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Legend of the Stone

Page 8

by Jenee Robinson

  With gentle hands I ease open my door, and its creak betrays my movements. I poke my head out into the living area; when I see it’s clear, I dart for the front entrance.

  As I gently pull on the door, a voice from behind me stops me in my tracks.

  “It’s about time you woke. I was about to send Lance in to see if you were alive.” Her joking tone brings a smile to my face.

  I turn and find her standing in the little kitchen, a piece of bread in her hand.

  “Lance knows better than to wake me. It is not an easy task, and I’ve been told that I punch,” I reply with a shrug. “I have some chores to help with before training. Hope you’re ready for Declan, he is a master at training but a little sadistic.”

  With that I head out to find the chores I just lied about. I jog the short distance to the barn. Declan is inside, tending to the cows. He raises an eyebrow as he watches me approach.

  “Percy, what can I do for you?” he asks.

  Kicking the hay in my path, I look at him. “It’s more like what can I do for you?”

  My question makes him pause his work. “In all the years I’ve known you, you’ve never asked for chores before training. Tell me the real reason you are here.”

  Sighing I step closer to him and look around. It is just us and the cows here, so I reply. “I don’t know where to begin. One look from Alexa,” her name leaves my lips in little more than a whisper, “and I’m a mess. You know what happened to me last time; I vowed I wouldn’t go through that again. Have you ever felt a tug to a woman and no matter how hard you try, it can’t be ignored?”

  Declan raises from his stool. “Yes, every day. Congratulations, you found your mate.” He clasps a hand on my shoulder.

  “What are you talking about? I thought that was a myth?”

  “Just like the heir that can pull a sword from a stone?” He arches an eyebrow at me. “All myths or legends start as a truth. Sometimes they transform or change depending on who is telling the tale. You can try and fight against this bond you are forming, but I will tell you, it is not something you can escape. If you are having these feelings, then she is as well. You need to talk to her, avoiding her will not do anything to ease what you are feeling. Besides, the feelings only intensify, it’s best not to ignore it for too long.”

  I am about to open my mouth to reply, when Henri rides in. He stops his horse just at my feet, jumping down in front of me.

  “Percy, Declan, good morning,” he greets us.

  “How are you, Henri? Enjoying your time off?” Declan replies.

  “Well, I was. I’ve been set on the task of retrieving Lance, Beck, and Grey. The king has another lead, and he is sending the four of us off to check it out.”

  “I will track down Grey and Lance for you. I think Beck is in the main house,” I tell him and walk out of the barn. With only two steps from the barn, I nearly run into Grey.

  “Henri is here, the king has a mission for him, you, Lance, and Beck. I figure you would want to say good-bye to Alexa before heading out.”

  “What, how, why,” he stammers, his cheeks stained with a blush.

  “I caught you looking at her, and it was not the way a friend would.”

  “I’m not ashamed to admit it,” Grey says as we begin our trek toward the cottage. “I have a pull to her. I can’t put it into words.” His tone is quiet, almost shy.

  “Nor should you be. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I have that pull to her and I have no doubt that Lance does too,” I fire back.

  Shock fills his face, along with confusion. “How is that possible? Everything I’ve ever been told on fated mates is there is only one pair. Not three males and one female. How is it workable?”

  “I think that is something we need to work out with Alexa and each other.”

  I open the door to the cottage, and we find Lance and Alexa in the living area talking.

  Lance stands. “What’s wrong?”

  I laugh at his response. “Nothing, Henri is here. The king has a new lead and he wants you two,” I point to Lance and Grey, “along with Beck and Henri to check it out.”

  “I better get my bag re-packed; so much for time off. I was planning on looking in on my parents this afternoon. I want to make sure they are set for this winter,” Lance replies.

  Alexa walks up to him and places a hand on his shoulder, and I am a little taken aback that jealousy doesn’t flow through me.

  “Percy and I can check in on your parents, isn’t that right Percy?” she asks me with a wink.

  “Um...” I clear my throat. “Sure, they love me more than Lance anyway.”

  “So,” Grey speaks up, “I think it is best that we air out that the three of us all have the mate pull to Alexa.”

  Her face flushes a scarlet red, and I walk up to her and do something she isn’t expecting.

  Uneasy Feelings


  I am in awe. Percy took me in his arms and kissed me, in front of Grey and Lance. Not that I really mind the kiss, but I haven’t had a chance to talk to him yet or get to know him.

  “Well, not bad for our first kiss,” he says with a laugh.

  I'm still processing the kiss when Grey strides over and repeats Percy's actions. Grey pulls me in closer, letting all his emotions flow into the kiss.

  "You guys done?" Lance asks, irritation ringing in his voice.

  Grey breaks the kiss, leaving me breathless, but keeps me tucked in close.

  "Maybe, I don't know how long we will be gone. Got to do this while I can." He smirks, then places one more kiss on my nose. He unwraps one arm from me, leaving the other around my waist. "I have to run and pack. Lance, I'll meet you at the stables."

  Grey’s gaze refocuses on me. "I will be back for you, and I'll hate every second I'm away."

  I beam up at him, unsure of what to reply. As his steps reach the door, I call out, "Be safe on your travels, or I will hunt you down and kick your ass, then drag it home."

  All three of the guys laugh, not realizing that I am serious.

  I glance from Percy to Lance and back, unsure of what to do now.

  Percy interrupts the awkward silence. "Since I wasn't asked to go, again, I will help Declan get the horses ready. So, you can say good-bye to Alexa in private." With that he leaves Lance and me standing alone in the cottage.

  I grab Lance’s hand as he turns toward his room.

  "Lance," I start.

  He holds up a calloused hand. "Alexa, I told you last night, if you have room for me in your heart, I am yours. Leaving you, that is what I have an issue with."

  The tone of his voice rings with sadness, and I move my body closer to him, wrapping my arms as best I can around his thick torso.

  "As much as I wish you could stay, I know why you can't. I want to be selfish and demand you not leave, you are mine and I want you here at my side, but for the safety of all of us, you must."

  He pulls my chin up gently until my eyes meet his. "Selfish, that sounds nice. Maybe once we restore you to the throne, you will have the time for that."

  "Well, I'm hopeful that we will get time before that. I will focus on my training while you are gone, and I’ll get to know Percy. Anything I need to know about your parents?" I ask shyly.

  My question lightens up his mood. He takes one of my hands and leads me into his room. Once we enter, he lets go so he can rummage around for what he will need on this journey.

  "My dad, he acts tough but is really a big softie. His name is Lancelot. Yes, before you ask, like the original knight that served with Arthur. The legend is somewhat of a sore subject with him, as his father was so sure that it would be my father that helped restore the throne, just as his namesake was friend and knight to Arthur. My mom, she is wonderful and kind. She is a lot like Tiffany. So, do not go over there if you aren't prepared to eat, she will insist on feeding you. Do not go over there before training, no matter how nicely she asks." He laughs.

  "They sound wonderful. I just wish it
was you taking me to meet them," I admit.

  "As do I," he replies quietly.

  He tucks one last shirt into his pack and glances around; satisfied, he looks at me.

  Walking over to the side of the bed, he pats for me to sit next to him. I slowly make my way over from the spot I was rooted in, lingering in front of him for a moment. I don't want to sit on the bed. I leisurely circle my arms around his neck, then I place one leg over his at a time and settle into a comfy position as I straddle him.

  His breath quickens with each movement I make. I inch closer until his body is flush with mine. I bury my head against his neck, taking my time to enjoy this moment between us, as his hands wander around my back before finding their place around me.

  "This is torture," he whispers.

  "Way to ruin the mood," I say with a laugh, "I don't want you to go."

  I pepper his neck with slow, lingering kisses; when I hear him moan I smile to myself. I stop and lean back to make eye contact. "Does that mean you like that?" I smirk.

  "Let me return the favor," he replies as his hands pull me closer until my exposed neck is at his lips. He gently kisses me, and with each brush of his lips, goosebumps are left in his wake. When I shiver in his arms, he tugs me closer, to hold me.

  "Alexa, I have to go. I know my men are in the stable waiting. I have been selfish, spending these last few moments with you." He heaves a sigh as his grip loosens on me.

  I remove my body from his, standing to straighten my clothes. "Well, I, for one, do not regret a single second."

  When he stands, I can't help but admire the bulge that is clearly visible in his pants. "Well I may regret it later," he laughs. "All joking aside, I want to take things slow. We are mates but that doesn't mean we can't get to know each other."

  "That is the smartest thing I think I've heard you say since we met," I tease.

  He slings his pack over his shoulder and takes my hand in the other. "Let's get this mission over with so I can make my way back to you."

  I try and match my steps to his, but my legs work double time to keep up.

  Fear rises in my chest as we near the barn, my breathing shallow. As if Lance senses it, he stops and turns to me.

  "Alexa, are you all right?" He eyes me.

  "No, I have a bad feeling. I don't want you to go," I answer truthfully.

  "We have to, if we don't the king will know something is wrong."

  I nod my head at him. I understand, but my words fail me.

  When we finally arrive at the barn, Merina drops Beck's hand, running to my side.

  "Sister, what is it?" Her eyes are full of concern.

  I try to wave her off. "Nothing, me being silly."

  "Alexa, you know better than to lie to me." She turns to Lance and points a finger at him. "You, what did you do to her?"

  "What? Nothing. We were just walking over here when her hand got clammy and her breathing got shallow. I asked her what was the matter, and her reply was that she has a bad feeling and not to go." Lance answers.

  Her gaze returns to me. "Then Lance doesn't go."

  She pulls us out of sight from the others and with a snap of her fingers, she transforms. Her arms and legs grow longer; her hair shortens as it changes from red to brown. Her body thickens with muscles and her boobs disappear. The true Lance standing next to me has his jaw hanging open.

  "Damn, I always knew I was handsome," he jokes.

  Rolling my eyes, I talk to my sister. "You can not go either, my feeling was fear, my gut tells me that it’s a trap," I warn her.

  Lance-that-is-really-my-sister takes my hand. "If that is the case, it is better that I go. I would be able to transport us out if the need arises."

  "I can not ask you to go into danger, Merina. They are my men, this is my mission," Real Lance pipes up.

  "You do not have to ask. I will feel better going, even if it is a trap. My magic may be worth more than a sword if that is the case."

  "Will you tell the men who you are?" he questions.

  "Only if they become suspicious; it is best that they do not know. If it is a trap, one of them may be in on it. I will sleep a little better knowing that Alexa is safe here with you and Percy. If Beck or Grey are the traitors, they will suffer my wrath."

  I have to stifle a laugh.

  Merina, as Lance, raises an eyebrow at me.

  "You look and sound like Lance, but you are talking just as my sister. I find it confusing and funny," I reply.

  "Okay, give me your pack. Wait here until we ride off. I will tell the others that Alexa was feeling ill and Merina took her to lie down. You two be safe, and Lance, no wandering from the cottage or grounds. Can't have two of us about."

  Lance hands Merina his pack and we watch as she makes her way to the men. We hear her bark out orders, then they mount their horses and head out of the estate.

  Percy comes around the barn, confusion crossing his face when he sees Lance standing next to me.

  "Come, we need to talk to Declan," I order.

  We make our way around and into the barn where Declan is still working the livestock.

  A puzzled expression flashes across his face as he sees Lance walk in. "Wait, you left with the others. How are you back already?"

  Lance pushes me forward.

  "Coward," I mutter, then turn my attention to Declan. "This is my fault."

  Waving his hands, he encourages me to go on.

  "Lance and I were headed to meet up with everyone. As we approached the barn, this inkling of fear overtook me. Merina rushed over and I told her this too. She made the decision to go in Lance's stead. She transformed into him and rode out with the guys," I explain.

  "Why? That's what I'm not understanding."

  "My fear, it told me not to let Lance go, that his mission is not that, but a trap. Merina understood this, so it was best for him to stay and her go. If she needs, she will make a quick exit. Lance and the others can't fade and Merina can. They will have a way back if they need it."

  "Well if it is a trap, that means the king knows you have been found; we must start your training immediately," Declan orders. "Lance, take her to the grounds and work with her on her sword holds and swings. Percy, will you aid me in my chores, so that we may all give her a fast track training? We will all teach her the skills we are strongest in, to make up for the lack of time."

  "Of course," Percy and Lance reply at once.

  Lance takes my hand, and Declan raises an eyebrow at us. I hear Percy mutter to him and Declan just shakes his head.

  "Out with you two, I've already instructed you as to what needs to be done," Declan barks.

  Lance and I jog over to the training grounds, and I find my sword where Declan had hung it. I grip the handle and the sparks invigorate me as I touch it. I remind myself not to leave it behind again.

  Lance walks up with two of the wooden training swords and offers one to me.

  "Let's start with these for now, I don't want to look like that dummy anytime soon," he jokes, pointing to the one I destroyed.

  "Ha ha," I reply, taking sword and placing my sword down with care. A deep inhale and a heavy sigh later, I turn and face Lance once more.

  "First, I want to work on your grip. I want you to mirror what I do, to get comfortable with the blade in your hand. Think of it as an extension of your arm."

  I nod as he shows me the proper way to hold it.

  Once he approves that I have the handling down, he leads me to the other dummy on the grounds.

  "Now, I want you to work on your swing. It takes more than your arm. You will not last long in a fight unless you back up your swings with your body weight."

  I note that he has his stance staggered, and observe the way his body moves as he swings toward the dummy, making it look effortless. He steps back and motions for me to take his place.

  I mimic his movements, feet staggered, moving my body to help aid in the blow I deliver on the dummy's shoulder.

  "Not bad. I want you t
o continue with your right side, then I will have you start on your left. It will be awkward at first, but it is essential that you learn to control your blade in both hands."

  So I do, attacking the dummy over and over, until my arm is aching from the repetitive motion. He then has me switch and practice with my left.

  My swings are embarrassingly wild, so much so that Lance takes a step back.

  "Do not let it discourage you, we all had to adjust to using our non-dominant hand. You're doing great."

  As I start to gain more confidence in my swings, I spy Percy and Declan out of the corner of my eye. I am grateful and worried at the same time. My arms feel as if they are ready to fall off and this is only the start of my training.

  "Okay, Alexa, that's enough. Percy, she is all yours." Lance laughs.

  I give him a dirty look.

  "Relax, we are gonna start with a jog around the farm today. After all the swinging, there is no way you'll be able to hold a bow steady. I, for one, don’t feel like having to dig an arrow out of anyone's backside," Percy teases.

  "You both are very funny, get over yourselves," I reply in irritation.

  I pass my wooden sword to Declan and wait for Percy to take the lead.

  "You're burning daylight, and you promised to take me to check in on Lance's parents. Let's do this," I tell Percy.

  "Make sure you keep up," is his reply as he takes off.

  He starts with a nice, slow trot. I am able to keep up fairly well, until he speeds up. It doesn't take me long to start huffing and puffing, but he doesn’t lose me.

  The moment I think my lungs and legs can't take it anymore, he stops under a big oak tree, cooling off in the shade.

  I drag myself over to where he sits, and flop down with my head on his thigh. I gaze up at him, and he smiles at me, but it is a forced smile.

  "Tell me," I say.

  "Tell you what?" he replies.

  "Who hurt you? I recognize that smile. Merina wore it a lot after her heart was broken."

  "She was a local girl; we grew up together. She was the love of my life, since the age of ten." He sighs.

  I sit up and face him, making eye contact.


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