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Page 3

by Larissa_Ion

  He hated that it felt good. That it made him want more. That it made him want to step into the flames to amplify the feeling a million times.

  Lilliana. Think about Lilliana.


  That was easy. So easy. Because, ultimately, Lilliana’s love felt even better than this.

  Chapter 2

  If a fellow angel had told Lilliana just ten years ago that she’d someday be living in an upscale subdivision of Hell and would be pregnant with the Grim Reaper’s baby, she’d have told them where to shove their halo.

  And yet, here she was. Two weeks from giving birth and peering into a fountain that had been flowing with blood when she’d arrived in Sheoul-gra as what amounted to a mail-order bride.

  Or a virgin sacrifice.

  When Lilliana had first come here, wide-eyed and terrified, the realm Azagoth created had been a barren, cold, dead place that mirrored his heart. Evil had corrupted the former angel, twisting him into a beast. He’d been a demon wearing the face and body of a god.

  But with her help and love, Azagoth’s heart had started beating again, and as a result, his realm had bloomed into a land of life, filled with animals, plants, and Unfallen angels seeking refuge from the horrors of Sheoul.

  There were also Memitim here, scores of them, the offspring of Azagoth and countless angels.

  Angels who weren’t Lilliana.

  She’d gotten over that fact a while ago, mostly because she understood that making all those Memitim—a special class of earthbound guardian angels who had to earn their wings—had been Azagoth’s duty for thousands of years.

  It also helped that he’d despised the females, and they generally felt the same about him.

  Most of Azagoth’s adult sons and daughters had already earned their way into Heaven, but those who lived in the human realm or here in Sheoul-gra were still actively serving mankind as protectors of those who were meant to play crucial roles in the future of the world. And, recently, he’d brought in all the younger children from the care of their adoptive—and completely clueless—human parents. The youngsters, ranging in age from eight to twenty, had infused the realm with even more energy.

  Energy that would be good for Lilliana’s son or daughter.

  She sank awkwardly onto a bench along the winding path that led to the Memitim training grounds and sighed as her bodyguard rushed over to help her.

  “I’m not an invalid, Jasmine.”

  Jasmine, a four-hundred-year-old Memitim with the most beautiful honey-colored skin and golden eyes Lilliana had ever seen, grinned. “I know. But you’re just so…ungainly.”

  Like her father, Jasmine always said exactly what she was thinking. It was both charming and annoying. Lilliana liked her though, despite the fact that her mother was a twat-faced bitch. Lilli had actually been glad when Jasmine was assigned as today’s guard.

  She just wished she didn’t need one at all.

  But she understood Azagoth’s concern. A powerful enemy was targeting those closest to him, getting so close, in fact, that they’d murdered one of his sons inside Sheoul-gra. Azagoth had purged his realm of everyone but his offspring and a handful of trusted fallen angels who served him, but he still wasn’t willing to take chances. He was so desperate to keep her safe that he was even happy about her new pet hellhound.

  She looked around for the beast, but Maleficent had gone hunting earlier in the day, and it could be hours before she returned.

  Jasmine gracefully sat down next to her. “How did you even get pregnant? I heard it wasn’t planned. But isn’t Azagoth supposed to be able to turn his fertility on and off?”

  Yup, she said exactly what she was thinking.

  Too tired to scold Jasmine for being rude, she looked up at the waxy-leafed trees that lined the pathway and marveled at their ability to survive here without real sunlight.

  “He can,” she said as a dove landed on a nearby branch. “Many angels can. But it’s a conscious thing, and sometimes, fate intervenes.”

  Jasmine gave a dismissive snort. “You’re such an angel.”

  “I hate to tell you this,” Lilliana said, “but you are, too.”

  “Not like you. You even still have your wings.” Jasmine scooted over to make room for the bag over her shoulder. “I mean, you have this goody-goody, everything-happens-for-a-reason thing going on. All I’m saying is maybe the baby isn’t a product of fate or design or whatever, but is just the result of you and Azagoth getting carried away. It’s kinda romantic, you know?”

  Azagoth had a surprising romantic streak, but this kid was definitely not the result of it. No, Lilliana remembered the events that’d led to conception, and it had been raunchy and hot and…damn, she was ready for another night like that.

  “Sure,” she said. “Romantic.”

  Jasmine let out a dreamy sigh. “I can’t wait to have sex with someone besides myself. I mean, I know Hawkyn got the Memitim Council to loosen the stupid restrictions on fornication, but I’ve gone this long, you know? Might as well keep enjoying my collection of battery-operated toys until I find the one.”

  She placed Lilliana’s tote full of snacks, an iPad, some books, and her phone down next to her.

  Lilliana wasn’t even allowed to carry a bag. Azagoth’s orders, of course. And since most of the Memitim were more frightened of him than they were of her, she couldn’t get them to disobey him. She’d tried.

  “Thank you for the graphic image,” Lilliana said. “Do you know if Cat included treats for Maleficent?”

  Jasmine’s lip curled in distaste, revealing delicate fangs. “I can’t believe Father lets you keep that filthy mutt.”

  “Your father doesn’t let me do anything.” Lilliana peered into the bag for said treats. Looked like Mal would be disappointed. “And Maleficent is neither filthy nor a mutt.”

  “Well, she’s an asshole,” Jasmine muttered.

  Laughing, Lilliana pulled a bottle of water from the bag. “She is that.”

  Hellhounds hated everyone, especially angels. They were ill-tempered, vicious, and they drooled a lot. But somehow, Maleficent had formed a friendship with Lilliana during the months she’d stayed with the Horseman of the Apocalypse known as War and his hellhound-whisperer mate, Cara.

  Unfortunately, Maleficent’s feelings toward Lilliana didn’t extend to Azagoth. Just last night, she’d found them facing off in the courtyard, snarling at each other.

  At Lilliana’s snapped, “Knock it off, you two,” Mal had phased out, and Azagoth had growled, “She bit me in the ass.”

  He’d probably deserved it.

  And…speaking of the devilishly handsome demon, Azagoth appeared at the crest of the path. His brilliant emerald eyes locked on her like a predator homing in on prey. Majestic pillars and towering, intricate statues lined the walkway, but Azagoth made them all seem small and insignificant as he prowled toward her, his lean, powerful body moving with impossible grace.

  She shivered as her body reacted with heat and a low, deep ache made itself known at the sight of her mate.

  Then the baby kicked, reminding her that she was under doctor’s orders to avoid strenuous activity…and sex with Azagoth was definitely on the active, strenuous side.

  It. Was. Fabulous.

  Azagoth stopped near the bench. “Thanks, Jasmine,” he said, the rich baritone of his voice flowing through Lilliana like warm honey. “Take the rest of the day off. I’ve got it from here.”

  Jasmine acknowledged him with a nod, waved at Lilliana, and flounced toward the dorms, all skinny jeans, hot pink heels, and attitude.

  “I thought you’d be busy judging souls all afternoon.” Lilliana patted the bench. “Have a seat.”

  He sank down next to her, his aged-whiskey scent mingled with a little smoky brimstone today. “I finished early and met with Hades in the Genesis Chamber.”

  She tried not to show her concern. Her grave concern. “Did you do what you talked about?” At Azagoth’s pause, a chill went up her spine.
“You did, didn’t you?”

  “I upgraded the griminions and gave them the power to kill,” he acknowledged.

  A knot formed in her gut. Azagoth wouldn’t violate the griminion clause of his contract on a whim, but she’d still hoped that he would change his mind.

  “What if Heaven finds out?” she asked, her stomach letting out a loud rumble despite being unsettled by her mate’s casual announcement.

  “They won’t,” he assured her as he reached into the bag. “I only did it as a precaution. As long as I don’t order the griminions to kill, there’s nothing to worry about.” He plucked a carrot cake cupcake from one of the containers. “You need to eat.” He eyed the treat, its top smeared with cream cheese frosting. “And this looks healthy. Ish.”

  “We’re immortal,” she pointed out. “Healthy is irrelevant.”

  “That demon doctor says otherwise.”

  That demon doctor was Eidolon, head of Underworld General Hospital, and he had already promised to be there if Lilliana needed him for the birth. She’d been unsure at first, but he’d delivered Cara’s baby, as well as the children of two other Horsemen, and Azagoth’s daughter, Idess. Heck, he, his brothers, and their UG co-workers had treated and/or saved the lives of countless people in Azagoth and Lilliana’s circle.

  That they had a circle made her smile. Although the separation from Azagoth had been difficult for both of them, they’d gained a lot more than they’d lost. Including friends.

  Unfortunately, as part of her agreement with Heaven, she couldn’t leave Sheoul-gra to see them. Only Reaver’s interference had allowed her to stay with Cara temporarily, and he’d been clear that after the baby was born, she couldn’t leave again except for the daily allowances of an hour of time travel.

  “Eidolon told me that some species of immortals have strict dietary requirements to keep them healthy,” she said. “The rest of us could survive on nothing but lard if we wanted to.”

  “I’ll remember that next time I order a tray of snacks delivered to you.” He shoved the cupcake at her.

  She took it with a sigh. “Darling, I’ve eaten so much lately, I’m about to pop. People keep bringing me fattening food. Except Juliana. She brought me fruit. Who gives a pregnant chick fruit? I ate an apple to be nice, but I really wanted more of the chocolate cake Suzanne made me. Or the petit fours Maddox brought. And Emerico brought me Belgian chocolates from the same shop in Bruges where Jasmine got the chocolates she gave me.”

  That had been a surprise. She hadn’t always been on good terms with Emerico. She shared a tense relationship with several of Azagoth’s adult children, in fact. They were all so complex. Children of both good and evil, the only angels who had to earn their wings—they had a lot of resentment. And none of them, save Suzanne, had grown up in stable, loving homes.

  After being told the truth of their existence, they were whisked away to training centers, where they spent decades training to fight demons and learning how to watch over their Primori charges. They also learned to fear and despise their father, and for good reason.

  He used to be a real bastard.

  He’d come around, even if many of his children hadn’t. Still, some of them, like Jasmine and Emerico, were making an effort.

  “Oh,” she added, “I’m hoping Jedda brings me more of those divine little jelly mushrooms she smuggled out of the elf realm.”

  Ugh, all her babbling had made her hungry.

  “Didn’t Limos bring you pastries yesterday, too? Is it ironic that the Horseman known as Famine brought you food?” Azagoth pawed through the tote, and it struck her that she loved moments like these with him. They were just two normal people at their happiest, simply…enjoying life. “And what is this? Caramel corn? Why is it people think all pregnant females want is food?”

  Laughing, and despite her protests, Lilliana unwrapped the cupcake as if she hadn’t eaten in days. “Because it’s true.”

  “Didn’t you just say you’re going to pop?”

  She nodded because it was all she could do with her mouth full.

  Smiling, he wiped a bit of frosting off her lower lip. The mere brush of his finger made her long for more. More of his fingers…in more places.

  He could get a scoopful of frosting and paint it along the V-neck of her top, using his touch to sweeten her skin for the stroke of his tongue…

  After the baby is born.

  “Dammit,” she breathed.

  “Dammit, what?”

  “Nothing. I’m just so ready to have this baby.”

  “Me, too.” Standing, he took her tote in one hand and held out the other to her. “I have a surprise for you.”

  “Where are we going?” She let him help her to her feet, which spared her the awkwardness of trying to get off the stupidly low bench. “Because I gotta be honest, the only place I want to go is into labor.”

  He laughed, and her knees went weak. He was so damned handsome, and his rare moments of genuine amusement only made him that much more scrumptious. Like a carrot cupcake with extra frosting.

  Oh, how she’d missed that when she was away all those months.

  “I told you,” he said as he led her up the path toward the building that housed the Memitim community center. “It’s a surprise.”

  As they drew closer, the sound of laughter and the drone of voices grew louder.

  “What’s going on?”

  He cocked a dark eyebrow. “You’re not grasping the concept of a surprise, are you?”

  “Really?” She pinched his ass playfully, loving how Mr. Cool and Collected jumped. “See? I get it.” A sudden wave of nausea came out of nowhere, and she wobbled. Azagoth’s arm shot out to steady her. “It’s okay,” she assured him, swallowing sickly until the sensation passed. “I get woozy sometimes.”

  “I don’t like it. Maybe we should call Eidolon.”

  She blew him off. He’d call Eidolon for a burp. “Just open the door.”

  He threw open the door, and a chorus of “Congratulations,” poured through the entryway. Dozens of Memitim and fallen angels dressed in their party finest surrounded them, their hands full of food and drink. Pop music drummed from the speakers on either side of a table laden with cake, a chocolate fountain, and elegantly wrapped gifts. Sparkling gold, green, and silver balloons, and streamers in the traditional color scheme of Heavenly birth celebrations decorated every available space.

  Overwhelmed by love and happiness, she wrapped her arm around Azagoth’s waist and held tight. This was not what she’d expected out of life in the underworld.

  This was so much better.

  Chapter 3

  Lilliana woke to someone tap dancing on her bladder.

  Groaning, she rolled over and bumped into Azagoth. Pleasantly surprised that he was still in bed, she ignored her need to pee and curled up against him.

  She’d missed this so much while she was gone.

  “Good morning,” he murmured, his husky voice even more gravelly than usual.

  “Morning.” She snuggled into his shoulder. “I’m surprised you’re not working.”

  He yawned. “You wore me out last night.”

  Smiling against his skin, she trailed her fingers along the hard ridges and deep valleys of his abs.

  “I wanted to show you how grateful I was that you threw me a baby shower.” And she’d done it without getting too active. Eidolon couldn’t begrudge her one orgasm, right?

  “Mmm.” He pressed a kiss into her hair. “You must have been very grateful.”

  She slid her hand under the sheet and meandered her way to the curve of his hip. She might be a million months into her pregnancy, but her sex drive didn’t care in the least.

  “I’m still grateful.”

  He hissed as her knuckles brushed his shaft. “Not complaining.”

  It truly had been sweet of him to gather together the denizens of Sheoul-gra for a big celebration of food, drink, and games in the traditions of people from the human, demon, and angelic cult
ures. She’d suffered two more bouts of intense nausea and some cramps, but they’d passed quickly. What hadn’t passed was Azagoth’s concern.

  Which was probably why he was still in bed with her.

  It was cute the way he hovered. Annoying at times, but cute.

  “I just want you to know that you’re my life,” he said. “Without you, I’m a monster.”

  “And what are you with me?”

  He gave her a rare, boyish grin, made even more playful by his mop of bedhead. “A happy monster.”

  “I’m very happy about the happy.” She rubbed her eyes and yawned.

  “Things are good, Lil,” he said. “I never thought much about being a partner, let alone a parent, but I want to do these things with you.” He settled his hand on her belly and smiled with wonder. “This will be my first child born without a predetermined future. He or she can be anything. Do anything.”

  “Incredible, isn’t it?” She pushed up on one elbow and leaned in to kiss his chest. She’d kissed every inch of him last night. Maybe she’d lick every inch of him this morning. “And our baby will be born to parents who love each other.”

  Determined to show him how much she loved him, she kissed her way lower. Her lips whispered over his nipple, but before she could taste him, a cramp wrenched her insides. She sucked in a harsh breath, her hand going to her belly.

  “What is it?” Azagoth jackknifed up, his expression dark with worry. “Is it the baby?”

  Fierce heat swelled beneath the surface of her skin as her abdomen tightened. “I think it might be Braxton Hicks,” she said between panting breaths.


  “Cara had them.” Closing her eyes to stop the room from spinning, she eased back onto her pillow. “They’re like practice contractions.”

  She didn’t remember Cara complaining about being hot and sweating buckets, though. Another cramp streaked through her, and she moaned. Cara had said they were painful, as if someone were squeezing her intestines.

  This was more like someone was driving a red-hot blade through them.


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