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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

Page 119

by Bella Roccaforte

  Issac slid his gaze from her to the motorcycle and back again. A pained expression tightened his features. He shrugged. “It belonged to my brother.”

  A flurry of questions burned at the tip of her tongue, but by his pinched brow and the pensive way he stared at his hands made her clamp her lips together. Something painful had happened to his brother.

  She wanted to rush to Issac, encourage him to open up to her and share his past, but she refused to push him. Instead, she tightened her grip on her backpack strap and headed toward the door. “Thank you, again, for helping me.”

  “I’ll leave a message for you at the motel’s front desk when the car’s ready.” Issac’s soothing voice wrapped around her like a blanket.

  Before she could change her mind, she strode out the bay door and headed into town. Time to find a room and call Brooklyn. Her friend needed to know Chloe would be out of the loop for a few days. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be any longer than that, but a traitorous side of her secretly hoped the part Issac had to order would take the long route to Dark Moon Falls.

  Chapter Five

  Chloe tightened her grip around her jacket and hurried down the sidewalk. A big gust of wind whipped through her hair, blowing strands into her face. She brushed them aside and picked up her pace, eager to reach her destination.

  The sign for “Delight’s Diner” beckoned from across the street. She looked both ways, zipped between a couple of parked cars, dashed over the pavement to the opposite sidewalk, and let loose a quick exhale. After renting a room for a couple of nights at the motor lodge, she’d placed a call to Brooklyn.

  “Maybe your car trouble is the universe’s way of telling you to take a couple of days off. You work too hard. Let that bubbly side of you shine through and enjoy yourself.” Brooklyn’s words filtered through Chloe’s mind.

  Perhaps her friend had a point. She could worry over money, fret about the new lease, and brood on the upcoming holiday rush all she wanted, but it wouldn’t change anything. Since she had no place else to go, maybe she should have some fun. Who knew when the next opportunity for some downtime might happen?

  An unexpected release of tension drained from Chloe’s shoulders. With a new determination swelling in her chest, she tugged on the door handle to Delight’s Diner and stepped inside. The bell over the door chimed, the sound echoing throughout the restaurant, and the aroma of home-cooking assailed Chloe’s senses. Her stomach growled in response. Food sounded really good right about now.

  A row of booths hugged the windows and several stools sat along the diner’s main counter. Pictures lined the walls, and most appeared to be from the town back in the 1950s. One plate holding a hamburger and some fries sat on the edge of an opening into the kitchen. A string of unfilled tickets hung from the window.

  The buzz of conversation filled the place, and except for a single booth, all of the seats were already taken. She bit her lip. Maybe she should find another place to eat.

  Chloe turned toward the door and focused her attention on a poster taped to the glass. Funny, she hadn’t noticed it when she came in. The sheet contained two images—a dark-haired man with one brown eye and one milky white, and a wolf with mottled fur and similar eye color. The words “Hiram Adaire—Escapee—Convicted Killer” were scrawled along the top of the page.

  The hair on the back of Chloe’s neck rose. She wouldn’t want to meet this guy on the street or anywhere else for that matter.

  “Well, howdy there, young lady. I’m Delight. If you want fine comfort food, you’ve come to the right place.” An older woman with coal dark hair and skin to match strode up with a wide, welcoming grin. Her beautiful eyes sparked with interest, and she motioned for Chloe to follow her. “This way, dear. I’ve saved the last booth for you.”

  Chloe’s heart expanded at the warm welcome. As she slid into the booth and removed her coat, Delight placed a menu on the table. “You’re new in town. Here for a visit or to stay?”

  “A visit. I’ve come to hike and see some of the waterfalls in the area.” Now that she had to remain here for a few days, she’d have plenty of time to snap pictures. If she was lucky, she might even capture several cascades. A sense of weightlessness lightened her chest. She loved waterfalls.

  “Oh, that’s wonderful, dear. You’ll need to fill up on lots of calories then. The burgers are always a good choice, but so is the mac and cheese. Of course, you absolutely must try a piece of pie. I’ll give you a minute to decide.” With a quick wink, Delight scurried to an adjacent booth to assist other customers.

  Chloe grasped the menu and scanned the items printed on the page. The BLT sounded good, but so did the grilled cheese sandwich.

  The tinkle of the bell pierced the air, and Chloe glanced to the door.

  Issac stood just inside the doorway. Dressed in a gray flannel shirt and a nice pair of dark blue 501s, he rocked the outdoorsy look well. He ran his hand through his hair, and as he took in the crowded room, his brow furrowed. His gaze landed on her, and a spark flared in his eyes.

  Chloe’s breath bottled in her throat. Good lord, he was absolutely gorgeous.

  He took a tentative step toward her then his shoulders stiffened, and he glanced to the door.

  Instinct propelled her from the bench, and she clasped Issac’s arm before he left.

  “Please, stay. There’s plenty of room in my booth. Unless, of course, you’re waiting for someone.” Her words came out on a rush.

  He studied her with his magnificent brown eyes. “I’m a single guy and alone far too much most of the time. Thanks for the offer. I’d be honored to share your booth with you.”

  Guess that answered her earlier question about whether he had a girlfriend or not.

  A shy smile tugged at his lips, accentuating a slight dimple in his cheek. Damn if his shyness didn’t seep under her skin and warm her on the inside.

  She removed her hand from his arm and returned to the booth. He slid into the seat across the table, and his knees rubbed against hers. A jolt of sexual energy slipped along her nerves. She could fall for a man like him if she wasn’t careful.

  “Did the motel have a room for you?” he asked.

  She nodded. “I booked one for a couple of nights.”

  “Well, look at what the cat dragged in. It’s good to see you again, Issac. I’ve missed your weekly visits.” Delight placed two glasses of water on the table along with two sets of silverware wrapped in paper napkins. “You want your usual?”

  “That would be wonderful, Delight, and I promise to make a regular appearance.” Issac’s shoulders relaxed, and his bright smile lit up his features.

  Delight turned her attention to Chloe. “And what would you like, dear?”

  “I’ll have the grilled cheese sandwich. With fries.”

  “Perfect, and I’ll add a couple of slices of Marionberry pie for dessert. On the house.” Delight tapped her pencil on the pad of paper then turned on a dime and headed behind the counter.

  Chloe leaned forward. “What did you order?”

  Issac raised a dark eyebrow, mirth dancing in his eyes. “You’ll have to wait and see.”

  “Oh, you would say that, wouldn’t you?” Chloe leaned back in her seat. “Dang it.”

  A deep, masculine chuckle burst from his lips. “It’ll drive you bonkers, won’t it?”

  She crossed her arms and fought the smile that threatened to form, but she lost the battle. “So, tell me something else then. What’s your middle name?”

  “Don’t laugh.” He wiped his fingers over his enchanting smile. “Spencer.”

  Chloe pursed her lips, but the giggle escaped anyway. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it.”

  He shrugged. “I thank my mother for that one. So, are we playing a modified version of twenty questions?”

  Chloe’s heart picked up speed. “Sure, sounds like fun. Your turn then.”

  “Do you have any pets?”

  “Nope, not unless you count the birds that visit the feeder on my win

  The questions continued long past dessert, and Chloe enjoyed discovering so many interesting facts about Issac. Who knew he enjoyed books, chess, and a good bottle of scotch? Those things were in sharp contrast to the image she’d created of him from his garage job. Well, he’d also admitted he relished the opportunity to repair cars and work with his hands. Oh, and he’d ordered chicken fried steak and green beans, which hadn’t surprised her one bit.

  “I think we’re up to number twenty. Last question.” Issac laced his fingers together, placed his hands on the table, and leaned forward. The intensity of his gaze bore into her. “Is there a male in your life?”

  Tingles of awareness ran down her arms, raising the fine hairs. “Not anymore. I’m a divorcee.”

  She held her breath, waiting for his reaction. Would he hold that against her? She didn’t think so, but you never knew with some people.

  Issac smiled, that shy smile she was fast becoming accustomed to curling his lip. “Well, sounds like there’s a story there. You’ll have to share it with me sometime.”

  Chloe released her pent-up breath on a long exhale. His reaction had meant more to her than she’d even realized.

  “Hey, you two.” Delight saddled up to the table and placed the check near Issac. “Restaurant closes in fifteen. Anything else I can get you?”

  “No thanks. My compliments to the chef, especially for the pie.” Chloe enjoyed the food, but maybe the company had made it taste even better.

  Issac withdrew his wallet and tossed some bills on the table. “Outstanding as always, Delight.”

  “Aw, you two warm my heart.” She scooped up the money and the bill. “Let me get your change.”

  Issac waved his palm. “Keep it, Delight.”

  “Thank you, Issac. You’re a dear.” The shop owner wandered to the adjacent empty table and gathered the dishes.

  Chloe glanced around the restaurant. Other than a couple of men sitting at the counter, the place was empty. So caught up in her conversation with Issac, she hadn’t noticed the other patrons had left.

  Her attention returned to Issac. She couldn’t let him pay for her food. “How much do I owe you?”

  “Not a thing. You shared your booth with me, and I’m glad you did. Now, if you’ll let me, I’d like to walk you to the motel.” Issac slid from the diner’s seat and held out his hand.

  Chloe’s heart skipped a beat, and indecision held her in place. She shouldn’t let this continue. Given their current circumstances, with Issac living far from her, there was little hope this could amount to anything. Plus, she didn’t do one-night stands.

  A slight smile curled his lip, as if he had a good joke or a secret to share, and a spark flared in the depths of his eyes. “Don’t worry. I won’t bite you.”

  He was a wolf shifter. How could she forget?

  The laugh that bubbled from her started out slow, but she let it build. “I should hope not, but I’ll bet you’ve got a good set of canines on you.”

  A low growl rumbled in his throat. “My wolf takes that as a compliment.”

  She tugged on her coat and slipped her palm into Issac’s grasp. He drew her to her feet. His dark, musky, masculine scent eased into her senses, and warmth radiated from his skin, sending a spark of sensual awareness between them. She had the intense desire to kiss him, and unconsciously took a step forward, invading his personal space.

  He swept his gaze over her features as if memorizing every last detail then he tightened his grip on her hand and guided her toward the door.

  * * *

  Issac placed his arm around Chloe’s shoulder, and they hurried along the sidewalk. The bitter wind howled through the treetops, cold enough to harden the ground before a good snowfall. A gust blew a few strands of Chloe’s hair over her jacket collar. The fine ends teased the back of his hand, lighting him up and rousing his wolf.

  “It’s cold out here.” Chloe tightened her arms around her coat and leaned into him.

  Gods, how he wanted to be with Chloe, to walk her home after a night out on a permanent basis. But he had no business hoping for something like that. No matter what his wolf thought, she’d made it clear she planned to return to Seattle as soon as he fixed her car. That gave him, what, two days? He wasn’t even sure Casanova could romance someone that fast.

  The smack of their shoes hitting the pavement competed with the wind’s roar. Except for the two of them, the street remained blessedly empty. Anyone in their right mind had holed up for the night. Between the trees, a few stars twinkled in the dark sky.

  They crossed the street and headed toward the Dark Moon Falls Motor Lodge. The neon vacancy sign hung from the office window, the letter “y” flickering, as if it couldn’t decide whether to bother or not.

  He steered her toward the long line of single file rooms. A handful of cars were parked in front of the first few. “What room are you in?”

  “Six.” She dug her fingers into her coat pocket and produced a key attached to a disc, the number six etched into the plastic.

  Chloe turned to face him, and the wind whipped several curls of her auburn hair across her face. He ran his finger along her brow and tucked the stray strands behind her ear. The smile that bloomed on her face radiated such warmth, he struggled to breathe.

  “Thank you for walking me here.” She studied him, her beautiful green eyes becoming quizzical. “You surprised me tonight.”

  Issac’s heart raced. “I did? How so?”

  A giggle burst from her full, plump, kissable lips. “When I first met you, I noticed your shyness, but I saw a different side of you tonight. You’re kind, funny, and…”

  He slid his hand along her neck and cupped her chin. “What else?”

  She swallowed and ran her tongue over her bottom lip, moistening it.

  Gods, he wanted to pull her close and taste her delectable mouth. Instead, he ran his thumb along her jawline, enjoying the softness of her skin.

  “Tell me,” he continued to stroke her chin.

  “Hot as sin,” she whispered.

  Issac wrapped his other hand around her waist, tugged her to him, and brought his lips to hers. She was as soft and supple as he’d imagined, and he devoured her with his kiss. A needful moan escaped on her panted breaths, and she threaded her fingers into his hair, combing him with her nails.

  A low growl of pure need eased from him.

  Make love to her, bite her, make her ours. His inner wolf bucked against his control. The tips of his canines elongated.

  He broke the kiss, cupped Chloe’s cheeks with both palms, and pressed his forehead against hers. His heart pounded in his ears, but he refused to give in to his wolf’s demands.

  Chloe’s heated breaths tickled his cheek, and it took all his willpower not to kiss her again. He drew away.

  “I have to go.” Not waiting for her reply, he released her and hurried past the parked cars and the blinking neon sign in the window.

  His wolf growled his discontent which only ratcheted up his anxiety. He refused to force himself on her. Besides, in the end she’d reject him and return to Seattle. Then, he’d end up like Samuel, and he couldn’t handle that pain and loneliness.

  Chapter Six

  Chloe tied the laces on her boots, rose from the motel’s double bed, and strode to the mirror over the single sink. Despite the concealer she’d dabbed on her skin, dark circles still rimmed her eyes. She hadn’t slept well, tossing and turning all night long. With a quick huff, she wrapped her hair into a bun and secured the knot behind her head with a scrunchie.

  Her thoughts drifted to last night and her time spent with Issac, the lean, muscular wolf shifter who had kissed the living daylights out of her then left her on the doorstep before she could even blink. A mixture of frustration, confusion, and disbelief slid along every last nerve, tightening the muscles in her arms, legs, and back into firm little balls.

  Why had he left so suddenly? Had she chased him off? His quick departure was probably a go
od thing. She wasn’t sure she would’ve turned him away and that scared her more than she cared to admit. There was something in his quiet mannerisms that called to her, and she seemed so at ease around him. No one else had ever made her feel that way.

  Chloe pinched the bridge of her nose. Stop. Just stop.

  Damn, she needed to relieve some of her pent-up energy. Hiking to the nearby waterfalls would accomplish that and more. She loved to see the water cascade over the cliff’s edge, hear the roar as it crashed along the rocks, and enjoy the spray on her face. The unique combination was the perfect balm to her sore ego.

  A sense of excitement pushed her into motion. Good thing the trail to the waterfalls started at the edge of town. She peered around the room. Where did she leave her phone?

  As if the thing had extra sensory perception, her Samsung Galaxy vibrated on the nightstand next to the bed.

  She hurried across the carpet, snagged her phone, and noted the familiar number. A smile tugged at her lip. She swiped her finger across the display. “Hi Brooklyn.”

  “Chloe! Oh thank goodness you answered.” Brooklyn exhaled a quick breath. “I called several times over the past couple of hours and almost gave up.”

  Chloe glanced at the single bar of reception on her phone. “Cell service is spotty here. Is everything all right?”

  “I received a call from the property management company. They called me when they couldn’t reach you.”

  Chloe sat on the edge of the bed, a flutter tickling her stomach. “What did they say? Did we get the lease?”

  “They’ve narrowed down the list. We made the first cut.”

  Warmth spread through Chloe’s chest on a rush of adrenaline. “That’s fantastic news!”

  “Yes, but they want more information about the business.” Brooklyn’s voice quivered. “What should I send them?”

  “They didn’t specify what they wanted?”

  “Nope. Said that was part of the test. To see what we’d include. Suggestions?”

  Chloe tapped her finger on her knee. “They already have our business plan with our goals, objectives, and budget, along with our estimated profit and loss statement for this year.”


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