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Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2

Page 14

by L M Lacee

  Later that night Peyton lay in bed tired and resolved. They had spent the day scouring the world for data and arranging people and equipment. She knew her plan was right and would save lives, she smiled into the darkness. As she remembered Darby’s face, after she asked her to get her cyber- hackers to gather all the information she had listed. Poor Darby, she could not see the logic of gathering movies or books, games and other non-informative data. She almost laughed out loud remembering Heather explaining again, her reasoning to Darby.

  Who once more replied that she did not understand why this was important. Heather in exasperation had finally ordered. ‘Darby, just do it; you don’t have to understand, just make sure it’s done.’

  Darby had fired back. ‘But it makes no sense, there are other valuable things we need.’

  Melody had growled from behind her computer screen. ‘This is valuable, my music, movies and shows are valuable to me.’

  Darby was going to contradict that statement when Heather gently told her. ‘Darby, Peyton’s reasoning is sound, she believes everyone we take with us will want to remember what we have here. The music, the art, movies and books, sometimes they are the only things that keep people from falling into depression. If these few bits of fluff, as you call them, ease their lives and ease any regret they may feel in the future for leaving Earth. That has to be a good thing right? Come on Darby, you know this is a one-way trip, maybe it will be all we will ever have to remember Earth by.’

  Darby had shrugged, not really agreeing but not disagreeing anymore and then she nodded assuring them both. ‘I don’t understand it the way you seem to or Peyton does, but I will have my people find it all.’

  ‘Well, that is all we can ask of you.’ Heather told her with a smile.


  One of Darby’s tasks over the next few days was to compile information she had on the Jenersar Warriors. Shocked at what she discovered, she asked Heather and a few selected scientists to assemble a laboratory in one of the houses so they could run simulations from her data.

  The morning before the day of the meeting and after many hours of combing through all the information and running tests. She and Heather presented their combined report and conclusions to Peyton and Melody, who were just as stunned as they were.

  Although Melody was more disappointed and angry than she was shocked by the decisions of those in power. Peyton was just as angry as Melody, but truthfully she was secretly pleased. She now had the final piece needed as a bargaining chip to help convince the Commander to agree to her plan.

  Later that same day, Peyton stood outside Darby’s bedroom and danced from foot to foot. She really did not want to do this, but she could see no other way around it. She just knew there would be questions to answer, so many damn questions. Sighing deeply, then plastering a smile on her face, she walked into Darby’s bedroom. The same room she had called her own when her grandparents were alive.


  Darby looked up from her computer. ‘Hello.’

  The sudden appearance of Peyton in her room caused her to frown. Peyton never intruded on their private space. She had made it clear when they moved in, their rooms were theirs. No one entered a bedroom unless invited, so for her to ignore that policy meant something was worrying her.

  Darby watched her pace the room for a minute then growled. ‘Sit.’

  Peyton nodded and took the chair beside her desk. ‘So hi.’

  ‘And hello to you, again. What can I do for you?’

  ‘Yeah well.’ She flipped a flash-drive between her fingers.

  Darby’s finely shaped eyebrows rose, along with her suspicions. ‘Peyton?’

  ‘I can shield my computer transmissions.’

  Darby nodded, she knew this and did not approve of the technology, it was clumsy and external, her system was better. ‘I know I saw the scanner, it is inventive and a little scary.’

  ‘Yeah… yeah.’ Peyton quickly said, hoping to avoid another lecture on safety as she mentally sang, blah… blah… blah.

  Darby informed her. ‘I know you are singing blah, blah… blah, in your head.’

  Peyton frowned as she asked. ‘Did Melody tell you that? Because I can tell you what she does.’

  Darby hid her grin as she growled. ‘Peyton, spit it out.’

  ‘See, right there. That is just rude.’

  Sighing gustily Darby asked. ‘Peyton, why must you do this, just ask?’


  ‘Yes… yes, we know you hate asking, everyone knows.’

  Peyton snapped. ‘Fine.’

  Darby was right, she really did hate asking but still there was no need to be rude about it. ‘So, as I was saying, I can shield my computer, but I have to make a vid call to some people. If they are still alive, they are clever and very deceptive and I have to assume they have every toy there is out there. Legal and black market to trace the call. I am fairly sure they belong to an organization that can track anyone, anywhere. My security will not be enough. I was hoping you could help me.’

  Confused, Darby asked. ‘You don’t trust them, yet you have to talk to them. Why?’

  ‘Because it is the right thing to do. If all goes well with the Warriors, we will leave Earth. I can’t have this on my conscience. I have to reach out to them.’

  ‘But if they are as dangerous as you say and untrustworthy…’

  ‘Did I say that?’

  ‘It was implied, I am guessing you intend to ask them to come with us. Peyton, do we really want to take people like that with us?’

  Peyton flipped the flash-drive over in her fingers as she quietly said. ‘I don’t know Darby, maybe not. I just feel I should do this.’

  ‘Okay, fine.’ Darby reached out and closed her hand over the one that held the flash-drive. ‘I can make it so they think you are calling from the moon, they will never trace you.’

  ‘Thanks Darby.’ She placed the drive on her desk and stood as Darby asked. ‘When do you want to call them?’

  Peyton rubbed her face. ‘Whenever you think it is the safest time for you.’

  Darby tapped on her computer, then muttered. ‘Ten tonight.’

  ‘Thanks Darby, I would scan the drive. I don’t trust that their contact details are the only thing on there.’

  She snorted, then said. ‘As if I wouldn’t. You just said they were scum bags.’

  ‘I never said that and stop watching Melody’s vids.’

  ‘It was yours.’

  ‘Oh, okay, bye.’

  Darby looked up from her computer just as Peyton reached out to open the door and asked. ‘Are you telling Melody and Heather, because this could affect them as well?’

  Peyton turned and scowled at Darby, who gave her an innocent look in return. ‘Well, I am now!’

  ‘Good, shut the door on your way out, please.’

  ‘Yeah… yeah.’

  Peyton stomped from the room and only just stopped herself from slamming the door. As she made her way down the hallway, she mentally raged about how she had to find Melody and Heather now. Then listen to them ask the same questions Darby had. So she could give the same stupid answers. Like she was supposed to know why she had to talk to these people. Darby was right, it made no sense. And she just knew the three of them would mount an argument to be in the room while the call took place, just in case. She snorted as she asked herself, in case of what, damn it.


  Much later after dinner which Heather had prepared, and while Melody was loading the dishwasher because it was her night and Peyton wiped the table down. Darby placed her hand on Peyton’s arm, holding her in place.

  ‘You were right, there was more than just the contact details on that drive.’

  Peyton blinked several times as she stared at Darby. Melody sighed as she took her seat at the table, saying. ‘Peyton seriously, the flash-drive you gave Darby.’

  At her continued lack of understanding, Melody just stopped herself from yelling but did not erase
the growl from her voice when she told her. ‘For the transmission you are making tonight.’

  ‘Oh… oh yeah.’

  Melody turned to Heather. ‘You have checked her for head damage, right?’

  It was Peyton’s turn to growl. ‘Ha-ha, so not funny.’

  Heather grinned as she gave Melody’s hand a pat. ‘She is fine, just you know…’

  Peyton said in a haughty voice. ‘My mind is busy all the time.’

  Darby piped up from behind her computer. ‘As is mine, but I do not forget as much as you.’ She thought for a moment. ‘I don’t think I forget at all.’

  Peyton snapped. ‘Meaning?’

  ‘Nothing, just adding to the conversation.’

  ‘So what you are saying then, is my mind is busier than yours?’

  Melody asked. ‘Is that a word?’

  Peyton nodded. ‘Of course it is.’

  ‘Because we talked about that.’

  ‘Supterra is a great word.’

  ‘No Peyton, it is not… it is just not.’ Laughed Heather.

  Darby with a glint of humor in her eyes told Peyton. ‘I have disabled the tracker, so when you are ready to make your transmission we are a go.’

  ‘I thought we had to wait until ten o’clock?’

  Darby clucked. ‘We did, but now we don’t.’

  Peyton asked her. ‘Why are you pissed at me? I didn’t put the tracker there.’

  Melody answered for her. ‘You just got through telling us, that three people you did not know very well, used you to breech a fortified compound. You were a young nineteen-year-old, and they knew you were alone in the world. They could have got you killed. That was wrong, Peyton… just wrong.’

  Darby nodded in agreement. ‘What she said.’

  Heather told her. ‘Forgive us for being a little overprotective, to imagine our lives without you in it, is hard. So we are less than happy with these people who could have taken you from us.’

  Peyton felt a small glow in her heart at her friend’s words, but felt maybe she had given them the wrong impression of the Powers family. ‘But their reasons were sound, and I was young.’

  With anger making her voice harsh, Darby stated. ‘No, they were selfish because they could not think of another way to accomplish their mission. So they lied and used you, which placed you in danger. If things had gone wrong, you would have died and we would not be here right now planning our escape. They could have taken that from us and yes, I know how selfish that sounds but I don’t care, it’s the truth.’

  Peyton smoothed a hand down Darby’s back. ‘Hush now, you are working yourself up for something that happened in my past. I am sorry you think I don’t understand how you feel, I do. I suppose, I have had longer to deal with it and I learned some valuable lessons back then. Like people are not tools to be used and discarded, and sometimes you have to be harsh to make a point, Justice must be for all, not just a few and most importantly. Your honor is your own, and you should never allow others to tarnish it.’

  ‘Hey!’ Melody reminded her. ‘I told you that.’

  ‘Oh, yeah, you did. Good lesson and another thing you should remember, they offered me a home.’

  Melody grunted with disdain. ‘With people like that, a home means, join the group, so we can own you. You didn’t mean spit to them, remember that.’ She looked at Peyton. ‘Your instincts were right about not going with them.’

  Peyton grinned as she told them. ‘You know, you guys have to get over this spitting thing you have going on, it is just not healthy.’ They laughed as she hoped they would. ‘Come on, let’s get this over with. I need a beer.’

  Heather asked her. ‘So, you are still calling them?’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘Yeah.’

  ‘Alright, but we are not leaving.’ Heather told her as she sat back down.

  ‘Of course you won’t.’

  ‘Tone.’ Snapped Melody.

  Before Peyton could retaliate, Darby said. ‘It is going through now.’

  Peyton sat opposite the other three so they would be off screen, and seconds later an older version of Naya appeared. ‘Good evening.’

  ‘Naya, hello.’

  Naya’s eyes widened as she smiled, recognizing who was speaking to her. ‘Peyton, how are you?’

  ‘I am well, how are you?’

  ‘I am very good. I see age improved what was blossoming. You are delightful Peyton.’

  ‘Thank you. Although age seems not to have left its mark on you Naya, you have hardly changed.’

  ‘That is very sweet of you to say. It has been a long time. Peyton, I have often thought of you.’

  Peyton smiled as she heard Melody mutter. ‘I bet she did.’

  ‘Naya, are you still fighting the good fight?’

  ‘Of course, but wait…’ She laughed then said. ‘I was going to ask if this transmission was secure, but I see it is. How long have you lived in Australia?’

  ‘Naya, let’s cut the games.’

  She shrugged as she said. ‘As you wish Peyton, although nothing about you is a game.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Why have you contacted me?’

  ‘Are Adam and Tim alive?’

  ‘Yes and safe, we fight the fight for Earth now. Are you calling to join us?’

  ‘No, why are you fighting for Earth?’

  Naya stared at Peyton. ‘I feel you already know, and maybe more than us. We may lose this war if you do not join us.’

  ‘Naya, war.’

  ‘Peyton, you know it is, we fight for our world.’

  ‘And yet you have not reached out to me.’

  ‘I thought of it, Adam wished too. Tim begged me too.’

  ‘Why did you not?’

  ‘Trust is a tricky friend and we… Well, we did not leave on friendly terms, did we?’

  ‘No, not really.’

  ‘Even after all this time and distance between us. I still feel your distrust.’

  ‘Maybe, but I never stopped liking you. I always considered you good people. I am sorry you thought otherwise.’

  ‘Which makes this call interesting. Why have you contacted us now, Peyton, after all this time?’

  ‘I am leaving.’

  ‘What… Earth?’

  ‘Yes, I…’

  ‘Peyton, we will come for you. Tell me where you are, dear one.’

  ‘Naya, it is not like that, I am leaving on my own determinism. I called to ask if you want to come with me.’

  Adam appeared on the screen next to Naya. ‘Hello Peyton.’

  ‘Hello Adam, how are you?’

  ‘I am fine. Tim is unfortunately not here.’

  ‘Please say hello to him for me.’

  ‘I will, Peyton leaving Earth may be a mistake. You cannot trust that this ship will arrive where you expect it to. These people who arrange these trips do not always keep their word.’ He smiled softly at her. ‘Peyton, not every ship goes to a good planet.’

  ‘I know, but this is on me. I have arranged this voyage. I will be safe.’

  ‘I see, you know all those years ago. I told Naya you would reach the stars. I see I was right.’

  Softly, she pleaded. ‘Come with me.’

  He shook his head. ‘We cannot, too many rely on us here. Too many will die without us here to guide the way.’

  ‘Adam, bring them… bring them all.’

  Naya told her. ‘We cannot, our fight is here on Earth. Stay and fight with us.’

  Peyton looked up into the concerned eyes of Darby, Melody and Heather and gave them a small smile. Then looked at the screen again. ‘I too am bound to people I have made promises to. I must leave, it is my destiny and the destiny of those I take with me.’ She smiled at their worried frowns. ‘I am not alone, I take with me my new sisters.’

  Tears entered Naya’s eyes as she said. ‘You have found a family. Peyton, I am happy to know you are no longer alone.’

  ‘Thank you Naya.’

  Adam asked. ‘How are you l

  ‘The plans are not finalized yet.’

  ‘Peyton, what can we do to help?’

  ‘You know, I think you already did, but maybe in the not too distant future, we can help each other.’

  He nodded noncommittally then said. ‘You should know, we work for our family now.’

  ‘Doing what?’

  Adam grinned as he told her. ‘We are called Honor Warriors.’

  ‘Why do I think that is appropriate?’

  ‘Because you are a wise woman.’

  ‘Yeah… yeah!’ Peyton grinned at him. ‘If I need to reach out again, can I?’

  Adam nodded. ‘Anytime, and if we can do anything for you, let us know.’

  ‘Thank you. I will send you a secure contact in case you need me.’

  He smiled. ‘Enjoy your stay in… Alaska!’ This was accompanied by raised eyebrows and a smirk. ‘You really get around.’

  Naya blew her a kiss, then their screen went dark as Darby shut her screen down. Peyton sat back in her chair.

  ‘Darby can you send them that?’

  ‘Already done.’

  ‘Thanks. Okay, that went as I expected, kind of.’

  Heather said. ‘I think they were nicer than I thought they would be. They seemed genuinely concerned about you.’

  Peyton nodded as Darby who was tapping away at her computer growled out. ‘Nice… smice. They are trying to hack me. Fools, they do not know who they play with.’

  Peyton shook her head. ‘Darby, I did warn you, shut it down.’

  ‘What… don’t be crazy, this is fun… Huh! Try that you gangster.’

  Melody looked at Peyton with a strange expression on her face, causing her to frown in return and ask.


  ‘Peyton, do you know who they are?’

  ‘Yeah, the Power family.’

  ‘Peyton, Adam and Tim Power’s mother was our president until about seven years ago.’

  Peyton blinked several times, then smiled. ‘Really?’

  Heather looked perplexed as she said. ‘But they are resistance fighters?’

  Melody agreed. ‘Yes, they are, and he said it was a family business. I do not think he meant his brother and wife.’


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