Book Read Free

Sol Boxset

Page 39

by Samuel Small

  “Looks like I’m going to give this some effort.” He looked up at Leal, his eyes bloodshot. “Consider it an honor.”

  Before he could comprehend his former superior’s words, the burly man charged at him at a speed that one his size shouldn’t have been able to manage. Leal jumped to his right to avoid the inevitable attack, but Iroh cut to the side as if anticipating the move. Leal’s eyes widened as the man’s large fist came through the air toward him.

  There was an intense pain in his forehead for a fraction of a second, as if it was being split open, then Leal felt electricity rage through his body. He was reeling back from the punch, and the sudden jolt caused his legs to give out and he smacked into the floor without any bracing. All of his senses seemed to dim. He heard Iroh’s voice as if it were coming from a mile away.

  “Had you stayed weak I might have been able to spare your life, but you’re too much of a danger to be allowed to remain alive.” He felt soft steps coming toward him, rippling as if through water. “I’m sorry, Leal. I really am.” Leal shut his eyes and prepared for the end.

  “Major Miles!”


  Jake ran toward the man who was lying limp on the floor, ignoring General Iroh’s bewildered look and question of who the hell he was. He didn’t care and stood between the two, placing a hand on the hilt of his sword. He gritted his teeth and stared up at the General, but he didn’t look angry or prepared to fight. Jake wasn’t sure, but there was almost a hint of sadness in his eyes.

  The man turned his head to the side and took in Elizabeth, and his confused face contorted into anger. He looked at Jake and it scared him, but the boy remained firm. “With the Republic my ass,” he mumbled, although Jake wasn’t sure to whom or why.

  “He’s defeated – any more force is unnecessary,” Jake said.

  “He’s a traitor and one of their main forces at that. Listen kid, if he’s allowed to survive it’s just a matter of time until those loyalist brats break him out and he becomes a danger to the Republic. Now stand aside… or I’ll make you.” He took a firm step forward and Jake could’ve sworn that it shook the whole building.

  Jake began to unsheathe his sword as General Iroh came at him, but the large man didn’t even register his presence. He grabbed the boy with a firm hand and threw him aside like trash. Jake flew a few feet away and was nearly lifted off of his feet by the one-handed shove, but he managed to just maintain his balance. Up ahead, Iroh stood over Major Mile’s prone body, winding up his arm for a finishing strike.

  Jake lunged forward and unsheathed his sword just as the fist began to descend. He saw Iroh mouth some words, but he couldn’t hear them over the sound of his stamping feet. Jake dived for the floor and slid just in front of Major Miles, brandishing his sword before him and reinforcing the blade with his left hand. General Iroh’s fist made contact with it and in that instant Jake thought his shoulder might pop right out of its socket, then there was an audible click and pain rushed through every part of his body.

  He cried out and dropped his sword as all of his muscles refused to obey any command. His palms were stinging the most of all, likely on account of his metal sword conducting the electricity. He cursed to himself – how could he have forgotten about General Iroh’s primary ability? Before he turned to look up at what had to be his last moments, Elizabeth pushed General Iroh back with a slew of angry stabs. He was having trouble dodging her because he was so focused on finishing off Major Miles that he hadn’t given the girl much thought, but it was only a matter of time before he regained his composure, and Elizabeth wouldn’t survive for a second once he did.

  Jake leaned forward and willed his feet to bring him upright. It was a shaky effort, and it took almost all of his strength to bring about the slow rise, but he managed it, pulling up his sword along the way. He stumbled as he reached a full stand and held his sword before him, just as General Iroh placed his feet into a proper fighting stance. He brought his hand to his chin, parried Elizabeth’s next swing, and was about to counter when he saw Jake charging at him out of the corner of his eye. He scoffed, then pivoted to the girl’s side so that she stood between Jake and him.

  Before the man could take out Elizabeth then go immediately to Jake, he shouted for Elizabeth to retreat. She obeyed as if it were an order, and jumped back as General Iroh planted his foot toward her. Now that she was out of striking range, the man dropped his arms to the side and shook his head.

  “This isn’t gonna look good for you kid. I’m gonna give you one last opportunity to help me finish off these traitors.”

  “General Iroh, please,” Jake said. “I don’t agree with their methods, but something about this whole thing just doesn’t sit right with me sir. Like there’s a piece missing from a puzzle or—”

  “You’re just like him,” General Iroh said, almost inaudibly, then bent his knees and came at Elizabeth. Jake could do little but watch his fist find its way into her gut, sending the girl’s body into the air. She coughed as the electricity pulsed through her, then dropped to the ground. General Iroh began to walk slowly toward Jake.

  “Listen, I knew some people who were young and stupid too. Like you, they got wrapped up into this whole loyalist shit, so I can sympathize.” He tore off the gauntlets and threw them to the floor as he continued to stride toward Jake. Despite the fact that he was less armed than before, Jake found the man more terrifying than ever. He seemed to exhibit an aura even greater than the demon’s and it took everything inside of Jake to remain upright. “Hell, they weren’t even as young as you, so I’m sure the Führer won’t mind me using my discretion in this.” He bashed his knuckles together, which must’ve hurt like hell, but if it did he didn’t seem to care.

  “You can attack me all you want, feel like you made your best effort to help these people and I’ll write it off as having never happened. As far as the law is concerned, you helped me finish these two off. Hopefully that’ll get this shit out of your system.”

  Before Jake could ask him why he’d do such a thing, the man’s head turned to Major Miles. “That’ll be my last favor to you, Leal.” Then Iroh threw a hook right at Jake.

  He backed away to avoid it, but the General’s fist caught Jake’s outstretch sword and sent it out of his hand and sliding across the room. He winced as the man came in with another punch. Jake closed the distance and tried to grapple him but the General only laughed at Jake’s pointless attempt to move him. Just as Jake was preparing to be swept up and slammed onto the floor, General Iroh jumped backward and well out of Jake’s reach. He went to one knee and picked up his gauntlets, staring at something just behind Jake.

  There was Major Miles, bleeding from his forehead but smiling. Jake wasted no time and ran to where his sword rested, spotting Elizabeth struggling to stand as he turned around with it in his hand. General Iroh clanged his gauntlets together as Jake placed his sword before him. A few sparks emanated from the knuckles, then dissipated.

  “You can’t beat the three of us can you Iroh?” Major Miles said, his voice booming as if he hadn’t been lying on the floor unconscious a few moments ago. General Iroh’s brow creased and he leaned in to shout, but before he could Major Miles continued. “If we were three ordinary guards, sure. Hell, even if Jake and Elizabeth were ordinary guards. But you’ve fought both of them now and you know they can each hold their own. Against the three of us, well, you might win, but I doubt that you’re confident. That’s why you went back for your gauntlets.”

  Iroh’s face tensed and he once again clanged his gauntlets together while taking a step back toward the stairs. For a moment Jake thought he would flee, but then a small noise, one that should have been inaudible, echoed down from the floor above.




  Slow and confident footsteps began descending the staircase behind the General. Jake didn’t know why but each seemed to place a weight on his shoulders, growing heavier and heavier with each advance. General Iroh looke
d up at the figure, which was still out of sight for Jake, and nodded. Then the first boot came into view, followed by the bottom of a purple cape. The man finally hit the floor, seeming to peer down at Jake and company despite the fact that they were now on the same plane.

  “Rebels?” he said, still looking at the group, although the question had to be directed at Iroh. It took the General a second to respond as he was almost transfixed by this man’s intimidation too, and he sprung up.

  “Yes,” he said, then locked eyes with Major Miles. “All of them.”

  And that was all it took. Jake felt hot energy begin to surround him on all sides, and was suddenly lifted by his throat as if by an infinite number of tiny particles. It was a suffocating and terrifying sensation, and he couldn’t even turn his head toward his comrades although he could see they were each in the same condition out of the corner of his eye. Führer Bellator’s hand was raised toward the three of them, and as he lifted it higher their helpless bodies followed suit. Jake felt those tiny particles begin to dig into him slowly, just on the verge of breaking skin, and he imagined a rubber band pulled all the way back, ready to snap and tear his body into pieces at any moment. He closed his eyes and prepared for the end.

  There was a loud crash of breaking glass, and the sound of innumerable tiny objects hitting the ground. Then something slammed into the room and slid across the floor. Jake’s body dropped suddenly and he collapsed. Opening his eyes, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

  On the floor, his body and cloak littered with cuts, was Dante panting hard. He must’ve been what crashed through the window. Jake knew the guy loved his entrances and timing, but this was a bit much even for him. He didn’t look at anyone in the room, instead staring at the window, terrified as if something unimaginable might leap through it at any second. He began to use the wall to slide back up to his feet, never allowing his eyes to leave the vacant space in front of him. Finally, his eye twitched for only a moment to the left and took in Führer Bellator and General Iroh, then quickly went back to the window. He jerked them away for an instant and rested on Jake and company, then left them as if removing his eyes from the window for more than a fraction of a second burned.

  “I told you dumbasses not to go against that fuckhead,” he said, although his mind seemed to be a mile away. From outside there was a large roar, and Jake’s whole body froze as he saw Dante physically wince, then bend his knees in preparation. “Get ready, all of you,” he said.

  Leaping into the window, which was on the seventh floor, was a hideous Malice. It’s arms were huge and it carried itself on them rather than using its feet. It charged at Dante as he gathered as much energy as he could into his palm. He let it out, and sent the creature sliding back a few feet, but it did little to deter it. He ran to the side and let out another blast of energy but it missed and soared past the creature. Jake thought Dante was done for until the orange-haired boy swept both arms across his body and yelled. The beam of energy followed his arm’s movements and curved, knocking the creature into the wall where Major Miles stood awestruck.

  Führer Bellator looked as if the giant monster only slightly piqued his interested, and instead was more focused on Dante. Was he just going to allow that thing to kill them all so that he didn’t have to dirty his hands? Based on Dante’s posture, the boy wouldn’t be able to stop another assault, but there was nothing Jake could do about it, absolutely nothing. Jake shut his eyes tight, not wanting the tears to flow.

  When he opened them, the creature was charging for Dante again. He didn’t raise a hand to fire any energy and only smirked, then his eyes, looking absolutely exhausted, turned to Jake and rested on him. The last thing he would ever see.

  Then there was huge explosion, and Jake had to cover his ringing ears and shut his eyes again. He felt something warm and wet slap into his shin. The room was completely stained with black liquid, but the monster was nowhere to be seen. Dante was sitting on the floor, exhausted but relieved. Directly in front of Jake was Führer Bellator, his hand outstretched and pointed toward the spot on the ground where the blackness was thickest.

  The Führer had killed the giant Malice in a heartbeat.

  The intimidating man’s eyes flickered from the stain to Jake, and he felt the energy digging into him once again. He couldn’t believe that he’d be willing to murder him in front of Dante, whom the Republic always tried to impress. Helpless, Jake once again prepared for the end.

  “I wouldn’t recommend that,” Dante coughed. “That one’s nothing compared to the other.” Führer Bellator’s narrowed eyes shifted from Jake to Dante. He didn’t let Jake go, but he did wait for Dante to continue. “It should be making its way to the city right about now. You’re gonna need everybody in this damn country to beat it, them included.” Führer Bellator’s eyes narrowed further, then he swept his arm downward, releasing the grip he had on Jake, Elizabeth, and Major Miles. Jake landed on the ground on all fours and began to cough, clutching his throat. He looked up as Führer Bellator walked toward the sitting Dante.

  “The whole country won’t do anything. Taking care of that creature will be your responsibility.” He reached into the inner folds of his cape and pulled out a glass vial, yellow liquid sloshing inside. He tossed it to Dante, who caught it. “You may have access to the Republic’s military might, but these three will be removed.” Dante stared at the vial wearily, then shook his head.

  “Unfortunately, that won’t do. Major Fuckhead over there will tell yuh that I don’t play well with others. I’m afraid I won’t be able to kill that thing without my hand-picked team.” He began to brace himself on his legs that seemed to barely obey his commands, and shakily rose to his feet. “That team includes the bedhead and her royal bitchiness,” he said, taking the lid off of the vial. He held it before him and awaited Führer Bellator’s response. The Führer, in a display that was more akin to something Dante would pull than the leader of the Republic, scoffed and turned away.

  “As you wish, but you’ll only have them for this battle. When it’s over, they’re mine to do with as I please.” Führer Bellator tossed a vial to Jake and Elizabeth, annoyed, then began to walk in the direction of the staircase. Jake caught the vial and he heard it land in Elizabeth’s palm as well. He looked at Dante, wanting to know if it was safe to drink. The beaten boy shrugged, then downed the entire thing in one gulp. He shook his head and withdrew, his eyes wide. Those saucer eyes rested on Jake, and nodded that he should continue.

  Jake complied, and after tasting the sour liquid immediately felt his vitality renewed. He leapt to his feet and felt better than he ever had before. With this type of medicine the Republic could make a fortune, but he hadn’t read about this in any kind of scientific journal anywhere, and he was sure that Loid would have told him if such a restorative tonic existed.

  A giant crash came from outside the window and Jake turned his head toward it. His eyes widened. Outside, about a quarter of the west wall fell onto the city below. The source of it: a giant Malice, easily the size of the administrative building turned on its side. It was a four-legged creature with a snout and a tail, and it began to claw its way toward them, stepping on houses and destroying city streets. Jake’s mind shot back to the conversation Dante had with Führer Bellator just moments before, and he turned his narrowed eyes to the man ascending the steps.

  “You’re not going to help fight that thing?”

  His footsteps stopped, but he made no effort to come back down. “It’s imperative that the new generation is capable of handling such threats on their own,” he said and continued up the stairs.

  Jake clenched his teeth. That was an obvious fabrication, but he had no idea of what the man’s true agenda was except that it somehow involved Dante. He turned his head back to the creature, which now poised outside the window, clawing at the surrounding buildings.

  Dante walked toward the window and threw the tattered cloak he was wearing out to reveal his familiar green jacket. He turned,
his eyes resting on the figure at the top of the steps. He narrowed them, then took a step off the edge.

  Immediately the boy’s trademark profanity and loud explosions filled the air, as well as the deafening roar of the monster. It was so loud that it shook the fragments of glass on the floor, and Jake had to cover his ears to keep from going insane. He locked eyes with Elizabeth and she nodded, but then he took in Major Mile’s injured form. He hadn’t received any medical assistance as he wasn’t considered part of Dante’s elite squad. Major Miles stared at Jake, then shook his head.

  “That idiot rushed on ahead, and I doubt he’ll last long. You’ve gotta run down and back him up.” It was a point that Jake couldn’t argue with, and he and Elizabeth ran down the steps, prepared to help Dante fight the monster that could easily destroy the very building they were in.


  When Jake and Elizabeth reached the exit, both stopped in wide-eyed horror, taking in the monstrosity before them. It screeched as Dante ran along its back, blasting into it. It tried to knock him off with its tail, which was an actual serpent complete with fangs, but Dante avoided it with ease. It snapped at him and he jumped into the air, then shot his energy to the side and propelled himself out of the way. While the creature’s serpent tail was regaining itself, he let a full powered energy blast into the monster’s back, which was brighter and more powerful than anything Jake had seen Dante do before. It clearly was effective, as the creature let out a pained roar and began to stomp about in a rage.

  Atop the creature, Dante turned his head and called, “I need you two to take care of the small fry he’s creating so I can focus on the big one.” At first Jake didn’t realize what he was saying, but then he paid close attention to the liquid parts of the beast that fell to the ground. Rising out of each drop were more Malice, the same kind that he had been fighting his entire journey with the Lightning Gang. Little ones that snapped, average human-sized, and even the big, brutal monsters that troubled him so. With a start, he realized that some of the creatures began to rise out of the monster’s back and started to make their way toward Dante, but he sent them to oblivion with a single shot.


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