken coop he's ever seen. Deluxe. Upstairs and downstairs, heating, lighting… a penthouse if his chickens want it. Maybe he needs a new barn."

  She laughed.

  I leaned back in my chair, interlocked my hands behind my neck, and looked up at the blue sky. "I hope Jeb wrote my mom a letter too because that would be therapeutic for her and Dad. Destry and Lyric might like an apology from Jeb, but she's on tour with him, and they probably don't give a shit."

  She giggled. "Yeah."


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