Book Read Free

Runaway Royal

Page 10

by Wendi Zwaduk

  “It’s time you lived.” He grasped her hand. “Your phone’s been going off for the last hour.”

  “My alarm?” Where was her phone? No, she hadn’t set it. “It might be my social media. It’s nothing big, I’m sure.”

  “No.” He offered up the device. “Looks like texts and possibly a call. I didn’t try to check it, but I noticed when the screen lit up.”

  “Thanks.” She wasn’t in the mood to deal with the shitstorm on the royal front. “I’m going to try calling Oren.”


  “My guard. He’s good at being out of sight, but right there when I need him. He used to be extra loyal to me.” Until now. He could’ve been recalled by the king and could snatch her today to return her to Lysianna.

  “What happens when they come for you?” He held the cup in both hands. “Do I have to bar the door?”

  “I’m not sure. I’ve never run away before.” She swiped through the notifications. One message caught her attention. Charlie. She brought up the text from her brother.

  I admire what you’ve done. You need to live your life. Trying to hold them off, but no one listening. Oren is still guarding you, but Corinne has been discharged.

  She dropped the phone. No more Corinne. Fuck. Her lady had screwed up on a colossal level. Zara rubbed her forehead. She should call her brother. Having to rely on others annoyed her, especially when she could handle things herself, but…Charlie held the power. She didn’t.

  She dialed her brother’s number.

  “Need privacy?” Luke asked.

  She shook her head. “Stay.” She waited three rings before Charlie answered.

  “Catherine,” Charlie said. “You’re okay?”

  “I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” She grasped Luke’s hand. “Get me caught up. How is Shay? Or is there another guy in your life?”

  “Shay is history,” Charlie said. “He was like all the rest.”

  “He wanted to be queen?”

  “And to get rich.”

  “I’m sorry.” Her heart ached for her brother. He, of all people, understood her struggle.

  “Forget him. You found someone and he’s cute,” Charlie said. “Proud of you.”

  “He is.” She glanced over at Luke. “And he’s not seeking anything.”

  “Good,” Charlie said. “I tried to text you.”

  “I know.” Their personal phones were monitored on all accounts, so she had nowhere to hide. “Lay it out for me. What do I need to know?”

  “First, Corinne is out. Mother and Father don’t believe she can be trusted after all those photos surfaced. They’re on social media for anyone to see,” Charlie said. “I agree she went too far, but she was supposed to be in Kenton to protect you, not have a party.”

  “She was lonely.” She couldn’t blame her lady for wanting to be normal, too.

  “She might be and she has my sympathy. It’s tough to be in our position because we live in a bubble and there’s no way out,” Charlie said. “I need to know she can be trusted, though.”

  “You do?” She noticed Luke leaving the bed and abandoning his cup. He picked up his camera. Did he want to photograph her on the phone? Interesting.

  “I’ll take over eventually,” Charlie said. “I might as well start acting like a king and know what’s going on.”

  “You should.” She rubbed her forehead again. “What’s the second thing?”

  “Second, I talked with Oren. He’s not leaving you. If Luke will work with him, then you’ll be safe until the tornado arrives,” Charlie said. “Don’t bother going to class. It’s all messed up and you’re safer with your beau.”

  Tears pricked her eyes. She figured she wasn’t supposed to leave, but hearing the words coming from Charlie cemented it in her mind. She should’ve known. “I’m done, huh?”

  “Once Corinne posted the first photo, you were. She said she was you,” Charlie said. “Guess even the ones closest to us can prove to be unworthy.”

  “Yeah,” she said, her voice cracking. “What about the ones involving Luke and me?”

  “Those are too grainy. You could’ve easily weathered those and I would’ve helped you,” Charlie said. “I’d have given the media all sorts of false leads to keep them busy because you should be happy and if getting an education does it, then yeah.”

  “Thanks.” She sighed. “Anything else?”

  “Yeah. Mother and Father have sent envoys to retrieve you. No one knows where you are, so stay put. Shut your phone off. They won’t grab you wherever you are if you’re in a private building. It’s only when you go to your apartment or out in public that they can grab you,” Charlie said. “Stay in if you can.”

  “Already done.”

  “Smart girl,” Charlie said. “But don’t be surprised if Elmore shows up. He’s spitting mad that you’re not…as advertised any longer.”

  “As advertised?” Good God.

  “A virgin.”

  “Oh.” Yeah, she wasn’t that any longer.

  “Honey, you have to do what you have to do when it’s right for you,” Charlie said. “I won’t judge and I will encourage you to be happy.”

  She spied Luke again. He’d put the camera down and instead held his sketchbook. He sat in the chair and seemed to focus on her. She sighed and turned her attention back to her brother. “So I’ll assume I’ve been withdrawn from school.”

  “Mother started it yesterday,” Charlie said. “The school wants the money, but not the publicity.”

  “It was bound to happen.”

  Charlie laughed. “You know, you could put a huge wrinkle in her plans.”

  “I could?” Why was he laughing?



  “Get married.”

  “What?” She almost dropped the phone. “Charlie?”

  “If Luke will do it, go to Vegas and get married. It’ll stop Elmore in his tracks and will emancipate you from Mother and Father,” Charlie said.

  “What if he says no?”

  “Even if it’s annulled in twenty-four hours, you’re free.”

  “And Luke?”

  “Will he want something?” Charlie asked.

  “I don’t know if he’d go through with this, but if he does, he’ll deserve something besides the honor of being…” She couldn’t say husband. Luke wouldn’t go along with the plan, even if it did make sense. He was a nice guy, but the relationship was too new to throw marriage into it.

  “Tell him what you need and see what he says. If it’s negative, then we’ll figure out a plan B,” Charlie said. “You could always marry Oren.”

  “Marry Oren?” He was older than Elmore and like a brother to her.

  “Marry Oren?” Luke paled.

  “I need to go,” she said. “I’ve got to clean up this mess.” She hung up on her brother and focused her attention on Luke. Well, shit.

  Luke dropped his sketch pad. He’d drawn an image of her on the phone. The drawing reminded her of one of the suggested images for his series and evocative of deep emotion. Now she knew why he’d taken her photo.

  “That’s nice,” she said. “For the series?”

  “Yeah, sure.” Luke frowned. “Who are you marrying? Oren? Since when?”

  “I’m not marrying Oren.” She explained the situation with Corine and Oren, then the issues with her going out into public. “See? I’m in over my head.”

  “They withdrew you from college? Without your consent?”

  “My father is a king. He can do whatever he wants,” she said. “If he threw money at the college, they just might bend to his will.”

  Luke laced his fingers together and propped his elbows on his knees. He rested his chin on his hands. “Elmore? Who is Elmore?”

  “He’s a duke who’s on his way to find me.” She couldn’t lie to him any longer. “He’s irked I’m not as advertised.”

  “Good. He doesn’t deserve you.” Luke picked up the sketch book. “If he can’t see ho
w wonderful you are, no matter what, then he’s not worthy of you.”

  His words touched her. She deserved to be loved and cherished. “Do you?”

  “Do I what?”

  “Feel you’re worthy of me?” She tugged the sheet around her body. “My brother gave us an out—if you want to take it.”

  “An out?” He narrowed his eyes and moved to the edge of the chair. “What out? What do you mean?”

  “My brother will be king.” She hated the tension between them. “He suggested something.”

  “Okay?” He frowned and his brow furrowed. “What’s the out?”

  “We get married.” She held her breath.


  “No, we’ve already done that.” She wanted to release the pressure, but how in the hell was that going to work when he seemed even more upset?

  He snorted and the weight of the conversation seemed to evaporate. Luke shook his head. “Talk about rushing this.”

  “I know.”

  “It’d allow you to finish school.”

  “No, not right away. It’d get me out from under my parents’ thumb, though.”

  Luke sagged in his seat. “Married? It doesn’t seem right to push this.” He shook his head. “You’re being expected to do something out of honor, not love—even if it’s me and who knows?”

  She should’ve guessed he’d be hesitant. The situation was too much to spring on him. “It’s just an option.”

  “It is.” Luke left his seat and padded barefoot on the carpet, pacing the length of the room. “You should be your own person. You don’t need a man to make you whole.”

  “Maybe.” She agreed, but she did need to get married to get out from under her parents’ rule.

  “And you should make your own choices.”

  “Of course.”

  “You should select a husband out of love, not necessity.”


  He stopped pacing and stared at her. “It’s just happening so fast. I’m gobsmacked.”

  “I know.” She couldn’t argue with him. “It was just a suggestion.” One she rather liked. She could see them married and having a future. But he had to be convinced and that wasn’t how she preferred to live her life. She tugged the sheet tighter around her body. Part of her wanted to go back to her apartment and stop making him feel so pressured. “I should get dressed.”

  “Zara.” He sank onto the chair. “Babe.”

  “You’re not ready for this, all of me and my issues. I get it.” She kept the sheet around her torso. “I’ve imposed on you enough.” Time to face her problems. “Thanks.” She started past him, but he caught her in his embrace. “Luke.”

  “Only a coward would back away when things get tough.” He cupped her jaw. “I’m in way over my head, but I want this—us.”

  “You do?” She couldn’t get her hopes up. Life kept kicking her ass every time she thought she could handle it on her own.

  “I’m with you, princess. You’re the most down-to-earth woman I’ve ever met. I don’t know what to do, but I’m following your lead.” He kissed her lightly on the lips.

  She spotted a flash out of the corner of her eye. A flash? The last time she’d seen a… “Get down.” She shoved Luke to the floor behind the bed. The coffee pot exploded. The sound of thunder echoed in the room as the mirror cracked and the window shattered. Glass flew all over the floor. Plaster chipped off the wall with the fourth and fifth booms. She hunkered down with him.

  “What the hell?” Luke covered her with his body.

  Little explosions continued around the room. With him practically on top of her, she scrambled into the bathroom. Her heart pounded. Someone was shooting at them. Someone wanted her dead.

  “Hold still. You have glass in your hair.” Luke slammed the bathroom door shut. “Those were shots, weren’t they?” He paled. “Who?” His eyes widened. “Fuck. You’re bleeding.”

  “Huh?” She stretched her leg and noticed the blood. “Must’ve been grazed. It’s nothing. Are you okay?”

  “Nothing? You could’ve been killed,” Luke said, his voice cracking. “Where is that bodyguard of yours?”

  “I don’t know.” She hunkered down with him. Fear gripped her, but she refused to show the emotion. “I’d like to know why I’m being shot at. Normally someone’s trying to take my picture, not my life.”

  “Let me clean this up.” He wetted a washcloth and placed it over the gash. “It’s bloody, but you might be right and it’s not bad. I think you were grazed.”

  “I’ll be okay. I’ve been shot at before.” She had to think this through. “Whoever covered your apartment in bullets knew we were here.” She needed to check on Corinne and call the police after she alerted Oren. “Where…do you have a bandage? I can’t wear a washcloth, especially when the police arrive.”

  “Just a moment.” He produced a large square of gauze and tape from the cupboard.

  Pounding echoed on the door. “Catherine? Princess?” The door burst open. Oren stood in the middle of the bathroom. “There you are. You’re hurt.”

  “I’m fine.” She held up both hands. “Did you call the police?”

  “On the way. The team is trying to capture the shooter.” Oren knelt next to her. “It came from the building across the common area.” He smoothed the bandage over her leg.

  “Luke saved my life.” She allowed Luke and Oren to help her to her feet. “He’s my hero.”

  “I know.” Oren nodded to Luke. “Thank you. The crown should thank you, too. You’ve been brave.”

  Luke sank to the floor. “What’s going on? You’ve been shot at before? Someone was aiming at us? What the hell!”

  “My princess was targeted,” Oren said. He tossed her clothes into the bathroom. “The crown offered a prize to the person who could deliver her home. They’re out for blood.” He fiddled with his phone. “The police are on the way up, so get dressed.”

  “The person…they’re trying to kill her,” Luke managed. He shook his head. “We need to keep her safe.”

  “It’s too late. Forces for the crown are here.” Oren closed the door. “Get dressed, my princess. The team is here to take you home.”

  The lump in her belly grew and she wobbled into her clothes. Her parents had sent a team to bring her home. Wonderful. The police would be there and see the mess. They’d wonder why she was in the States without much protection. The college would never ask her back and Luke…God. What did he think? She dressed in silence and prayed Luke wouldn’t decide to walk away.

  “They can’t take you,” Luke said. “It’s not right. You have a life here. You’re learning and spreading your wings.”

  She settled on his lap and draped her arms around his neck. “I never thought I’d find someone like you. I didn’t think it was possible to be loved for myself and you’ve proven it’s possible.”

  “Zara.” Pain shimmered in his eyes. “We’re not done, babe.”

  “No, we’re not.”

  “But you have to go.” He held tight to her. “I can’t come with you, can I?”

  “Not yet.” Heaviness filled her mind. She hated leaving him. When she left the bathroom, the cops had arrived. She reached into her bag and handed the rabbit to Luke. “This is my most prized possession. I know it and you will find your way back to me. I can’t sleep without it or you.”

  “Princess?” Oren opened the door. “Time to go before there’s a scene. You can give your statement in the corridor.” He held out his hand.

  She placed her college ID in Luke’s palm. “I don’t know how or when, but I will find you.”

  Three men in black jackets with gold piping stood in the corridor. The police taped off the room and herded Luke over to the bathroom. Zara reached for Luke as the jacketed men spirited her away from the man she loved. Tears slipped down her cheeks. This wasn’t the end of her story with Luke. No way.

  She stole one last glance at him and her life as she knew it. No matter what she had to do,
she’d come back to Luke.

  Had to.

  Chapter Ten

  Luke stared at the empty space where she’d been. Gone. He answered the cops’ questions and gave his statement. Police officers took samples and prints. Glass spread across the floor. Christ, he had a huge mess to clean up. He stepped on a shard. At least he hadn’t cut his foot. No one seemed to be interested in helping him pick up the pieces.

  He held on to the rabbit and Zara’s ID. The items were the only traces of her he had, save for his drawings. His heart ached. Jenna had left him because she claimed he loved art more than her. Things weren’t the same with Zara.

  Do I love Zara?

  Sure feels like it.

  He hugged the rabbit. She said she’d come back. He should’ve given in to her idea and married her. He couldn’t imagine his life without her. Would they have had time to get to Vegas? He’d never know.

  Another man with a black coat and the gold piping moved him from the room and into the hallway. Corinne waited outside his door.

  “You’ve got a mess,” she said. “She was shot at, wasn’t she?”

  “Yeah.” He tamped down his irritation. She’d helped cause the problems for Zara. “You had a good gig. Hang out with her and protect her.”

  “You don’t understand. I was lonely. I get to see her with the beautiful people and I know she hated that life, but I wanted to try it.”

  “You helped ruin her life.”

  “I know.” She folded her arms. “I’d blame my problems on the rum, but we both know better.”

  “Yeah, well, now she’s gone.” He rubbed the ID against his thigh and squeezed the rabbit in his other hand. “I have shit to do and can’t because my room is a crime scene.”

  “I know.” Corinne bowed her head. “I’m here to offer you the apartment I shared with Zara. Her stuff is there and the security staff is continuing to protect it.”

  “What about my stuff? My life?” He still had his sketches and electronics to retrieve. He could replace his stuff, but he couldn’t replace the art.

  “We’ll move it upstairs,” Corinne said. “I might not work for the crown any longer and I might have destroyed her trust in me, but I know you two belong together. I want to help you get back to her.”


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