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Opal Rain

Page 3

by Crystal Lewis

  Chapter 3

  The next morning I awoke to find myself alone in the bed, and one of the vampires I had meet when I had ran away Tabatha was nowhere to be seen if it wasn’t for the vampires I would have thought the whole thing a bad dream.

  “Tabatha just went to the bathroom,” the vampire said seeing the look of confusion on my face, “It seems that she trusts to watch over you when she isn’t around.”

  “Do you really blame her for mistrusting your kind,” I said looking up at the vampire, “it is because of a war between our races that our kind is in the situation that it is currently.”

  “Trust me there are those among us that would love to see you kind whipped out, but the majority only seek to help, but I don’t think that the feud between our races is the main reason for her lack of trust of many of us. I believe that it has more to do with her relationship with you then anything else,” I looked at her confused, “many of my kind don’t believe that two young females should have a relationship like the two of you share.”

  “So she is afraid that your kind will try to come between us.”

  It was a statement more than a question but still the vampire answered, “Yes, as far as I can tell.”

  “When I first meet you, you told your companion that I couldn’t be that last survivor because he said they were too scared that I would turn out like my mother, who was it that said that about me and what does it mean.”

  “Your fist question is relatively easy for me to answer, it was your brother who to told me. As for you second question is a bit more difficult. It isn’t really my place to tell you of your family history if I am to answer your questions I must have your assurance that you will never tell another living sole that you heard any of this from me, it is part of your history that you were never meant to hear.”

  After a slight pause I nodded I wanted to hear the truth no matter how bad it was.

  “Before you and your brother were born a small group of fey launched an attack on a number of high ranked authorities both within the vampires and the human races. The attacks were brutal and resulted in a great number of humans and vampires. I believe that this was the cause of the war between the vampires and fey. The humans however chose to ignore that they were being killed preferring to live in fear that on day they would enter their cities and wipe out the entire population. When your brother was born the brutal kills became substantially less, the war continued however and with their previous leader distracted with her new baby someone else stepped in and took control of the fey that was when things got really bad for the fey. The new leader had no idea about the killings that your mother their previous leader had inflicted on the humans and sort their help with the war. Humans of course didn’t appreciate being asked for help by the same kind that had brought so much destruction and went into attack mode killing any fey that they came across. Things continued like this until the fey started to go into hiding, your mother was one of the few of chose to live amongst the vampires rather than hide in a human city, by this time your mother was pregnant with you. The day after you were born your mother went out on her she was spotted by a group of humans who recognised her as the leader of the group responsible for the killings all those years ago and she was of course killed in the same brutal way she had killed so many others. You’re farther left you in the care of my family when he heard the news about his wife and killed himself. For a time you and your brother grew up with me and my sister until a human family was found to take the two of you in, they were of course told the truth about your mother and what she had done. Four years past and everything seemed to be going well then the watches station near your home reported that your cares had been killed for harbouring the two of you and you had been taken into their custody so they could ensure that you would never turn out like your mother. Being male your brother was never considered to be a threat and was allowed to do as he pleased as long as he returned every night.”

  My blood ran cold our birth mother had been responsible for the great number of deaths and people believed that I could turn out exactly like her. “Why were you so close to the city the day they killed my brother?” I asked not really caring I just wanted to change the topic before I burst into tears. “And I guess I should know your name since you’re one of the few people I know I can trust.”

  She looked at me and giggled, “I almost forgot that I hadn’t properly introduced myself to you, I am Jasmine and my sister who was with me when we meet the other night is Lily.” Silence fell over the room for a while and I didn’t think that Jasmine was going to tell me what she had been doing near the city that day. “Please don’t be upset but I am kind of why they decided that it was time to kill him. We had been seeing each other secretly for the last few years, but we were caught a few days before he was killed, we had meet up that morning and he had said that the end was near and that I was to do my best to help you should you ever get out of there and he introduced me to Tabatha, and asked that I explain things to her as soon as he left. He jumped the wall and I sat on the ground and began to explain things to Tabatha, just as the alarm bells sounded within the city indicating that someone had escaped Lily showed up and we were walking back with Tabatha when we found you.”

  A smile spread across my face as she spoke out of everything I had been told in the time since I had meet her and she was worried that I would get upset about her and my brother had been seeing each other. Sure his death was partly because of his being with her but she was the reason that he had been happy in the end and that made me happy. I couldn’t think of anything so I just hugged her.

  “Thank you for honest with me and telling me the truth,” Whispered as Tabatha walked back into the room.

  She smiled at Tabatha and got up and walked to the door “He was proud of the young woman you were growing into.” She said before walking out of the room.


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