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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

Page 99

by Bella Roccaforte

After about thirty minutes, Dara leaned back, taking a deep breath. “You’re going to be sore as hell, I’ll tell you that. I’ll leave some poultices for you. Have Deacon help you put them on and change them often. The power of the herbs doesn’t last but a couple of hours.”

  Purity nodded. “I’ll make sure to change them,” she promised as she adjusted herself on the bed, leaning back into her pillow and closing her eyes. Even breathing seemed to cause her pain right then.

  Dara moved over to the table, rummaging around her things. After a few moments, she returned with some concoction she made in a glass. “Drink this. It’ll help with the pain.” She pointed to the table. “I made another batch you can drink before going to bed tonight. It’ll at least help you get a good night’s sleep. Can I get you anything else?”

  Purity shook her head. “No, I think I’m fine. I just want to lay here and try not to move.” She said the last part with a small laugh.

  Dara reached out and patted Purity’s arm. “I don’t blame you.” Dara told Purity she looked forward to talking to them both later, and if they needed anything, they should call her at anytime. “I’m always here for you both, just don’t tell Logan. He tends to take advantage of my availability.”

  Purity laughed, wincing from the pain it shook through her body, and promised Dara her secret was safe. Dara then wished Purity well and left, telling Purity to give Deacon her best.

  With the click of the door, Purity was once more alone. She took a deep breath, leaning her head back on her pillow again as she tried to shake the images that flitted across her brain. It was over. Damien was in custody along with his goons, and Purity was free from ever having to step foot in that damn bar again. There would be no more men grabbing her ass and trying to talk her into more than just a lap dance for twenty bucks and a drink.

  Opening her eyes, she glanced over at the chair by the window, the chair Deacon sat in last night as she treated him to his own private dance. She worried he would want her gone now that the threat to her life was over. They were only together because of Damien after all, and now that he was gone, Deacon didn’t need to protect her anymore. Not that he really needed to protect her before, but she was damn glad he did. A new pain tugged at her heart as she wondered if he would try to get rid of her now. She hoped not. None of it made sense, she knew, but she liked being in his arms, feeling his breath on her cheek when they kissed, his hand in hers as they drifted off to sleep last night. She wasn’t through feeling those things yet. She doubted she ever would be. Deacon filled parts of her that had been empty way too long, and she wasn’t just thinking about between her legs. He filled her heart as well.

  Sucking in a breath, she eased her legs to the side of the bed, gripping the nightstand and pulling herself into a sitting position. The elixir Dara made her was already working as Purity felt some of the pain fade. Not all of it of course, but at least the worst part. With another deep breath, Purity tightened her resolve and stood, keeping a firm grip on the nightstand until she had her balance. Once she felt she had herself under control, she walked over to the window and peered out into the late-afternoon sun. The motor lodge was practically empty, so few cars filled the parking lot, but at least someone had sense enough to call for help when Damien barged into the room and started wrecking havoc. She would have to find out who that person was and thank them.

  She stared down the walkway in front of the line of rooms, hoping to see Deacon returning. She didn’t, however, but that was all right. He needed time with his father as much as she needed to be with Deacon. She wanted to stay. She knew it. The question was, did Deacon want her to stay as well. She wouldn’t force herself on him, not after everything he did for her, but she truly wanted Deacon in her life. Madison had told Purity about the mating call of the wolf, even hinting at the fact Deacon may feel that call now with Purity. She wondered if that was the truth, and part of her hoped it was while another part feared it at the same time.

  She turned back to the table, grabbed one of the glasses next to the whiskey bottle, and poured herself a drink. With one gulp, she downed the fiery liquid, the alcohol burning down her throat and into her stomach. She refilled the glass and turned to sit in the chair, so she could see out the window. Holding the glass with both hands, she decided to just wait and see what Deacon wanted to do. She would allow him to make the decision about their future.

  She only prayed it was the decision she wanted.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The two men sat at the bar, sipping whiskey as the stress of the day eased from their tired, sore muscles. As Cal lowered his glass to the ancient wooden bar, he said, “I said it before, but I’ll say it again, anyway. That girl’s a little spitfire.” He laughed as he shook his head. Glancing over at his son, he grinned. “I think your wolf made a damn good choice.”

  Deacon felt his brows rise as he stared at his drink. “My wolf may have made the choice, but I’m not sure Purity is in agreement. We only met a couple of days ago, and well, everything has been one constant uproar since I put her in my car Wednesday night.”

  His father just looked over at him. “I saw her look at you,” he said. “Trust me. She feels the same way.” He took another sip of his drink, finishing it off in one long swallow. “And I meant what I said. My house is your house.” He reached out, squeezing Deacon’s arm. “We have a lot to catch up on, and I don’t want to waste another minute.” He patted his son’s arm. “Now, I need to go home, and you need to get back to your girl.”

  “Are you all right to drive home?” Deacon slid out of his barstool, holding out his hand to assist his father.

  Cal nodded, waving the idea he was anything but all right away as well as Deacon’s offer of assistance. “You know how these things are. My wolf’s powers have already taken the worst of the pain away, and the whiskey has numbed the rest. I’m a little sore and stiff, but that will probably pass by the time I get home.” He turned his gaze back to his son, a soft smile playing at his lips. “I meant what I said. You’re welcome to make my home yours if you want, even if it’s only for the time being.” He turned and headed for the door. “Door’s always open for you two.” And then he was gone, Deacon standing there staring as if he could still see his father.

  By the time he returned to his room, his father’s car was gone as was Dara’s. At first, Deacon panicked that Purity was left alone, but then he took a deep breath. Damien was gone. Nothing would hurt her now. Or ever.

  When he opened the door, Purity sat in one of the wooden chairs, a glass of his Jameson clutched in both hands. “How are you feeling?” he asked, leaning back on the giant window in front of their room.

  “Sore, but fine,” she assured him. Setting her glass on the table, Purity left her seat, moving over to Deacon. She ran her hands up his chest as she leaned her head against him. “You should take your father up on his offer,” she said. “I think he needs you.” She took a deep breath. “I think you need him.”

  Deacon nodded as he slid his arms around her waist, his hands just barely touching the top of her ass. “And what about you?” he asked. “My father did say the invitation was for the two of us. You don’t want to join me?”

  She grinned up into his eyes as she slid her arms around his back, her palms flat against him. “Would you want me there? I mean, you saved me, and I’ll never forget that, but if you want to slow down this train ride, I would understand.”

  He leaned down and kissed her nose. “It doesn’t quite work that way,” he told her as he leaned back a little, bracing to see if she understood the mating call of a wolf or not. “Once our wolves scent their mate, it’s a rush to make it official. I’m surprised he permitted me to hold him back from marking you last night.”

  “Mate, huh?” she repeated the word as she tilted her head. “I’d be marked?”

  Deacon nodded. “Does that scare you? I don’t want to force you into…”

  She cut him off by kissing him, her hands pressing into his back with a hunger
that burned through her. She didn’t want to tell him that it did scare her a little. After all, they basically just met, and now, this giant of a man told her she was his fated mate, and that his wolf chose her, not him. That was scary as shit.

  She broke the kiss, pulling back slightly. But it was also hot as hell. “I would love to join you at your father’s place,” she told him, smiling. She bit her lower lip as she sucked in a nervous breath. Finally, she said, “And I love the idea of bearing your mark.”

  Deacon howled into the air as he reached down, lifting her with his hands cupped on her ass and spun around in a tight circle, making her laugh as she clutched his shoulders. Passion filled him as well as the excitement of finding his mate after all these years and all the pain. Carrying her over to the bed, he plopped her down in the middle, her body bouncing on the bed slightly. She winced from the pain, her body sore from Damien’s attack, but she wasn’t about to stop what she knew was coming. She needed it, craved it even, a release from all the pent-up anxiety. She wanted to feel something other than fear, and Deacon could definitely make her feel.

  He spread her legs as he buried his face between her thighs, his tongue gliding over her passion, tasting her wetness as he dug into her hips with his powerful fingers. He could hear her gasp as she tightened her legs around his head, her hand touching his messy dark hair. He took his time, savoring every taste of her on his tongue as he squeezed her flesh. She squirmed against his face, begging for more, crying out his name as he gripped her, his cock throbbing in his jeans.

  “Please, Deacon,” she groaned. “I need to feel you. I need you inside of me. Please!” She shoved his face harder between her legs as she ground against his mouth. “Please!”

  Deacon grinned as he pulled away from her, her passion on his lips. Standing, he made quick work of his button and zipper, stripping in front of her as he locked gazes with her. “I’m going to mark you, Purity Atwood,” he told her, his wolf’s growl coming out in his words. “The world will know you’re forever mine.” He moved to the nightstand, pulling out a condom, still staring at her with his dark eyes.

  Her chest rose and fell with her heavy breathing as she bit her bottom lip. She said nothing, just nodded as she watched him sheath his cock and move back to the end of the bed.

  He grinned again as he grabbed her legs, flipping her onto her stomach. She yelped, her body bouncing a little more. Desire pulsed through him, driving him faster than he truly wanted to go, but his wolf howled for the marking to take place. With his hands on her hips, he pulled her back to the edge of the bed, his cock poised at her entrance. One arm around her waist, he lifted her slightly, his other hand going to her ample breasts, his fingers pinching her nipple as she groaned in his ears. She slid an arm up, wrapping it around his head as he kissed her ear. “Are you ready to be mine? There is no going back.”

  “Please,” she said as she pushed her ass back against his hardness. “I’m already yours.”

  With one deep thrust, he shoved his cock inside her wetness, making her cry out as she gripped his hair in a tight fist. “Yes!” she screamed, her body one tight cord of passion in his grip. “Oh, god, yes!”

  Deacon continued to pound into her, driving his cock deep with each thrust, his balls slapping her as he fucked her. He continued to massage her breast as he kissed her neck where it met her shoulder, running his tongue over her flesh. Soft mewling noises of her passion filled the room as she bounced back against him, fucking him as much as he fucked her. “Harder,” she pleaded. “Oh, god, harder. Take it.”

  He drove into her, his hips pounding her ass with each thrust. It didn’t take long for her body to tighten with her orgasm, her fingers clawing at his head as she pressed her back into his chest, her ass onto his cock. “Yes!” she screamed as her body shuddered with her orgasm. “There! Oh, god, there. I’m coming. Deacon, I’m…” she grunted, “I’m coming!”

  He tightened his grip around her waist, holding her in place as he drove into her, his cock throbbing as her wetness sucked at his hardness. God, he loved the feel of her in his arms. With a twitch, he felt his cum explode into her. Turning his face to the ceiling, Deacon howled, his wolf joining in the cry, and then he lowered his mouth to her neck, clamping down and marking her as his, his teeth shifting into the fangs of his wolf as he bit down.

  Purity screamed out, her body tight in his arms as she took his mark, her juices running down their legs. “Yes!”

  Deacon lifted his mouth from her neck, kissing the bite mark and running his tongue over the indentions. She was his. He squeezed her tighter against him as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. His mate. The whole thing had been a roller coaster of a ride, but damn, he couldn’t deny how much he already loved the woman in his arms.

  Together, they collapsed on the bed, arms wrapped around each other as their noses touched, their breathing filling the room. He slid a hand up to caress her cheek, his gaze fixed on hers. “Wow,” he said with a whoosh of breath. “Just…wow.”

  He felt her hand slide up his side, resting on his waist. “I can feel the mark pulsing,” she said. “It seems to be matching my heartbeat, almost.”

  He kissed her nose. “It’s matching mine as well. We’re mated, in sync, together forever. I will always feel your heartbeat.”

  She smiled at him, a blush warming her cheeks. “Good, because you now own it.”

  He kissed her again, and his cock twitched back to life. Grinning at her, he said, “That was a little more rushed than I intended. I know you’re sore, but…”

  She glanced down at his condom, a mischievous grin toying at her lips. “How many of those do you have?”

  He grinned at her. “God, I love you.”

  About the Author

  Author of the popular Destined Mates Series, Robbie started writing to escape - escape his teachers, escape his fears, even to escape his insecurities and doubts. However, his stories of seduction and adventure, not only allowed him to hide in the lives of his characters, but also captivated those who wanted to escape with him. Now, he enjoys a full-time career as a storyteller and novelist, and invites readers to run away with him - to escape, getting lost in the seduction of adventure.

  When he is not writing, Robbie can be found on his back porch enjoying a cigar, a scotch, and a good story. He derives pleasure from his large family and his crazy group of friends who provide the inspiration for his blog, The Mess that Is Me.

  He is the author of the Urban Fantasy series, The Warrior of the Way, along with the paranormal series, The Witches of Savannah and The Bull Creek Chronicles. His Contemporary Romance series includes The Rutherford Series, The Harper Twins, and The Fangirls series.

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  Other Books by Robbie Cox

  Warrior of the Way

  Reaping the Harvest

  Lore Master

  The Warrior’s Blade


  The Rutherford Series

  Losing Faith

  Roll the Dice







  Fangirls: The Collection (Box Set)

  The Harper Twins

  Sibling Rivalry
br />   Taming Karla

  Always Aimee

  The Harper Twins Box Set

  The Best of Both Worlds

  Ribbons & Bows

  Under the Wrapping

  The Best of Both Worlds

  Halloween Seduction

  Come Halloween

  Behind the Mask

  Halloween Seduction

  Life’s Moments

  Green is the Grass

  Waiting Room

  Second Light

  Saturday at the Inlet

  Life Moments

  Destined Mates

  Magic’s Mate

  Mate’s Appeal

  Mate’s Touch

  My Lover’s Mate

  My Mate’s Wife

  Black Hollow

  It’s the Little Things

  To Trick the Devil


  C.D. Gorri

  To those of you who believe in second chances. And to Tammy, thank you for everything.

  Copyright 2020 C.D. Gorri

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  Lydia Suzanne has only ever made one good decision in her life and that was to keep her daughter Skylar far away from her ex-husband. Running from Mac has been a full time job for the two females. Now that her Wolf Shifter daughter is ready for school, Lydia has no choice but to find a place for them to settle.

  What better place than Dark Moon Falls? With the help of the Wolf Pack there her daughter would grow up to be safe, strong, and protected. The fact that her ex was scared shitless of them was even better.


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