Book Read Free

Sol Boxset

Page 4

by Samuel Small

  He was dragged out of his thoughts by a snapping twig. A figure walked along the pathway he’d followed. Jake drew his sword, thinking this was the insane Vigilante prepared to finish him off, but as the figure passed into the light Jake’s facial features relaxed along with his blade. “Dante?” he asked.

  “Yeah, and just allow me to say that was pathetic.”


  “You and that girl there? Fuuuuuuck.”

  “You saw that?”

  “Ooooooh yeah,” Dante said, then pulled his lips inward and nodded at the ground. It seemed he was suffering secondhand embarrassment as a result of Jake’s actions.

  “Listen, I don’t know what you think you saw,” Jake shouted, but Dante raised a hand and shook his head.

  “I know what I saw. That was the worst strikeout in history.”

  “That doesn’t matter—”

  “Legend will speak of how horribly the young bedhead struck out—”

  “Why are you even here!?”

  Dante jumped at Jake’s question and glanced around the area. It looked like he actually had to recall why he was there. His pupils expanded in a faint recognition that indicated he remembered.

  “Oh, I’m supposed to go to the center whatever place. Apparently the government’s got some fancy-ass hotel for me to stay at but I can’t tell shit around here. While I was wanderin’ I saw you and figured I’d just ask.” His flat face curled into a twisted smile. “Then I saw you get all happy-pants for that chick and figured I’d give you some privacy. Man was that a mistake! I’ll tell you what, in future I’ll be your wing—”

  “I don’t need your help.”

  “Well, whatever, that’s your choice. If I were you, though, I wouldn’t want to repeat that more than once. So here’s what I’d do—”

  “It’s in Center City.”


  “It’s in Center City. The hotel you’re looking for is in Center City. Go back the way you came, there’s a huge road and every other road branches off of it. If you follow it, you’ll find yourself in the hotel district, where I’d imagine they set you up for the night. It’s late, and you’re out after curfew.”

  Dante seemed disappointed, despite getting what he’d wanted, and faded into the darkness opposite to where the girl had wandered off. That swirling darkness once again threatened to pull Jake inside, but he hadn’t had enough time to get his mind around what had happened today, or anything else for that matter. And that conversation he just had with Dante was bound to keep him up even later as it played out in his head.

  Another sound penetrated Jake’s thoughts and he jerked his annoyed head up to see a person wobbling toward him. In the darkness they almost looked like a monster, the gait uneven, the arms hanging limply at their sides, and the head lolling with each movement. But that’s stupid, Jake thought, it’s bound to be some drunk.

  “Excuse me sir,” Jake said to the figure just as they stepped into the light, causing his eyes to open wide. Pale skin, white as a ghost. It hung loosely, as if not properly attached to flesh.

  “A Void!” Jake shouted and jumped backward, avoiding the whip-like arm that smacked into the grass where he’d been standing. The attack sent the many petals that covered the floor swirling in the air. He pulled out his sword just as the creature’s next attack barreled toward him and cut into it. His sword moved through the substance with no resistance, and what was left of the creature’s arm reeled back, locked in place, then shifted into its original shape. The thing hobbled for him, the movement only about as fast as a jog, and it made the creature look like it might fall on its head. It swept a bloated arm at Jake, which he ducked under then came up and across the creature’s midsection. Its pale eyes stared through him as his sword cleaved its way across the creature, leading it to fall to the floor with a puff of fading black mist.

  As the creature disappeared from existence completely Jake ripped his comp off his waist and placed it in front of his mouth. Before he could speak Major Miles’ voice crackled out of it.

  “Trainee, there’s a horde of those creatures in Center City. Head there immediately.”

  Jake’s feet tore into the concrete, hoping he’d be able to arrive before they defeated all of the creatures. Or, he thought with increasing worry, before Dante gets there.


  When Jake arrived the enemy was already suppressed. The wide city street was empty, aside from a few structures of ice and a toppled streetlamp. Jake approached his men, who were huddled in a triangle discussing something, and was able to get close enough to hear Dante talking with an uncanny conviction.

  “And I’m tellin’ you: Long. Ass. Hair.”

  “I don’t have time to entertain your fantasies,” Major Miles said with decreasing patience. “Thanks to you I don’t have enough soldiers to fight this enemy.”

  “The fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  “Back in that field you injured nearly every guard of the Republic. I barely have enough for basic patrols.”

  “Well, that ain’t my fault!”

  The two’s argument didn’t seem like it would give way for Jake to intervene and find out what exactly happened, so he decided to approach Sara. She turned to him and Jake pointed at Dante.

  “What’s he on about?”

  “I don’t know. Something about a Void he thought was their leader,” she said, her eyes trailing off to the boy as he got closer to Major Miles, shouting louder with each advancing step. The Major looked down coldly at him the entire time.

  “Well, was there anything special about it?”

  “About what?” Sara said.

  “About the Void he saw?”

  “Not really. Just that it had long hair. He probably saw a shocked citizen watching the fighting.”

  “And I’m tellin’ you that was no citizen,” Dante shouted, pivoting around an outraged Major Miles and making a beeline for Sara. He got right into her face and jabbed his finger at her.

  “It wasn’t just its hair. It was also the, uh…” he withdrew, Jake figured on account of Sara’s annoyed stare that indicated she’d kill him, ally or not, if he continued to yell at her from that close distance. But when Dante brought his hands down and pulled in his lips Jake knew this wasn’t the case. He was thinking of a way to phrase things. “It’s, uh, listen, I got the same feeling from it that I get from those things.”

  “Well, Mr. Dante,” Major Miles said from behind the boy, prompting him to spin around. “We can’t base an entire operation based on a feeling you might or might not have had. Our current objective should be to fortify our defenses and add emphasis to—”

  “They’re gonna keep breaching your shitty defenses as long as they have a leader who can move covertly.”

  “They’re mindless creatures, they can hardly move covertly.”

  “He melted into the fucking ground!”

  “Mindless?” Jake heard himself mumble. The sound was just loud enough to reach his comrade’s ears, prompting them to turn their heads. With all eyes on him, Jake felt no other choice but to continue his thought out loud. “You said they’re mindless but I don’t think that’s the case. Why show up at the gate of the Republic with the clear intent of gaining ingress? And what about their conscious decision to not attack each other?” Jake said as he made a few paces to his right, feeling the eyes of his comrades follow him as he walked. “And before…” he mumbled and looked up at them.

  “…and before, I encountered one in Republic Park. That Void had to walk across the city to get to me and attack. Hell, there was a primary education student it actually had to pass to get to me. Sir,” Jake said, turning to Major Miles, “I think it’s safe to assume that these creatures possess a limited amount of intelligence, at least more than they let on.”

  Major Miles stood over Jake, incredulous eyes blinking at him. At first Jake thought what he said must’ve been so stupid that he left the Major, as well as Sara and Dante, dumbfounded until his super
ior cleared his throat. “Well, that may very well be a possibility. Mr. Dante and I defeated them too quickly for any kind of proper analysis, and we only encountered them in larger groups. And that part with the primary education student sounds especially damning. Jake, are you absolutely sure about that? Did it actively evade detection by the student?”

  “Yes sir.”

  With a sigh, Major Miles continued. “Then I suppose it isn’t too far a leap in logic to assume they have a leader.”

  At Major Miles’ admission, Dante shot up, a devilish grin on his lips. Sara pulled back on his collar, prompting him to yelp. He looked at her over his shoulder, annoyed, but when met with her angry glare he dropped his eyes.

  “All right, then I guess your idea about fortifying the area isn’t the shittiest I’ve ever heard,” Dante said to Major Miles, and despite the rudeness of the statement Jake couldn’t help but find some measure of sincerity in it. Major Miles must have sensed it too, as he continued without mentioning how inappropriate his language was.

  “Right, then we split up and search for any remaining Voids. If we find their leader – or one we suspect to be their leader – we call the others and apprehend them. Understood?”



  After splitting up from his team Jake did the most natural thing he could think of, which was to go to where he had last encountered the creature. It seemed silly to backtrack but knowing that the area was being kept safe by Sara and Major Miles gave him some sense of comfort… Dante he could do without. As he navigated along the narrow pathways that led back to the fountain Jake was sure to remain alert. Any sign of movement, any kind of unnatural feeling, he was going to pull out his sword and defend himself to the death. Currently there was nothing aside from an eerie sense of dread, which he assumed came hand in hand when searching for a dangerous enemy.

  It wasn’t long before Jake entered the final narrow bend that led to the clearing with the fountain. Jake unsheathed his sword, slowly to dull the sound, as he approached it, half expecting one of those pale creatures to be waiting for him as soon as he entered. There wasn’t anyone or anything. Nothing but the fountain, the water humming steadily as it ran down.

  Once again Jake found himself drawn to the fountain. He made slow paces toward it as if the thing had cast a spell that forced him to obey its command. He stared into it, watching as his reflection danced among the shifting water and colored lights. His eyes locked on a slight movement within it. A blackness shifting behind his own reflection, something more than the flowing water.

  Jake turned around as fast as he could. The rapier came crashing down into his own. The weight was heavy, much heavier than the wooden practice swords he was used to, and as Jake watched his adversary’s blade recede he stepped back to take in their clothing.

  He wore a black cloak with a mask that covered the face. It looked like some kind of mocking monster, the latex eyes bulging, a long tongue sticking out of its deformed, lopsided mouth. Fur stuck out on either side of his neck, mimicking a lion’s mane. This outfit, Jake had seen it numerous times, just not in person. As the cloaked man’s blade cut through the air with a notable hissing sound, Jake recognized his opponent fully from reports delivered over his comp, as well as hazy security footage.

  “The Vigilante…” Jake whispered as he brought his sword up and blocked the second blow. He was pressed against the fountain, which limited his mobility, so he knew he needed to correct that. He leapt to the side to try to gain some distance but the Vigilante cut him off as if he anticipated the action, his sword posed to run him through. Jake clicked his tongue; this was no ordinary opponent. He had to be careful or he could very well die here tonight. His opponent stabbed at him and Jake spun his body around to avoid the blade, just barely sustaining a graze along his back that slashed the cloth of his uniform. When he came full around, he returned with a swipe of his own, but the Vigilante expertly ducked under his sword.

  This guy can really move. Not good, Jake thought as his opponent rose upward, aiming to put all his body weight behind a stab. Jake jumped as far as he could to the side. The Vigilante wasn’t able to correct in time and launched past him. This is going nowhere, Jake thought as he lunged for his opponent. He kicked his sword away like it was nothing, forcing Jake off balance to keep the weapon in his grasp, then delivered a powerful blow to his stomach.

  The force of the kick led Jake to stumble back, barely able to remain on his feet, and the searing pain in his belly made it difficult to breathe. The Vigilante didn’t give him any time to recover. Immediately he closed the distance, bringing the sword around for another cut. It took everything in Jake just to bring his blade up to block it. Pain once again crashed into his abdomen. He looked down in time to see the black boot withdraw, then fell to his knees.

  Jake realized that the sword attacks had all been a front for his true goal: he was aiming to take down Jake’s body. As the Vigilante’s boots confidently stepped into view, Jake thought it was good he was taking his time. Now he could think of a better strategy. Fighting wasn’t exactly an option as his opponent was simply stronger than him. The Vigilante raised the blade over his head, aiming to drive it down. But Jake wasn’t sure he could run either, the path was too narrow, and it was dark. His best bet was to—

  As soon as the blade came down, Jake used all of his energy to spring up and block it. Face to face with the Vigilante, Jake could tell that they were a bit smaller than him, meaning he’d be able to win a battle of raw force. With that in mind, Jake pushed his sword into the masked assailant, sending them stumbling backward, then he leapt away and unclipped his comp.

  “I’m at the fountain! Backup req—”

  But that was all Jake got out before the Vigilante came in with a flurry of stabs, one knocking into his comp and sending it spiraling across the stone clearing. He thought about making a run for it but figured his comrades had understood the message and would be here within a few minutes. As he slipped inside of a stab, Jake called out, “Why attack guards? What do you stand to gain?”

  But Vigilante didn’t answer, not verbally at least. He swept their sword across Jake belly, prompting him to jump back. Talking isn’t going to solve this problem, Jake thought. There was only one thing he could do to bide time, and that was to close the distance. Jake held his blade across his chest and ran into the Vigilante’s next attack.

  Once again face to face, Jake realized how bad an idea this had been. Almost immediately the Vigilante grabbed his neck, an indication that they were about to bury his knee dead into his gut or groin. He thought he might be able to force his way out of the grip but that would just end with him being kicked as he retreated. He’d sustained too many blows to the body already though, any more and—


  Jake looked up, just in time to see Dante’s figure at the apex of his leap before he plummeted down toward him. The trainee managed to jump back just in time, and Dante landed fist first into the ground, his energy creating a mist of smoke that drifted away slowly. On the other side of that smoke, Jake could just barely make out the silhouette of the Vigilante, their weapon at their side, an indication that they were just as confused as he was. The smoke cleared, revealing Dante inspecting his knuckle for injuries after his impulsive punch into the flagstones. After a few seconds he seemed to understand that all eyes were on him and looked up.

  “Dante, you almost hit me,” Jake shouted.

  “Eh,” Dante said. “Yeah, that was kinda the point.”

  “What? You were aiming to hit me!?”


  “So are you siding with the Vigilante or something?”

  “You kiddin’ me? A badass mask-wearing sword-wielding chick who’s attacking the government here too? The enemy of my enemy is my friend, my friend.”

  “I thought we were having a ceasefire while we dealt with those monsters,” Jake began, able to hear the faint whisper of ‘monsters’ coming f
rom the Vigilante over the loud pounding of the questions in his head. Jake quickly pointed an accusatory finger at them as well. “And what do you mean by chick!?”

  “What? Did the big fancy government not teach you about the birds and the bees? That’s clearly a woman, dumbass.”

  Despite his intimidating status up until then, the Vigilante looked about as confused as Jake based on his posture. He – or apparently he was a she – held her sword at her side, the tip resting on the ground, and their mask moved from Dante to Jake as if seeking confirmation from either of them. The mask turned to Jake and he leveled his gaze on her, although he couldn’t offer anything in the way of clarity. When she seemed to realize this, the eyes behind the mask narrowed.

  “I don’t recall asking for your help,” she said to Dante, although the thin slits of her eyes were directed at Jake. Dante was right, the voice was clearly female.

  “Although I thank you for letting that intel slip. Monsters are the reason for the curfew, that’s good to know.” She raised her sword and pointed it directly at Jake, her body poised to plunge the blade deep into his chest. “Stay out of this,” she said to Dante.

  “Like I’d help you anyway,” Dante mumbled and turned his back to the girl. The Vigilante’s eyes flicked away from him and back to Jake, ready to deal the final blow. Jake thought for a moment that it was the sound of his own heart beating that created the fierce drumming, only to realize that it grew more intense. Not his heart, but heavy footfalls. Just as the Vigilante turned her head to face these newcomers, Jake saw ice creep steadily up her leg, freezing her to the ground. She jerked her foot at the last second but was already too late to avoid capture. With the Vigilante immobile, Jake turned to take in the sight of his saviors.

  Sara and Major Miles ran into the clearing but stopped when they realized the situation was already under control. The Major heaved a sigh of relief, then pulled a pair of handcuffs from a pouch on his belt and walked over to the Vigilante. Jake heard the sharp double click of them being locked as Sara moved to him and asked if he was all right. He mumbled that he’d sustained only a few kicks to the abdomen, before focusing his attention on the apprehended Vigilante. She knelt on the ground with her arms cuffed behind her back, her head low. Major Miles and Dante stood over her, the Major giving Dante a look that could kill. Dante faced the rest of the group and shrugged. “What? I just wanna see who she is?”


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