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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

Page 7

by Bella Roccaforte

  “We have to.” Silas insisted. “We need to make her comfortable while we figure this out.”

  “We should bring her to the healing clinic.” Bethany stood up.

  Silas began to stand and Stasia stopped him. “Hold on, I want to put more of the herbs on her neck. It may keep her comfortable.” Stasia applied more of the herbs to Cierce’s neck.

  “Hey did you see that?” Silas said with hope.

  “What?” Stasia asked.

  “The glowing, it went down when you put the herbs on.”

  Stasia studied the wound. “That’s what we’re hoping for.”

  “Put your hands near her neck again.” Silas propped Cierce up exposing more of her neck.

  Stasia reached toward her and the glowing subsided.

  “You can heal her.” Silas insisted.

  “I don’t really have all the knowledge yet. What I know is rudimentary at best. Light magic will also make it worse.”

  “But it helps when your hands are near her.” Bethany tapped her finger to her chin.

  Stasia studied her hands for a moment then an idea hit her like a bolt. “I’m not a witch.”

  “What?” Silas’ lips twisted with confusion.

  “I’m half magus.” She tried to hide the sadness she felt at thinking about her father.

  “You mean…” Silas wanted to be sensitive. “Your Dad. He was a magus.”

  Stasia nodded, “Well, yes. But that is the source of my power. From when…” She trailed off.

  “From when his magic went into you.”

  “Maybe that’s the magic we need.” Silas was hopeful. “Let’s get her to the healing clinic and then we can try and see if you can help.”

  “I doubt I’ll be able to. My power isn’t very strong since it was mostly taken. I practice the ways of the coven but I’m not very powerful.”

  “It’s a start. That’s all I need is just a start. Buy some time until I can figure out how to reverse this.” Silas looked around the sanctuary hoping an idea would pop out of thin air.

  Stasia glanced down at Cierce, “We need her awake. She might be able to tell us where to find Phaedra.”

  Silas held Cierce closer. “How.”

  “Considering Phaedra may be the only one that could help her, you’d better figure it out.” Bethany’s lip snarled as she was speaking.

  Silas stood up and started for the door. “I’m taking her to the clinic.”

  Stasia was torn. Her eyes met Bethany’s and then rested on Silas. She followed him out the door. “I will do everything I can. And I don’t think Phaedra’s magic can help, but she might know what to do.”

  He continued to Blake’s truck. “We need to get to the clinic.”

  * * *

  They arrived at the clinic and Silas carried Cierce inside. “We need help.”

  Alicia opened the door to one of the rooms. “We’re ready, bring her in here.”

  “Please help.” Silas pleaded as he rested her on the bed and pushed her hair away from her face.

  Alicia looked at the wounds on Cierce’s neck and winced. “This is very dark magic.”

  “She’s very resilient. She heals faster than a wolf.” Stasia said optimistically.

  Alicia shook her head. “But she hasn’t healed at all?”

  Stasia shook her head.

  Alicia studied the wound. The shards of cholorite pulsed and glowed seemingly connected to her heartbeat. “I’ve never seen anything like this. Has anything helped?”

  “A poultice helped some and healing with dark magic.” Stasia’s voice was small and filled with shame.

  “Dark magic?”

  “Magic from my father.” She said closing her eyes.

  “Well, if it worked then good. Let’s try it again.” Alicia looked closer at the wounds. “You mentioned she was fae?”

  “Yeah, she’s a changeling.” Silas never took his eyes off of her.

  “Changeling?” Alicia tapped her finger to her chin. “Give me a minute.”

  Cierce’s body convulsed. Her back arched upward and a terrible choking noise filled Silas’ senses with hopelessness.

  Her body lifted off the table and twisted one way then another.

  “Do something!” Silas was hesitant to reach out to her, but he grabbed for her and pulled her closer, holding her.

  Her body twisted away from him and back down on the bed.

  “What was that?” Alicia struck with the horror of what she had just witnessed.

  “We don’t know and that’s the problem.”

  “Has Phaedra looked at her?” Alicia asked moving closer to Cierce with caution.

  “Phaedra’s been taken.” Stasia cringed.

  Cierce sat straight up out of Silas’ arms. The metal on her neck pulsed, her eyes opened and glowed a blood red. “I have Phaedra. If you want her back, give me the fairy and the relics.”

  “What relics?” Silas wasn’t sure what to do. He could feel it wasn’t Cierce talking. There was no way he was going to hand her over to that thing.

  “What is she talking about?” Alicia stepped back against the wall.

  Stasia hung her head. “The dark relics. I’m sure that’s what he wants. Phaedra will never hand them over to anyone. She’d die first.”

  “Where are they?” Silas asked.

  “You are not handing them over to that psycho.” Stasia protested.

  “If we find the relics, we might find Phaedra.” Silas pointed out, but wasn’t done with his thought. “What are the chances that the dark relics could help to heal Cierce?”

  “Anything would be worth a try and since the only thing that’s made a dent has been the dark part of my magic.” Stasia stopped to think. “But…”

  “What?” Silas was impatient. He was holding onto Cierce like she was his lifeline.

  “The dark magic, we just need more of that.”

  “Get it. I don’t care how, we just need to get it.” Silas demanded.

  “Ayry. She has the magus magic.”

  “Call her, tell her we need her.”

  “Yes, but there’s no guarantee that she’ll be able to help.”

  “Why not?” Silas demanded.

  “Because my magic is…” She squeezed her eyes shut before speaking again, “Dark.”

  “Isn’t it the same?”

  “Yes and no. The bulk of my magic is from when my father’s magic went into me when he died.”

  “But wasn’t that magic taken out? At the funeral, when Phaedra contained the magic.” Silas asked.

  “Yes, but there will always be some residual. I believe that’s what healed her.”

  “Get Ayry, now.” He demanded and held Cierce closer.

  “I’m calling her now.” Alicia slipped out of the room.

  “We have to save her.” Silas fought against the ball of emotion eating him from the inside.

  Stasia pressed her lips into a hard line and placed her hands above Cierce’s neck. She closed her eyes and focused to alleviate some of Cierce’s pain.

  Chapter Ten

  Phaedra opened her eyes in shock at the site of the horned creature standing in front of her. He walked hunched forward with the legs of a beast, the chest and head of a man. He wreaked of wet goat and barnyard stench.

  The cave echoed with the sound of rushing water. They were under the falls, deep in the back of the caves where some of the dark relics were hidden. The magic here should’ve concealed their whereabouts. Her mind raced with the thought that this could be her final moments.

  She struggled against the invisible force holding her in place. Her feet dangled in the air and the damp cave wall against her back sent a chill ripping through her.

  The creature paced back and forth as though waiting for Phaedra to regain consciousness. She remained still longer trying to formulate a plan. Her mind raced, but nothing worked, her magic was bound tighter than her body.

  “I can hear your breathing has changed.” He drew closer to her examining her cl
osed eyes. “So nice of you to join me. You humans are so fragile.”

  Phaedra was unable to respond. A sense of helplessness fought at the edge of her sanity but she inhaled a steadying breath to keep her cool.

  He paced tapping his finger on his chin. “How to put this…I need something, otherwise I would never have come to this wretched place.” He waved his hand and Phaedra felt her vocal chords being released.

  She tried out her voice, quietly at first. “What do you want?”

  “I need the dark relics.”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Her face screwed up with confusion.

  “Lying is very unbecoming of a lady.” A wicked smile spread across his hideous face.

  Phaedra didn’t respond.

  “You can choose to be coy if you like. I won’t torture you. I’ll kill you and destroy your little town. If I don’t get the relics, there’s no need for me to go home. Therefore, I will make this my home. But there are far too many humans here. I’ll have to remove any of them I don’t choose to keep as labor.” He drew closer to her. His breath brushed against her cheek sending a wave of nausea through her.

  Phaedra remained silent. Her mind raced with any sort of spell she could use to be set free. Silent incantations ran through her memory one by one. None of them worked.

  Trachis laughed. “Your magic will not work.” He swooped in close to her. “You and everyone else here is weak. I suggest you hand over the relics.”

  “I don’t have them.” She said quietly.

  “But you know where they are.” He challenged.

  Phaedra pressed her lips into a tight line. She had to decide if she was willing to die here and now and risk him getting the relics or if she needed to fight. “Yes I know where some are.”

  “I need every last one here.” He raised his brow. “You will take me to them?”

  “The ones I know, yes.”

  “Excellent, I can see you are a woman of great wisdom.” He waved his hand. “There are three relics nearby. Get them.”

  Phaedra crumbled to the floor of the cave with a thud. “You could’ve warned me.” She stood and brushed the dirt off her full red skirt.

  “Get them now.” Trachis demanded.

  “Give me a moment to get my bearings.” Phaedra took three steps toward the mouth of the cave and turned in the opposite direction. “Here, this way.”

  She moved toward the back of the cave where there were many hidden pathways and she knew each one of them like the back of her hand.

  Phaedra picked up her pace. The earth trembled with each of Trachis’ heavy footsteps. It struck a sense of urgency in Phaedra.

  “Slow down.” Trachis shouted to her.

  Phaedra didn’t comply, she knew she’d be rounding a sharp corner and she could lose him there. She darted around and cast an invisibility spell. She crawled into a small crevice and wedged herself as far back as she could get and held her breath as he stomped by.

  He raised his hand with the dim ball of light trying to find her. He snorted and huffed with anger. “Witch! You cannot escape me. I can still smell you.”

  He searched in the small corners of the cave but couldn’t find her.

  He roared and the cave rumbled raining pebbles and dirt down on Phaedra. “Everyone here will pay for this.”

  His footsteps grew distant. When Phaedra felt she’d waited long enough for it to be safe she came out of her hiding spot and made her way further back in the cave. The trail led to the other side of the falls not far from the ranger station.

  Her eyes squinted at the light when she emerged from the tiny opening. She ran to the station and burst through the door.

  Elias stood with Levi and startled when she came in.

  “Phaedra!” Levi moved toward her.

  “He’s coming and he intends to destroy the town if he doesn’t get the relics.” She panted.

  “How important are the relics?” Elias asked.

  “I have vowed to keep them safe and out of the hands of evil.” Her eyes widened. “If he gets them, there’s no telling what he can do.”

  “We have to figure out how to kill that thing.” Elias said.

  “I got away because I know the caves. But his magic is stronger than anything I’ve ever encountered.” Phaedra said.

  “We don’t need magic to kill him.” Elias balled his fists at his side.

  “You’ll need more than brute force.”

  “We need her.” Levi pulled his lips to the side.



  “Where is she? She’s responsible for bringing that thing here. She can figure out how to get rid of it and go right back with him.” Phaedra turned toward the door.

  Levi and Elias exchanged a look of warning. “She’s at the clinic, critically injured.”

  Phaedra inhaled deeply, “I need to get to the clinic.”

  “I don’t think you should be travelling alone. You’re in danger, he knows you’re the key to getting the relics.” Elias warned

  “I’ll escort you.” Levi offered. “I’ll have some of the pack hunters meet up with us.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Silas watched as the normal glow of Cierce’s skin ebbed away. His eyes went to the door for the hundredth time in the last ten minutes. “Where is she?” He growled.

  “Anabelle said she’d let Ayry know that we needed her as soon as she got back to the B and B.” Alicia said.

  The door burst open. “Why does he want the relics?” Phaedra demanded of Cierce.

  She saw her laying on the exam table, her chest struggling for shallow breaths and the glowing shards of metal that protruded from her neck. She stopped in place. “I’m sorry. I didn’t…”

  “I need your help.” Stasia pleaded. “I can’t fix it. Please help me.”

  Phaedra took a few tentative steps closer to Cierce and examined her neck closer. “What is this?”

  “Cholorite.” Silas never took his eyes off Cierce. “Trachis, from her world…”

  “I have first-hand knowledge of him. His magic is dark and only dark magic will be able to save her.”

  “Ayry is on the way. I was hoping that with our magus power we might be able to fix this and free her throat.” Stasia said.

  “It’s worth a try.” Phaedra said.

  Ayry came through the door and stood back. “What did you need?”

  “We need your help to heal her.” Silas placed Cierce’s hand gently on the exam table and stood to meet Ayry.

  “I don’t know what I can do to help. I’m not a healer.” Ayry’s nose wrinkled.

  “We don’t need healing magic. We need dark magic.” Stasia said it as though it were an apology.

  Ayry winced at the words but understood. “Okay, let me see.”

  She examined Cierce’s wounds with horror. “I don’t think there’s anything I can do.”

  “Just try to counteract the magic.” Stasia held her hands above Cierce.

  Ayry held her hands on top of Stasia’s. They both closed their eyes and focused.

  The room dimmed and felt heavy with an ominous electric charge. The metal shards in Cierce’s neck glowed in resistance of the magic. Some of them went completely dark and loosened from her skin.

  As the shards went dark Silas carefully pulled them away.

  “Silas, no. Don’t touch them.” Phaedra warned. She reached for a wooden bowl and held it out for Silas to place the shards into. She moved closer to Cierce. “Let me.”

  Ayry began to hum and Stasia joined her in a haunting melody that sounded like the vibrations of the wind flowing through a vast cave. Phaedra moved her hand focusing on the lose pieces of metal and moving them telepathically to the bowl.

  Cierce inhaled deeply and opened her eyes.

  Silas rushed to her side. “Cierce.”

  Cierce smiled full of remorse, her voice was hoarse. “I’m sorry, my love.”

  “Shhh. I need you to be okay.” He took her hand in his. “
You’re coming back to us.”

  Stasia and Ayry looked at each other with warning. “Silas.”

  “What?” He didn’t realize he was snapping at her.

  Stasia’s eyes motioned to Cierce’s skin turning a dark grey. “I think she’s dying.”

  Silas’ eyes filled with panic. “No. Tell them you’re getting better.”

  Cierce tried to push out a smile but couldn’t manage. “I wish I could.”

  “What do you mean?” Silas said with urgency.

  “The damage done cannot be undone.”

  “I don’t believe that.” Silas looked around the room. “All of the magic in this room and no one can help her?”

  “No, they can’t.” She blinked slowly. “Trachis did this so you would reveal the dark relics.”

  “Will he heal you after he gets them?” Silas asks.

  “He’s not getting them.” Phaedra insisted.

  Silas stood and confronted Phaedra. “I’ll not let my mate die because you wanted to protect some trinket.”

  “Silas, no. I would rather die than for Trachis to get his hands on the relics.” Cierce coughed.

  “What? No? I won’t let you die.” Silas struggled past the lump in his throat. “It’s just a thing, I won’t let you die for a thing.”

  “It’s more than that.” Cierce reached for him. “I came here to destroy the relics.”

  Phaedra raised a brow. “They can’t be destroyed or I would’ve done it.”

  “I can destroy them.” Cierce made eye contact with Ayry. “All things of my world have the power to split and destroy the energy in them because we made them.”

  The room fell silent, everyone processing her words.

  “You mean to say you made all the dark relics in our world?” Alicia was dubious.

  “We are at least responsible for the materials.” She confirmed. “They were brought here by the magus. To keep them out of the hands of dark doers, like Trachis.”

  “What do you mean the magus brought them here?” Ayry asked.

  “The magus wanted to leave our realm. When the dark doers became aware they were moving the relics a war broke out. All but one of the portals was destroyed. The dark doers and the magus’ numbers dwindled and finally followed the orders of the throne.” Cierce had to stop for a moment to swallow her grief.


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