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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

Page 5

by Bella Roccaforte

  She shook her head no.

  He studied the marks on her back. Were they something that all of her species had? He wanted to know everything. Two of the lines were jagged, not straight like the others. He touched them and she winced.

  “I’m sorry.” He leaned her back in the tub. “What are they?”

  “They are the mark of the throne.” Her tone was flat and quiet.

  “For Silodaria?”

  “Yes.” A ghost of a smile danced on her lips at the mention of her homeland. “I love my home, but I gave up my position.”

  “What was your position?”

  “I did not want to rule. I wanted my father to continue to rule. He was a wise and kind leader for my people.” Her skin changed to a pink tone talking about her father.

  Silas hesitated, “Was?”

  Cierce remained quiet but she didn’t have to say a word for Silas to see the anguish in her eyes. He was sorry he had reminded her of something so painful.

  “I’m sorry.” He said glancing downward.

  She lifted her hand out of the tub and slid her finger down his cheek, “Don’t be. All will be well.” She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against his. “I am safe now.”

  Silas had already made a silent vow that he would keep her safe, but he wanted her to know. “You are,” he whispered, “I will keep you safe forever.”

  She opened her eyes slowly and lost herself in his gaze, in his warmth and dedication.

  Cierce sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and swallowed hard. She gently brushed her lips against his.

  Silas put his hand behind her neck and met her kiss with passion and hunger. He pressed against her lips as they parted inviting him inside. His tongue flickered and swirled against hers. Their senses exploded in an overload of feeling and emotion that spiraled around them. His tongue danced with hers in a swirling motion. He nipped at her lip and she returned the gentle bite with a tiny laugh escaping.

  The room heated up and Cierce’s skin changed to a red glow.

  Silas reached down and unplugged the tub letting out the water. “Is that good or bad?”

  Cierce smiled and said, “Good.”

  He tugged the towel off the rack and wrapped it around her before scooping her up and taking her to the bed. Her skin sparkled with anticipation. She unwrapped the towel offering herself to him.

  He ran his hands along her entire body watching as her skin danced and sparkled with light at his touch. Wherever Silas would touch her there would be a trail of light left behind for a moment.

  She tangled her hands in his hair and tugged him toward her. She was needy for more of him.

  Her breath against his skin was life being breathed directly into his soul. Their tongues played against one another with fever and need.

  She found the bottom of his shirt, pulled it off over his head and unbuckled his belt.

  Silas peppered kisses across her collar bone and cupped her breast in his hand. He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  Cierce threw her head back in ecstasy. Never before had she felt anything as true and loving as this. “Silas.” His name traveled across her lips in a fever stronger than any desire she had ever felt.

  “I have you. Now and forever.”

  She tugged at his jeans wantonly. He quickly responded by unbuttoning them and sliding them off. Cierce’s eyes widened and she licked her lips eyeing his hard member. She reached down and caressed the length of him, swirling her fingers around the tip gently.

  Silas moaned at her touch, needing to feel more of her. He pressed his body against hers and felt the magic of her skin against him. An electric tingle sparked with every connection they made.

  Silas’ fingers trailed down the curves of her hips while he gently nibbled her nipples. He spread her thighs apart and looked up longingly into her eyes.

  She guided him to her opening and slid him inside.

  For a moment they stilled, not even a breath moved between them as they let the feeling of completion flood all of their senses. Overwhelmed, overjoyed and hungry to feel more of each other.

  Cierce raised her hips to meet him and take more of him inside of her soft walls. She gasped and moaned at feeling him inside her.

  Silas worked to control his movements but couldn’t hold back. He dragged his lips along her collar bone feeling the electric tingle that spiraled through him. He whispered ragged in her ear, “Cierce, you…” he was at a loss and could no longer form the words. He felt his cock swelling inside her ready to explode.

  Her soft walls pulsed against him urging him on.

  Cierce moved in time with his hips as the heat spiraled through her. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him to her as her body stiffened in ecstasy.

  Silas kissed along her neck to her shoulder and sunk his teeth into her flesh. She screamed out in pleasure and sunk her teeth into his shoulder.

  They exchanged blood signifying the bond of mates.

  Silas roared with the pleasure and their cries of pleasure created the harmony of love.

  He held himself above her, panting, gasping for air. He collapsed by her side and she trailed her fingers along his solid chest.

  He turned to meet her gaze. “Cierce, that was.”

  “Incredible.” She finished the sentence for him.

  Chapter Six

  Phaedra huffed a breath walking up the hill to the cabin. She would’ve preferred to drive the rest of the way but the terrain was far too steep for a car. The road to the cabin had washed out long ago and she was surprised the building was still standing.

  The energy surrounding the cabin was dark and foreboding. She hesitated outside before going in.

  Samira met her outside. “You need to be careful, there’s a lot of rot in here, but I think we have most of the floor stabilized.”

  Phaedra pulled her mouth to the side. “Good, I guess.”

  “Just be careful where you walk.” Samira nodded and went into the cabin motioning for Phaedra to follow. She opened her mouth to speak again and Phaedra shushed her.

  “I need to listen. I’ve got it from here.” She moved toward the room with the large circular burn on the wall. She lifted her hand to touch it but stopped just short. She walked around to the other side of the wall and reviewed the pattern, peeked in the door and compared the sizes. “Is this the only place you found these?”

  “So far, this is the only one.” Samira stepped closer and Phaedra grabbed her arm.

  “Don’t get too close.”

  Samira wrinkled her brow in question.

  “You should go outside.” Phaedra dismissed Samira and studied both sides of the wall. She saw they were two separate and distinct scorch marks that weren’t connected.

  A powerful aura surrounded both sides of the wall. A magic she had never felt before. There was enough of an element of darkness to cause great concern. She wanted to know more about it. How it opened, how she could possibly close it for good. She readied herself and put up a protection around herself before touching the wall.

  She ran her fingers around the spiral from outside to the very center of the circle. It was definitely a portal and most definitely had not brought anything good through it. She took three steps backward and stepped on something that nearly made her stumble. There was a book on the floor. She picked it up and opened it. There on the pages were the words, “Little Red Riding Hood.”

  She thumbed through the pages and saw the artist’s depiction of the big bad wolf. “Oh, no.” She gasped and went for the door. “Samira!”

  Samira met Phaedra at the bottom of the porch. “What did you find?”

  Phaedra pushed the book toward her. “Where’s Silas and the girl?”

  “I don’t know, he was supposed to be meeting me up here.” Samira answered and opened the book.

  Jeramiah approached them. “He had to go back to the house with Cierce. She was attacked over by the falls.”

  “Oh, wow.” Samira said on
a breath.

  Phaedra’s neck snapped toward Jeramiah. “What side of the falls?”

  “South side, I believe.” Jeramiah replayed the conversation in his head.

  “She wasn’t attacked.” Phaedra’s expression was full of alarm. “Someone get to Silas, he’s in danger!”

  “What is she talking about?” Jeramiah asked.

  Samira handed him the book with one of the pages open to the big bad wolf. It matched the description of the creature that’s been doing the killing. The next page had a sweet girl with long blond hair in a hood and cape.

  Jeramiah exchanged a brief but alarmed glance with Samira and pulled his phone from his pocket. There was no answer on the cell or the house phone.

  “There are some things on the south side of the cave that we don’t want anyone to get their hands on. The only thing that attacked her was a guardian protection surrounding dark relics including the Magus Talisman.”

  “What about the talisman?” Jeramiah asked.

  “Its fine, I would know if she was able to reach it.” Phaedra started down the hill. “But I want to make sure everyone is on alert.”

  “Phaedra,” Jeramiah called after her. “Do you think we’re going to be up against some kind of fight? I already know that this thing,” he held the book up, “can’t be taken down by one wolf.”

  “There are very few instances of Changeling Fae crossing over. They never have good intentions and they leave a path of destruction wherever they go.”

  “Do you have a plan?” He asked.

  “I’m working on it.” She continued to hurry down the hill. “I’m going to the sanctuary to gather the coven. We need to make sure all of the relics of power are protected.”

  “We’ve got to get over to Silas.” Samira and Jeramiah shifted into wolf form and took off through the woods toward Silas’ house.

  Chapter Seven

  Silas held Cierce in his arms. It was the first time he’d felt a sense of completion, something that he knew he could never live without now that he’d felt it. He watched her sleep and her skin pulsed with pink and purple hues as she breathed. She was an incredible wonder, something he had never seen or experienced before. He wasn’t sure what was next. He didn’t know why she came, but he knew she was going to be leaving.

  Was there a chance he could convince her to stay?

  She stirred and rested her eyes on him. “What has you uneasy?”

  Silas’ lips twitched with a smile then regret. “Nothing, I’m enjoying watching you sleep.”

  She turned her body in his arms and looked him straight in the eye. “Please do not lie to me.”

  Silas’ jaw tensed. “I’m worried about the future.”

  Her expression darkened and her skinned went pale blue. “I know there is so much uncertainty.”

  “We will take things one problem at a time.” He wrapped his arms tighter around her.

  “Yes. That seems like the most logical way to do things.”

  “Silas!” Samira called from downstairs.

  Silas called out, “I’m upstairs, what’s up?”

  “She sounds agitated.” Cierce pointed out.

  “I need to talk to you, now.” Samira answered.

  “Pack business, I need to go talk to her. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Silas tugged his jeans on and turned to Cierce taking her face in his hands planting a kiss directly on her lips. “Can I bring you another burger?”

  Her eyes widened with excitement. “Yes please.”

  Silas made his way down the stairs to see Samira and Jeramiah in the kitchen. “Did you find the creature?”

  Samira hesitated. “Yes, we did.”

  Relief filled Silas. One problem down, now to figure out how to help Cierce.

  Samira sucked her lips into her mouth with regret. She didn’t want to say what was needed.

  “What’s wrong?” Silas asked.

  Samira looked behind her hoping that Jeramiah would break the news. She could see the happiness in his eyes, she could smell that he belonged to Cierce.

  Jeramiah came in the house in human form. “Where is she?”

  “Cierce?” Silas asked.

  “Yes,” He peered into Silas’ eyes with an air of seriousness Silas hadn’t seen since his mother died. “Where is she?”

  “Upstairs, why?”

  “We need to talk to her.” He said heading for the stairs.

  “Dad.” Silas halted him in his tracks.

  “What?” Jeramiah didn’t turn around.

  “She’s my mate.” Silas declared as if that were they only thing that mattered at that moment.

  Jeramiah’s shoulders slumped forward. “We need to talk to her.”

  “Please, tell me what’s going on.” Silas demanded.

  Jeramiah remained silent and turned away from the stairs. “Sit down.” He motioned for Silas to sit at the table.

  Silas wrestled with wanting to stand and maintain his own feeling of control. He folded his arms across his chest. “I want to know what’s going on now.”

  Samira grew impatient. “She’s the creature.”

  “What?” Silas’ was riddled with confusion. “That’s not possible.”

  “Son,” Jeramiah said in a low tone, “she’s a changeling.”

  “I know she is but that doesn’t mean she’s the creature.” Silas defended his mate.

  “We found a book at the cabin. The wolf in the book matches the description of the creature and the cloak she wears.” Jeramiah wanted Silas to put the rest together himself.

  “There has to be another explanation.” Silas dragged his fingers through his hair. He was not willing to believe that the love of his life was the creature he’d been hunting.

  “I’m going to talk to her.” Silas started for the stairs and Jeramiah began to follow him. “Alone.”

  “Be careful, son.” He warned.

  “She’s my mate, she would never hurt me.” Silas went up the stairs and walked into the room.

  Cierce was sitting on the bed fully dressed in her cloak, like the girl in the book.

  “Is everything okay?” Cierce asked.

  “I think so.” Silas sat on the bed next to her. “I have a question for you, though.”


  “You know how I told you there was something dangerous in the forest?”

  Cierce nodded.

  “There’s a creature that’s been devouring animals that are protected here.” He watched her expression.


  “This creature is big with mottled black and grey fur. It’s huge and has the ability to take down a large bear on its own.”

  “Yes.” She waited for him to continue.

  Silas said with a preposterous laugh, “They think you’re the creature.”

  “Yes.” She nodded.

  Silas continued to laugh. “I mean how crazy is that?”

  “I am not sure what you mean by crazy. I do have the ability to shift into anything I would like.” She said with all the innocence of a child.

  “Wait, are you telling me you are the creature?”

  “Yes.” She nodded. “That is why I told you I would be perfectly safe in the forest.”

  “Cierce, you killed animals that are protected. We don’t eat grizzly bears.”

  Cierce’s expression darkened, “I did eat some deer. But I did not know it was forbidden.”

  “You didn’t kill any bears?” He asked.

  “No, I did not. Deer only. They are openly hunted and brought for feast in Silodaria. I thought it would be okay here too.” She fidgeted with her hands. “I am very sorry.”

  Silas pushed the hair away from her face. “Deer are okay, but not bears.”

  “Traveling through the portal is draining. When we come through, we must replenish our strength by eating.”

  “Okay, you stay here. I need to talk to my father. Don’t move, do you understand?”

  Cierce nodded and her lips lit with a slight smi
le. “Don’t be long, I miss you.”

  Silas closed the door and stood in the hallway trying to figure out what he was going to say. How was he going convince them not to take her into custody? Would they believe that she wasn’t the one that killed the grizzlies and if it wasn’t her, who was it?

  He knew deep in his bones that she wasn’t lying to him. But would anyone else believe it?

  Samira stood up when Silas entered the kitchen. “Where is she?”

  Levi had arrived. Silas nodded to acknowledge him. “She’s upstairs.” Silas couldn’t make eye contact. He sat at the kitchen table. “She is the creature.” He said it as the fact that it was. “But she didn’t kill any grizzlies. She said she killed some deer because she needed to eat.”

  Samira tilted her head in disbelief. “And you believed her?”

  “Yes.” He said with resolve.

  “We need to bring her in. She’s a very dangerous being.” Levi said with a hint of regret. “Phaedra’s very concerned about why she’s here. Also, she wasn’t attacked like she said. She ran into a protection near the falls. She has ill intentions here, Silas. I’m sorry.”

  “What?” Silas looked toward the stairs. “No. I don’t believe that.”

  “We have to take her in.” Levi insisted starting for the stairs.

  Silas bolted toward the stairs blocking him. “No, I can’t let you do that.”

  “Silas, this is a bold move even for you.” Levi warned.

  “She’s my mate and I will protect her.” Silas set his stance.

  “Step aside, or I will move you.” Levi threatened.

  Silas would endure whatever he had to, but he wasn’t going to allow Levi up the stairs. It was irrational, it was against everything his wolf felt in his heart and mind but she was his mate. “Let me get her. You can question her, but no one lays a hand on her.”

  Jeramiah interjected. “That’s fair. She should have the opportunity to come and speak for herself.”

  “She’s not a member of the pack or even a resident of this town. She has no rights.” Samira argued.

  “She’s my mate.” Silas growled.

  “And a person. Everyone has rights here.” Jeramiah argued and stood next to his son. “Let Silas get her and bring her down so we can all talk to her.”


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