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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

Page 116

by Bella Roccaforte

  “Rebecca, I never want you to do something if you aren’t sure. Of course, I want you, my wolf does too, but it has to be your decision.”

  She was pretty certain she did want him, but Josh giving her the space to think about things felt right.

  Exhaustion was creeping over her, too, and she knew that now the adrenalin rush of the last few hours was wearing off, and she was about to crash.

  “Come on,” Josh said. “Let’s rustle up something for Darcy to eat and then get you to bed. You need some sleep.”

  “Thank you for understanding,” she said, as another yawn racked her.

  Rebecca wanted Josh, but she never wanted to rush into something again before being certain. She just hoped that by waiting a little, she didn’t lose him.



  They’d been dating for six weeks now. Dating, that’s what Rebecca called it, and what that damn therapist of hers had suggested. Every day Josh grew more and more desperate to make Rebecca his, but he’d promised he wouldn’t push.

  The painting she’d drawn of the two wolves he was convinced were his parents now adorned his wall. Just another sign, so far as he was concerned, of their destiny together. Rebecca might have the sight, or she might not, but the fact remained that she’d drawn his parents, and she’d seen when he was in danger. It meant they were linked…meant to be.

  She’d spent time with him and Kat, getting to know his sister, and Kat loved her. Darcy seemed to take to him. They got along, he and Rebecca had great sex, they even liked similar things; both having a love of fantasy novels, and movies, and, bizarrely, with her being British, country music. Yet, Rebecca hadn’t brought up the mating issue again, and he didn’t want to for fear of pressuring her.

  They were stuck in a holding pattern, and he knew six weeks was nothing, but for him and his wolf it was a torturously long time. He felt as if he’d almost lost her when Nigel showed up, and didn’t want to mess around any longer.

  Jagger had discovered that Nigel had found her via Jemma, Rebecca’s friend. He’d had two thug friends of his pay Jemma a visit and threaten her until she told them where Rebecca was and the name she now used. Rebecca said she didn’t blame Jemma, but the two hadn’t talked since. Yet another loss for his brave mate to contend with.

  He sighed and focused on the task at hand, stirring the meat cooking in the pan, and inhaled. It smelled good. It was Friday, and Kat was staying at Sally’s. He’d said he’d cook for Rebecca, who was due to arrive with Darcy any minute.

  Josh found himself mixing with the pack much more these days. In fact, he’d probably go so far as to call Jagger a friend. He liked the guy’s sense of humor, and easy manner.

  He and Rebecca were meeting Jagger and Storm for a bite to eat tomorrow night.

  The doorbell rang, and he put the lid back on the pot and strolled to answer it. Rebecca smiled up at him and his heart did the now familiar flip. He loved her, and he needed to tell her. He’d always wanted her, needed her, and known she was meant to be his, but he also loved he. Belatedly, he realized he’d never said it.

  She looked lovely this evening, with her hair shining and her happy, glowing face, and the sight of her warmed his heart.

  “Come in.” He stood to one side as she stepped into the house with Darcy trailing along behind her.

  She brandished a bottle of wine, and kissed his mouth as she went past.

  “Something smells amazing,” she told him.

  “Do you mean me or the food?” he quipped. She was always telling him how good he smelled.

  “Both,” she replied.

  “You smell pretty damn good too.”

  He took the wine from her as she hung her coat, and led her into the kitchen where he opened the bottle of red, and poured two glasses. He sipped at one, and handed the other to her.

  “The food will be a while…wanna mess around?”

  She threw her head back and laughed, and he loved seeing her so open and carefree. Such a difference from the quiet, withdrawn woman he’d first met. “How romantic of you…but yes.”

  She sipped her wine again, then put the glass on the counter and sauntered by him. “You coming?”

  “Hopefully, soon.”

  “Josh!” She smacked his arm.

  They reached the bedroom and he pulled her to him, inhaling her scent, and kissing her hair. He pushed her back by her shoulders so he could look in her eyes.

  “There’s something I need to tell you,” he said. “I’ve been feeling it for a while, but realized today, I’ve never told you this.”

  She stared up at him with her warm gaze, face open and ready to hear what he said.

  “Rebecca, I know we’re fated mates, but I need you to know that beyond that, I love you.”

  “You do?” she said.

  “Yes, I do.”

  Her face broke into a wide smile, and she threw her arms around him. “I love you, too, but I didn’t want to say it and make you feel pressured.”

  “Why would I feel pressured? You’re my mate.”

  “Yes, but isn’t that different from love?”

  He paused, and considered her words. “You know, I’m not sure, but I definitely love you…that’s all I know.”

  “I want you to bite me…mate me.”

  Her words were such a shock to him, it took a moment for them to sink in.

  “What? Really?”

  “Yes, really.”

  “Why now, tonight?”

  He cursed himself for asking, and possibly making her reconsider, but he needed to know.

  “I’ve wanted it for the past six weeks, but something stopped me, something I didn’t understand until now. I guess I needed to know you love me, the way I love you.”

  He could punch himself in the face. If only he’d told Rebecca he loved her earlier, they could have been mated weeks ago. Still, they were here now, and he wanted to howl out his satisfaction at her words.

  “Come here.” His voice was already roughened by desire as he crooked his finger at her.

  She went to him willingly.

  He sank to his knees and unbuttoned her jeans, pulling them roughly down her legs to her ankles. She laughed and used her hands on his shoulders to balance as she kicked her boots off and then her jeans.

  Josh pulled her to his face and kissed the scars on her belly, then he pulled her panties down and kissed her right between her legs, relishing the taste of her as it exploded in his mouth. They’d made love a lot in the past six weeks, but everything now seemed to come with a heightened awareness, as he prepared to make Rebecca his.

  He wanted to make this good for her, so she didn’t feel the pain of the bite too much. He’d heard that it could hurt, and it might be more painful for her, with her being human.

  Soon enough, he had her trembling on the edge of an orgasm. One of the things he loved about Rebecca was how responsive she was. Normally, he’d back off a little, tease her, bring her to the edge a few times, but he couldn’t, not tonight, not when his whole being longed to be inside his mate.

  Instead he pushed harder, licking her as if his life depended on it, and drinking up everything she offered when she fell over the edge with a cry.

  He scooped her up in his arms, and carried her to the bed. Practically throwing her on it, he pulled his T-shirt roughly over his head and tossed it to the side, and then wrestled with the buckle on his belt, in a rush to get it undone.

  She was clearly in a similar hurry, because she fumbled the buttons on her checked shirt a couple of times before tugging it open. Underneath, she wore a cream, silky bra and his mouth watered at the sight of her plump cleavage.

  When they were both finally naked, he crawled onto the bed, and over her.

  They’d both realized after their first time making love that they’d been stupid and remiss, not to talk about birth control. However, she was on the pill, and they were both clean, and neither had been with anyone for the longest time. So now, they simply made love
whenever they wanted.

  Tonight though, he paused. What they were about to do was momentous, and he wanted to be sure Rebecca was certain.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “Nothing, but are you sure? This is it, beautiful, we do this and there’s no going back.”

  “More certain than I’ve ever been in my life, Josh.”

  He didn’t need to hear more. With a growl, he pushed his way into her, and she met him with greedy enthusiasm of her own, hitching her hips to take more of him in.

  They were frantic in their movements, and their desire to get as close to one another as possible, and as Rebecca began to moan, and tighten around him, his canine teeth tingled in his gums.

  “I’m going to bite you,” he gasped out.

  Rebecca didn’t speak but she bared her neck to him, and that was all the permission he needed. He opened his mouth and sank his elongated canines into her flesh.

  The moment her blood touched his tongue he came, harder than he ever had in his life.

  She bucked under him, crying out, and at first, he worried it was pain, but realized it was ecstasy when she convulsed around him, milking every last drop from him.

  After, they lay panting, side by side, and he licked gently at the wound between her neck and shoulder.

  For the longest time, they simply held one another, getting their breathing under control.

  “I feel different,” Rebecca said. “In a good way.”

  “In the best way,” he agreed. He could feel her within him, sense her, and it was awesome. “You know, now that we’re mated, we really ought to be living together.”

  “I agree,” she said, and turned to him. “I was going to talk to you about it. Whose house would we live in? I think yours would be best…for Kat, but I didn’t want to assume that you’d be okay with me moving in here, with all my stuff.”

  His heart was so full and happy, he didn’t care if they lived in a ditch, but she was right, it would be best for Kat if they stayed here. His sister needed continuity after what she’d been through.

  “I think that would be best too, and I’ve been thinking, the only thing missing for you here, is space for you to paint. So, how about I build you a studio in the garden? Purpose built, great light?”

  “Oh my God, yes.” She pulled him in closer and kissed him passionately. “I love you, Josh.”

  “And I love you, Rebecca.”

  They’d both been loners, and both had left so much behind, but in finding one another, they’d also found a pack.

  Josh had everything he could ever want right here in his arms.

  Thank You from the Author

  Thank you for reading. If you want to check out any more paranormal romance by me, then you can get book one in my Dragon Clan series – Ice: Dragon Clan for free. Links for the freebie are all here:

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  Also, both my Bratva Vows duet, and my Mafia Vows series have FREE prequels, you can find the links here:


  Rosalie Redd

  Chapter One

  “Did you sign the application?” Chloe adjusted the Bluetooth headset in her ear and focused on the road through the windshield. The wiper blades swiped back and forth across the glass, the soft, rhythmic thumps competing with the beating of her heart.

  “Of course I did.” Brooklyn’s sigh echoed over the line. “I’m hurt you think I would forget to do something so important, and before you ask, I submitted the papers to the property management company right after I signed them.”

  Chloe inhaled a deep, pained breath then released it on a rush. “I’m sorry, Brook. It’s just… I’m worried they won’t select us, and we’ll lose our chance at expanding our business.”

  Best friends since high school, Chloe and Brooklyn had skipped college to pursue their passion, creating environmentally friendly products they sold at bazaars and craft fairs on weekends throughout the Seattle area. The business had expanded over the past three years, and they had applied for a lease in a building downtown that specialized in local handmade crafts. Competition was fierce, but Chloe hoped she and her partner would win one of the coveted spots.

  “Jake at the property management company indicated we should hear within the next few days.” Brooklyn’s soft voice echoed over the line. “At least we won’t have to wait long for an answer.”

  Chloe tightened her grip on the old Mustang’s steering wheel. She’d inherited the car after her mother passed away two years ago. Chloe’s heart ached, a mixture of pain and regret. She had lost the woman she loved most in the world and worried she’d never live up to her mother’s expectations.

  To win a place within the mall meant more to Chloe than she cared to admit. It was a symbol of her success, her ability to prove to herself that she was worthy.

  “Chloe,” Brooklyn huffed, “try not to worry. Things will work out as they should, right?”

  “Right.” Chloe didn’t share her friend’s optimism. Instead, she agonized over every little detail, sometimes pushing herself into a frenzy. Even now, her insides quivered along with the need to burn off some of the unspent energy. She couldn’t wait to arrive at her destination, grab her backpack, and set out to capture pictures of the local waterfalls.

  The rain slowed to a soft mist, and a signpost along the side of the road caught Chloe’s attention—Dark Moon Falls, 35 miles. Shifters, witches, and humans alike resided in the small community with a thriving tourist business. It seemed everyone wanted to meet the local residents and see a shifter for themselves, herself included.

  “You still there?” Brooklyn’s concerned voice pulled Chloe from her musing.

  “Yeah. You know what?” Chloe straightened her spine and leaned forward in her seat. “I’ll enjoy my time in Dark Moon Falls, even if it’s only for the day.”

  “There you go. I absolutely think you should. You’ve worked so hard lately, throwing yourself into the business. I’ll dive into the latest batch of beeswax bowl covers and the wool dryer balls. Everything will be ready when you return, I promise.”

  The tension in Chloe’s shoulders eased. “You’re awesome. You know that?”

  Brooklyn laughed. “Yep, and I’m proud of it. Christmas is just around the corner, so we’ll be super busy at the craft fairs over the next couple of months, and I just know we’ll land that spot in the mall for the new year.”

  Warmth spread through Chloe’s chest. “I owe you one.”

  “Just have a good time and take lots of pictures for me. Okay?”

  Chloe nodded then realized her friend couldn’t see her. A quick laugh escaped her lips. “I will. I promise.”

  “Ooh, I almost forgot to tell you.” Brooklyn’s excitement vibrated over the line. “Justin is taking me out to dinner on Friday. You’ll never guess where.”

  Justin was an all-around great guy and perfect for Brooklyn. The two lovebirds had met last summer, and their whirlwind romance was one for the books.

  “Tell me.” Chloe said, a smile spreading across her face.

  Brooklyn squealed. “Canlis!”

  Centered in the heart of Seattle on Lake Union, the fancy restaurant featured local cuisine and sported a dress code to match.

  A lightness lifted Chloe’s spirit. “Wow, that’s fabulous!”

  Static crackled over the line.

  “Brooklyn?” Chloe tapped the Bluetooth earpiece. “You still there?”

  “Chloe? I…didn’t…what…said.” The line buzzed and popped for a moment then complete silence echoed in her ear.

  Chloe’s attention drifted to her phone
sitting in the holder on the dashboard. It only had one bar of service.

  “Figures.” She yanked the earpiece from her ear and tossed it onto the passenger seat.

  The highway had turned into a single lane in each direction. Tall evergreens lined the road on either side, their heavy boughs swaying in the slight breeze. An infrequent oak and a rare birch tree stood among the sentinels, a few brown leaves clinging to their branches.

  Early November in the Pacific Northwest brought cloud-filled days, cold nights, and endless rain. Although an occasional snowstorm swept in this early in the season, the threat of any bad weather usually waited until after Christmas. Thank goodness for that.

  Chloe never liked shuffling their wares to the holiday bazaars when snow blanketed the ground. Hopefully, they’d be set up and doing a brisk business in the mall after the new year.

  You’ll never make enough money to do anything more than get by. Is that the kind of life you want? Mother’s words echoed in Chloe’s mind, needling into the tender spot in her soul.

  Chloe inhaled a deep breath then let it out slow like she’d learned from the meditation videos she watched on YouTube. Despite her efforts, her shoulders remained stiff. She rubbed the side of her face and pressed her foot harder on the pedal. The car lurched forward.

  “The sooner I arrive, the faster I can tackle that hike.” Although she’d tried yoga as well as meditation, the only activities that seemed to alleviate her stress levels were either hiking or jogging.

  Sometimes following a long day, she’d jog from the apartment she shared with Brooklyn in north Seattle to the trails in one of the local parks. A good run always left her happy and in good spirits. After filling out all the application forms for the property management company, creating some crafts for sale at the next bazaar, and preparing for the Christmas rush, she’d needed the day off.


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