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Fourth a Lie (Goddess Isles, #4)

Page 25

by Winters, Pepper

  He thrust up hard.

  I bit the tongue in my mouth.

  I tasted the monster I’d always need and love.

  His groan echoed through my ears, soaking into my belly as he kissed me harder, harder.

  My nails scored his back as he rutted into me.

  Every cell rejoiced.

  Every atom did cartwheels and then turned crimson with dripping need.

  I wrapped my arms around the head of the man kissing me.

  Not just a man.

  My forever.

  We kissed and tongued; we smashed teeth and clawed.

  His hands dug into the mattress by my head as his hips spread my legs wider. His thick cock did its best to teach my pussy how to orgasm again.

  He let out a tattered groan as I bit his bottom lip, stiffening in his arms as my heart refused to permit a release. My pulse was sky high; my ability to see clearly and comprehend had fallen into impossible.

  Everything was bad and broken...but not Sully.

  I’d never felt anything so good, so perfect, so right.

  I surrendered to him. I tore my lips from his and cloaked his wounded face with a million kisses. I was so grateful. So fucking grateful that he tried to help.

  It’s too late.

  Too late.

  My hips picked up a punishing tempo as I rocked with him, demanding a vicious, vile kind of coupling.

  He groaned again, pouring fire on the inferno inside me. Trapped and tangled, the flames had nowhere to go. They incinerated my veins and charred my heart.

  “Eleanor, please...breathe.” His voice fed into my mouth. His large hand cupped my breast, his fingertips pressing into my helter-skelter heart. “Please, Jinx. Come. Let go. Let me help you.”

  He drove his hips deeper into mine.

  A flutter of a release feathered around my core, afraid to manifest after being told no for so long. It scurried back up my belly to my heart, hiding behind the rapidly failing organ.

  “Sully—” I rocked and opened my mouth as a lash of agonising lust whipped up my spine. It tasted like liquorice and grave dust.

  “That’s it. Come.”

  My pussy clenched around his girth. My clit throbbed and the tingling warning of an orgasm began. It tiptoed up my calves and trickled up my thighs. Buried beneath the excruciating pressure and tightness in every pore, it wasn’t a relief, just more agonising temptation.

  I no longer knew how to come.

  I didn’t know how to trigger the snarling, snapping savagery in my blood.

  Sully sensed my struggles, rutting into me at a pace almost guaranteed to make me break apart. Short quick stabs, bitter and cruel.

  My breasts bounced.

  A climax once again whispered into being.




  I gasped for air.

  I suffocated on silence.

  My fingers curled and toes spasmed.

  But it didn’t erupt.

  It just sat there, growing fiercer and stronger, agony on top of razor-sharp agony, increasing my heart rate, sending me hurtling toward a wall I wouldn’t survive. “Please! Fuck, please!” I scratched his back and bit his throat. I writhed beneath him and fought for reprieve. Some reprieve. Any reprieve!

  Sully grunted as I started to sob.

  I was so twisted and turned.

  So knotted and knitted in one chaotic ball of skipping beats, pounding pulse, and an orgasm that’d been custom-designed to stop my heart entirely.

  “I’m...I don’t feel...I can’t breathe...” I opened my mouth wide, desperate for air, my lungs only inflating with teasing taints of oxygen.

  It wasn’t my lungs failing, it was my heart.

  It forgot how to beat.

  It suffocated beneath the will to come that consumed my every existence yet refused to detonate.

  Elixir had become my worst enemy.

  A complex cocktail that’d poisoned me better than any virus or violence.

  I contorted in Sully’s embrace.

  I bucked and swarmed with nightmares.

  “Shit, Eleanor.” Sully withdrew. Sitting on his knees, he scooped me from the mattress.

  I dangled like an asphyxiated doll in his arms.

  “Tell me what you need.” He shook me.

  My heart hiccupped. My eyes blurred with tears. “I don’t know.” I cried harder. “I can’t—” My spine snapped backward as my body no longer belonged to me.

  “Fuck, mate, you better do something,” a stranger muttered. “Is this what happens to all the girls with elixir?”

  Sully didn’t answer him. “Come here.” Snatching me from the bed, he spread my legs over his lap again. Brushing aside my sweat-sticky hair, he grabbed his cock and angled me until he fed his length inside me.

  The moment he filled me, his hand went to my clit, rubbing me fast and quick, his rush to grant me a cure only making me worse.

  I screamed as the pain became unimaginable.

  I tried to get away, but I had no strength in my arms.

  My head throbbed. My ears rang. He kept pushing me up and up an unclimbable cliff, too high, no air, too far, no breath.

  “Don’t do this to me, Jinx. Please don’t die on me.” He drove deeper into me. “Just come. Let go. I’m sorry I made you wait. I’m sorry. I didn’t know what would happen if you didn’t have the freedom to climax.” He drove again and again, growling and thrusting, as deranged as I was.

  My legs spasmed with muscle contractions. My toes curled until shooting pains ran down my soles. My fingers hooked into claws again, disobeying my instructions to uncurl, every part of me twining with unforgivable tension.

  “Please, Eleanor.” He fell forward, sandwiching me against the bed again, pumping viciously hard into me.

  I was coiled in rope and bound by bars.

  My convoluted orgasm snarled and turned rogue, no longer just teasing my womb but destroying it, shredding me from the inside out but still refusing to break.

  Sweat coated every inch of me. The mattress was wet beneath me.

  “Come for me. Come. I demand you to come. I want to feel your every clench, Jinx. You have my cock, so fucking use it.” His voice slipped down my ears, clearing a path for his commands.

  I seized with need. I clung to his rich baritone. My ears rang with gratefulness. They were the only part of me not wound tight with unbearable tension. The one sense still unhindered by my reckless, rampant heart.

  The demons with their rabid claws snarled, switching from torturing to a fine shimmer of pleasure.



  I groaned, arching my head, seeking, seeking.


  Give me more!

  Sully understood.

  His nose nuzzled my tensed throat, his teeth bit down on muscles far too constricted. “Is that what you need? Dirty words.”

  My pussy fluttered around his invasion.

  My tears stopped, just for a second, my misery interrupted by the faint promise of a release.

  “Okay, Jinx.” Digging both hands into the mattress, he soared up, digging his hips into mine, making us join deeper and harder than we ever had before. “Do you know how much I love you? No other girl compares—”

  My orgasm revolted, turning its back on him. That was too sweet, too full of love.

  I needed anger to match my anger.

  Filth to cancel my filth.

  I cried harder as the faint promise turned once again into agonising misery.

  “Jesus Christ.” His lips found my ear again, our chemistry feeding him the exact knowledge how to fix me. He knew what I needed, but he hesitated.

  His gaze went to the side, dragging my attention with it.

  I flinched as I locked gazes with three men. Their hands locked around turgid erections, their breath quick, and faces etched with their own release.

  I was jealous.

  Fucking jealous that they could come and I could not.<
br />
  The taller one licked his lips, his voice travelling over the floor to me. “You need to come. Let him fuck you.”

  Sully snarled. “Don’t talk to her.”

  My back bowed.

  The demons inside me reacted. They preened and simpered. Those men wanted me. They all wanted me. They wanted what I could offer. What my body was about to die for unless Sully could help.

  With my eyes on the men and Sully thrusting deep inside me, I shivered as his lips found my ear again. He let down his shields and revealed his dangerous envy. He hissed with hate and hurt, “They want to fuck you. They wish they were me, balls fucking deep inside your delicious fucking cunt. They see me driving into you and contemplate killing me just to get a taste. One taste, Jinx. That’s all they want. One opportunity to stick their cocks inside you. Do you want that? Do you want me to give you to them?” His teeth bit my ear, his cock diving deeper inside me. “Too fucking bad. I will never give you up. Never let another man touch you because you belong to me. Your pussy belongs to me, and I’ll fuck you however I goddamn want.”

  A shooting star bolted around my core.

  Oh, my God.


  “They all want you, Jinx. Every man who came to my shores wanted you. It took every shred of self-control not to fuck you myself when you first arrived.” His cock hit the top of me, bruising and punishing. “I hated you for that. I hated that you made me so fucking weak.”

  My core twisted in all the right ways, not wrong.

  “You’re everything I ever dreamed of, and if you think I’m going to let you die on me...yeah, you’re shit out of luck. I’m keeping you, Eleanor, so you better fucking come. There is no other alternative for you. Come.”

  The tension in my muscles climbed another plateau, vibrating with anticipation.

  “Sully...” I scratched his back. The pain in my womb finally switched. It stretched like a tigress, spun like a dancer, gathered to explode in a firework.

  His teeth found my ear again, biting me as he growled, “It doesn’t matter that every male wants to stick his cock inside you. No one will ever have that privilege. They can watch you being fucked. They can fantasise about you, they can dream about you, but they will never touch you because you. Are. Mine.” His thrusts turned quick and sharp, driving me to that final blistering edge. The edge I’d been cruelly shoved back from again and again until my system turned its warfare directly at me.

  “Come, Eleanor. Give me everything. I won’t deny you again. You want me to fuck you in a crowded room, I will. You want me to fuck you tied up in front of majesties and politicians, I will. I will fuck you wherever you goddamn want because you are mine.”

  Blades of fire.

  Knives of pain.

  Crashing, clenching waves that crashed through the barrier and poured free.

  I screamed as my entire body seized.

  Again and again.

  I jerked.

  I rippled.

  I came.

  I gasped for air as it went on and on and on.

  I died and revived.

  I rode through the crest and tumbled off the strongest, most spiteful climax of my life.

  And when it’d drained me dry, I opened my eyes and looked directly at the masturbating men.

  The tall one’s hand thrust up and down, his thumb rubbed his tip, lips spread into a sinful smile. “He’s right, you know. We all want to fuck you. Especially after seeing you break apart like that.”

  “Stop fucking talking to her,” Sully hissed.

  Tearing my eyes from inconsequential men, I locked gazes with the only one who mattered. Tears fell fresh, but they were cleansing.

  I was reborn. Reincarnated.

  Elixir returned to what it’d been designed for.

  It stopped tormenting me with tombstones and only dealt in pleasure. I shivered as lust spread through me, hot and hungry, free to release rather than remain trapped within.

  “Thank you.” I kissed him. “Thank you.”

  He studied my face, searching for a sign of my tattered heart.

  It still hurt.

  It still flurried in odd ways.

  But it was no longer the centre of my world.

  He was.

  And I want him.

  Desire wriggled through me as I drank in the wounds he carried and the stubbornness he wielded. He needed to rest and heal, yet he’d put my needs before his own.

  I wished I could turn off the rapidly building lust again.

  I wished I could be the girl I was beneath the deranged desire.

  But I hadn’t reached that stage yet.

  I couldn’t allow denial to play games with my bruised heart.

  I would listen to my body, and my body wanted another orgasm.

  Three men continued to work themselves while Sully stared into my eyes. A personal, private moment. A moment when we fell deeper into love all while lust swirled around us.

  He nodded once, accepting my climb back up a mountain, knowing I’d need his help being pushed off. “I’m sorry, Sully.”

  He shook his head, his lips twitching into a half-smile. “Not as sorry as I am that I created this madness.” His head bowed, and his lips found mine.

  We kissed sweetly, then greedily. His cock throbbed inside me, hinting he hadn’t come, his focus on me rather than himself.

  Placing my hands on his chest, I pushed him gently.

  He moved instantly, keenly aware of my brittle state. He watched me like a hunter the entire time I shifted onto my knees and held out my hand to him.

  He took it, linking his fingers with mine as I turned around and positioned myself on all fours.

  He groaned as I arched my hips.

  Elixir scrambled my thoughts again, turning me into a wanton goddess with impish wicked perversions.

  Three men watched as Sully rose behind me.

  My body was on display.

  Our sex tainted the air.

  In some segmented part of my mind, I knew this wasn’t an illusion. This wasn’t some fantasy coded in Euphoria. These men were real. The noises coming from their rising lust and the greed fogging the room weren’t a computer program.

  No sense deceptors would protect me.

  No secrets would shield me.

  This was real.

  Real men watched me being fucked.

  And I didn’t care. I threw myself into elixir, preparing to give in until I could be free. I embraced the sensation of voyeurism because I had no choice. I needed this. I let forth the hidden sins that whispered they enjoyed being watched—enjoyed being hungered after, all while the only man I ever wanted grabbed my hips and jerked me back into his power.

  I spread my legs.

  I bit my lip.

  I moaned as Sully mounted me.

  Men groaned.

  Sully snarled.

  The mercenaries feasted their gazes on every sordid, swollen part of me.

  Sully speared deeper, claiming me for his own.

  An orgasm appeared with brisk haste.

  Digging my nails into the bed, I gave in to it.

  I let it consume me, splaying my legs, arching my back.

  Sully’s pace increased, mean and maddening.

  And I gave in to him too.

  I turned submissive and pliant.

  I was no longer Eleanor.

  I was theirs.

  I was mine.

  I was elixir’s.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  DAWN HAD BECOME DAYBREAK, and daybreak had become early morning.

  Eleanor had almost died in my arms.

  I’d heard the sickness in her breath, listened to the jangle of her heart.

  But now...finally, she slept peacefully. Flopped on her side, her skin full of fingerprint bruises, her hair knotted and tangled.

  I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, doing my best to stay awake and not give in to my overwhelming need to rest.

  The three men had watched their fill and left
when Eleanor collapsed in my arms from her tenth or twelfth orgasm. They’d wiped away their spent pleasure, zipped up their pants, grabbed the duffel, and walked out the door as if our arrangement had been perfectly acceptable—a common transaction between a scientist who’d found a way to revert women into deranged goddesses and the infidels there to steal his creation.

  The ironic thing was, I’d been prepared to kill Drake yesterday to protect what I’d designed, to keep my business, my girls, and my elixir for myself.

  Today, I wanted to kill Drake so he’d never make the same mistakes I had. So no other girl would have to suffer the same way Eleanor had suffered last night.

  That was the final straw.

  I would never allow her to be so close to death again.

  I wouldn’t survive the powerlessness of not being unable to help her, the fear of losing her, the guilt of being the cause of it all.

  With a tortured groan, I slipped out of bed and stumbled to the walk-in wardrobe. As all our guests’ villas, it was fully stocked with complimentary island attire in case the client arrived with inappropriate clothing.

  Pika darted in from the bedroom, his small body descending onto my bare shoulder. “Sully!”

  I sighed, snagging a pair of black slacks and black polo. “You watched too, huh?”

  He squeaked, his tone full of disapproval.

  “I know. It wasn’t what I wanted either.” Carrying the clothes back to the bathroom, I opened the vanity cupboard as Pika flew from my shoulder and scratched around in the cotton buds.

  Grabbing the medical kit, I unzipped the case and inspected the bandages, antiseptic gear, and painkillers.

  I had enough pharmaceuticals to treat myself, but I didn’t have the time.

  Tossing the painkillers on the counter, I braced myself and looked up.

  I dared look into the mirror and study my broken appearance.

  Thanks to Eleanor, I was drained to the point of death myself. My eyes were lined, and mouth bracketed with failure. The blue of my gaze muted, and the whites of my eyes still red and raw from Drake’s lenses.

  My vision operated below par, outlines still fuzzy and distance still muddy.

  The first few layers of skin on my chest had been sloughed off thanks to the acid in the oil, but new flesh had covered the injury, shiny and vulnerable from the serum Campbell smeared on me. My wrists and ankles had suffered after Eleanor’s refusal to swim to Lebah, and my stitched-together leg had once again stained my bandage with rust.


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