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The Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume I

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by Thomas Stearns Eliot, Christopher Ricks

  Andrewes, Lancelot, The Preces Privatae tr. and ed. F. E. Brightman (1903); TSE’s copy, Valerie Eliot Collection.

  —— Seventeen Sermons on the Nativity [1887]. Recommended by TSE in Lancelot Andrewes (1926).

  —— Sermons ed. G. M. Story (1967)

  —— Selected Sermons and Lectures ed. Peter E. McCullough (2006)

  Apuleius, Metamorphosen Libri XI ed. J. van der Vliet (1897); TSE’s copy, dated 1907, King’s.

  Aristophanes, The Acharnians [in Greek] ed. W. W. Merry (1880); TSE’s copy with schoolboy notes (5th ed., 1901), Houghton.

  —— Comoediae [in Greek] ed. Augustus Meineke (Tauchnitz, 1860); TSE’s copy, Vol. II only, dated 1909, Pierpont Morgan.

  —— The Birds [in Greek] ed. W. W. Merry (1889); TSE’s annotated copy (4th ed., 1904), listed among books of his which were at Milton Academy in the 1930s.

  Aristotle, De Anima Libri III [in Latin] ed. William Biehl (1911); TSE’s annotated copy, King’s. (TSE’s note: “Copy used in 1914–15 with notes made during R. G. Collingwood’s explication de texte, and extracts from Pacius’ commentary on the De Anima, which Joachim made me read. TSE Presented to John Hayward Esqre 3. x. 51.”)

  —— Nicomachean Ethics tr. F. H. Peters (1881, 10th ed. 1906)

  —— Poetics tr. S. H. Butcher (1892, 3rd ed. 1902)

  —— The Ethics of Aristotle ed. John Burnet (1900); TSE’s copy, heavily annotated while at Harvard and Oxford, Valerie Eliot collection.

  —— De Anima [On the Soul] tr. R. D. Hicks (1907)

  —— Works general ed. W. D. Ross (1908–52)

  —— Rhetoric tr. R. C. Jebb (1909)

  Arrowsmith, William, Daedal harmonies: A Dialogue on Eliot and the Classics in Southern Review Jan 1977

  —— The Poem as Palimpsest: A Dialogue on Eliot’s “Sweeney Erect” in Southern Review Winter 1981

  —— Eros in Terre Haute: T. S. Eliot’s “Lune de Miel” in New Criterion Oct 1982

  —— Grave Prattle: Eliot’s “Le Directeur” in Yale Review Winter 1989

  Atkins, G. Douglas, T. S. Eliot’s Christmas Poems (2014)

  Augustine, Confessions rev. tr. E. B. Pusey (1838)

  Babbitt, Irving, The New Laokoon (1910); TSE’s copy, dated 1910, Houghton.

  Badenhausen, Richard, T. S. Eliot and the Art of Collaboration (2004)

  Baedeker, Karl, London and Its Environs (15th ed. 1908); TSE’s copy, dated 14 Oct 1910, King’s.

  Bagchee, S. (ed.), T. S. Eliot: A Voice Descanting (1990)

  Baker, George Pierce, The Development of Shakespeare as a Dramatist (1907); TSE’s copy, dated 1909, offered for sale in 2011.

  Bakewell, Charles M., Source Book in Ancient Philosophy (1907); TSE’s annotated copy, Houghton.

  Barker, Nicolas, The Butterfly Books: An Enquiry into the Nature of Certain Twentieth Century Pamphlets (1987)

  Baron, C. E., Lawrence’s Influence on Eliot in Cambridge Quarterly Spring 1971

  Baudelaire, Charles, “Les fleurs du mal”, “Petits poèmes en prose”, “Les paradis artificiels” tr. Arthur Symons (1925). To Maurice Carpenter, 6 Oct 1934: “I quite agree with you about the inability of Arthur Symons to understand Baudelaire or to make a presentable translation … there is no tolerable translation of Baudelaire in English.”

  —— Intimate Journals tr. Christopher Isherwood, with Introduction by TSE (1930)

  —— Baudelaire: The Complete Verse tr. Francis Scarfe (1986)

  Beare, Robert L., Notes on the Text of T. S. Eliot: Variants from Russell Square in Studies in Bibliography 9 (1957). The ts (U. Maryland) has marginal comments by TSE. Beare’s ts collation of poems, sent to TSE on 9 Apr 1955 (now King’s), is not entirely accurate.

  Beddoes, Thomas Lovell, Plays and Poems ed. H. W. Donner (1950)

  Behr, Caroline, T. S. Eliot: A Chronology of his Life and Works (1983)

  Benda, Julien, Le Bergsonisme ou Une Philosophie de la Mobilité (1912); TSE’s copy with a letter of presentation from the author, 6 Jan 1921, Magdalene.

  Benson, A. C., Edward FitzGerald (English Men of Letters, 1905)

  Bergonzi, Bernard, T. S. Eliot (1972)

  —— (ed.), Four Quartets: A Casebook (1969)

  Bergson, Henri, Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience (1889); tr. F. L. Pogson as Time and Free Will (1910)

  —— Matière et mémoire (1896); 5th ed. (1908) tr. Nancy Margaret Paul and W. Scott Palmer as Matter and Memory (1911)

  —— Introduction à la métaphysique in Revue de métaphysique Jan 1903; rev. ed. tr. T. E. Hulme as An Introduction to Metaphysics (1912)

  —— L’Evolution créatrice (1907); tr. Arthur Mitchell as Creative Evolution (1911); TSE’s copy of the translation, Houghton.

  —— L’Energie spirituelle (1919); tr. H. Wildon Carr as Mind-Energy (1920)

  Bernstein, David, The Story of Vaslav Nijinsky as a Source for T. S. Eliot’s “The Death of Saint Narcissus” in The Hebrew University Studies in Literature Spring 1976

  Bhagavad-Gita tr. Lionel D. Barnett (1905); TSE’s annotated copy, dated Cambridge, 1912, Houghton. (See also Purohit Swami, Shri.)

  Bible. King James Version; TSE’s annotated copy (undated but post-Victorian), King’s. To the Athenaeum 16 May 1919: “Mr. Lytton Strachey informs me that in my review of Kipling’s verse last week I referred to the ‘Authorized Version’ as the ‘Revised Version.’ I meant the Bible published by direction of King James I, and still in use in my childhood. Mr. Strachey says that there is a modern edition called the ‘Revised Version.’ I admit and apologize for the error.”

  Bishop, Elizabeth, and Robert Lowell, Words in Air: The Complete Correspondence ed. Thomas Travisano, with Saskia Hamilton (2008)

  Blake, William, The Poetical Works ed. John Sampson (1913); TSE owned this ed. in 1934.

  Blamires, Harry, Word Unheard: A Guide through Eliot’s “Four Quartets” (1969)

  Boodin, John Elof, Truth and Reality (1911); TSE’s annotated copy, Houghton.

  Bosanquet, Bernard, Logic, or The Morphology of Knowledge (1888); TSE’s copy, (rev. ed., 1911; Vol. I only of two), Magdalene.

  —— The Essentials of Logic (1895); TSE’s annotated copy (1910 ed.), dated 16 Jan 1914, Houghton.

  Boswell, James, Life of Johnson ed. George Birkbeck Hill, rev. L. F. Powell (6 vols., 1934–50)

  Boyd, John D., “The Dry Salvages”: Topography as Symbol in Renascence Spring 1968; repr. in New Blackfriars Apr and May 1970

  Bradbrook, M. C., T. S. Eliot: The Making of The Waste Land (1972)

  Braddon, Mary Elizabeth, Lady Audley’s Secret (1862, rev. 8th ed. also 1862)

  Bradford, Sarah, Sacheverell Sitwell (1993)

  Bradley, F. H., Ethical Studies (1876); TSE’s copy (2nd, rev. ed), Magdalene, inscribed “Property of Valerie and T. S. Eliot. This copy came from B. L. R. [Bruce Richmond] —Times Lit. Supp. ‘as a peg’ (as he used to say) for a front-page article on Bradley”.

  —— The Principles of Logic (1883)

  —— Appearance and Reality (1893, 2nd ed. 1897); TSE’s copy (5th imp., 1908), Magdalene.

  —— Essays on Truth and Reality (1914)

  Braybrooke, Neville (ed.), T. S. Eliot: A Symposium for His Seventieth Birthday (1958). TSE to Braybrooke, 25 Nov 1958: “The essays have, of course, affected me variously; some gave me great pleasure, a few rather puzzled me and the group of contributions by school children inspired me with awe and admiration · · · Among the essays which gave me particular pleasure I must mention those by Philip Mairet and Harold Nicolson and also your introduction.”

  —— T. S. Eliot in the South Seas in Sewanee Review Winter 1966

  Brooks, Van Wyck, The Wine of the Puritans: A Study of Present-Day America (1908)

  Browne, E. Martin, The Making of T. S. Eliot’s Plays (1969)

  Browning, Robert, The Earlier Monologues (1900); TSE’s copy, Houghton.

  Burnet, John, Early Greek Philosophy (1892); TSE’s copy (2nd ed, 1908), Magdalene.
r />   —— Greek Philosophy. Part I: Thales to Plato (1914); TSE’s heavily annotated copy, Magdalene.

  Burroughs, Franklin, The Deception of the Thrush in Sewanee Review Fall 2005

  Bush, Ronald, T. S. Eliot: A Study in Character and Style (1983)

  —— (ed.), T. S. Eliot: The Modernist in History (1991)

  Carpenter, Humphrey, Poor Tom: Mary Trevelyan’s View of T. S. Eliot in English Spring 1989.

  Cauthen, I. B., Jr., Another Webster Allusion in “The Waste Land” in MLN Nov 1958

  Chambers Slang Dictionary ed. Jonathon Green (1998, rev. ed. 2008)

  Chandran, K. Narayana, The Hawthorne Aspect of T. S. Eliot’s “Coriolan”: Allusive Journey as Errancy in Orbis Litterarum Feb 2007 (a)

  —— A Receipt for Deceit: T. S. Eliot’s “To the Indians Who Died in Africa” in Journal of Modern Literature Spring 2007 (b)

  —— T. S. Eliot’s Literary Adoption: “Animula” and “The Child” of H. E. Bates in English Studies Aug 2007 (c)

  Chapin, Katherine Garrison, T. S. Eliot at the National Gallery in Poetry Sept 1947

  Chapman, Frank M., Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America (1895); TSE’s copy (6th ed., 1902), King’s. Inscribed by his mother “Thomas Stearns Eliot. Sept. 26th 1902”, with additional note: “In my mother’s handwriting. A much coveted birthday present on my 14th birthday. T. S. Eliot. 18 June 1928.”

  Chapman, George, The Works: Poems and Minor Translations with introduction by A. C. Swinburne (1904); TSE’s copy, Valerie Eliot collection.

  Chapman, Dom John, OSB, The Spiritual Letters (1935); TSE’s copy, King’s.

  Chaucer, Geoffrey, The Student’s Chaucer ed. W. W. Skeat (1894, 1908); TSE’s annotated copy, Houghton.

  Chiari, Joseph, T. S. Eliot: A Memoir (1982)

  Childs, Donald J., From Philosophy to Poetry: T. S. Eliot’s Study of Knowledge and Experience (2001)

  Chinitz, David E., T. S. Eliot and the Cultural Divide (2003)

  Clarke, Graham (ed.), T. S. Eliot: Critical Assessments (4 vols., 1990)

  Clements, Keith (ed.), The Moot Papers: Faith, Freedom and Society 1938–1944 (2009)

  The Cloud of Unknowing ed. Dom Justin McCann (1924); TSE’s lightly marked copy, dated 1942, Valerie Eliot collection.

  Coleridge, S. T., Poetical Works ed. James Dykes Campbell (1893, repr. 1907); TSE’s copy, with his bookplate, Houghton.

  —— Poetical Works ed. E. H. Coleridge (1912); TSE’s annotated copy, Houghton.

  Collingwood, R. G., The Principles of Art (1938)

  Cook, Cornelia, Fire and Spirit: Scripture’s Shaping Presence in T. S. Eliot’s “Four Quartets” in Literature & Theology Mar 2001

  Cook, Eleanor, T. S. Eliot and the Carthaginian Peace in ELH Summer 1979

  Cookson, William, A Guide to the Cantos of Ezra Pound (1985)

  Cooper, John Xiros, T. S. Eliot and the Politics of Voice (1987)

  Corbière, Tristan, Les Amours jaunes (1873); TSE’s copy (Édition définitive, Préface de Charles Le Goffic, 1912), Magdalene.

  ——The Centenary Corbière tr. Val Warner (1976)

  Cornford, Francis Macdonald, The Origin of Attic Comedy (1914); TSE’s annotated copy, Ian Patterson.

  Costello, Harry T., Josiah Royce’s Seminar, 1913–1914, as recorded in the Notebooks of Harry T. Costello ed. Grover Smith (1963)

  Cowper, William, Poems ed. Robert Bell (3 vols., [1870]); TSE’s copy, Magdalene.

  Cox, C. B. and Hinchcliffe, Arnold P. (eds.), T. S. Eliot: The Waste Land (1968)

  Crashaw, Richard, Poems ed. J. R. Tutin (Muses’ Library, 1905); TSE’s undated repr., Valerie Eliot collection.

  Crawford, Robert, The Savage and the City in the Work of T. S. Eliot (1987)

  —— Young Eliot: From St Louis to “The Waste Land” (2015)

  Daiches, David, English Literature (1964)

  D’Ambrosio, Vinnie-Marie, Eliot Possessed (1989)

  Dante, Le Opere di Dante (Società Dantesca Italiana, Firenze, 1921); TSE’s copy, dated “8. 5. 26”, Magdalene.

  —— Vita Nuova tr. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, in The Early Italian Poets (1861)

  —— Purgatorio, Temple Classics ed. with Italian text and English tr. [by Thomas Okey, ed. H. Oelsner] (1899); TSE’s copies: 1910 repr. inscribed “Thomas S. Eliot” by his mother, Houghton; 1912 and 1946 reprints, Valerie Eliot collection.

  —— Paradiso, Temple Classics ed. with Italian text and English tr. [by P. H. Wicksteed, ed. H. Oelsner] (1899); TSE’s copies: 1910 repr., Houghton; 1916 repr., Valerie Eliot collection.

  —— Inferno, Temple Classics ed. with Italian text and English tr. [by John A. Carlyle, ed. H. Oelsner] (1900); TSE’s copies: 1909 repr., Houghton; 1919 and 1941 reprints, Valerie Eliot collection.

  —— Convivio [tr. P. H. Wicksteed] (1903); TSE’s copy (1912), Valerie Eliot collection.

  —— Opere Minori Vol. 2 (undated); TSE’s copy, Valerie Eliot collection.

  Dardis, Tom, Firebrand: The Life of Horace Liveright (1995)

  Darwin, Charles, The Origin of Species (1859); TSE’s annotated copy, dated “T. S. Eliot London 1911”, Houghton.

  —— The Descent of Man (1871); TSE’s annotated copy (1913), Houghton.

  Davidson, John, John Davidson: A Selection of His Poems ed. Maurice Lindsay (1961), with Preface by TSE

  de Castro, Françoise, Entretien avec T. S. Eliot, ts memoir of a meeting on 23 Aug 1948 (King’s).

  Deussen, Paul, Sechzig Upanishads (Leipzig, 1897)

  Dickens, Charles, TSE’s New Century Library edition (17 vols., 1903), TSE’s copy, Magdalene.

  Dickey, Frances, Parrot’s Eye: A Portrait by Manet and two by T. S. Eliot in Twentieth-Century Literature Summer 2006

  A Dictionary of Surnames ed. Patrick Hanks and Patricia Hodges (1988)

  Diels, Hermann, Fragmente der Vorsokratiker (3 vols., Berlin 1903–10); TSE’s copy (1912), Valerie Eliot collection.

  Dobrée, Bonamy, A Personal Reminiscence in Tate ed.

  Donne, John, Sermons: Selected Passages ed. Logan Pearsall Smith (1919); TSE’s annotated copy (unopened after 121), Magdalene.

  Donoghue, Denis, Words Alone: The Poet T. S. Eliot (2000)

  Donovan, Brigid, The Love Song of T. S. Eliot’s Secretary: A Memoir in Confrontation (Long Island U.) Winter 1975

  Doren, Mark Van, John Dryden (1920)

  Dostoevski, Fyodor, [Crime and Punishment, pub. in Russian 1866], tr. into French by Victor Derély as Le Crime et la châtiment (1884)

  —— [The Idiot, pub. in Russian 1868], tr. into French by Victor Derély as L’idiot (1887)

  —— [The Brothers Karamazov, pub. in Russian 1880], tr. into French by Ély Halpérine-Kaminsky and Charles Morice as Les Frères Karamazov (1888)

  Drew, Elizabeth, T. S. Eliot: The Design of His Poetry (NY 1949; London 1950). TSE to John Wheelock (Scribner’s), 22 Mar 1949: “I have only been through it hurriedly, but it strikes me as a very competent piece of work indeed and although I am not qualified to judge it I am at least pleased with it.”

  Dryden, John, Dramatic Essays ed. W. H. Hudson (Everyman, 1912); TSE’s copy, Valerie Eliot collection.

  Durrell, Lawrence, The Other T. S. Eliot in Atlantic Monthly May 1965

  Edwards, A. S. G., T. S. Eliot and Friends: “Noctes Binanianæ” in Book Collector Winter 2009

  Egleston, Charles (ed.), Boni & Liveright: A Documentary History (2004), Vol. 288 of A Dictionary of Literary Biography

  Eliot, Vivien, see headnote to Index of Identifying Titles for Prose by T. S. Eliot.

  Eliot, Walter Graeme, A Sketch of the Eliot Family (1887); presentation copy from the author, with supplements, Library of Congress.

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Collected Poems and Translations (Library of America, 1994)

  Empson, William, Argufying ed. John Haffenden (1987)

  —— Selected Letters ed. John Haffenden (2006)

  Field, Michael, The Dialect in/of Modernism: Pound and Eliot’s Racial Masquerade in American
Literary History Spring 1992

  FitzGerald, Edward, Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (1859, 4th ed. 1879)

  Flanagan, Hallie, Dynamo: An Adventure in the College Theatre (1943)

  Flaubert, Gustave, Madame Bovary tr. Francis Steegmuller (1957)

  Forster, E. M., Abinger Harvest (1936)

  Fowler, H. W., A Dictionary of Modern English Usage (1926)

  Frankau, Gilbert, One of Us: A Novel in Verse (1912)

  Frazer, J. G., The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion (3rd ed. rev., 12 vols., 1906–1915)

  —— The Golden Bough (abbreviated ed., 1925); TSE’s copy, Magdalene.

  Friend, Albert C., Parallel Passages to “The Waste Land”, unpublished ts, 1932 (Houghton).

  Frye, Northrop, T. S. Eliot (1963); TSE’s corrigenda are in the Faber archive.

  Gallup, Donald, T. S. Eliot: A Bibliography (1952, rev. ed. 1969)

  —— The “Lost” Manuscripts of T. S. Eliot in Bulletin of the New York Public Library, Dec 1968 (incorporating his TLS article of 7 Nov 1968)

  —— T. S. Eliot & Ezra Pound: Collaborators in Letters (1970)

  —— Ezra Pound and His Contemporaries (exhibition catalogue) in Yale University Library Gazette Jan 1976

  —— Mr. Eliot at the Churchill Club in Southern Review Oct 1985

  —— Pigeons on the Granite: Memories of a Yale Librarian (1988)

  —— What Mad Pursuits: More Memories of a Yale Librarian (1998)

  Gardner, Helen, The Art of T. S. Eliot (1949). TSE to G. F. Higginson, 29 Nov 1952: “the best study of my poetry”.

  —— The Recent Poetry of T. S. Eliot in New Writing and Daylight (1942)

  —— T. S. Eliot and the English Poetic Tradition (1965)

  —— The Landscapes of Eliot’s Poetry in Critical Quarterly Winter 1968

  —— The Composition of “Four Quartets” (1978)

  Gautier, Théophile, Émaux et Camées (1852, rev. and enlarged 1872); TSE’s copy (1916), Magdalene.

  Gewirtz, Isaac, T. S. Eliot: Highlights from the Julius M. Cruse Collection (1998)

  Goldie, David, A Critical Difference: T. S. Eliot and John Middleton Murry in English Literary Criticism, 1919–1928 (1998)

  Gordon, Lyndall, T. S. Eliot: An Imperfect Life (1998)


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