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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

Page 72

by Bella Roccaforte

  “Tell me. All of it.”


  “I am the leader of this pack. If our pups have been hurt by another pack member, I need to know.”

  “If they have, then they can share their experience with you if they want.”

  “Stop being so stubborn.”

  “Why bother spilling everything out now? It happened, and I’m over it. I went to the woods because that’s where I was safe. What happened to me isn’t something that you or most of the pack would understand. Why should I be shamed twenty years later by reliving it? Who would gain from it? Rico would. He would revel in it as much tonight as each time he pounded his fist into my body. Let the pack believe whatever they want to about me, Elias. I don’t care.”

  Elias clasped him on his shoulder and looked at him with an empathy that chafed.

  “How long was it going on?”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “You were small, always covered in bruises every time I saw you, up to and including when you left. That means it happened for a while then. You kept saying you fell on the stairs or got hurt on the playground.”

  Grimm let out a long and heavy breath. “I really wish you’d drop it, Elias.”

  “I would have made it stop! None of our young should suffer. We were in a panic when you disappeared and didn’t understand why you repeatedly rejected your pack whenever we found you.”

  With his patience close to snapping, Grimm growled out, “And each time I ran from you, begged not to be taken back to town, and escaped to where I wanted to be should have been a signal to leave me alone, but none of you did until my mom stepped in. You know what that caused? It made me never want to return. With the utmost respect to you as my Alpha, it was like yet another person asserting their authority over me again, pummeling me in a different fashion. I’m here, back in Dark Moon Falls, like you ordered. But I’m an adult, not a child. I don’t want to talk about what happened so long ago. But since you want to know what you could have done... Nothing. Intervention wasn’t the solution. Sleep well if you think it would have... That you could have saved the day. A fist harder than his was what I needed, but didn’t possess then. I do now.” Grimm paused before going on. “May I leave?”

  “If you fight him, I won’t stop you, but take it outside of town.”

  “In the woods is preferred?”

  Elias nodded.

  “That wouldn’t be fair to him. Besides, like I said, that was then, I’m not looking for payback, just peace.”

  “I’m sorry I failed you.”

  “You didn’t. It was my life and my choice.”

  Grimm walked with Elias back to the street. Rico and his crew were still there as Elias had commanded.

  Rico stared past Elias at Grimm, “He won’t always be around to save your ass. Remember that.”

  Grimm laughed, “If you think I’m scared of you, you’re wrong. Your pathetic little show was nothing to me.”

  Quick as a flash, the Alpha grabbed Rico around his neck and squeezed until the shifter was wheezing.

  “Enough! This isn’t about your fucking pride! I am your leader, and you will obey me.”

  Elias eased his grip enough for Rico to speak. “I have a right to be here, just as much as he does.”

  Deciding that was the moment to take his leave, Grimm twisted on the balls of his feet to go the direction where he would find his female.

  As he continued his way, he saw Sheriff Templeton coming from the opposite way in his squad car, headed to where tensions were rising between Elias and Rico. Grimm raised his hand to acknowledge him, and the sheriff did the same.

  Grimm mumbled, “And people wonder why I stayed in the woods. Who needs this shit?”

  A few minutes later, he stepped through the door of the Inn and paused, looking around the room. It was filled with women dancing together in pairs or groups. Grimm searched, not seeing the female he sought. He glanced at the bar, found her friend, and started making his way between the gyrating bodies to her. Hands travelled over him as he delved into the crowd. One of them grabbed his package, and he jerked his head to look at who was accosting him. He seized her hand and yanked it away.

  The lady protested, “But it’s me! I’m here!”


  “Your mate!” she cried and threw herself against him.

  He took her by her arms and eased her away. “You may find your partner here, but it isn’t me.”

  “Don’t you feel the animalistic pull of our souls? I do! Listen to your beast! He wants me!”

  Thinking that Elias should start screening visitors, he replied, “No, we don’t. Have some respect for yourself and stop acting this way.”

  She screamed, “How dare you!”

  Fortunately for him, the music had gotten louder, and her cry was drowned out by the wails of the singer of the song in the rotation. Another woman approached and grabbed the lady who was trying to assault him once more.

  To him, she said, “I’m sorry. We went on a wine tour earlier and then came directly here afterwards. She’s going to be mortified tomorrow when I tell her about this. She admires shifters so much.”

  Grimm replied, “Then why hurt her by reminding her of what she did? Leave it be and take her to her room. Don’t speak of this again.”

  “You’re not angry?”

  “No. Take her and get her food and water.”

  “Thank you.”

  Grimm scanned the bar area and spied the blonde he’d seen earlier, waving at Lyall for a drink. Once he reached her, he said, “Excuse me.”

  She turned, her eyes going wide as she sputtered, “H-h-h-hi?”

  The prior exchange had wasted valuable time better spent wooing the beautiful female who’d caught his eye, and he got straight to the point.

  “I’m looking for the woman you’re with. Do you know where she is?”

  “You mean Lacy?”

  “If that’s who you were shopping with today, yes.”

  “I left her at our table to get us another round of margaritas.” She gestured towards the front of the room. “If she’s not there, then I don’t know where she is.”


  He stopped when she said, “Wait.”


  “Why are you looking for her?”

  Grimm said, “That’s between her and me.”

  She looked him over. “Got it. Well, go get her, tiger.”

  “I’m a wolf shifter, not cat.”

  Without a glance to any of the other women in the place, Grimm went towards the area Lacy’s friend had gestured. At his height, it was easy to see that she wasn’t there. Dousing the bit of frustration he felt, he reminded himself of the joy of the hunt and continued his search. Then, the song playing ended, and the crowd parted enough for him to glimpse the woman he sought.

  As he neared where she stood, he thought about the best way to approach her. From past experience with human females, he knew his size could intimidate her, and he didn’t want that to happen. He wanted to encourage her to feel safe with him, not be afraid.

  Easing himself behind her and to the side with a good amount of distance between them, he watched as she perused the different albums. Her head bopped a little to the tune being played, and her lips moved as she whispered the lines of the song. She pressed a button and the CD covers flipped to another set, telling him she wasn’t finding what she was looking for.

  The perfect intro popped into his mind. “What kind of music do you like?”

  Despite his cautious approach, she shuddered, startled before turning to face him. She didn’t respond to his question. Instead, she looked at him with curiosity, and if he wasn’t mistaken, interest. Grimm remained silent, watching her inspect him, and then catch herself before she touched him. He wished that she hadn’t done that and longed to feel her hands on him.

  When she did speak, he didn’t know how to react to what she’d asked.

  “Umm… Conditioner?”
br />   She waved her hand in the air and shook her head. “Oh, that was a silly question. What man uses hair products?”

  “Not any that I know.”

  “I like anything really.” She cast her gaze to the side and then returned it to Grimm. “I mean, to answer your question about music. What about you?”

  “Hard rock, mainly.” He extended his hand, and she slipped hers inside of his. Her palm was soft and small compared to his, large and marked with scars. “My name’s Grimm.”

  “I’m Lacy.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  She withdrew from his grasp and pointed at a listing on the jukebox. “What about this song?”

  Grimm peered down at her choice and smiled.

  “Can’t go wrong with Led Zeppelin, and that tune is one of my favorites.”

  Lacy pressed the button and, as she did, Grimm noticed a slight tremor in her fingers.

  Bending downwards towards her, he asked gently, “Are you all right?”

  Chapter Eight

  The closer Grimm leaned towards Lacy, the more handsome he was to her. She again fought the urge to touch him. His eyes were the most stunning she’d ever seen, dark pools that seemed to shimmer, reflecting the lights around them.

  Suddenly, she remembered that she needed to not look like an idiot and answer his question. “Yes, I’m okay. I get shaky sometimes.”

  Especially around drop-dead, sexy men like you. That website didn’t have pictures of any guy as hot.

  “I was wondering, would it be all right if I joined you? Do you think your friend would mind?”

  Ignoring the self-deprecating thoughts of why he was talking to her when there were so many women in the place more beautiful than her, she straightened her spine and answered, “No, she wouldn’t, and that would be nice, Grimm.”

  “After you.”

  Lacy turned and, as she began walking to the table, Grimm’s arm softly wound around her, gripping her on her hip, as if in protection. She didn’t fail to notice glances from the other ladies, a few openly gawking at them while they crossed the room. When they reached the booth, Grimm slid in opposite her.

  “What brings you to Dark Moon Falls?”

  “A much needed vacation time after a rough period I’ve recently come out of.”

  His eyebrows knitted together, and Lacy wondered if she shouldn’t have volunteered that last bit of information. From her experience, guys weren’t concerned with the personal issues of women they’d just met, or really at all for that matter.

  Grimm looked into her eyes, and said in a heavy tone, “Life can be a struggle at times, but you’re here now. You survived whatever it was.”

  Wanting to change the conversation to a lighter subject, Lacy asked, “What do you do for fun, Grimm?”

  “Wander around the woods, mostly.”

  Lacy slanted forward towards him. The music had grown louder since they’d sat down, and she was having trouble hearing him.

  Raising her voice above the thumping tune, she asked, “I saw that there’s a hiking company in town. Do you know who runs it?”

  He smiled and pointed at himself.

  Matching her volume, he said, “Yeah. Me. Do you want to go up?”

  “I’d love to!”

  Grimm looked around the room, and then returned his gaze to her.

  “Would you like to get out of here so that we’re not yelling at each other?”

  Although she had only met him a few minutes ago, after her initial shock of his approaching her, Lacy felt at ease with him, and something inside of her told her that she would be safe. Recalling her earlier commitment to listen to her instincts, she resolved to follow it.

  “I’d like that, Grimm.” Lacy fidgeted with her hem which had ridden up to the tops of her thighs. “Do you mind if we go to the motel so I can change out of these clothes?”

  Grimm stood up and reached for her hand.

  “Let’s go.”

  Chapter Nine

  With an arm around Lacy, Grimm led her through the throng of people in the bar. Once they reached the outside, he kept a gentle hold on her, allowing her space to be separate from him while he remained cognizant how unsteady on her feet she’d been when he’d observed her earlier.

  A breeze wafted through the night air, and he inhaled the scent of the woods and the woman at his side. It was a heady mix, one that combined perfectly. Everything was coming together how it should. He wasn’t sure where or why his attraction for Lacy had practically burst from him, but he didn’t question it either. The fact that she was interested in his mountains was yet another piece of the puzzle fitting into place.

  Lacy jerked to the side, tripping over a stone. Grimm reacted in an instant, swooping her up into his arms before she tumbled onto the ground.

  Lacy wiggled in his hold, peered up at him, and placed her hand on his chest.

  “Thanks for saving me, Grimm, but you don’t need to carry me. I tripped. I do it all the time, but I’m all right.”

  Smiling down at her, he replied, “Those glittery shoes are pretty, but dangerous on this terrain. You’re safe where you are now, and we’re almost to the motel.”

  The topic was settled as far as he was concerned. His woman wouldn’t be harmed on his watch.

  A few moments later, and the building came into view.

  “What’s your room number?”

  She told him, and he went straight to it. Leaning over, he gingerly set Lacy down, making sure she was upright on her own strength before releasing her. She removed the key from her purse, went to the door, and unlocked it.

  Grimm said, “I’ll wait here for you.”

  “I’ll hurry.”


  She turned towards him and raised her head to look him in the face. “Yes?”

  Lifting his hand, he shifted closer to her and trailed a finger over her cheek.

  “Take your time. I’m not leaving, and there’s a lot of the night left.”

  She nodded and said, “Alright.”

  After she shut herself inside, Grimm went to a bench and sat down with his long legs stretched out in front of him while he listened to her movements as she changed. In his mind, he imagined touching her, helping her peel herself out of that tight dress until she wore nothing at all. His cock hardened as he pictured laying her on the mattress, pressing his face between her legs, smelling the scent of her pussy, and tasting where she would be wet and ready for him. He’d eat her until she screamed in ecstasy. Grimm wanted to pleasure her until his name was the only word to cross her lips. Desire gripped him, rippling through his veins, and he hoped that she’d allow him to do it that night.


  Lacy was standing in the open door, clad in a simple, black cotton shift that reached her knees, and a pair of black and pink sneakers. His wolf roared to take her, and he pressed hard against the urge, not wanting to frighten her with his eagerness.

  “Are you more comfortable?”

  Motioning to what she wore, she said, “This isn’t much to look at, but I do feel better.”

  Grimm stood and went to her. “Would you like to walk around town?”

  “That sounds nice.”

  “And we can hear each other now.”

  Lacy smiled. “It was really loud in there.”

  “I prefer the sounds of the forest.”

  She giggled and said, “Over Led Zeppelin?”

  Grimm gave a short laugh at her jokingly calling him out. “Absolutely.”

  He gestured the direction opposite The Wolf Inn. He and Lacy fell into step with each other, with him slowing in consideration of her shorter gait.

  A breeze brought cooler air, and she hugged herself against the chill.

  He offered her his hand, saying, “Shifter’s bodies run hotter than humans. I can keep you warm.”

  She slipped her palm into his, and also took a step closer to his side. They wandered up the walkway past the shops that were closed, and those places that wer
e still open.

  When they reached Delight’s Diner, Grimm said down to Lacy, “Would you like an ice cream? Maybe a slice of pie? Delight’s known for them and serves them as dinner.”

  “I haven’t had sweets in ages.”

  “Why not?”

  “I try to keep a strict diet and exercise regimen. It doesn’t allow for much sugar.”

  Grimm squeezed her hand a bit. “She has a cream cheese pie that’s hard to resist.”

  Lacy gasped. “That sounds decadent! And I thought Death by Chocolate was bad.”

  “She’s got that too.”

  “Do you eat that for dinner, Grimm?”

  “Every once in a while, but I limit my intake.”

  He grinned when Lacy mumbled, “Obviously.”

  Dazzle’s came into view, and Lacy pointed out, “That’s where I bought that dress I was wearing tonight. I can’t believe I let Carla talk me into buying it. She said it looked good on me.”

  “Your friend was right. You looked amazing. But I like what you’re wearing now better.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah, you’re more comfortable and relaxed with yourself.”

  “I didn’t like walking around half-naked.”

  Grimm didn’t say what immediately popped into his head regarding her and his desire to be alone with her and watch her move around a room completely nude before he snatched her up to pull her into his embrace. He was certain that she’d be the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, and his wolf agreed with his assessment.

  Pausing in front of the darkened store, Grimm said, “Are you warmer than you were?”

  If she wasn’t, he wasn’t opposed to breaking inside the store to get her a parka or long coat to shield her from the elements. He looked through the window to see where that section was so he could do it quickly.

  “Yes, I am. You’re practically a furnace.”

  His attention returned to her. “Is it too much? I can dial it back.”

  “No, I like it, Grimm. I’m usually cold all the time. I stay wrapped in blankets around the house. Your hand feels good in mine.”

  His concern calmed and he agreed, “It does.”

  By that time, he couldn’t hear the music from the bar, there wasn’t any street traffic, and up ahead, a lone wooden bench sat. Grimm led Lacy towards it.


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