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Runaway Royal

Page 14

by Wendi Zwaduk

  Her stepmother glared at her, but her position on the sofa remained stiff and proper. “You’ve made poor choices. You put yourself in danger and could’ve died. You went out in public without a guard. Do you know how that looked for the crown? For the people? It looked reckless. It made you appear careless and that you don’t abide by the rules. Your people feel let down.”

  “They do? How?” she asked. “I’m finding my way so I can be the best monarch possible.” Why didn’t her stepmother and the people understand that? Probably not. She’d never met her birth mother and wondered if she’d have acted this way.

  “You let them down because they want a glamourous princess. They want you to jet set and be the example,” her stepmother snarled. “They don’t want you to lower yourself to that…artist.”

  She seethed, but she needed to buy herself time. What her stepmother claimed sure sounded like the family wanting to keep up appearances. Did the people care if she were glamourous or not? She doubted it, but her stepmother wouldn’t be moved. “Fine. What do you expect me to do?”

  “Use your head.” Her stepmother folded, then refolded her hands. “We have an image to uphold. You will stop wearing…that, and act like a princess.” She curled her lip in a sneer. “You look like a commoner.”

  She bit back a groan. “How do I act as you suggest?”

  “Stop being so forthright. You’re a demure princess,” her stepmother said. “No one wants a blunt princess. They want quiet, correct beauty.”

  Not going to happen. She’d found freedom and liked having her own mind. “Okay.” She folded her arms. “What else?”

  “Stop being so independent. You’re a royal. You need to follow the rules. My rules,” her stepmother said. “Duke Elmore has asked for your hand. This Sunday, the official announcement will be made at your portrait unveiling. You have two days to correct yourself.”

  She winced. Correct myself. Jesus. She measured her breaths to keep her anger under control. “You’ve accepted his proposal.”

  “We did. He’s the most suitable husband. He knows royal protocol and will fit in with the family,” her stepmother said. “He wants what’s best for the crown.”

  “The king agreed to this? Without my consent?” Her father could be cool and unapproachable, but this was a lot, even for him.

  “He has agreed.” Her stepmother toyed with a bracelet around her wrist. The jewels caught the light and Zara’s attention. Rubies. “That’s a pretty bracelet. What are the stones?”

  “Rubies.” Her stepmother smiled. “From a dear friend.”

  “Father?” She’d seen that bracelet before. “Elmore gave me a bracelet just like that one.”

  Her stepmother’s eyes widened for a split second, then the thin smile returned to her face. “Mine came from a dear friend. Now, I have a meeting. I trust you’ve seen things my way. Yes?”

  “Of course. I need to redirect my behavior and realize my role.” She nodded. “I will.”

  “And at the announcement ball? You will act with decorum? This will be a big day for you and we cannot have an outburst.” Her stepmother’s sneer returned. “There won’t be any unpleasantness, will there?”

  “I’ll behave.” She needed to do a bit more digging, but she had her plan. “Thank you, Mother.”

  “I knew you’d see this my way.” Her stepmother stood and resumed fingering the bracelet. “I’ve assigned you a new lady-in-waiting. You will select an appropriate gown for the announcement. The duke prefers red, so make sure it’s red.”

  “I will, Mother.” She followed the queen from the room. She couldn’t spy on her stepmother on her own, but others could.

  Once the queen was out of earshot, Zara leaned against the wall. “What are you hiding, Mother?” she murmured. “I’m not playing your game any longer. Luke’s life depends on me and I won’t let him down.”

  * * * *

  Luke stared at the wall of his cell. Fuck. He’d landed in jail. Not entirely a surprise. He’d broken the rules. A commoner couldn’t be with a princess and he’d aimed high. Sure, he hadn’t known she was a princess when he’d fallen for her, but that didn’t matter now. He loved Zara and didn’t regret a second of their time together.

  Then there was him allowing her brother to bring him to Lysianna. He probably should’ve thought his choice through a bit more. The chances he’d land in jail were high. Now, jail was his reality.

  “Hey.” The man in the cell across the corridor waved at him. His face was obscured in shadow, but his voice clear. “You’re that guy.”

  “Yeah, I’m that guy.” He had no idea what the man wanted or what guy he thought Luke might be.

  “You’re in here, too.” The guy moved to the door of his cell, making his face more visible. “You’re weren’t supposed to make it this far.”

  “Well, I’m a champ.” He couldn’t contain his sarcasm. “You’re in here, too.”

  “I should be. I shot at you.” He laughed. “Ain’t it a bitch? I shoot at you and we’re both in the clink.”

  “You did what?” Luke paid closer attention. Shot at me? What the hell? “Where?”

  “You should close your curtains, man. I saw right into your room.” The man leaned on the cell door, resting his elbows on the bars. “She’s cute. Did you get all of ’em naked before you porked ’em?”

  Oh God. “She modeled for me.” Did this jackass mean the princess was cute? “Why’d you shoot at me? I don’t know you.” He faked a laugh. “Did I steal your girl?”

  “Not mine,” the man said. “Elmore’s girl. You took his piece of ass.”

  “The princess?”

  The man laughed this time and the sound echoed. “Yeah. He can’t stand her, but he’d be in line to be the king. The bastard. He’s been doing the queen, too. At least she likes him.”

  “You’re joking.” Shit. Elmore was a real piece of work. “He doesn’t like the princess?”

  “She’s difficult,” the man said. “He’d rather have a more agreeable girl.”

  Luke gritted his teeth to keep from saying anything. The gall. Elmore didn’t deserve Zara.

  “I couldn’t believe he wanted me to kill her, but he said she wasn’t going along with the plan so she had to go. Even the queenie signed off on the plan,” the guy said. “They knew.”

  “She did?” He couldn’t wrap his mind around the sheer disgust concerning the situation. “You didn’t kill the princess.”

  “No shit. I ain’t goin’ down for murder and I sure as hell won’t go down for whacking a royal.” He shrugged. “I hit her, didn’t I? I’m sorry. I know it doesn’t fix anything and won’t get my ass outta here, but I apologize. This whole thing never should’ve gone that far. I’m not that cold, really. It was just he promised me good money and I needed it. You know? I’ve got kids and my ex wanted money.”

  “You hurt and scared the fuck out of her. Would you want someone to shoot at your kids? It’s the same difference.” Luke wanted to rip this man limb from limb, but he also wanted to keep him talking. Once he got out, he’d find Elmore and expose the bastard. “She bled pretty bad.”

  “Fuck. I never thought about it that way.” The man stopped talking. “They’re coming.”

  Guards filtered down the corridor and Luke pressed himself against the back of his cell. Christ. Were they there for him?

  “The queen wishes to address the prisoners,” one of the guards shouted. He opened the door to Luke’s cell. “Bow.”

  Luke dropped to his knees. He’d never met a queen before. What was protocol? He glanced up and an older woman, clad in a crimson silk pantsuit, strode into his cell.

  “Leave,” she said. “The prisoner and I need to have a chat.”

  He didn’t look up a second time and didn’t speak. He refused to do much talking anyway so he didn’t incriminate himself.

  “You thought you were smart,” she said. “Thought you found a meal ticket. My daughter isn’t a means to your end.” She threaded her fingers in
to Luke’s hair and yanked, forcing her to look up at her. “Pity, really. You’re handsome. She did choose someone with the features to be a royal, but you’re not good enough. She should be with a man who can keep her in her proper place within society.”

  He disagreed, but she wouldn’t listen to him even if he tried to speak.

  “When the judge sees you, I expect you to admit your guilt and leave the country. Understand me? You will not destroy her public image. She’s marrying the duke. You will not be part of her life, ever.” The queen narrowed her eyes. “Or there will be consequences.”

  “Yes, Queen.” The more she pulled, the more his scalp ached, but he refused to show his pain.

  “Good boy.” She let go. “If you weren’t trying to climb the social ladder on my daughter’s back, I’d take you as my lover.” She crinkled her nose. “Pity, really.”

  He’d never sleep with her. The evil streak in her soul was more than he could take.

  The queen knocked on the wall. “Leaving.” She flicked her hand. “This one can stay through Sunday because I want him to experience the agony of the princess accepting the duke’s proposal of marriage. Maybe then this one will understand he’s not welcome here.” She left without a backward glance.

  Luke’s stomach churned. He had too much information to digest and not enough time to get the situation sorted out. He needed to speak to Zara and Charlie. Did they know their stepmother was having an affair?

  “You.” The guard pointed to Luke. “Time for your shower.”

  He didn’t feel like a shower. Luke remained on the floor of his cell. “I’m fine.”

  “You need this shower,” the guard said. “You do.”

  Damn it. He hated being forced to comply. He stood, though, and trudged to the bars. “What if I’m fine?” He met the gaze of the guard. His voice lodged in his throat. Oren? “I’ll shower.” If Oren was there, then something was up. He allowed Oren to cuff him once the cell was opened again.

  Oren escorted Luke down the other end of the jail to a room filled with harsh light. Charlie and Zara stood against one wall.

  Luke wanted to embrace Zara, but not while being cuffed.

  Zara rounded the table and hugged Luke. “I’m sorry.”

  He kissed the side of her head. “I know.”

  Charlie sat on the closest chair and tossed his phone onto the table. “You met our stepmother.”

  “I did,” Luke said. “It was interesting.”

  Oren unlocked the cuffs. “Don’t make me use these again so fast.” He stood in front of the door, blocking anyone looking in through the window.

  Luke nodded.

  Zara kept her arms around Luke. “Ignore Mother. She’s trying to scare you.”

  It had worked. Luke willed himself to stop freaking out. “She threatened me.”

  “We assumed so.” Charlie rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand. “She’s not going to touch you or throw you out.”

  “No,” Zara added. “She won’t.”

  “She’s having an affair with Elmore,” Luke blurted. “She admitted it.” Getting those words out lightened some of the weight on his mind, but he hated having to be the one delivering the information.

  Charlie’s brows rose. “She admitted it?”

  “Yes. She wanted me to be her lover, but turned me down because of Zara,” Luke said. “Also because I wouldn’t be with her.”

  “I had a feeling this was happening.” Zara rubbed Luke’s back. “She didn’t admit it to me, but she gave herself away with the bracelet.”

  Luke stared at Zara. “You’re oddly calm about this whole situation.” He didn’t understand.

  “My stepmother has done backhanded and underhanded things since I can remember,” Zara said. “Father can be dismissive, but Mother’s just mean. She and my father couldn’t have children, so she could even argue we’re not the rightful ones—although I have no idea who might be instead.”

  “Anything is possible with her.” Charlie fiddled with his phone. “Hot damn. She either forgot about or never knew about the security system down here.” He held up his phone. “We have Mother’s conversation with you.”

  “It records everything?” Luke asked. “Like chats between the prisoners?”

  “Who talked?” Zara asked. “Luke?”

  “The guy across the corridor. He says he’s the one who shot Zara. He admitted it. Said the duke wanted to remove her—I don’t know why Elmore wanted it, but he ordered the attack,” Luke said. “The shooter refused to kill her.” He’d been able to tell them the truth as he knew it and his spirits lifted. “That’s what I know and it should be on your footage.”

  Zara continued to rub his back. “I knew it wasn’t random.”

  He rested his forehead on her temple. “Are you accepting his proposal of marriage?”

  “Elmore’s? No.” She turned her head and brushed her nose against his. “There’s this artist I like and I can’t marry the wrong man.”

  Her words were breadcrumbs, but good enough for him. He needed the lifeline.

  Charlie tapped his phone. “Found it. Crisp audio, too.” He grinned. “Saved and secure.”

  “Can I go?” Luke asked. He wanted to return to her suite for a proper shower and to make love to Zara.

  “Not yet,” Zara said. “We have the confession and my stepmother dead to rights, but I have to out Elmore. Until then you need to stay here, but Oren will be on guard for you.”

  “I need to handle this,” Charlie said. “No sex, you two.” He grinned, then ducked through a door at the back of the room.

  Zara nuzzled Luke’s cheek. “I don’t like leaving you here. It’s killing me.”

  “It’s not a thrilling time, no.” He embraced her properly and breathed in the scent of her perfume. He missed holding her. “I’ll survive because it means I’m getting back to you.”

  “You still want me?” She leaned back in his arms and her eyes shimmered.

  “I do.” She made his life worthwhile and interesting. “I can’t finish my series without you.”

  “I guess not.” She caressed his back. “Give me the chance to free you and I will. I’m not letting the duke win. Ever.”

  “I know.” He breathed her in and she calmed him. He admired her strength and bravery. “You got yourself to college, to a new country, and will outsmart Elmore. I know it.”

  Oren cleared his throat. “Time to return to your cell.”

  “Oren’s going to be your guard, so no one will hassle or hurt you,” she said. “When I call for you, trust me, okay?”

  “Anything for you.” He’d give everything to have her in his arms again.

  “Won’t be long now.” She let go. “Luke.”

  “I love you.” He allowed Oren to recuff him and take him to his cell. He didn’t feel like an inmate any longer. He had a role to play and he’d do it because Zara was his reward. She’d be in his arms and his life would be right.


  Chapter Thirteen

  Zara adjusted the bodice of her dress and fiddled with the sequins along the neckline. If she was going to be the center of attention, then she wanted to wear something she liked. Elise, her new lady-in-waiting, placed the thin crown on Zara’s head. Zara liked her. Elise seemed sweet and eager, but rather young. If she had her preference, Zara would rather have Corinne, but she wasn’t in a position to argue. Besides, she had to get ready for the announcement ball.

  Sunday had come too fast, but she hadn’t come up with another way to prevent the dreaded upcoming proposal from Elmore.

  She checked her makeup in her reflection in the mirror. She did look nice. “Corinne made me look better than ever. Don’t you think?”

  “She did, my princess,” Elise said. “You’ll be the prettiest woman there.”

  “Don’t let the queen hear you say that.” Zara left the chair. “She’ll have your head.” She wanted to sound joking, but the queen wasn’t a fan of being upstaged.

  Elise paled
. “She will.”

  “Stop. I won’t let her remove you.” She smoothed her dress again. She’d chosen a black cocktail dress with a flair skirt and square neckline. The gown reminded her of a flirty fifties party dress. She paired the garment with kitten heels. The crown seemed almost out of place against the rest of her outfit.

  Elise clicked the diamond bracelet on Zara’s wrist. “Will you be wearing a ring?”

  “Yes.” She selected a thick band embedded with diamonds, given to her on her eighteenth birthday, for her left hand and a sapphire ring for her right hand. Just enough to be sparkly without going overboard.

  “Beautiful.” Elise’s smile wavered. “Next time, may I come with you to the ball?”

  “Yes.” If she weren’t going to possibly blow up her life in the next few hours, she’d have Elise join her. “The next time you’ll be right beside me.”

  Elise brightened. “You should go. Duke Elmore will be here soon and if you wish to avoid him, then you’d better leave now.” She nodded. “I hope you don’t marry him. He’s…icky.”

  “Icky?” Interesting way to put it.

  “I shouldn’t talk.”

  “Go ahead. You’re in safe company.” She tipped her head. Going to college and getting out of the kingdom had opened her eyes. She’d learned listening skills and how to better handle the problems of her people before making a choice. “Elise?”

  “He told me he’s part of the court and he’d take me to bed.” Elise trembled. “He’s old enough to be my father. You won’t remove me, will you? I shouldn’t have spoken up.”

  “You’ve helped me make my decision because I appreciate knowing the truth. You will be my lady for quite a while.” She hugged her lady. “Thank you for being honest.”

  “Thank you?” Elise’s eyes widened. “My princess?”

  “Why don’t you head down to the kitchen and sneak into the party? I won’t tell and I’d be happy to know you’re there.” She winked at her lady. “I’m ready.”

  “Thank you.” Elise bowed. “Have a good evening.”

  Zara left the suite and headed down to the foyer of the grand ballroom. Charlie and Corinne were already there. Charlie left Corinne by the doors. “Are you ready?” he asked. He hugged her. “You’re going to be great.”


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