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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

Page 19

by Bella Roccaforte

  “Let’s go see if she likes the cake, and the wine.” He shrugged. “If not, then at least you’re well dressed.”

  * * *

  Savannah reapplied her lipstick for the third time, her nerves through the roof while she stared at her reflection. “This is a bad idea. Don’t let him in. He’s hot and you know you’re gonna fall for him.”

  Shit, she was talking to herself now. What the hell was wrong with her? Asher fucking Stone, that’s who. She felt the attraction, the tendrils weaving between them like soft wisps of smoke, growing stronger each second she spent with him. Then there was the kiss. Oh, hell, the kiss! She thought she was going into orbit when his lips touched hers, and his tongue. So damn wicked, and tasty. Hmm hmm.

  “Wonder how good he is with it?” she murmured softly. Damn, she bet he was amazing with that damn tongue.

  He was a wolf after all. She could just imagine how devilish he’d be with it when she lay back on the bed and…

  “Stop it!” she moaned. Oh hell, she was doing it again. Talking to herself. She really must stop. But she just couldn’t get him out of her head. She’d been thinking about him all day, even Storm knew she’d been off today. Asking what was on her mind, then smirking over at her and making smarmy comments about knowing exactly who it was. Dang, was it so obvious?

  Yes. Of course, it was. She felt him inside. Under her skin. It was so hard to keep herself from glowing like the sun … and she couldn’t do that. Hell no. The game was up if she did, and she’d lose everything. Every-damn-thing.

  For a man. No, not a man, a wolf. Not happening, Savi. Not fucking happening. Get a grip on yourself. You agreed to a dinner, you stupid, stupid bitch, so get it over with, then … just don’t see him again. Yes, that’s it. Easy.

  No kisses tonight. None. No touching either. If she allowed him to touch her, she’d cave. So, none allowed. No kissing, no touching, and definitely, absolutely no sex. Right. Those were the rules for the night. If she broke them, she’d be lost.

  Then why are you dressed in a skintight dress, showing off all your assets?

  “I should change. Yes. Jeans and a sweatshirt coming up.” She spun to the wardrobe, her heart beating like a drum…

  Thud. Thud. Thud.

  Nope, wasn’t her heart. It was the damn door.

  “He’s here. Oh no. Please go away.”

  “What? Savannah, are you all right?”

  Wolf hearing. Shoot, he heard me. When did he arrive? Did he hear me earlier? Please, please, no. If he did, I’ll die of embarrassment.

  “I’m fine, be there in a minute,” she shouted. Why raise your voice? He can hear you. Wolf, remember.

  Breathe, in and out, breathe. He’s just a man, and remember, don’t let him kiss you.

  She walked to the door, her legs shaking, her belly feeling like a swarm of bees was having a party inside, and her heart fluttering like a hummingbird’s wings … so fast she couldn’t keep up with it. Damn it, girl, breathe!

  There it was. The door. Large, wooden, and all that separated her from … him. The wolf, the man, and the one who set her soul on fire. Nobody had ever affected her like he’d done. Not one person had ever gotten under her skin. No man had her hiking her dress in a forest and climbing their body to … shoot, her cheeks flamed when she thought of humping him like a dog in heat. But she did, and she would’ve done more, too. She wanted to do so much more, but she couldn’t.

  She could not risk everything. Not even for him.

  Her hand reached for the doorknob, her chest heaving as she took a deep breath before she tugged it open, and there he was. Glorious and handsome in a dress shirt pulling across his chest … oh hell, with jeans snug around his … shit! A bottle of wine in one hand and, damn it to hell, a box from Bun Boutique in the other!

  Her mouth dried up, and apparently so did her brain, because she swallowed twice, then blurted out, “We’re not having sex.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Excuse me?” Asher asked, his face a picture of shock when her words hit, but he recovered quickly. A smirk slid onto his face, one side of his mouth lifting, and his eyes sparkling cheekily. “You’re a little presumptuous, Savannah. I don’t remember asking you for sex. Not yet anyway. At least let me in first.”

  Shit, shit, shit! She did not just say those words out loud! Her cheeks burned and she could not get any other words past her lips. She just stood there with her mouth opening and closing like a goldfish. Dammit to hell. He must think she was nuts. Or worse, a bimbo.

  “May I?” He stepped in, crowding her.

  The heat of his body hitting her a second before his aftershave did, but it wasn’t just that … it was him. His scent underneath assaulted her sensitive nose and sent her into a spiral of desire she fought to control. Space. She needed to get space between them, or she’d jump his bones right there in the doorway.

  One, two, three steps back, but it wasn’t enough. She click-clacked farther away in her ruby-red stilettos until she felt she was a safe enough distance from him, then she waggled her fingers at the door. “Close it, if you please.”

  An arched brow, then he raised a heel behind him and kicked the door shut with a resounding bang. “Closed. Where would you like these?”

  In the bedroom. What? No. Don’t say it. But it would be so good. Chocolate, wine, naked bodies, and … Stop!

  “Are you all right? You look a little unsettled.” Asher stalked toward her, eyes raking up and down, taking in her fuck-me heels, silk stockings, and the skin-tight dress she now regretted wiggling herself into. His movements slow, steady, like he was hunting prey.

  The look in his eyes hungry like a wolf. Shit. He was a wolf, and he was hungry. He’s come for dinner, you silly bitch. Feed him. Food. Now. Before things get out of hand.

  “I’m fine. Low blood sugar,” she lied, waving her hand at the counter. “You can put those there for now. Dinner’s about ready. I’ll go check on things if you want to open the wine. There’s glasses on the table.”

  She kept her eye on him while she moved into the kitchen. When there was a barrier between them, she felt a little easier, not much though. Not when his azure eyes remained trained on her. Those blue eyes sent shivers down her spine and sizzling hot sparks to places she dearly wanted to ignore. His long, thick fingers went to work on uncorking the wine … damn his hands looked so strong. Heck, she knew just how strong. He’d held her up with no problem whatsoever the other night. And when he’d trailed those fingers across her thighs…


  “Stop what? I thought you wanted me to open the wine?” Asher frowned at her; confusion written all over his face.

  She’d done it again. Spoken aloud. She was spooked so much and had to get a fucking grip. “Sorry, I meant, be careful in case it spills out. Sometimes it can do that, with it being fizzy.”

  He looked at the bottle, then back at her as if she were nuts. No wonder, she was acting crazy. Then he shrugged and carried on. “It’ll be fine. It’s sparkling, not the fizzy stuff, and I was careful when I was carrying it.”

  “I’ll get dinner. If you want to take a seat.” She turned away, her face scarlet once more.

  She heard the pop of the cork, then his footsteps retreating while she moved around in the small kitchen. Her nerves slowly calming when she knew Asher wasn’t right next to her, and once seated, there’d be a table between them. She’d be safe, sort of, and after dinner, she’d fake a headache or something else so she could get him to leave. She had to. She couldn’t take much more or she knew something would happen.

  Something she couldn’t return from and would threaten her very existence and the life she’d made for herself. Asher Stone jeopardized everything … but the pull to him was so strong she could barely breathe, think. If this was real, if it was what she thought, she might not be able to fight it.

  You must. You can’t give in. You can’t take the risk.

  “What’s wrong?”

  His breath swept over
her neck, causing her skin to quiver, her resolve to weaken, and her soul to cry out with fear. She refused to turn around, terrified he’d see it all mirrored in her eyes. Instead, she straightened her back, took a deep breath, and put on the best act of her life.

  “Nothing’s wrong. Apart from me worrying about giving you food poisoning. I’ve never cooked for a guy before, so if this is awful, don’t say a word.”

  Liar. You’re an excellent cook and love experimenting in the kitchen. She peeked over her shoulder quickly, hoping he hadn’t picked up on her deceit. Big mistake.

  Asher stood right there with a smile, and a glint in those amazing blue eyes, with two glasses in his hands. “Here, maybe this will help.”

  She had no option but to take the wine, and it meant turning around to face him, with barely a few inches between them. Shit, it wasn’t even that. Their bodies so close, she could feel the heat radiating from his and smell his unique scent … the one making her nostrils twitch, her belly clench, as well as other more intimate places.

  “Thank you.” She took a sip, savoring the wine as it slipped over her taste buds. Allowing the distraction to give her a few seconds to try and get a hold of herself. To take a breath and center a calmness deep inside.

  Oh, who are you kidding? You’re anything but calm, and you want to rip his shirt off right now and run your fingernails down his chiseled chest…

  “Savannah, will you tell me what the hell’s going on? You look like you want to puke or rip my head off. I’m not sure which, but I’m worried about you. Talk to me, please.”

  Soft, low, and caring. His voice sounded like hot chocolate dripping over her. She fought to stop throwing herself at him and pressing her lips to his. Don’t do it!

  “I’ve no idea what you mean.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  His brow lifted before he stepped closer. Shit, could he get closer? Apparently so.

  “Stop playing games.”

  “I’m not.”

  “You are. I don’t like games, well, not these kinds, Savannah.”

  Asher canted his head and smiled. Boy, what a smile it was, too. One sending ripples rushing down her spine and his comment about games. Shit. Images of what he meant sprang into her head, causing heat to rise up her throat, over her face, and she knew her cheeks were now scarlet. Damn it. Pressing every button inside her. He was good, she’d give him that.

  “I’m fine.” She lifted her head, putting on a haughty stare she used to send most men scurrying away with their tail between their legs.

  Not him, though. Asher leaned in and … and … inhaled deeply. Fuck.

  “You’re not fine, and if you think you can scare me off with that look, then you’re mistaken. I’ve taken down everything from petty thieves to drug runners, to coldhearted murderers, and every time they would sit across from me with a stare they hoped would frighten me or put me off my job. None of them affected me. Yours just tells me your scared, baby.”

  Baby. The word slipped out of his mouth like soft silk. Settling inside her, causing her heart to beat faster, and her soul to burn brighter. No. No. No. Don’t let him in. He threatens everything. You can’t…

  “I’m not scared,” she blustered, knowing her voice came out shaky and proving his point, but she couldn’t help it. Everything inside her screamed to walk away and stay at the same time.

  She craved to be in his arms, to feel his warmth around her. To feel safe for the first time in her life, but he couldn’t give her it. Could he? No. Of course not. If she gave into her feelings, her safety would be ripped away. She’d be … revealed and in danger.

  His hand reached for her, his fingers caressing her cheek. His touch igniting the fire inside her. “Savannah, don’t do this.”

  “I’m not doing anything. I’m fine.”

  “You’re not fine. If you were, the vein in your neck wouldn’t be throbbing. You wouldn’t have beads of perspiration on your forehead, and above your top lip. You wouldn’t be breathing so hard you’re almost hyperventilating. You look just like a suspect who knows they’ve been caught red-handed and who’s going down for a long stretch. Savannah, calm down, I won’t hurt you. I promise I won’t.”

  He had no idea how much she wanted to believe him. He also had no idea how much he could. If she allowed herself to let go, she could be hurt in so many ways … or maybe not. Could she risk it?

  “You shouldn’t make promises you might not be able to keep.”

  “I know I would never do anything to hurt you. I’d do anything to stop anyone else hurting you. I can’t say you’d never be hurt, it’s not possible, but I’d always do whatever I could to stop it from happening. Savannah, I see you retreating from me and I won’t allow it. This is a dinner, a simple dinner. Relax, I’m not going to eat you. Not yet anyway.”

  Oh hell. He did not just say that. The visions it shot into her brought her to the brink. Her tongue darting out to lick her lips. After she’d been thinking of what he could do with his tongue earlier, and he just had to say something to remind her of her filthy thoughts. Why? Why did he have to torture her so?

  “Dinner!” She spun away to the oven. “It’s ready, or burned to a crisp, I’m not sure which.”

  “Here, let me help.” Asher took the glass from her hand, setting it down on the counter, then picked up the oven gloves. “I’ll get it.”

  Stepping back, she watched while he removed the casserole, and the fresh bread she’d also baked, placing them on the stove before asking where she wanted them.

  “If you take the lid off, the table will be fine for the casserole. There’s a metal placemat you can sit it on. I’ll plate up the bread, and if you wouldn’t mind pouring me a fresh glass of wine.”

  When he walked away, she let out a long sigh of relief. Now there was some distance between them, she felt easier, replaying their conversation, then her anxiety spiked again. He’s not going to give up. He won’t walk away. You know he won’t, so what are you going to do? Run? Or stay and risk him finding out your secrets?

  The risk was higher than if he were a normal man. He wasn’t just a shifter, he was a seasoned detective. She couldn’t pull the wool over his eyes. Not a chance of her being able to do it, even with her abilities. So, again, what to do?

  No fucking idea, that’s what.

  Carrying the bread, she arrived at the table and saw Asher sitting right next to her place when she’d purposely set their places at opposite ends. He’d moved everything so he was sitting at her end of the table now and she didn’t have the luxury of space between them while they ate. He didn’t even have the grace to look guilty for his actions when she placed the bread down with a thud, her actions showing her annoyance. Instead, he picked up her glass and offered it to her with a smile … oh hell. The smile causing her insides to melt and her heart to stutter.

  He shouldn’t be allowed to do that. She should ban him from smiling at her. Yes, it’s what she should do. If only she didn’t like it so much…

  “The bread smells just as good as the casserole,” he said as she swiped his offering and plopped down onto her chair.

  He was right. The food smelled delicious, but she wasn’t sure she could manage to eat a thing. With him right there, and not miles away where he should be. It would be torture.

  “I hope you enjoy it. It’s probably okay, maybe, or it might be a disaster.”

  “Looks like you’ve worked hard, so, if you don’t mind, I’ll serve. You sit back, relax, and let me take care of you.”

  His voice was soft, caring, and she knew he meant every word. If only things were so simple. She’d love to allow Asher Stone, hot-as-Hades cop, shifter, and the guy she knew could blow her mind … and, well, she didn’t want to think what else. But, if she did, then she knew he’d be the guy to do it. The one who’d look out for her, he was the type to be all in and to … Stop.

  You’re torturing yourself. You either say yes and to hell with the consequences.
Or no and stop thinking about him and everything he could or couldn’t fucking do!

  “Is this enough? Or do you want more?”


  “I asked if you wanted more.” Asher held a plate piled high with food.

  Did he expect her to eat all of it? Even if she weren’t so worked up and had starved herself for a week, she still couldn’t manage it.

  “It’s too much.”

  “Really?” He looked at the plate. “I’ll have this one.”

  He then dished out a smaller serving. “How’s this?”

  “Still a little big, but I’ll take it.”

  “Sorry,” he apologized. “Guess I’ll have to remember you’re not a shifter.”

  She didn’t reply because her mind was still in turmoil. Then he raised his glass and a brow. “A toast to our first dinner alone, and I’m certain it won’t be our last.”

  If only he knew this very well might be their last, but she lifted the wine to her lips, sipping it, their eyes meeting over the top. When his met hers, his darkened, a look of desire … or something deeper flooding into them. Sending her innermost feelings skyrocketing again, her breath caught in her throat. It caused a chain reaction because she’d taken a drink of wine and she ended up coughing and spluttering like an idiot.

  Reaching for her napkin to cover her mouth while the wine made a rapid reappearance, with her eyes watering as she fought to catch a breath. Asher jumped from his seat, patting her back and asking if she was okay, and if she could’ve said anything, she would’ve shouted … No. I’m anything but okay because you’re doing shit to me that you shouldn’t. You’re messing with my feelings. With my heart, and I can’t do this. I just fucking can’t.

  Of course, she didn’t say anything. Not a word, because she was too busy trying to breathe.

  “Do you want some water?” Asher asked when she’d finally managed to stop.


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