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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

Page 11

by Bella Roccaforte

It didn’t bother Asher, not one iota. He took pride in upholding the law and he’d been looking forward to working with Jagger again. It’d been years since he’d seen him, much less worked with him. So he wanted to find out what he’d been up to, as well as get out of him everything he could about Dark Moon Falls. Mainly, who he should be on the lookout for. Although it looked like a nice town, but everywhere he’d been in his life, there was at least one bad apple, and usually more, lurking in the shadows.

  Asher tipped his head solemnly toward Barnett. “Of course. I know how to do my job and I promise I’ll do it well. It will never be an issue, Beta, sorry, Barnett.”

  “I’ll let you go now and face your first challenge.” A sly smile wound its way over Barnett’s face as he waved him away. “I’ve a mound of paperwork to do, so on your way.”

  Jagger led him out of the office and down a hall to a room at the back. “Lockers are in here, as well as the break room. Well, it’s not really a break room as such, but it has the coffee maker, a fridge, and a table and chairs. Rule is, first person in makes fresh coffee because Ralph never remembers to if he’s on nights, which is most nights. So, if it’s you, don’t forget.”

  “Okay.” Asher checked the machine, relieved when he saw it was a basic model and one he shouldn’t have any issues with.

  “Your locker is right here.” Jagger opened the door to pull out several fresh uniforms. “There’s a new padlock you can set and these are your uniforms. I hope they fit, I guessed from when I last saw you, and it looks like you’re just the same as you were then. You’re maybe a little leaner, but they should be okay.”

  Asher knew he’d lost weight over the past few weeks. He’d not eaten properly with everything going on, but he’d soon gain those pounds back now he was away from the stress. Or he hoped so anyway.

  “They’re fine, thanks.” It was another uniform to him, and truth was he’d feel more at home in them than anything else. He’d spent most of his life in one type of uniform or another, being in civvies still felt odd and uncomfortable.

  “Now, for your test of the day,” Jagger said seriously. “Hope you’re up to the task.”

  His friend passed him, wagging a finger for him to follow. “What test? I thought I didn’t start until tomorrow.”

  “You don’t, not officially, but this will be your biggest test of all, my friend.” Jagger whispered over his shoulder, “Don’t blow it.”

  Asher followed with nerves settling in his gut while he tried to figure out what the hell Jagger meant. A test? What the hell was he blabbering about? But it became clear the second they cleared the hall and an unhappy voice met them.

  “What? No, you most certainly can’t do that. Delight is right and I’ll have to issue you with a ticket.”

  Ava … and she sounded pissed.

  Asher saw a red-faced guy standing at her desk. He was twice her size, but she didn’t seem fazed whatsoever.

  “I was just popping in to grab a damn coffee to take-out. I’d be there for a few minutes only, for heaven’s sakes. What’s the problem? There’s another space free right next to it.”

  Asher watched as Ava cocked her head to the side, looking out the window, then back up at the man. “I see Delight is standing guard at your vehicle. So let’s get this straight, sir. One, you’re parked in a handicapped space, which you’re not entitled to, and there’s a great big sign in front of it, so you’re well aware of the law here on what happens if you do park there if you’re not entitled to. Two, because of it, Delight is now having to waste her time and send you over here because you’ve broken our laws. Three, you’re wasting my time and arguing a case that, in effect, is already lost. We have strict laws regarding parking in handicapped zones, with a zero tolerance for it. As is depicted on any and all signs posted at parking bays, just like the one right in front of your vehicle. So, I’ll say it again, you’ve broken our laws and I’ll be issuing you a fine, which you’ll pay right now, sir. No contest, now, shall we get this over and done with so everyone can get on with their day?”

  “Now, just you wait a goddamn minute…”

  Asher took a step forward, ready to intervene, but Jagger’s hand stopped him as he whispered, “Wait.”

  A low growl erupted from behind Ava’s desk a second before the head of Trix appeared. A vicious snarl on her face, fangs showing, including drool dripping for good effect. Shoot, the animal appeared on the verge of leaping over to attack the guy … and the man obviously thought so, too, if the look on his face was anything to go by.

  His voice changed to a terrified stutter. “Hey, you … you … need to control your beast.”

  Ava smiled benignly at her pet, giving her head a gentle stroke. “I don’t need to do anything other than issue you the ticket, and you need to pay it. Isn’t that right, baby.”

  “You’re crazy!” His eyes never left the dog.

  Asher didn’t blame him, it looked outright rabid and ready to rip his throat out.

  Ava leaned down and cooed at her dog, even giving it a kiss on its head, before she tugged out a book. “Give me your name and address before she loses her temper.”

  And he did. Asher shook his head while he watched Ava waggling her fingers for the money before handing over his ticket. “Now shoo. You can show Delight the ticket and she’ll allow you to leave, but remember, here in Dark Moon Falls, you don’t abuse handicapped spaces, they’re there for use by people with badges only, and if you end up back here for the same thing again, I will not be as nice, or as accommodating the next time.”

  The guy grabbed the ticket and ran. Well, he didn’t run, but he left pretty dang quickly, then Ava leaned down and hugged the dog before reaching for a treat. Once she’d eaten it, the mutt sighed, then lay back down, and Ava resumed her work as if nothing had happened.

  “Damn.” Asher shook his head. It was the strangest thing he’d ever seen happen in a police office.

  “That’s Ava for you.” Jagger shrugged. “She doesn’t take any prisoners, but she’ll do anything for people too. She goes out of her way to help folks here, she’s unique, but she’s ours and we love her.”

  “Okay, let’s do this.” Asher straightened his shoulders, took a deep breath, and felt like he was walking into one of the most dangerous situations of his life.

  Jagger took the lead, but didn’t go straight to the woman, instead, he headed toward the desk next to the one he’d pointed out as his on the way in. “This will be yours, it’s next to mine, so if you need anything, I’ll be there for you to ask me. The messy desk over there is Ralph’s, he works nights mostly, but you’ll meet him soon enough.”

  Asher knew all of this, but he guessed Jagger was talking for Ava’s benefit and it worked.

  “Hey, who’s this?” Ava asked from behind them.

  Jagger winked then whispered, “Over to you, good luck.”

  Asher put on a smile he hoped carried up to his eyes. Shit, he felt nervous as hell. Like he was meeting the parents of a girl for the first time when he was a teenager, parents he wanted to impress, and it was life or death to do so. Fucking hell, this was torture.

  “Hi, I’m Asher, an old friend of Jagger’s.” His voice sounded strange, higher pitched than normal, but he hoped not too odd as he walked toward the woman who was now staring hard at him.

  He focused on Ava’s face, forcing himself not to drop his eyes in search of her beast he knew was probably waiting to pounce on him at any moment. He couldn’t appear threatening or it would surely attack, and that wouldn’t go down well, nope, not at all.

  “A friend of Jagger’s?” Ava frowned, and he knew she was scouring her mind for mention of his name.

  Shoot, he bet Jagger had never mentioned him. Not once. Damn. “It was a long time ago. I was nothing more than a pup really when I joined up and he took me under his wing.”

  “Oh.” Ava’s eyes widened before she smiled. “You mean Ash? You’re that Ash? Of course, now I know who you are. He’s talked about you, how impr
essed he was of how you turned out and how you’d turned your life around. You ended up being an MP, I’m right, aren’t I?”

  He’d never felt more relieved in his life, but then he felt something else. He wasn’t sure what, but a flutter in his belly turned into something flourishing inside him: pride. Jagger was the one person who’d believed in him and helped turned his life around, and if he was impressed by how he’d turned out, hell, it felt good.

  “That’s me, and yes, I ended up as an MP, but I worked in several branches in the services. And here I am, he’s helped me again.”

  Ava glanced over at Jagger, giving him a sharp nod, then peered at him with a look seeming to go right down to his soul. Jeez, did this woman have superpowers? It sure felt like it as he stood there while she scrutinized him, then she pursed her lips briefly before giving him a nod too.

  “He’s good like that, our Jagger, helping people out. I’m sure you’ll fit in here, what with your expertise in the Military Police, and with Jagger’s glowing reports, I’m certain you’re going to get on just fine, Asher.”

  Whew! He let out a long breath, giving Ava a genuine smile. “Thank you, I’m happy to be here.”

  “Now, I do have an important question for you.” Ava’s brow lifted, sending Asher’s heart plummeting.


  “How do you get on with dogs?”

  And there it was. She’d laid down the gauntlet and he had to pass, or things would go south real soon, but how did he answer? He’d seen her crazy animal and thought it was a danger to all and sundry? Or lie through his teeth?

  “I’ve worked with service dogs before and I have a healthy respect for them.” There, not a lie passed his lips, however, he left out the part of him having already seen hers and his thoughts on said animal.

  He thought it best all-around to do so.

  “See, I knew it. I sensed you were a dog person, Asher.” Ava beamed up at him.

  “They certainly play a huge part in the service, that’s for sure,” he returned, hoping she would end soon before he put his foot in his mouth.

  “My Trixie was a service pooch before, and she had a horrendous experience, which I don’t like talking about. I’m sure Jagger will fill you in, but she’s special, so please be gentle with her.”

  Asher took a deep, steadying breath, attempting to hold himself in check because he didn’t want to spook the dog he knew meant the world to Ava. He hoped things went well, if not, he wasn’t sure how the woman would take it … as a slight against her, or perhaps the mutt?

  “Trix, there’s someone new for you to meet.”

  Ava’s voice surprised Asher. It was firm and not soft or cajoling like he’d expected. Maybe he’d misjudged her. Then she tugged on the animal’s collar to bring her out of hiding. He was certain it’s what she’d been doing, hiding away beneath Ava’s desk, but the woman brought her out, then made her sit with a solid push on the rump.

  Asher saw the dog quiver, feeling its fear radiating from every pore in its body. Damn it, he couldn’t help feeling sorry for the beast now. Not when faced with those dark eyes darting up at him, then away again, full of anxious dread and distress. His beast felt it, too, letting out a soft moan inside him at the suffering of another animal.

  “Hey there,” Asher whispered softly, dropping down on one knee. “It’s okay, girl, I won’t hurt you. I promise.”

  He held out a hand, gently, slowly, still wary in case the dog decided he was a threat and reacted like any cornered animal would: attack. He didn’t fancy losing a chunk of any part of him to the teeth of a scared German Shepherd, or worse, have to defend himself against Trix, which would end up making an enemy of Ava.

  “It’s okay, Trix, he’s a friend,” Ava urged her pet, this time she spoke softer but still with an undertone of authority behind it.

  Trix’s eyes never left Asher’s, the dog’s filled with misery, worry, and fear. It upset Asher more than he expected, especially when he’d already made his mind up about this animal when he first saw it earlier. Who was he to judge when this poor creature had gone through so much in the fulfilment of its duties? Would he turn his back on a friend if it happened to them? Hell no, was the answer.

  “Shh.” Asher leaned farther toward the dog, pushing his wolf power toward the poor dog. “I’m here and it’s fine.”

  Closer and closer he inched until his face was right up to Trix’s, nose to nose, before he breathed out through his and into hers. Soft, slow, calming. His hand reaching to cup the side of her head, his fingers gently caressing her fur … until she leaned into his touch. It was a tiny movement to begin with, then, when she realized he wasn’t a threat, when she felt his power and his beast wouldn’t harm her, Trix finally trusted him and moved away from Ava to launch herself onto Asher.

  They tumbled to the floor with his arms around her neck, Trix nuzzling him, and Asher laughing. “Hey, girl, there you are. Nice to meet you.”

  “What the hell?” Jagger exclaimed above them.

  “I’ve never seen her do that before. I’ve no idea what you’ve done, but she likes you, and she looks more settled than ever. Thank you, Asher.” Ava sounded surprised, shocked, but pleased.

  Asher pushed Trix off him, then stood, patting the dog’s head. “I sensed she’s had it rough. I just tried to calm her a little.”

  “You certainly managed it.” Ava snapped her fingers and Trix immediately returned to her bed under the desk. “Good girl.”

  “We need to go, Ava, I have to take Asher to his cabin,” Jagger said, but his eyes were still on the dog, who now lay curled up and on the verge of sleep.

  “Okay, I’ll see you two later.” Ava returned to her seat and a mountain of paperwork stacked before her as he followed Jagger outside.

  “Let’s go, buddy.” Jagger headed to Asher’s truck. “I’ll head over to my place after, it’s nearby.”

  Asher unlocked it, and slipping in, his heart sped up, now things were getting real. He had a new job, new town, new pack, and soon he’d be sleeping in a new home. No, soon he’d be sleeping in the first home that was his and his alone.

  A new life, a new start, and his heart thudded in his chest at the thought of fucking the entire thing up.

  Chapter Four

  “You don’t seem to have much there.” Jagger tipped his chin toward the rear. “Do you need anything before we head out of town?”

  “I don’t have a lot of personal shit and I have enough food for today.” Asher shrugged. “I’ll stock up tomorrow, but if it’s okay, I’ll hunt for something larger and store it for later. Oh, only if there’s a freezer at the cabin. If not, I’ll have to get one.”

  “There’s a fridge and freezer already there, some food too. Storm’s been in already to set the place up for you. It needed a clean, so she’s been over sorting it out for you.” Jagger shook his head, but he had a smile on his face, telling Asher his friend was happy his mate had taken on the job.

  “Tell her thanks, but she didn’t have to do that.”

  Jagger turned in his seat to stare at him. “Yeah, she did. If she didn’t do it, someone else would’ve. It’s how we work here, Ash, we look after each other in our pack.”

  Asher heard the reproach in Jagger’s tone, but he ignored it. It wasn’t what he’d been used to. His previous pack worked differently, and helping others was frowned upon as weakness. Asher knew it was wrong, deep inside, so he ignored their ways and suffered for it so many times. Too many. Until he couldn’t stand it any longer, until he was forced out because of the beatings, and signed-up.

  “Where am I heading?” he asked instead.

  “Main road out of town, toward the mountains. Just keep going until I tell you to turn off.”

  “Copy that.”

  Silence ensued, with Asher taking in his surroundings. Lush greenery, tall trees, and little traffic on the road, which grew even sparser the farther they drove from the town. He cracked his window to take in the scents, inhaling deeply to ca
tch a whiff of several animals as they passed by unseen. Mostly small, like rabbits and squirrels, but there was the vague smell of some foxes, too, and as they drove deeper into the mountains, Asher started to get a hint of larger animals … wolves, deer, and bears. He’d enjoy hunting here, that’d be for dang sure.

  “We’ve had reports of some rogues in the area,” Jagger interrupted him. “Levi is the leader of our pack hunters, and he and his team will be out looking for them, but it doesn’t mean we’re not on alert too. Any rogues are a threat to our people and the townsfolk, so it’s our job to keep them safe. If you see any signs of them, call it in, and we’ll help you. Okay?”

  Help to take down a rogue or two? Heck, he didn’t need anyone’s help for that. He’d enjoy the hunt, tearing through the forest, then tearing the lowlifes apart, but was it even acceptable here? Asher didn’t know the rules yet.

  “What happens if I’m out alone, hunting, and I happen across one? Is it against pack rules for me to deal with them? I’d like to know if I’d be going against any pack, or police rules, before I get myself into trouble.”

  He saw Jagger purse his lips, giving him a long look before he decided to answer. “If you happen across a rogue, then, of course, you need to deal with the situation. However, if there’s more than one, or you have time to call it in, I suggest you do it. Elias prefers his people to deal with them on pack land, and of course, Levi and his hunters are the best ones to do it. I’ll make sure you have all the numbers you need, including Levi’s and the members of his team. So you’ll have them at hand if the need arises. Also, you’re now a member of the pack, Ash, so you can use the pack link to reach out to any other wolves in the area for assistance when you’re transformed. I suggest you take advantage of it if you’re ever in a situation requiring pack involvement, or indeed, if you’re in danger.”

  Asher kept his eyes on the road for the most part, only glancing at his friend briefly. “Jeez, you sound just like you did when you were doling out orders to me when I first joined up. I feel like I want to say, Yes, Sir. But I hear what you’re saying, and I take it on board. I don’t want to start on the wrong foot here, so, I’ll do my best not to ruffle any feathers.”


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