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Runaway Royal

Page 4

by Wendi Zwaduk

  “Zara?” Luke settled on the step with her. “You’re not okay.”

  She wiped her face and tried to calm down. “I’m fine.” She cleared her throat. “It’s okay. I promise.”

  “Don’t fib,” he said. “You’re crying.”

  “I’m overwhelmed, I guess.” She needed to get herself under control. “Corinne’s a nice girl.”

  “She is.”

  “Are you going to take her on a date?” She laced her fingers together. “She’d like that.”

  “Slow down and look at me.” When she did, Luke tipped her gaze. “Corinne is a nice girl and she’s cute, but I didn’t join you for coffee to meet her. I wanted to meet you.”

  “You did?” It wasn’t possible.

  “Yeah. I enjoyed our conversation outside the lecture hall and want to get to know you better,” Luke said. “She’s cute, but you’re fascinating. Besides, I like our non-conversational conversation on the balcony, too.”

  She almost said, But I’m a royal. Instead, she kept her mouth shut. He didn’t know her truth and she wouldn’t say so—not yet. Unless Corinne had told him and that was possible.

  “When’s your next class?” he asked.

  “Four-thirty in Van Deusen. I needed an elective, so I took an introduction to metalsmithing course.” At the time, it seemed like a good idea to learn how to make her own jewelry.

  “That’s a great class. I took it during my third semester.” He nodded. “I need to go to the art building at five. Mind if I walk you to campus?”

  “You’d want to go with me? After I crumbled like that?”

  “I would.” He bumped shoulders with her. “Why not?”

  “I guess there’s no reason we can’t.” She frowned. “It’d be nice.” Being so close to him now, she detected his cologne—and the scent of paint on his skin. She looked into his eyes and noticed the flecks of green within the hazel. He had thick lashes and a nice mouth. So kissable. She wondered what he tasted like. Would he steal her breath with his kiss? Blur her thoughts? She wanted to find out.


  She blinked. She’d been caught staring at him. “Sorry.” She’d inched closer to him, her mouth not far from his.

  “Do you like the view?” He braced his arm on the step above and faced her.

  “It’s pleasant.” What a ridiculous, noncommittal answer. She should tell him the truth that she was attracted to him.

  He laughed and rubbed her shoulder. “Here I’m trying to be extra sweet and my best to be handsome, but all I get is that I’m pleasant. You know how to cut me to the quick.”

  “Sorry.” She leaned on him. I like you and want to forget the rest of my life for a few hours while I indulge in you. She froze. Had she said those words out loud? If she had, he’d be either laughing or shocked. He seemed to be enjoying the moment. Good. She’d kept her thoughts to herself. “I should get my things for class.”

  “Sure.” He stood first and held her to her feet. “I’ll meet you in the lobby.”

  She nodded. “Thanks.”

  Before she could say anything else or fix her gaffes, Corinne appeared with the mugs and carafe. “You need to get to class,” Corinne said. “And you need to take this.” She handed the items to Luke. “This one needs to get moving.” She nudged Zara.

  “See you.” Luke frowned.

  Zara shrugged, but didn’t fight Corinne. There was no point. The moment she explained why Corinne was pushing her along, she’d ruin her story. Besides, if Corinne wanted her to move, arguing was futile.

  “I’ll see you later,” Corinne said and winked at Luke. She nudged Zara down the stairs, ending any further conversation.

  Once she and Corinne reached their floor, Corinne grabbed Zara’s arm. “What are you doing? You can’t be out with him. What if your parents find out, huh? He’s an artist. Your parents want you to be with someone worthy,” Corinne spat. “He’s cute, but he’s no better than a peasant. You should have a husband who can support you. Someone who can give you the life you’ve become accustomed to. He’ll never be able to do that. Sure, he’s handsome and might be fine for an afternoon, but he’s not forever material. You have to think about your future, the crown and your parents’ wishes.” She shook her head. “How will he support you?”

  “Who says he will?” Who said he was her forever? Good God. She’d just met him. They might not be a match at all.

  “What?” Corinne hustled Zara down the hallway to the apartment. “You’re not thinking clearly.”

  “What if I want to date him, but I’m not thinking beyond a date? I have so little experience and he’s trying to be nice.” She folded her arms. “He offered to walk me to campus, not fuck my brains out.”



  “Ladies don’t talk that way.” Corinne held up her hand. “He’s a bad influence.” She wagged her finger in time with her head shaking, dismissing her. “I never had these problems with you when you dated Andrew. You were so complacent.”

  “Because we weren’t suitable. He wanted to become king when I became queen. Once he found out I wasn’t going to inherit the throne, he left.” She widened her stance. “I suppose you’re going to bring up Sawyer? He jumped ship when he found out I wasn’t going to sleep with him on the first date. I was sixteen. It wasn’t right and he knew that.” She held her ground. “Neither man wanted me for me.”

  “Luke might change his mind once he finds out you’re a royal,” Corinne said. “What if he’s attracted to a plain girl and doesn’t want a complicated one?”

  She winced. Corinne was trying to wound her and it worked. “He didn’t laugh when I thought he liked you over me and was trying to get to you through me.” She wasn’t sure where his loyalties were, but right now those didn’t matter.

  “He likes me?” Corinne’s expression changed and softened. “He is cute.” She nodded. “Do you think he’d go out on a date with me?”

  “I don’t know.” Corinne’s tone sure changed the moment she thought Luke might be interested in her and not Zara. “I need to get my bag so I can go to class. I’m meeting Luke in the lobby.”

  “Good.” Corinne grinned. “Tell him I’d like to go on a date. Yes, I’d like that a lot.”

  Since when do I work for you? She couldn’t say that. She wanted to be treated like everyone else. Still, she couldn’t help but marvel at the speed at which she and Corinne had started arguing. They’d never had a disagreement before, but now that a guy had entered the equation, everything changed. Then again, she’d always gone along with what she’d been told before. Corinne might be her lady-in-waiting, but she held power. Now that the power had evened out, things weren’t the same. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Thanks.” Corinne admired herself in the mirror. “Well, go. You don’t want to be late.”

  “Right.” She picked up her bag. She should be annoyed with Corinne but she had no ties to Luke. For all she knew, he could still choose her lady. She wanted him to pick her, but she knew the score.

  “Bye.” She left the apartment, then checked her backpack for her keys. She found the piece of paper Luke had tacked on the board to solicit models. Would he want to look at her as a model?

  She’d never know if she didn’t ask.

  When she saw Luke, she would, and she’d accept his response with grace and dignity—like a royal.

  Chapter Four

  Luke strolled down to the lobby. Part of him expected Zara to be there already. Then again, part of him expected she’d ditch him. He’d bungled the coffee meeting by not thinking before he spoke. So normal for me. He waited in the foyer and debated his next move. He’d like her phone number and to set up a date. The moment he’d touched her hand, his skin had tingled and his world had shifted on its axis. No one had ever affected him in such a manner. She made his mouth water and his cock hard.

  But she thought he liked her sister.

  Not quite.

  The longer he waited in
the lobby, the more his heart sank. He wanted to see Zara, but he doubted she’d show. She’d seemed upset and he wasn’t sure how to fix the situation. What had made her cry? Corinne? He wanted to make Zara happy, to see her and get her to laugh. He’d enjoyed their conversation and loved her smile.

  “Luke.” Zara hurried up to him. “Sorry. I had to change.” She’d switched from her blouse to a T-shirt. “I forgot we’re supposed to wear something that can get dirty.” She edged her shoulder up in a shrug. “I’d rather ruin this shirt than that blouse.”

  “You look nice either way.” He opened the door for her. “Have you been to Lysianna? I’ve seen it on television and in books but never been.”

  She glanced down at her shirt. “Oh, this.” She blushed. “It was a gift.”

  “I have a few of those kinds of presents. My aunt went to Roswell and brought me back a shirt. It has big-eyed aliens on it.” He fell into step with her. “So back to my original question—one of them. Are you okay? You’re adjusting to campus life?” He wanted to put his arm around her to reassure her. “You seem unsteady.”

  She bumped shoulders with him. “I’m nervous.”

  “Why? I won’t bite.” Unless she wanted such things. He wasn’t a novice in the bedroom, but he’d never ventured into fetish and kink.

  “I saw the notice on the board. You need models.” She stopped and brushed her hair from her eyes. “Do you have space for me? I’d like to model for you.” She paused. “Unless I’m not right. You probably want thinner models or prettier ones.” She shook her head. “No, I want to model for you.”

  “Whoa.” He held up one hand. “Zara?”

  “What?” She paled. “I’m not right for your models, am I?”

  “I never said that.” She’d make his wildest fantasies a reality because she fitted exactly what he wanted physically in his model. Her spirit and fire shone in her eyes and all around her. The innocence within her was something he wanted to capture on canvas. He grasped her hand and tugged her off the sidewalk to relative privacy under one of the maple trees. “I never said you weren’t right. Why wouldn’t you be good enough?”

  She narrowed her eyes, then groaned. “Because.”

  “Because why?” He didn’t let go of her fingers. He loved the way she fitted with him. “Tell me.” He didn’t understand. “Zara?”

  “I saw the girl you drew. She’s gorgeous. I saw you on your balcony with her and I saw the way you looked at Corinne.” She rubbed her forehead. “I shouldn’t have been watching you, but you fascinated me. Then I asked you for coffee and Corinne showed up. She’s a better match for you and with less hang-ups.”

  He tipped his head and met her gaze. “When did you see me?” He wished he’d known she’d gazed at him before he’d spotted her.

  “Two weeks ago. I’d just moved in and went out to the balcony to read. I looked down and there you were.”

  “Not alone.”

  “Not alone,” she repeated. “She’s a pretty girl. Is she your girlfriend? Or just a model?”

  “Who says you’re not pretty?”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re avoiding my question.”

  “And you’ve avoided mine,” he said. “She’s not my girlfriend and never was. She served as a model. Now who says you’re not pretty?”

  “Me.” She shrugged. “And other people.”


  “Among others.”

  “She’s wrong.”

  Zara tensed, but held on to his fingers. “You’re trying too hard.”

  “To do what? I’m telling you the truth as I see it,” he said. “When I saw you on the balcony, you inspired me.” He curled his fingers under her chin. “I don’t know who cut you down—if it was Corinne or whomever—but they’re wrong.”

  She stared at him, but said nothing.

  “I don’t know who destroyed your confidence, but they had no right to do it. You’re captivating and adorable,” he said. “I want to draw you, photograph you…see every bit of you. For me, art is about beauty and capturing it in all forms. You’re beautiful in my eyes.”

  “I am?”

  He nodded. “I made a sketch of you while you were on the balcony. I’m guessing we were out there at the same time, but never made eye contact. You were reading a book and I couldn’t help but sketch you.” He gazed into her eyes. The warmth and innocence melted the walls around his heart. “You might not think you’re beautiful, but I see you that way. I want you to model for me.”

  “You’re sure? You seemed shocked when I asked.”

  “Because I wasn’t convinced you really wanted to do it.”

  She chuckled. “You’re the first man in my life who hasn’t pressured me.”

  “Then you’re around the wrong men.” He caressed her chin with his thumb. The softness of her skin and the closeness wrapped around his heart. “If you’re sure, then I want you to sit for me. I don’t want you to feel uneasy.” He tucked a loose lock of her hair behind her ear. “I don’t know who you saw me with, but you are beautiful to me and who inspires me to create.”

  “Thank you,” she murmured.

  “Welcome.” He’d do whatever she asked to make her feel at ease.

  “Whoever the girl was that I saw you with, you argued with her.”

  He knew exactly who she meant. “Missy.” He remembered. He also recalled seeing Zara for the first time that afternoon. She’d watched him at the same time—just as much as he’d observed her. No kidding. He couldn’t wait to capture her image in paint and photography.

  “Missy reminded me of everything I’m not,” Zara said. “She’s tall, statuesque, thin and perfect.” She squeezed his hand. “If you think I’ll measure up, then I’d like to model for you.”

  “I know you do.” He’d have one hell of a time keeping his hands to himself when she did pose for him. He wanted to kiss her and prove she was adorable. She intrigued him. “I should have you sign a release so we can get started.” He’d been given a standard form to use before he captured anyone in one of his pieces. “You can read it through, then sign it.”

  “Sure.” She smiled. “What else?”

  “We’ll meet after your class and discuss the details.” He couldn’t wait to start jotting down his ideas for her session. Hell, he wanted three or four sessions with her. “I’ll buy dinner.”

  “I’d like that.” She lingered another moment. “Got any tips for metalsmithing? To make it less scary?”

  “Pay attention and use flux.” He loved the crackle between them. The electricity could light up the sky. “Be creative and don’t be afraid to try stuff. It’s an open media just waiting for you to use it.” Sort of like him.

  “That’s good advice.” She parted her lips. Was she about to kiss him? When she didn’t, he wished she had. Zara let go of his fingers. “I should head to class so I’m not late.”

  “True.” He wanted to hold her hand longer. Instead, he walked with her into Van Deusen Hall. “Where’s your class?”

  “Fourth floor.” She lingered at the steps. “I’ll be done around six-thirty.”

  “I’ll keep an eye out for you and we’ll get supper,” he said. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah.” She smiled. “I’ll bet you’re a great artist.”

  “How so?” She’d only seen one of his sketches.

  “Because you make me feel special—like I’m the only one around.” She traced her fingers over his heart.

  “It’s not hard.” But he was. “You’re captivating.” Was he embarrassing himself? He hoped not.

  She blushed. “I’ll see you here at six-thirty.” She hurried up the stairs and out of sight.

  Luke stood rooted to the spot for another moment. She didn’t see her beauty and it sounded like she hadn’t been appreciated. He’d show her he cared about her.

  After a few seconds, he left the lobby. He should go to the studio and sketch out plans for the sessions with her. Before he started working, he liked to have an idea what dir
ection he’d take with each subject. Plus, a plan would give him an outline to present to Zara. He didn’t want her to simply drop her clothes and stretch out on his bed. There had to be a purpose in her modeling. What was she looking at? What was she doing? Thinking about?

  He wandered out to the garden in front of Van Deusen. The serenity of the space wrapped around him. Zara would look wonderful amongst the flowers. Maybe he’d use the garden for photographs with her—clothed ones. He refused to have her pose nude in public. He perched on the closest bench and sketched out some ideas

  “Luke?” Missy strode up to him. “You’re out in the daylight. Are you okay?”

  “I’m great.” He closed his sketchbook. “I’m busy, too.”

  “Who is she?”


  “That girl. I saw you holding hands. Who is she?” Missy sat beside him. “Does she know about us?”

  He’d never quite get Missy to understand he wasn’t attracted to her. She suited him as a model, but nothing more. Her beauty worked well for his art, but her negativity shimmered around her.

  “Well?” She crossed her legs and bumped his shin with her foot.

  “There isn’t an ‘us’.” He held on to the pencil, but didn’t open the sketchbook. “Missy, we weren’t ever going to work. I told you that.”

  “You liked me.” She walked her fingers down his thigh. “You enjoyed painting me.”

  “I did.” He wouldn’t lie. She’d been a great subject at one time, but not now. “I need to get sketching for my semester project.” He should have his plan for his paintings of Zara, too. He wanted to photograph her, too. Zara would be great for dramatic photos with high contrast and a sensual painting…he could see her on his bed, tousled from sex and happily lounging. Truth be told, he wanted to be the one who made love to her so that she’d be in that euphoric state.

  “I saw you with her. She’s young and innocent-looking.” Missy crinkled her nose. “You’d better tell her you’ll get bored. Once your muse gets tired of her, you’ll move on. Say that up front and if she still lets you draw her, then you’re lucky, but she’ll probably dump your ass high and dry.”


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