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Death of a Nation

Page 102

by Stephen R A'Barrow

  and German cultural legacy ref1

  and German neutrality ref1ncclv

  nationality ref1

  and negotiated settlement ref1

  and Poland ref1, ref2nclxxiii, ref3, ref4

  population transfers ref1, ref2

  and Potsdam Conference ref1

  and Prussia ref1ncccxx

  purges by ref1ncclxxxiii, ref2nccxcviii

  and Red Army atrocities ref1

  rise of ref1

  and second front ref1

  and Soviet expansion ref1, ref2ncxxxv, ref3

  ‘Stalin note’ ref1

  and total war ref1

  on war ref1

  world domination goal ref1

  Yalta ref1nclxiv

  Stalingrad ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Stamm-Kuhlmann, Thomas ref1

  Stannern (Stonarov) ref1

  Stauffenberg, Klaus von ref1nclxiv, ref2

  Štefánik, Milan Rastislav ref1

  Stein, Edith ref1, ref2

  Stein, Heinrich Friedrich Karl, Freiherr vom und zum ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Steinau ref1

  Steinbach, Erika ref1, ref2, ref3

  sterilisation ref1

  Stern, James ref1

  Stern, Otto ref1ncccxv

  Stettin (Szczecin) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

  Steuben (ship) ref1

  Stimpson, Henry ref1

  Stolzenburg ref1nxxx

  Stonarov see Stannern

  Stoneman, W. H. ref1

  Stopes, Dr Marie ref1

  Strachan, Hew ref1

  The First World War ref1

  Stralsund ref1, ref2nccl

  Strasbourg (Straßburg) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4nvii, ref5, ref6, ref7

  Cathedral ref1

  Stresemann, Gustav ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5ncccxx

  Strzembosz, Tomasz ref1

  Stuart dynasty ref1

  Stürmer, Michael ref1

  Sudan ref1

  Sudenland ref1, ref2, ref3

  Sudermann, Hermann ref1

  Sudeten Germans ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6nlvi, ref7, ref8, ref9nlxv, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13

  Sudeten German Expellees Association ref1

  Sudetenland ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6nlxv, ref7ncclxi, ref8, ref9, ref10

  Suebi ref1, ref2

  Suez Canal ref1, ref2

  surnames ref1, ref2ncxlv

  Suvorov, Viktor ref1

  Svehla, Antonin ref1

  Swabia/Swabians ref1, ref2 see also Suebi

  Swabian War (1499) ref1


  army ref1

  and German economy, post-Second World War ref1

  and Prussia ref1

  Second World War ref1

  sterilisation ref1

  and Thirty Years War ref1, ref2, ref3

  Swinemünde ref1, ref2

  Switzerland ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5nxcviii, ref6

  Szczecin see Stettin

  Szczecinek see Neustettin

  Tachau (Tachov) ref1

  Tacitus, Cornelius ref1, ref2, ref3

  Germania ref1

  Talleyrand, Maurice de ref1

  Tallinn see Reval

  tanks see panzers

  Tannenberg, Battle of ref1, ref2

  Taylor, A. J. P. ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10nclxxiii

  The Course of German History ref1

  technology ref1

  Tehran Conference ref1

  television ref1

  Teplá see Kloster Tepl

  Teutoburger Forest ref1, ref2

  Teutonic, use of term ref1

  Teutonic Order of Knights ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

  Teutons ref1

  Theoderic the Great, King of the Ostrogoths ref1, ref2

  Theodisk dialect ref1

  Theresienstadt ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Third Reich

  and authoritarianism ref1

  government ref1

  as incarnation of First Reich ref1

  industries ref1nclxxvi

  infrastructure ref1

  origins ref1

  propaganda ref1, ref2, ref3

  Schulze on ref1

  unemployment ref1

  Third Way see Sonderweg

  Thirty Years War ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Thoringi (Thurigians) ref1

  Thorn (Thorun) ref1, ref2, ref3

  First Peace of (1411) ref1

  Second Peace of (1466) ref1

  Three Eagle Alliance ref1

  Three Emperors’ League ref1, ref2

  Thum, Gregor, Die Fremde Stadt Breslau 1945 ref1

  Thumelicus (son of Arminius) ref1

  Thurgau ref1

  Thurigians see Thoringi

  Thuringia ref1

  Thurn, Heinrich Matthias, Graf von ref1

  Thusnelda (wife of Arminius) ref1

  Tilly, Johann Tserklaes, Count von ref1

  Tilsit, Peace of (1807) ref1

  The Times ref1, ref2

  Timoshenko, Marshal Semyon

  Konstantinovich ref1

  Titanic (ship) ref1

  Tito, Josip Broz ref1nclxii

  Torun see Thorn

  Toul ref1, ref2


  ‘The Castles and Palaces Route’ ref1

  Colmar ref1

  homesickness ref1nccciv, ref2, ref3

  Kaliningrad ref1nccciv

  Lower Silesia ref1

  Pomerania ref1, ref2ncxxii, ref3nccxliii, ref4, ref5

  Strasbourg ref1

  Sudetenland ref1, ref2

  Tournai ref1


  Baltic routes ref1

  Imperial Germany ref1, ref2

  Poland ref1

  post-Second World War ref1, ref2, ref3

  pre-First World War ref1

  Prussia ref1

  see also Hanseatic League

  Trajan, Emperor ref1

  Transylvania ref1, ref2

  Trauttendorf family ref1

  Treblinka ref1

  Trebnitz (Trzebnica) concentration camp ref1

  Treitschke, Heinrich von ref1

  Trent, Council of (1545) ref1

  Treuenbrietzen ref1


  migration of ref1

  and Romans ref1

  Trier ref1, ref2, ref3

  Triple Alliance ref1

  Triple Entente ref1

  Trotsky, Leon ref1, ref2

  troubadours see Minnesänger

  Truman, Harry S. ref1nlxxxv, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5ncclxix, ref6, ref7ncclxxxvi, ref8, ref9

  Trzebnica see Trebnitz

  Tübingen University ref1

  Tunis, battle of ref1, ref2

  Turenne, Marshal Henri de ref1ncccxxv

  Turkey ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4nxxx, ref5, ref6 see also Mameluke Turks; Ottoman Empire

  U-boats ref1

  Ukraine ref1, ref2

  Ulbricht, Walter ref1, ref2

  Ullstein publishing house ref1


  Czechoslovakia ref1

  post-First World War ref1

  Third Reich ref1

  Weimar Republic ref1, ref2

  UNESCO natural World Heritage

  Coastline ref1nccciii

  UNESCO World Heritage Sites ref1

  Ungváry, Krisztián ref1

  unification ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  United Kingdom see Great Britain

  United Nations (UN) ref1, ref2 see also UNRRA

  United Netherlands ref1

  United States

  and Anschluß ref1

  army ref1

  Child Refugee Bill ref1

  and Czechoslovakia ref1

  and First World War ref1, ref2, ref3

  and food aid ref1ncclxxxvi, ref2

  and German economy, post-Second World War ref1

  German emigrants to ref1

  industries ref1

  Jewish emigration to ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  and Liberia ref1

  and looting, post-Second World War ref1

  Native Americans ref1, ref2

  and New World Order ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  and Oder-Neisse line ref1nccliii

  opinion polls in ref1

  and peace process, post-First World War ref1nclxxvii

  and Polish independence ref1

  population of ref1

  rise of ref1

  and Second World War ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  and war reparations, post-First World War ref1

  United States Air Force (USAAF) ref1, ref2

  universities ref1

  Aussig ref1, ref2

  Berlin ref1

  Breslau ref1

  foundation of ref1

  Halle ref1

  Königsberg ref1, ref2

  Marburg ref1

  Palermo ref1

  Potsdam ref1

  Prague ref1, ref2, ref3

  Prussian Academy of Sciences ref1

  Tübingen ref1

  Wittenburg ref1

  UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) ref1

  Untersberg mountain ref1

  Upper Silesia

  elections ref1

  German language ref1ncccxvi

  German minorities ref1, ref2

  industries ref1, ref2

  land disputes ref1

  neglect of, post-Second World War ref1ncclix, ref2

  Poland and ref1, ref2, ref3nccli, ref4

  Polish population ref1, ref2

  referendums ref1

  schools ref1

  Treaty of Versailles and ref1, ref2

  Usti Nad Labem see Aussig

  Vallat, Xavier ref1

  Van Emden, Richard, Meeting the Enemy ref1

  vandalism ref1 see also looting

  Vandals ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Vansittart, Peter, Black Record: Germans Past and Present ref1

  Varus, Publius Quinctilius ref1, ref2

  Varzin (Warcino) ref1, ref2ncxxii, ref3nccxliii, ref4, ref5

  Velvet Revolutions (1989) ref1

  Vercellae, battle of ref1

  Verdun (Wirten) ref1, ref2

  Treaty of (AD 843) ref1

  Vermeil, Edmond ref1

  Versailles, Treaty of (1919)

  cost of ref1, ref2, ref3

  and damage liability ref1

  Hitler’s breach of ref1, ref2

  legacy of ref1

  Lloyd George and ref1

  Poland and ref1, ref2

  and right to vote ref1

  Victoria, Princess (mother of Kaiser Wilhelm II) ref1

  Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom and Ireland ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4


  Battle of (1683) ref1

  Congress of (1815) ref1, ref2

  Congress of (1878) ref1

  expulsion of Jews from ref1

  fall of (1945) ref1

  food shortages, post-Second World War ref1

  German minorities ref1

  Habsburg court ref1

  Hitler and ref1

  multiethnic nature of ref1

  nationalism in ref1

  Siege of (1683) ref1

  surnames ref1

  Treaty of (1791) ref1

  Turks at ref1nxxvi

  Viereck, Peter ref1

  Vikings ref1, ref2, ref3

  Vilnius ref1 see also Wilna

  Viniani, René ref1

  Visigoths ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Vlaska, Karel ref1

  Voelkerwanderung ref1

  Vogesen (Vosges) hills ref1, ref2

  Vojna prison labour camp ref1

  Volksgemeinschaft ref1, ref2

  Volkssturm (people’s militia) ref1, ref2, ref3ncclxxii

  Voltaire, François Marie Arouet ref1

  Vondracek, David ref1

  Vonnegut, Kurt ref1

  Vortigern, King of the Britons ref1

  Vosges see Vogesen (Vosges) hills

  Vouille, battle of (AD 507) ref1

  Vrchalbí see Hohnelbe

  Wagner, Richard ref1, ref2

  Nibelungenlied ref1nvii

  Tannhäuser ref1

  Wales ref1nlxxxii

  Walewska, Marie ref1, ref2

  Wall Street Crash ref1, ref2

  Wallace, William ref1

  Wallenstein, Albrecht von ref1, ref2, ref3

  Walter von der Vogelweide ref1

  war crimes ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Allies ref1

  Czechoslovakia ref1, ref2, ref3

  Napoleonic wars ref1

  see also Nuremburg trials

  war criminals ref1, ref2ncclxxvi

  war graves ref1

  war guilt ref1 see also collective guilt

  war memorials ref1, ref2ncccxi, ref3

  war reparations ref1nlxv

  post-First World War ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  post-Second World War ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Warburg dynasty ref1

  Warcino see Varzin


  civilians’ support for ref1

  confessional ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Frederick the Great on ref1

  World Wars, effects on German-speaking Europe ref1

  see also First World War; Second World War


  battle of (1656) ref1

  bombing of, Second World War ref1

  centre for discussions on ethnic cleansing ref1, ref2

  Nazis’ destruction of ref1

  Radio Maryja ref1

  rebuilding of ref1

  Red Army invasion of ref1

  Washington Post ref1

  Waterloo, Battle of (1815) ref1, ref2

  Watson, Peter, The German Genius ref1

  Weaver, Denis ref1

  Weber, Max ref1ncxviii

  Wehler, Ulrich ref1

  Wehrmacht ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Weill, Kurt ref1

  The Threepenny Opera ref1

  Weimar Republic ref1

  army ref1, ref2nclxx

  coalition ref1

  constitution ref1, ref2, ref3

  currency ref1

  customs union with Austria ref1

  democracy ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  DNVP ref1

  economy ref1

  elections ref1, ref2

  failure of ref1

  opponents to ref1

  opposition to ref1

  political parties ref1

  post-First World War ref1

  Reichtag ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14

  Revolutionary Era (1919-23) ref1

  social welfare ref1

  Stresemann Era (1923-29) ref1

  unemployment ref1, ref2

  Weissenburg ref1nxxx

  Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of ref1

  Wells, H. G. ref1

  Welt am Sonntag ref1

  Wenceslas I, King of Bohemia ref1

  Wenger, Arsène ref1

  Wertheim, Georg ref1

  Wessels, Col. T. F. ref1

  West Germany ref1, ref2

  West Prussia ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

  Westphalia, Treaty of (1648) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Wettin dynasty ref1

  Wetzlar ref1

  White Mountain, Battle of (1620) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  white supremacy ref1

  Wido, Emperor (Guido of Spoleto) ref1

  Wiechert, Ernst ref1

  Wieczorek, Bishop Jan ref1ncccxii

  Wielun ref1

  Wießenburg (Wissembourg) ref1

  wildlife ref1

  Wilhelm I, Kaiser ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

  Wilhelm II, Kaiser ref1

  assassination attempts on ref1

  birth ref1

  relationship with Britain ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  and Caprivi, Leo von ref1

  and colonies ref1

  death ref1ncxxiii

  disability ref1

  exile ref1ncxxiii, ref2, ref3

  and First World War ref1nlxxx, ref2, ref3

  foreign policy ref1ncxv, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  and Franz Ferdinand’s death ref1

  and Franz Joseph of Austria ref1

  and German greatness ref1

  and ‘The Huns’ ref1

  hunting lodge ref1

  and militarism ref1, ref2

  and modernisation ref1, ref2

  nationality ref1

  and Nicolas II ref1

  and peace ref1, ref2

  tactlessness of ref1

  and Weltpolitik ref1, ref2

  Wilhelm Gustloff (ship) ref1

  William I, Prince of Orange ref1

  William II, King of Britain and Ireland

  ref1nxxxiii, ref2nxxxiv, ref3

  Wilna (Vilnius) ref1, ref2, ref3

  Wilson, Woodrow ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10

  Winckelmann, Johann Joachim ref1

  Winder, Simon, Germania ref1

  Windthorst, Ludwig ref1, ref2

  Wirkheim (Aleksandrow Kujawski) ref1

  Wirten see Verdun

  Wismar ref1, ref2, ref3nccl, ref4

  Wissembourg see Wießenburg

  Wistrich, Robert ref1

  Wittelsbach dynasty ref1

  Wittenburg University ref1

  Witteschau (Vitosov) ref1

  Wladyslaw II Jagiello ref1

  Worms ref1nvii, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Edict of (1521) ref1nxxii

  Wroclaw see Breslau

  Württemberg ref1

  Würzberg ref1, ref2

  Wycliffe, John ref1

  Xanten ref1

  Xenophobia ref1 see also anti-Semitism

  Yalta ref1nclxiv, ref2nclxiv

  Yiddish ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4nccxiii

  Yolande of Jerusalem ref1

  Yorck von Wartenburg, General Johann David Ludwig ref1

  Young Plan ref1

  Ypres ref1


  creation of ref1nxlviii

  post-First World War ref1, ref2, ref3nclxii

  war graves ref1

  Zarnowitz, Battle of ref1

  Zary see Sorau

  Zatec see Saaz

  Zayas, Alfred-Maurice de ref1

  Die Zeit (newspaper) ref1

  Zelivský, Jan ref1

  Zeppelins ref1, ref2

  Zhukov, Marshal Gyorgy Konstantovich ref1ncxci, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Zille, Heinrich ref1

  Zionism ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4nccxviii

  ‘Protocols of the Elder of Zion’ ref1, ref2nccxvii

  Zizka, Jan ref1

  Zlata Praha (newspaper) ref1

  Zorndorf, Battle of (1758) ref1, ref2

  Zuelpich, battle of (AD 497) ref1

  Zweig, Stefan ref1




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