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The Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume I

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by Thomas Stearns Eliot, Christopher Ricks

  John Dryden in TLS 9 June 1921, The Sacred Wood and Selected Essays

  John Dryden in Listener 16 Apr 1930

  John Dryden: The Poet, The Dramatist, The Critic: Three Essays (1932), originally from Listener 15 Apr, 22 Apr and 29 Apr 1931

  John Ford in TLS 5 May 1932 and Selected Essays

  John Marston in TLS 26 July 1934, Elizabethan Essays (1934) and Selected Essays (2nd ed, 1934)

  John Maynard Keynes in NEW 16 May 1946

  John Webster in TLS 26 Jan 1928

  Kipling Redivivus in Athenæum 9 May 1919

  Kipling Redivivus, letter in Athenæum 16 May 1919

  Knowledge and Experience: Knowledge and Experience in the Philosophy of F. H. Bradley (1964)

  Lady Chatterley Deposition, evidence for the defence of Penguin Books in the trial for obscenity in publication of Lawrence’s novel, undelivered, 1960 (Valerie Eliot collection)

  Lancelot Andrewes in TLS 23 Sept 1926, collected in For Lancelot Andrewes (1928), Essays Ancient and Modern (1936) and Selected Essays

  The Last Twenty-Five Years of English Poetry, draft lecture for a cancelled British Council Tour in Italy, 1940 (ts, King’s)

  Last Words in Criterion Jan 1939

  The Latin Tradition in TLS 14 Mar 1929

  A Lay Theologian, review of Charles Williams’s The Descent of the Dove, in New Statesman & Nation 9 Dec 1939

  Leadership and Letters in Milton Bulletin Feb 1949

  “Leçon de Valéry” in Paul Valéry Vivant (Marseille, 1946), Listener 9 Jan 1947 and Quarterly Review of Literature Spring 1947

  Lecture Notes as Norton Professor, TSE’s notes for his course “English Literature from 1890 to the Present Day”, Spring 1933 (ms, Houghton)

  Leibniz’ Monads and Bradley’s Finite Centres in Monist Oct 1916 and as Appendix II to Knowledge and Experience in the Philosophy of F. H. Bradley

  Leisure the Basis of Culture by Josef Pieper (1952), Introduction

  The Lesson of Baudelaire in Tyro [Spring 1921]

  Letter from T. S. Eliot, unpublished contributions to The Moot, 1941–44 (tss at New College, Edinburgh: Mar 1941; 9, 14, 21, 28, 29 Aug 1943; 28 Apr 1944; tss at Institute of Education, London: Mar 1941; 31 Oct 1942; ts at U. Chicago: 29 July 1944)

  Letter to Dr. Oldham from T. S. Eliot, two unpublished contributions to The Moot, late 1941 and 31 Oct 1942 (tss, New College, Edinburgh; Institute of Education, London)

  Letters: The Letters of T. S. Eliot: Vol. 1, 1898–1922 ed. Valerie Eliot (1988)

  Letters 1: The Letters of T. S. Eliot: Vol. 1, 1898–1922 (rev and enlarged) ed. Valerie Eliot and Hugh Haughton (2009)

  Letters 2: The Letters of T. S. Eliot: Vol. 2, 1923–1925 ed. Valerie Eliot and Hugh Haughton (2009)

  Letters 3: The Letters of T. S. Eliot: Vol. 3, 1926–1927 ed. Valerie Eliot and John Haffenden (2012)

  Letters 4: The Letters of T. S. Eliot: Vol. 4, 1928–1929 ed. Valerie Eliot and John Haffenden (2013)

  Letters 5: The Letters of T. S. Eliot: Vol. 5, 1930–1931 ed. Valerie Eliot and John Haffenden (2014)

  The Letters of J. B. Yeats, review of Passages from the Letters of John Butler Yeats, Selected by Ezra Pound in Egoist July 1917

  Letters of the Moment I, by “F. M.”, Criterion Feb 1924

  Letters of the Moment II, by “F. M.”, Criterion Apr 1924

  Lettre d’Angleterre: five items in Nouvelle Revue Française from 1 May 1922 to 1 Nov 1923. For Lettre d’Angleterre 1 May 1922, see A Preface to Modern Literature: Being a Conspectus Chiefly of English Poetry, Addressed to an Intelligent and Inquiring Foreigner (1923). For Lettre d’Angleterre 1 Nov 1923, see A Prediction in Regard to Three English Authors (1924).

  Liberal Manifesto, letter in Church Times 27 Jan 1939

  The Life of Prayer in TLS 21 June 1928, review of J. and R. Maritain, Prayer and Intelligence tr. Algar Thorold

  The Lion and the Fox, review of Wyndham Lewis in Twentieth Century Verse Nov/Dec 1937

  “The Listener” Poems, a confidential report, summer/autumn 1933, BBC archive

  Literature and the Modern World in American Prefaces Nov 1935

  The Literature of Fascism in Criterion Dec 1928

  The Literature of Politics separately (1955), and in To Criticize the Critic

  Le Livre Anglais, unpublished speech delivered in English at the opening of an exhibition at the Bibliothèque Nationale, 1951 (ts, King’s)

  London Letter: seven items in Dial from Apr 1921 to Sept 1922. For London Letter Dec 1922, see Marie Lloyd (1922).

  “A Man in the Zoo” by David Garnett and “The Voyage” by J. Middleton Murry, a review by “F. M.” in Criterion July 1924

  The Man of Letters and the Future of Europe in Norseman July–Aug 1944 (as The Responsibility of the Man of Letters in the Cultural Restoration of Europe), repr. in Horizon Dec 1944 and Sewanee Review July/Sept 1945

  The Man Who Was King in Smith Academy Record June 1905

  Marianne Moore, review of Poems and Marriage in Dial Dec 1923

  Marie Lloyd in Dial Dec 1922 (as London Letter), rev. Criterion Jan 1923 (as In Memoriam: Marie Lloyd) and in Selected Essays

  Marivaux in Art & Letters Spring 1919

  Matter and Form in Aristotle’s “Metaphysics”, unpublished paper for Harold Joachim, Oxford, 1915 (ms, Houghton)

  Matthew Arnold in The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism

  “The Merry Masque of Our Lady in London Town” by Charles A. Claye, leaflet of introduction to the masque (performed Dec 1928); repr. for Stanley Revell, with a note by Anne Ridler, as “Not in Gallup” (Perpetua Press, 1988)

  Message (a letter with the first French tr. of Little Gidding) in Aguedal Dec 1943

  The Metaphysical Poets in TLS 20 Oct 1921, Homage to John Dryden and Selected Essays

  The Method of Mr. Pound in Athenæum 24 Oct 1919

  Milton I in Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association (1936, as A Note on the Verse of John Milton), On Poetry and Poets (1957) and Milton: Two Studies (1968)

  Milton II separately (1947, as Milton; repr. in Proceedings of the British Academy, 1951), and in On Poetry and Poets (1957) and Milton: Two Studies (1968)

  The Minor Metaphysicals: From Cowley to Dryden in Listener 9 Apr 1930

  Mr. Barnes and Mr. Rowse in Criterion July 1929

  “Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown” by Virginia Woolf, review by “Feiron Morris” in Criterion Jan 1925

  Mr. Chesterton (and Stevenson) in Nation & Athenæum 31 Dec 1927

  Mr. Doughty’s Epic in Manchester Guardian 24 July 1916

  Mr. Eliot’s Progress, letter in TLS 8 July 1960

  Mr. Lee Masters in Manchester Guardian 9 Oct 1916

  Mr. Lucas’s Webster in Criterion June 1928

  Mr. Middleton Murry’s Synthesis in Criterion Oct 1927

  Mr. Read and M. Fernandez in Criterion Oct 1926

  Mr. Reckitt, Mr. Tomlin and the Crisis in NEW 25 Feb 1937

  Mr. T. S. Eliot on “George Herbert” in Salisbury and Winchester Journal 27 May 1938

  Mocking-Birds, letter in New Statesman 22 Nov 1930

  The Modern Dilemma in Christian Register 19 Oct 1933

  Modern Education and the Classics, a talk to Harvard’s Classical Club, 24 Apr 1933, published in Essays Ancient and Modern (1936) and in Selected Essays (3rd ed, 1951), where it is misdated 1932

  The Modern Mind in The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism

  M. Bourget’s Last Novel in New Statesman 25 Aug 1917

  Modern Tendencies in Poetry in Shama’a Apr 1920

  Moot Papers: occasional papers and letters privately circulated among members of J. H. Oldham’s group The Moot, 1938–47, are listed individually (some titles vary between typescripts). For the minutes of The Moot, with TSE’s interventions, see Clements ed.

  More and Tudor Drama in TLS 2 Dec 1926

  Le Morte Darthur, review of the Shakespeare Head Press Malory, in Spectator 23 Feb 1934

  Murder in the Cathedral (1935),
rev. eds. 1936, 1937, 1938

  Murmuring of Innumerable Bees in Athenæum 3 Oct 1919

  The Music of Poetry separately (1942), then in Partisan Review Nov/Dec 1942 and On Poetry and Poets

  My Favourite Passage from Dante, a reply in this questionnaire anthology, ed. John T. Slattery (1928)

  “Myrtle” by Stephen Hudson, review by “F. M.” in Criterion Apr 1925

  “Mysogyny over the Weekend”, reader’s report on novel by unknown author, 1930 (Faber archive); quoted Letters 4 679.

  Mystic and Politician as Poet in Listener 2 Apr 1930

  The Naked Man see William Blake

  Necesse est Perstare?, poem by “F. M.” in Criterion Apr 1925

  The Need for Poetic Drama in Listener 25 Nov 1936

  A Neglected Aspect of George Chapman, paper delivered to the Cam Literary Club, Cambridge, 8 Nov 1924, and projected for publication in Criterion but never completed. Published New York Review of Books 7 Nov 2013 (ts, Valerie Eliot collection).

  The New Elizabethans and the Old in Athenæum 4 Apr 1919

  New English Bible: four letters in TLS 28 Apr, 12 May, 26 May and 16 June 1961. See “Vulgar, Trivial, Pedantic …” (1962)

  A New Tradition of Poetic Drama, Irish Radio Broadcast, Dublin, 1 July 1940 (ts, Valerie Eliot collection)

  Niccolo Machiavelli in TLS 16 June 1927 and For Lancelot Andrewes (1928)

  Night Club by “Feiron Morris” in Criterion Apr 1925

  Nightwood by Djuna Barnes, Preface (Harcourt, Brace 1937; Faber 1950), and in Criterion Apr 1937

  Northrop Frye corrigenda, memo to Peter du Sautoy dated 21 June 1963 concerning Frye’s critical book T. S. Eliot (Faber archive)

  A Note on Ezra Pound in To-day Sept 1918

  A Note on “Monstre Gai” in Hudson Review Winter 1955

  A Note on Poetry and Belief in The Enemy Jan 1927

  A Note on Richard Crashaw in Dial Mar 1928 (as The Poems English Latin and Greek of Richard Crashaw), and in For Lancelot Andrewes (1928)

  A Note on “The Criterion”, leaflet advertising the complete reprint of The Criterion (1966)

  A Note on “The Revenger’s Tragedy” by Cyril Tourneur in programme of the Marlowe Society production, 8–13 Mar 1937

  A Note on “The Tower” in Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Selected Plays and Libretti, ed. Michael Hamburger (1963)

  A Note on the Verse of John Milton see Milton I (1936)

  A Note on Two Odes of Cowley in Seventeenth Century Studies Presented to Sir Herbert Grierson [ed. John Purves] (1938)

  Note sur Mallarmé et Poe (tr. into French by Ramon Fernandez) in Nouvelle Revue Française, Nov 1926

  Notes in French on Bergson’s Lectures, unpublished notes in French made at the Sorbonne, 1910–11 (ts, Houghton)

  Notes on Mannheim’s Paper, unpublished paper for The Moot, 10 Jan 1941 (tss, New College, Edinburgh; Institute of Education, London)

  Notes on Social Philosophy, unpublished paper for The Moot, 12 July 1940 (tss, New College, Edinburgh; Institute of Education, London)

  Notes on the Blank Verse of Christopher Marlowe see Christopher Marlowe

  Notes on the Way: seven items in Time & Tide, 5 Jan to 23 Feb 1935

  Notes towards the Definition of Culture (1948)

  Observations in Egoist May 1918

  The Old Comedy see Philip Massinger I and II

  On a Recent Piece of Criticism in Purpose Apr–June 1938

  On Poetry (Concord, 1947)

  On Poetry and Poets (1957)

  On Reading Official Reports a commentary in NEW 11 May 1939

  On Real, Unreal, Ideal, and Imaginary Objects, unpublished essay for Harold Joachim, 1914 (ts, Houghton)

  On Teaching the Appreciation of Poetry in Critic Apr/May 1960

  On the Eve: A Dialogue in Criterion Jan 1925 (Gallup: “Actually written, at least in part, by Vivien · · · and extensively revised by T. S. Eliot.” TSE to Dr. Hans W. Hausermann, 14 Nov 1934: “I can only repeat, however, that whatever the general impression, I did not write On the Eve.” Further, Gallup 1998 286: “He resolved part of the mystery by admitting to Kristian Smidt and other scholars that he was not the author of On the Eve, but had merely revised it.”) See headnote to this Index for “F. M.”

  On the Place and Function of the Clerisy, unpublished paper for The Moot, 10 Nov 1944 (tss, New College, Edinburgh; Keele U.)

  Oxford notes on Aristotle, unpublished study notes, Merton College, 1914–15 (ms, Houghton)

  Paris Review interview with Donald Hall in Paris Review Spring–Summer 1959 (as The Art of Poetry I) and in Writers at Work: The “Paris Review” Interviews Second Series (1963).

  Parliament and the New Prayer Book, letter in New Adelphi June 1928

  Paul Elmer More in Princeton Alumni Weekly 5 Feb 1937

  The “Pensées” of Pascal in Pascal’s Pensées tr. W. F. Trotter (1931, as Introduction), and in Essays Ancient and Modern (1936) and Selected Essays (3rd ed, 1951)

  The Perfect Critic I and II in Athenæum 9 and 23 July 1920 and The Sacred Wood

  A Personal Anthology, poems read by John Laurie with commentary delivered by TSE on the BBC Third Programme 13 Nov 1947 (ts, King’s)

  Personal Choice, unpublished BBC broadcast, introducing a selection of poems, 30 Dec 1957 (tss, BBC)

  Personality and Demonic Possession in Virginia Quarterly Review Jan 1934

  Philip Massinger I and II respectively in TLS 27 May 1920 and Athenæum 11 June 1920 (as The Old Comedy) and, complete, in Selected Essays

  The Place of Pater see Arnold and Pater (1930)

  “Poems” by Louis MacNeice (1935), jacket material

  “Poems” by Stephen Spender (1933), jacket material

  The Poems English Latin and Greek of Richard Crashaw see A Note on Richard Crashaw

  The Poems of Dadu, reader’s report, 12 June 1926

  “Poet and Saint …” see Baudelaire in our Time

  The Poetic Drama in Athenæum 14 May 1920

  Poetical and Prosaic Use of Words, unpublished lecture delivered at Reading University in 1943 (ts, King’s)

  Poetry and Drama in Atlantic Monthly Feb 1951, separately (1951), and in On Poetry and Poets (with an additional Note)

  Poetry and Propaganda in Bookman Feb 1930

  The Poetry of W. B. Yeats see Yeats

  Poets’ Borrowings in TLS 5 Apr 1928

  Poets’ Choice, “A Programme Anthology of the Poems read by their Authors”, Wigmore Hall, 14 Sept 1943

  Points of View [ed. John Hayward] (1941)

  The Post-Georgians in Athenæum 11 Apr 1919

  “Potboilers” by Clive Bell, review in Egoist June/July 1918

  The Preacher as Artist, review of Donne’s Sermons: Selected Passages ed. Logan Pearsall Smith, in Athenæum 28 Nov 1919

  A Prediction in Regard to Three English Authors in Vanity Fair Feb 1924. Rev. English text of Lettre d’Angleterre in Nouvelle Revue Française 1 Nov 1923. Partially repr. in Henry James: A Collection of Critical Essays ed. Leon Edel, [1963].

  A Preface to Modern Literature: Being a Conspectus Chiefly of English Poetry, Addressed to an Intelligent and Inquiring Foreigner in Vanity Fair Nov 1923. Rev. English text of Lettre d’Angleterre in Nouvelle Revue Française 1 May 1922.

  Principles of Growth: How to Avoid It, unpublished two-page note, c.1925, on “Functions” in society (ms, U. Maryland)

  Prize Day Address, Penzance, address to the Methodist Girls School, 3 June 1938 (ts, King’s)

  Prologue to an Essay on Criticism by Charles Maurras, tr. TSE, in Criterion Mar 1928

  Prose and Verse in Chapbook Apr 1921

  Questions of Prose, second of three letters under this heading, TLS 27 Sept 1928, repr. in part (as Poetry and Prose) in T. S. Eliot: Homage from India ed. P. Lal (1965)

  “The Reef of Stars” in Westminster Gazette 9 Dec 1916, review of H. de Vere Stacpoole’s novel

  Reflections on Contemporary Poetry I–IV respectively in Egoist Sept, Oct, Nov 1917 and July 1919<
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  Reflections on “vers libre” in New Statesman 3 Mar 1917, Selected Prose (1953), and To Criticize the Critic

  “Reflections on Violence” by Georges Sorel (tr. T. E. Hulme), review in Monist July 1917

  The Relationship between Politics and Metaphysics, unpublished paper probably for Harvard’s Philosophical Society, 1914 (ts, Houghton)

  The Relativity of the Moral Judgment, unpublished paper for the Moral Science Club, Cambridge U., 12 Mar 1915 (ts, Houghton, together with an untitled draft)

  Religion and Literature in Faith that Illuminates ed. V. A. Demant (1935), Essays Ancient and Modern (1936) and Selected Essays (3rd ed, 1951)

  “Religion and Science: A Philosophical Essay” by John Theodore Merz, review in International Journal of Ethics Oct 1916 and, rev., in Monist Apr 1918

  Religion without Humanism in Humanism and America: Essays on the Outlook of Modern American Civilisation ed. Norman Foerster (1930)

  Religious Drama: Mediaeval and Modern in University of Edinburgh Journal Autumn 1937 and separately (1954)

  Reminiscences of a Trip to London (1924) by Charlotte Eliot, recalling her visits of 1921 and 1924 (ms, Valerie Eliot collection)

  Report on a dissertation entitled “Emerson and the Romantic Revival” sent to E. M. W. Tillyard 7 Nov 1927 (see Letters 3)

  Report on the Ethics of Kant’s “Critique of Practical Reason”, unpublished Harvard philosophy essay, 25 May 1913 (ms, King’s)

  Report on the Kantian Categories, unpublished Harvard philosophy essay, 27 Mar 1913 (ms, King’s)

  Report on the Relation of Kant’s Criticism to Agnosticism, unpublished Harvard philosophy essay, 24 Apr 1913 (ms, King’s)

  Responsibility and Power in Christian News-Letter 1 Dec 1943

  The Responsibility of the Man of Letters in the Cultural Restoration of Europe see The Man of Letters and the Future of Europe

  The Return of Foxy Grandpa (c. 1927), unpublished review of A. N. Whitehead’s Science and the Modern World (1925) and Religion in the Making (1926), apparently for The Enemy (galley proof, Cornell)

  Reunion by Destruction: Reflections on a Scheme for Church Union in South India (1943)


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