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Rich Boys vs. Poor Boys (The Cruel Kings of Castle Hill Academy, Book 1) by Devon Hartford kd103

Page 42

by Hartford, Devon

Pretty sure pulling a knife on another student, whether or not they’re an effing gaslighter, is not approved student conduct.

  Chapter 47

  They make me sit handcuffed in the back of a black security car for over an hour while they figure things out. It’s not a police car but it looks like one without the markings and lights. They left the back windows open an inch to give me air. Being that it’s effing December, I’m freezing in my newly knee length gown.

  I keep waiting for Prince to come knocking, open the door, and tell me everything is going to be fine.

  He doesn’t.

  One guess why.

  I also wait for Rob or Skill to swoop in and save me. They don’t.


  Because Rob is an effing liar. I’m starting to think he gave me Grayson’s knife on purpose.

  “Are you okay in there, Miss Angerman?” Mr. Ralston asks, leaning down to speak through the inch of open window.

  “What’s going on? Have they figured out if they’re going to kick me back to prison yet?”

  Mr. Ralston takes a moment to answer, sighs sympathetically, “I don’t know, Miss Angerman. What you did tonight was—”

  “Stupid, I know. I wasn’t going to hurt anyone.” I don’t say stab. Never say stab. People hate that word.

  I hear a commotion nearby.

  “One second, Miss Angerman.” Mr. Ralston steps away from the car.

  I twist around, trying to see what it is.

  Is it Prince coming to save me?

  Riding in on a white stallion with his sword held high and his armor glimmering with a savior’s glow?


  Ms. Skelter is standing there with her hands on her hips, surrounded by security, giving them instructions. They nod and disperse. One walks to my car and gets in the driver’s seat. He starts the engine without saying a word.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “Back to campus.”


  He doesn’t answer.

  A short time later, we’re back at the castle, pulling into the roundabout, which is full of limousines. It’s late enough that many of the Fundies have returned to campus, done with the winter ball, or perhaps they’re more interested in watching my drama. You know what else it’s full of?

  The flashing blue and red lights of a bunch of Hill County Sheriff’s cruisers. A whole squad of them.


  Guess who they’re here for?

  A bunch of Fundy kids snap pictures of me in the back of the black security car. I’d flip them off if my hands weren’t handcuffed behind my back. Do I duck my head in shame? No effing way! I don’t care what they think!

  Ms. Skelter arrives with Mr. Ralston. They’re met by several other faculty members, including Ms. Braunschott. They huddle up and discuss the situation, looking very adult and very annoyed. When they see the Fundy kids gawking at me, they dispatch several deputies and the private security men to lead me from the black security car into the courtyard proper.

  As we walk past Ms. Skelter, I see Mr. Hovarth, aka Peanut Face, come trotting out of the darkness, carrying something under his arm.

  Ms. Skelter frowns, “What are you doing here so late on a Saturday, Mister Hovarth? Shouldn’t you be at home with your wife and children?”

  “Ma’am, I just found—” Mr. Hovarth sees me and abruptly stops talking.

  Ms. Skelter takes note of my arrival and barks at the deputies and security detail, “Take her to the administration building! Miss Braunschott, show them the way.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Brawny nods.

  They start walking me and I look over my shoulder just in time to see Mr. Hovarth hold up whatever he’s got in his hands, showing it to Ms. Skelter. It’s a wifi router.

  One exactly like the hacked router I planted in Prince’s penthouse before breaking it and returning it Mr. Hovarth. I can even see the crack where I dropped it.

  Oh, no.

  Ms. Skelter glares at me while Mr. Hovarth chatters away.

  Did I say I was fucked?

  Now I am double fucked.

  That’s when I see Elizabeth stroll into the courtyard. She’s not wearing the white snowflake waitress dress she had on at the arena. She’s wearing a chic black blazer, black silk top bursting with cleavage, skintight black pencil pants, black belt, and black stilettos. Her blonde hair is perfectly coiffed and flowing, and her makeup is smoky and sultry. She looks like she just got back from going out clubbing.

  She stops in front of me, Brawny, the deputies, and the security men, blocking our way.

  “Step aside, miss,” the lead deputy says, irritated that some teenage girl is stopping him from doing his job.

  “YOU DO NOT TALK TO ME THAT WAY!” Elizabeth commands in a powerful voice, her words lashing the man with an undeniable entitlement that nearly slices his head off and stops everyone in their tracks.

  I’m not surprised that Azielbeth the effing Devil has changed outfits, done her hair, and her makeup. She had more than enough time after I threatened her with Grayson’s knife back at the arena.

  Effing gaslighter!

  She’s just trying to cover her tracks!

  She can’t fool me!

  Just then, a limousine pulls up. Out steps Mimi. Alone. Where’s Chase? Did they have a falling out back at the winter formal? I don’t know. I hope not. But I do know I’m desperately in need of an ally, and Mimi is the best one I’ve ever had. Once I explain everything to her, I know she’ll be right by my side fighting for my freedom. Knowing I’m not alone gives me the strength to keep fighting.

  When Mimi walks up to me, I nearly gasp, “Thank goodness you’re here, Meems! You’ll never believe what happened! I was back at the winter formal and I—” I suddenly stop talking when I see a slender white female leg stretch out of Mimi’s limo.

  Azzie stands up behind Mimi.

  That’s right.


  Not clubby black-clad Elizabeth.

  Effing Azzie.

  In her white snowflake dress, hair tied back, and minimal makeup. When she sees me, an evil smirk spreads across her angelic face.

  Mimi knows how I feel about Azzie. What the F is she doing riding around in a limo alone with effing Azzie?

  “Hey, Mary,” Mimi says strangely.


  What happened to Mare Bear?

  Now I’m Mary?

  “Say hi to Azzie,” Mimi snickers.

  Oh no.

  My chest seizes with fear.

  Has Mimi been gaslighting me too?

  Has her friendship been bullshit?

  This whole time?

  Was I ever her bestie? Or did she just say that so I’d trust her and she could betray me that much harder?

  Has everything been some elaborate scheme the Silicones and Azzie and Mimi cooked up together, and they’ve all been in on it from the start?

  No, it can’t be.

  But it is.

  Everything everyone has said to me since I got here was one big lie! The same as it has always been everywhere I’ve ever gone!

  I’m ready to either break down crying or have a mental breakdown or both.

  Just then, Rob steps out of nowhere into the light. He’s dressed in a tight shimmery shirt, dark jeans, and brand new black boots. I’ve never seen him wearing new boots. He always wears old work boots. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he just got back from clubbing.

  From clubbing…

  I look at Elizabeth in her black clubbing outfit.

  And Rob in his.



  That’s when the world tilts and starts a slow spin around me.

  I struggle to stand up.

  I am literally losing my mind.

  I can’t even swallow the rock of despair clogging my throat. It’s impossibly large.

  I want to die.

  If I don’t start breathing soon, I will.

  I try to inhale but I can’t.

sp; The suffocation of my betrayal is complete and total and it’s going to kill me where I stand.


  Let it.

  But I won’t fall.

  I’ll die standing in front of these assholes if it’s the last thing I do.

  Fuck. Them.


  Chapter 48

  Elizabeth and Azzie converge on me, one on each side. They are freakishly identical.

  Rob stands behind Elizabeth, his face blank.

  I glare at him. With a gasp of righteous rage, I suddenly put it all together and suck in a saving breath that keeps me standing.

  How could I have been so stupid?! Rob has been using me all along! Since the day I got to Castle Hill, he was playing me every step of the way! His kiss today didn’t mean a thing! We aren’t soulmates or blood lovers! We never were! We’re nothing!

  I scream at Rob, “Did you ever have any feelings for me?! Or was all of it an act to manipulate me?!”

  Rob doesn’t answer.

  Ms. Skelter barks at Brawny, “Get Mizz Angerman to the administration building immediately, Ms. Braunschott!”

  “Wait,” Elizabeth says, her words a quiet knife at Brawny’s throat.

  “Yes, Ms. Morgan-Hearst,” Brawny minces, head bowed respectfully. I’ve never seen her so cowed.

  “Now, Mizz Braunschott!” Ms. Skelter insists, having not heard Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth tosses a comment over her shoulder at Skelter without looking, “Shut up and stay in your lane, you dusty old bag.” Her words land like a hand grenade.

  Ms. Skelter’s face explodes with indignation, but she says nothing.

  Elizabeth sneers at me, “So you thought you could steal my boyfriend, did you?”

  I smirk at Rob and say to her, “Which one? Prince or Rob?”

  “Hmph,” Elizabeth snorts. “Both.”

  “I knew it!” I rage. “You’ve been with them both this whole time, haven’t you?!”

  She shrugs.

  That’s a yes if I’ve ever seen one. I glare at her and shake my head thinking, wait till Prince hears. I bet he’ll be thrilled to find out she was cheating on him with Rob for who knows how long. Not that I’ll get the chance to tell him. He isn’t here and I have a sneaking feeling I will be in jail long before he arrives, and prison not long after.

  Just then, Skill comes shuffling out of one of the limos with Jacqueline on his arm. “War Paint,” he drawls.

  I blurt, “Screw you, Skill! You’re in on it too, aren’t you?!”

  “In on what?” he says innocently.

  “Don’t play dumb,” I seethe. “You knew!”

  He sighs, “Whatever, War Paint.”

  Elizabeth says to me, “You tried to steal him too, didn’t you?”

  “Who, Skill?” I snort. “Who’d want him?!”

  “Me,” Jacqueline says. Her eyes blaze with naked desire and she tiptoes up for a kiss, which Skill gladly gives. They busy themselves swallowing each other’s tongues.


  Work-study kids wander out of the Convent and Monastery to see what the commotion is about. These kids didn’t work the winter formal. They’re wearing sweats or pajamas or whatever they usually sleep in. One of them is Jonah. He walks up warily behind Rob, watching from a distance.

  “What’s all the noise?” Tucker says, walking out of the shadows from the opposite direction. He’s wearing his kitchen whites. Was he cooking food for the formal? Here in the Palace kitchen?

  I don’t know.

  Not that it matters.

  I don’t care what these four Poor Boys are doing. Not anymore. I don’t care if I ever see them again. They’re in on it too. I just know it.

  “I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!” Ms. Skelter snaps at the group of faculty surrounding her and everybody looks her way. “I have made my final decision and that is final!” She whips a snarl at Elizabeth before striding over to me with purpose. “Mizz Angerman, what you have done tonight is a most egregious offense! I will not tolerate such a violation on my campus!”

  “Your campus,” Elizabeth titters to herself, examining her manicured nails.

  Ms. Skelter’s eyes flick at her for a moment then return to me. “You are done here, Mizz Angerman. You had your chance at redemption, but you had to go and waste it, didn’t you?”

  “Fuck your redemption!” I spit. “I don’t need you or this fucking place! It’s worse than jail! I wish you’d left me there in the first place!”

  “Oh do you?” she snorts a superior laugh. “Then your wish shall be granted, Mizz Angerman, and then some! You have broken the law more times than I can count!”

  “Once! I broke the law once! And I didn’t even stab anyone!” There, I said it. Stab, stab, stab. “Check Azzie! She isn’t hurt! She’s fine! The only thing I hurt is her feelings!”

  “You have done more than that, Mizz Angerman! According to Mister Hovarth, you have broken into the academy’s computer system! Cybercrime is a felony, Mizz Angerman! Or did you not know that?!”

  “You don’t even know what cybercrime is!” I seethe. “You and your stupid old-timey everything!”

  “I know that cybercrime is a felony under state law! And that is in direct violation of the student code!”

  “Fuck your student code, Mizz Skeleton! That’s right! You’re a bag of living sticks! I don’t need you or this stupid fucking school!”

  Ms. Skelter shakes with rage. “We are done here, MIZZ ANGERMAN!” She motions to the deputies surrounding me. “Get her out of my sight!”

  While the Castle Hill deputies drag me handcuffed and kicking across the moonlit courtyard, I scream at the four Poor Boys, “You lied to me! You said we wouldn’t get caught! You said you’d take the fall for me if we did! I’m falling now! Why aren’t the four of you falling with me?! You’re in this too! This was your guys’s idea! Not mine!”

  Rob doesn’t answer. He’s stoic as a stone.

  I shout, “Say something, Rob! Tell them! Tell them this was your idea! Tell them you’re the mastermind!”

  Rob refuses to speak. He truly doesn’t care.

  I’m not stopping. “I put my faith in you! I did exactly what you said! Look what happened! Don’t you have anything to say?”

  Rob’s stoicism gives way to the curl of his cocky grin.

  “Damn you, Rob! Say something!”

  Elizabeth wraps her arms seductively around his big bicep. He rests his hand possessively on her flared hip, pulling her close. Elizabeth nuzzles into him and they kiss passionately.

  I’m horrified. I should know better, but I can’t believe he is actually kissing her!

  How can he?!

  After everything she’s done to him?!

  She accused him of being a rapist! When he told me he was the one who got raped when he was a little kid, he flew off the handle and started murdering that sitting boulder with that branch! That was real feelings! I saw! I could feel them like they were mine! Rob was ready to crack from the misery! Does Eliza-bitch not have a single scintilla of compassion in her beautifully awful body?


  Wait, wait, wait!

  Was Rob lying to me about being raped?

  I gasp.

  Was that all some stupid act he put on to trick me into caring for him? To sucker me into feeling sympathy for poor little Rob Fletcher the foster kid? He probably wasn’t even ever anyone’s foster kid! He’s probably as rich as they are! Look at his clothes! He’s no Poor Boy! He’s a Rich Boy if there ever was one! He probably has his own fucking trust fund!

  I am so stupid!

  Stupid, stupid, stupid!

  Rob is the worst liar of all! He’s the one filling the world full of butterfly effect lies!

  Billions of them!


  Disgust knots my guts. That’s when I know for certain this was all a lie. One big gaslight. From day one, Rob was using me. I was always his pawn. Nothing more. A gullible little girl who didn’t know any better.
How could I have possibly thought a hottie like him would actually be into a nobody like me?

  I am a fucking idiot.

  A stupid fucking idiot!

  As the deputies drag me along, I fight back tears even though I want desperately to fall sobbing to my knees. I say to Rob as I pass, “You never cared about me, did you?! You only cared about what I could do for you! I never should’ve trusted you! I hate you, Rob Fletcher! You’re dead to me! Do you hear me?! Dead!”

  Elizabeth laughs.

  Rob’s eyes glimmer for a moment before he breaks his superior stare and turns his back on me.

  Tucker, Skill, and Jonah turn too.

  Surprisingly, Jonah turning away hurts most of all. He was supposed to be the perfect big brother every girl wishes she had. Now he’s showing his true colors. He’s as much of a lying conniver as the rest of those pathetic Poor Boys.

  And me?

  Now I’m going to prison.

  Actual adult women’s prison.

  What did I tell you in the beginning?

  You can’t ever run away from your problems.

  They always catch up to you.

  I knew this place was too good to be true.

  Good fucking riddance, Castle Hill.

  I’d rather be behind bars.

  My heart is shattered and I’m dying inside but hiding it as the deputies lead me out of the gatehouse to the visitor parking lot. It’s buzzing with patrol cars, their red and blue lights bouncing eerily off the castle’s tall stone walls.

  “WAIT!” a familiar voice roars booming across the courtyard.

  My heart stops me where I stand.

  When I turn, I see Prince.

  When I see his eyes, I know.

  He came back for me.

  He came back!

  And he brought reinforcements.

  Right behind him are Duke and Chase looking righteously pissed.

  They came too!

  My heart soars.


  I’ve been sitting in a cramped and windowless interrogation room inside the Hill County sheriff’s office for five hours. They have been interrogating me the entire time. I’m dying of thirst and I’m starving. Whoever is supposed to be playing “good cop” forgot to be nice. Where’s my complimentary bottle of water? How about a fricking Snickers bar? Or some Lay’s potato chips? Don’t you guys have an effing vending machine around here somewhere? Or a box of fricking doughnuts?


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