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Lennox Corporation: Book 1 in the Savior Series

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by Mark Browning

  I laid there for days, in and out of consciousness. After 3 days, I began digging my way out a little at a time. The dust and ash kept filling my lungs making it very difficult for me to breathe or concentrate. I wasn’t used to getting so tired, but I kept getting winded. Finally, after 3 more days of digging had passed, I could see daylight. I would wait for nightfall to reemerge into the world of the living. Everyone thought I was dead, and I needed to keep it that way for as long as possible. I lay under the last layer of rocks, staring through the cracks waiting for the sun to go down. Darkness finally came, and I somehow I pushed through the last layer of rock. Though I felt fatigued, being free was oddly invigorating. All I could think of now, find enough food and water to get myself right. It would take considerable strength to make the trip out to the bunker I called home.

  There was no one anywhere around the site. Lennox Corp had closed it off and deemed it a crime scene. I was half naked and beat to shit, so I stayed near the shadows. I came across a tweaker passed out from a binge. I took his clothes and cautiously staggered my way through the slums grabbing and stealing food as I went. I found a quiet alley where I could eat and give my body more time to regenerate for the trip. It took about 30 minutes. I still needed a few supplies and a little more food and water. Another trip through the streets should do it. I grabbed all I could comfortably carry which consisted of mostly dumpster scraps and a gallon jug of dirty well water, but it would have to do. Now that I had enough supplies for the trip, I dragged myself out of the slums headed into the Wasteland. The food and water definitely helped, but I still felt off. I was experiencing dizzy spells and my breathing just wouldn’t clear. I continued to cough up dust and ash. I needed to dig deep and make it home to my bunker. I had to recover and work on a new plan. Lennox Corp thought I was dead, and I planned to use that to my advantage. It took a couple more days of hiking than normal to reach my bunker. I kept having to stop or risk passing out. It thrilled me when I finally arrived at the hidden entrance. All I wanted to do was lock myself down somewhere and sleep. Things would present themselves with better clarity after I slept and the clean air should fix my breathing and stamina.



  I Was so glad to be home I slept for the first 5 days only waking to drink water and grab a bite. I had stopped coughing up dust and ash, and, except for a dry wheezing feeling that remained in my lungs, I had recovered completely regaining full physical strength and energy. Mentally however, I was struggling to cope with the loss of J3 and Cloud 9. Taking down Lenox Corp was no longer my only priority. I would now add revenge on the commander to my list. After the bunker explosion, everyone would believe I was dead. Who could survive 4 simultaneous Bunker Buster explosions, right? The Special Commander was smart, fierce, and I will not underestimate him again. There could be no more mistakes. Taking out a high level member of the Lennox Corp security branch would stir up a shit storm for me no matter how I did it and at this point I really didn’t care. Maybe it was time to stop hiding my gifts, though I was in no hurry to expose myself. Being assumed dead gave me a huge strategic advantage allowing me to continue my investigation into the Lennox Corp barge and room to devise a plan that would get me so close to the Special Commander, my eyes would be the last thing he saw as he took his final breath.

  High-ranking members of Lennox Corp rarely left their assigned cities. It took very sensitive data being at risk to lure the commander into the slums. Those opportunities don’t present themselves often. If I thought I could pull it off, I would try to get him from within the city. But to do that, not only would I need a way in, I would also need a way out. Even for me that sounded like a suicide mission. If I could stir up some trouble in the slums, by taking out a few of the Lennox Corp patrols, that might bring him out. It would prove difficult running an operation from inside my own slums, as everyone there knew me. Lennox Corp used the explosion and our deaths to further their propaganda campaign. To turn everyone against us, they falsely reported the confiscation of a biological weapon, built by Cloud 9, intended to spread a deadly virus in the slums. Though most see through the rhetoric, it was all the more reason to lie low. Seeing me alive would probably incite an uprising causing Lennox Corp to respond in such force I would never get a shot at the Special Commander, but an uprising was an intriguing thought. The deaths of several Lennox Corp officers wouldn’t hurt my feelings, either. As I continued down this line of thinking, a plan began coming together. This would be a game of timing and precision and my involvement had to remain hidden. The element of surprise was my best friend. If the commander found out I was still alive, he would return to the safety of the city. To stir up a rebellion, I would need the help of my most trusted contacts in the slums. If we shake the tree hard enough, the fruit will fall.

  My brain was telling me there was one other person I needed to see, but I wasn’t trying to hear it. She lived in the deepest part of the marshland and I really didn’t want to head out there after what I had just been through. Not to mention, the marshlands were home to the wild dog pack. My recent run in with the pack gave me a new appreciation of the power they possess. I had witnessed them in action, numbering well over 20 now. The Alpha looked bigger and stronger than ever. I recognized him from my childhood. He still wore the scar I had given him. He knew me as well; I could see it in his eyes as the pack gave chase. He had not forgotten our encounter. Knowing what I was heading into made me nervous about the trip. To make things worse, they had seized all my credits and assets leaving me on foot. I had plenty to trade, but I was dead so I had no way to take advantage of it. I knew where I would go next. My two main concerns now were avoiding others and avoiding that dog pack.

  I had everything I needed now, just a 2 day hike to the marshlands and another 3 days into the central marsh and I was there. It is always easier said than done. I would sleep on it for a couple days and then make my way to the marshlands; this was not a trip to take lightly. The next 2 days were a twisted web of nightmares and half sleep. I just couldn’t calm my mind down. I kept seeing Cloud 9 being incinerated by the explosion and it haunted me. I have seen a lot of death and experienced differing degrees of hell, and though I’ve contributed my share to both, these were just kids trying to do what they thought was right and the Special Commander dropped a bunker on their heads just because he could. As my rage grew, I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed some answers before I set my sites on the commander. It was time to go see Claire.

  I left out early the next morning, still dealing with a slight wheeze and a dry cough. I needed to push hard and make 30 miles each of the next 2 days to make the edge of the marsh and set up camp before I pushed inward through wild dog territory. Once I arrived at the marsh, I camped out a few days. I had come here to see Claire, but I had not spoken to or seen her for years. I really didn’t even know what exactly to ask her or why I was so sure she could help. Part of me was hoping Claire could help me with this cough, but the main part figured she could offer insight into the information derived from the thumb drive.

  Claire was once a top Lennox Corp tech scientist and doctor. She was banished many years ago after publicly releasing the cure for one of Lennox Corp‘s deadly viruses. She helped create the technological applications regarding citizenship entrance in and out of the city. It had been many years since she was a citizen and worked for Lennox Corp but many of the policies and applications she ushered in were still being used today. Nowadays, many residents of the slums referred to her as a witch believing she practiced the dark arts. Hell, it’s been so long, there’s a chance she won’t remember me or worse, she is dead. I just had to hope she was still alive.

  After two days camping at the edge of the marsh, I decided it was time to make the treacherous journey through the wild dog’s territory to Claire’s cabin. I got a few miles in before I became very uncomfortable. I could feel the pack watching my every move, just waiting for the perfect time to pounce. This was the second time recently tha
t I felt true fear, and I was not a fan. Everything about the marsh was dangerous, and yet my only focus was on the dog pack. I set up camp a couple days in and built a massive fire to deter the Dog Pack, but I could still feel them watching me. I had finally fallen asleep when I suddenly startled awake with a nudge to my cheek. The Alpha was standing over me with a determined look in his eyes. He definitely knew me. They had been stalking me this entire time, waiting for me to get deep enough into the marsh that there was no escape. I lay there perfectly still; I wasn’t sure how this would go down. The Alpha had blood and skin in his teeth, reeking of death and decay as he stood over me breathing heavily. I knew if I made a move, the pack would tear into me. The fear crept in but I had to act! I grabbed for the Alpha’s throat and just as I expected the pack pounced. They were tearing into my flesh and gnawing at my bones. I could feel my body trying to keep up and repair itself, but the dogs were relentless, as the carnage continued. I felt myself getting dizzy; the panic was making my breathing issue flare up. It was too late; I could feel myself getting ready to pass out. Just as my eyes clamped closed, the dogs retreated in a panic. I forced them open for one last look. The dogs were retreating and the pain and lack of oxygen took its final toll as I passed out.



  I awoke, somewhat surprised, to find myself still alive. A bit confused, I looked around half expecting to find myself atop a pile of bones in the dog pack lair. Instead, I was in a comfortable bed with fresh linens. Next to me was a candle with the gentle aroma of incense and a fresh glass of water. I could hear the creaking of what sounding like a rocking chair gentle rolling over porch boards. I sat up, drank the water and pulled myself up out of the bed. I made my way to the doorway and there in the rocker sat Claire. She looked exactly as she had all those years ago. Claire looked around and said, “I heard you were dead.” I asked her how she could have heard anything living way the hell out here. She responded, “I know, and I will always know everything that goes on in the cities, the slums and with you, Tristan.” She urged, “So what brings you to me?” I had so many questions but I started with the ones that seemed the most significant at the moment. “First, how is it I’m not dead from the dog attack? I fully expected to wake up in the pack den if I survived.” She laughed, "That dog pack is controlled by Lennox Corp tech, they are all chipped with frequency adjusters that can drive and dictate their behavior. I hacked all of their chips years ago, and developed a jammer to inflict pain. Now they stay far away from here. Why do you think the dog pack never attacks Lennox Corp convoys and supply lines?" She then said, “You may not remember this, but Kalil brought you to me after the dog pack attacked you as a boy and I was the one that saved you. I was still working for Lennox Corp then. I snuck you both into the city, giving you a great gift. Not only did I save your life, but I gave you a taste of the cities lifeblood.” I didn’t understand. The look of confusion on my face must have been easier to read than a wanted poster. “Come sit down Tristan. I think it’s time we talk.” She began speaking again, and this time with even more purpose in her voice, “In an effort to save your life and heal your wounds, I injected you with Nano-technology. Nano-tech works by mixing with your blood stream and travels by RNA to embed itself in your DNA. It accentuates your strengths, presenting differently in each individual. One person may experience enhanced mental gifts; another may develop extraordinary physical strength. To what extent your gifts develop depends on your original potential." So, this is what they are hiding from the people of the slums. I could not believe what I was hearing. She continued, "Everyone who is a resident of the city receives an injection once early in their childhood and then again in their early 20s, allowing them to fulfill their ultimate potential. Those citizens of vital use to them, like your friend the Special Commander, receive regular injections to make sure they stay at the top of their game.”

  So, I wasn’t special at all; I was just like all the residents of the city. Or was that the case? She has kept track of me all this time for a reason, and I was feeling uneasy to learn what reason that may be. I had to ask, “Why am I so important to you? Am I your special project?” At this point my anger was speaking. Her response only added to my tensions. She calmly responded, “No, you are the Savior.” She explained that after she saved me, she tried to expose Lennox Corp and give everyone control, not only to the cure of the virus, but to Nano-tech. Lennox Corp banned her from all cities and slums condemning her to a life in the Wasteland. She kept track of me and was in touch with Kalil regularly because she had seen no one react the way I did to Nano-tech. My body almost instantly healed all of my injuries and infused with the Nano-tech making me one with the technology. She said I was Nano-tech and Nano-tech was me. I told her my healing properties had developed to the point I was almost impossible to kill. I have always wondered about my tactical awareness, advanced ability to process information and capacity for comprehension in learning; these skills were all gifts of Nano-tech. This too explains my need to read books. She then said, “I believe you can only improve with more injections and I could help you with that, but I want you to think about it first. Today has revealed much and you, I’m sure, are tired from the attack.” I didn’t know about all this Savior stuff she was preaching, but I will do whatever it takes to get to the Special Commander. I headed back in to rest feeling like I had created more questions than answers.

  It surprised me how well I had rested considering all I had on my mind. I had thought about it a lot before I fell off to sleep last night; I definitely wanted the next injections. Once again, I heard the lonely creaking of the rocking chair on the front porch. I walked out on the porch to see Claire gently moving back and forth. I asked, “Do you sleep?” She answered, “Not much, one of my side effects from the Nano-tech is I don’t sleep but 2 or 3 hours a week. As you have probably noticed, I also don’t age at a normal rate.” As we enjoyed a cup of coffee together, I told her I was ready for the next injections. We enjoyed the sounds of the marsh coming alive while we had some breakfast. And as we finished up, we decided now was as good a time as any.

  While she was giving me the injections, I was already starting to see that I had spent all of my years scavenging and learning the Wasteland just so I could pretend that Lennox Corp wasn’t oppressing everyone. I told myself that was my life, but really I was just refusing to see reality. Within minutes I could feel the Nano-tech working in my body, in my mind. I felt heightened levels of thoughts, ideas and dreams. I also developed more questions like, what made Kalil bring me to her in the first place. I looked at Claire and said, “Why did Kalil, bring me to you?” She smiled and responded. “Let the Nano-tech do its job and then search your thoughts and you tell me the answer.” I sat there piecing together all the possible connections and then, as if I were looking at a board with the answers on it, the truth appeared, “Are You My Mother?” I said surprising even myself. Softly, a smile graced her face, and she responded, “Yes Tristan, I am.”

  Claire explained, “Childbirth is one freedom you give up to be a citizen. I truly believed that the only way I could help everyone was from the inside, so I hid my pregnancy and gave birth in the slums leaving you in the care of Kalil. I immediately asked who my father was. She replied that she had artificially inseminated herself to create a child that would be extra responsive to Nano-tech hoping he would one day grow up to save the people and now here I stood, the Savior.” This was all beginning to sound overwhelming yet it was making sense. Maybe I have a responsibility here, a higher calling to help the people. It made sense now why it was never enough, I was always looking for the next adventure. She had been plotting behind the scenes for years waiting for the right time to reveal herself to me and to take down Lennox Corp and now I came to her with an agenda of my own to take down Lennox Corp.

  Things were taking an eerie shape. As I tried wrapping my head around the fact that Claire was my mother, it only exacerbated the issues I was having understanding myself. I fel
t like I needed some time to process it all and headed back to the bedroom for a nap. I still needed sleep. When I awoke this time, I was feeling much better. She asked me if I was experiencing any new effects from the Nano-tech and I immediately noticed that my breathing issues had disappeared. So much had happened; I had completely forgotten I was having trouble. I also noticed I had no soreness or residual pain from the dog attack. My memory recall was seeing every detail of every situation as I recalled them like a catalogue in my mind. So as soon as I thought about the Barge, the information from the thumb drive appeared in my mind just as it had on the computer screen in the bunker. I now truly understood why it was so easy for the Special Commander to figure me out and outsmart me. The feeling was crazy! I had always had them in me but I could feel them working now on every level of my being, not just as a physical trauma repair process.


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