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Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2

Page 16

by L M Lacee

  Kerol intoned. ‘We are the Commander’s squad.’

  All the women gave a small nod of acknowledgment, knowing from Darby’s research that a squad was like an army unit. Normally there were only four members and most times this included the leader.

  Melody swallowed hard. They had spent the better part of the day trying to figure out how to explain why they had asked them here. Eventually, they all decided to just wing it, so she gripped her thighs together, clenched her hands into fists and blurted out.

  ‘We have asked you here hoping to convince you to take us to our new planet.’


  Commander Roeah leaned back in his chair not acknowledging the chairs protest at the movement as he kept his attention on the females across from him.

  In preparation for their arrival on Earth, he and his Warriors had studied the population and the males in Earth’s army. Males that were considered highly trained and physically fit. So he knew compared to those males, his Warriors were taller and much larger of body, which could make their presence intimidating to females. His own presence, that which made him an Elite, was overpowering, so he had been told. The sheer determination and strength that had allowed him to become the Commander of the Warriors could overshadow his personality if he allowed it to.

  Obviously not for these females, they did not seem to be afraid or intimidated by him or his Warriors.

  Hawk Roeah earned his Warriors loyalty because he searched endlessly for a way to protect all the Warriors under his command. He was an Elite, born to battle and born to survive. He strove constantly to give the Warriors he was responsible for, hope that one day the servitude they endured would end. This is what drove him five nights earlier to open the flash-drive passed to him from the very nervous female.

  Commander, there is hope. I have been in touch with, ‘One’ who knows how you and your Warriors have endured. If you will allow me, I can help you and those you are responsible for escape your bondage. Please come to this address, in five night’s time, at 21:00 hours. Commander, we can help each other, please have faith. Please come.

  So that was why he, Hawk Roeah, five hundred of Earths years old, had taken heed of the message and with his trusted squad arrived at this small dwelling.

  Until they had scanned the home, he and his Warriors had been full prepared for Thanikis to have set a trap for them. It would not be the first time he tested Hawk’s bonds that held him captive. Even when the bio-scans had come back negative for Thanikis. They had still approached the building cautiously. It was conceivable that Thanikis could have been distorting the readouts of the scanners.

  To say, he and his Warriors had been shocked by the females when they had entered the house was an understatement. And it had nothing to do with the illegal projectile blasters they carried. It had more to do with the surprise he felt at the depth of determinism and lack of fear they had at meeting four large males for the first time. These females were sincere, which meant he would have to take careful consideration of their proposition, because Hawk knew he was more than interested in what they had to say.

  In a voice that had been honed on thousands of distant battlefields, he asked. ‘Before we go any further, it would be prudent to know who the one mentioned in the message is. Do you not think?’

  Peyton unconsciously wiggled in her chair, such a small movement but it was enough to have all three of her friends look her way. Before she could prepare them for what she was going to say, one of the Entities who had introduced herself several nights ago took control of her body. She had no choice other than to just listen to what was being said, because seriously what else was there to do, this was so far out of her experience.

  She heard a female’s voice in her mind, which she found disconcerting, trying to listen to her speak and hearing her own voice at the same time.

  ‘Ladies and Warriors, allow me to introduce myself. I am Sunshoona or if you like, I am Earth’s sun.’

  Peyton felt sorry for what her friends were feeling as they all gasped and looked at her with varying expressions of disbelief and confusion. Sunshoona softly soothed her. Peyton, Star Daughter, it will be well, I promise.

  Anguished Peyton cried. They are so confused, I wish I could have prepared them.

  Sometimes it is better not to. Sometimes the way I do it is best.

  Peyton could hear and feel the tone in Sunshoona’s voice and knew that arguing now was not something she necessarily wanted to do. Remaining silent seemed like a good idea. The soft laughter that followed that thought, Peyton knew did not come from her.

  The Warriors dropped to a knee with a hand placed over their hearts and their heads bowed in what could only be termed, respect. Sunshoona using Peyton’s body bowed her head as well and then turned her gaze to the women. Each of the three women without conscious thought dropped to a knee and bowed their heads.

  Power flooded the room and the Warriors and women knew without a doubt, they were in the presence of an Entity, which could only be described as Divine. The tension and bewilderment eased from the room as Sunshoona spoke in a voice of pure radiance.

  ‘Ladies, I assure you, your friend is well and able to hear and see you. I will return her unharmed, I have taken over her body so I can talk to you. Please take your seats and Warriors if you will please rise and take your seats. I have a very limited time here and there are some things that need explaining.’

  When they were all re-seated, she smiled and moved to stand at the end of the table. ‘So let me begin. This world is in the process of evolving. She has always since her conception been in the throes of becoming sentient. What the people of Earth in the past mistook for global warming or climate change was in fact Gaea stretching and flexing her surface. In the last two thousands of Earth’s years, she has worked intensely to become wholly sentient. Recently, within the last one hundred years, she developed a plan to speed up her evolution.’

  ‘She caused the Virus.’ Darby whispered as the blood drained from her face and the faces of the others.

  Sunshoona nodded sadly. ‘Yes, the Virus was indeed created, not as some have postulated by humans or beings from another planet. As you have already guessed, it was caused by Gaea herself. She felt it was time for her to re-adjust, to come to terms with her new evolving environment. So she is modifying her surface, this is going to take many of her years to accomplish. For Gaea to succeed, she requires less drain on her surface. In simple terms, this means less pull on her resources. So Gaea decided rightly or wrongly...’

  A pale, tearful Heather stated. ‘To reduce the number of the inhabitants on her surface. So she murdered our people by creating the Virus.’

  Sunshoona hurried to explain further. ‘Please realize, this is Gaea. Mother Earth, an almost sentient planet, she does not always think logically.’

  The ground rumbled in response to her words, Sunshoona stamped her foot and the ground moved slightly. ‘You see, she is stubborn.’ She sighed. ‘It probably has something to do with always thinking of the future, or maybe it could be as simple as carrying the immense weight of her world. She decided that if she reduced the number of males born, then the number of females would also reduce, but at a far slower rate. Therefore, she would not have to be so direct with the ones who bring forth the next generation of her people. She felt it was the lesser of two evils. When I fully understood what she had decided. I argued against what she planned, as I am sure you would have and obviously do. Unfortunately, she did not listen, and I was proved right; she didn’t consider the mutation factor of the Virus or the heart of the beings that make up her people. So it did not work out as she hoped. Which I might add, I tried to explain to her, but who can argue with a planet.’

  Melody’s anger exploded as she surged from her seat and demanded in tones bordering on disrespectful.

  ‘I am sorry, how are we to be anything other than angry. We lost our families. My forces, and I were drafted to burn millions of bodies. Entire cities and towns disappeare
d, there are countries still uninhabited, just empty where once millions lived. What we knew as our world is no more and now we are at the mercy of a Government who has become beholden to aliens that are selling women. We...’ She flicked her hand toward Heather and Darby, then to indicate the women outside the house. ‘Have been in hiding for months, living in fear and all of this. We must just accept and understand because she is the planet.’

  Heather reached over and gently took Melody’s hand, encouraging her to sit back down. This was not a time for her legendary temper. What was staring at them from Peyton’s eyes was not someone they knew? This was something vast and scary, something that was far outside their scope of understanding.

  Sunshoona looked at the three angry and grieving females and said simply. ‘Take care daughters of Gaea, not all is as it seems.’

  ‘What… what is not as it seems?’ Heather asked in a voice that was devoid of her usual calm tones. The feelings of grief she usually kept at bay rose from her soul and swamped her, removing the fear she had felt when Melody had challenged Sunshoona. The anger and pain she carried in her heart resonated in her voice as she asked bitterly. ‘Tell us, Sunshoona, what more can Gaea do to us? We lost our world and our families, for many of us we are the only members left, so how much more can she hurt us? Maybe she will kill us or make it, so we have to leave our home world.’

  Scornfully Melody snarled. ‘Oh look, she is doing that.’

  Sunshoona agreed and her voice held sadness as she said soothingly. ‘Your anger and bitterness is justified and righteous, but unhelpful. Nothing she does now or we do will turn time back, you must go forward. If I could, I would give you back your families and the world as you knew it, but I cannot. We can only help you choose your new family as you have done. Gaea realized what she has wrought on her surface and has called for help.’ She indicted the Warriors with a graceful hand. ‘We provided the Warriors.’

  The three women looked to where the Warriors sat with shuttered expressions. Darby cleared the emotion from her voice and said. ‘So, you have placed the Warriors in our path to facilitate our exodus from Earth. We hope that happens, but what you are asking of us is almost impossible.’

  She looked at the anguished expressions of her sisters and knew her face held the same expression of anger and sadness. Shaking her curly head, her voice gained strength as she said. ‘To forgive and accept death on the scale that happened to our people is beyond us at the moment, and maybe forever. Gaea may have had her reasons, but her execution of billions of people defied that reasoning. She killed something in us who remain alive, that may never be restored and for that I am grateful to be leaving.’

  Melody quietly second Darby’s words. ‘I too am pleased to be leaving.’

  Heather shook her head as tears clogged her throat and she huskily stated. ‘A mother’s job is to protect and cherish her children, Gaea did neither.’

  Melody defiantly stared at Sunshoona as she stated. ‘She extinguished her people like we meant nothing. She broke trust, just as any Commanding officer does when he or she orders his soldiers into a situation they know is suicidal.’

  Sunshoona quietly replied. ‘I am sorry you feel this way but again, I say I cannot change what has happened, no one will ever be able to. Just like there is no one who wishes you to forget or accept what has happened. All I am asking, is for you to understand; some things in life are far greater than the lives of transitory beings.’ She held her hand up as all three women’s heads snapped up.

  ‘Please, before you become angered again. In the scope of long lived Entity’s, such as myself, your lives are fleeting. So all we can do is move forward and offer you hope.’

  As Melody went to speak again, Sunshoona’s voice hardened. ‘This was enough for the one you call Peyton. Will it not be enough for you, even though she assured us it would be?’ Her words were enough to make Melody’s shoulders slump in resignation, and Heather and Darby nod slowly.

  Sunshoona gently stated. ‘I understand more than you know, that this is not ideal or just, but it is where we are now. Believe me, Peyton made it quite clear for many hours how she felt about Gaea’s decisions, and like you, she scolded Gaea for breaking trust with her people. In fact, she has stated she will not converse with Gaea and cannot see a time in the near future where she will change her mind about this. Gaea is very upset, but again that is of no concern of yours. I am sure you will want to discuss this with Peyton.’

  The three women relaxed a little more at the thought of Peyton explaining to the star and planet why she was so angry.


  Sunshoona seemed to take a deep breath in and let it out slowly before she said. ‘So, let us fix what we can and move on, do you agree?’

  The three women reluctantly nodded, Sunshoona nodded as well. ‘Good, obviously, when I realized what was happening. Gaea and I sent a message out to others of my kind and they looked for a suitable environment to place the people of Earth on. Before that could happen the humans, you very clever beings contacted the Coalition of Planets and here we are today.’

  She sighed again, sadly this time. ‘Unfortunately, it has not gone well for you. I hope you believe me when I tell you Gaea is distraught at what has happened and her part in it.’

  Everyone could feel the concern coming from her as she told them. ‘I knew I could not help everyone left on Earth’s surface, for not everyone needed my help, and they still do not. In time that may come to pass, but for now, Peyton has advised us to wait and see what they want in the future. I am very happy I decided to involve myself with what was happening, because if I had not. I would never have met this wonderful woman.’

  She smiled benevolently as she told them. ‘Peyton St. Hill, is a true Daughter of the Stars.’ She laughed with amazement as she said. ‘I was stunned to have found a Star Daughter on Gaea’s surface. All this time I did not know a child of Gaea could be a Daughter to the Stars. I sent out a message to the Star Child as soon as I realized. And they have told Peyton of a solar system ready to welcome you. This system has been shielded for just over two Megaannus.’

  Sunshoona waited while they all turned to Darby, even the Warriors, without looking up from her tablet, she stated. ‘Over two million years.’

  Melody and Heather accepted Darby would know the answer. The Warriors had other concerns as expressed by Commander Roeah. ‘Excuse me, Sunshoona. We have never heard of a closed solar system, is it in our Universe?’

  She smiled gently at him. ‘Of course you have not heard of it. Did I not just say it was shielded? Yes, it is in your Universe, our Star Daughter has the coordinates. Now, as I was saying.’ A gentle rebuke at being interrupted in her voice.

  ‘Wait… Who is this Star Child?’ Melody asked Sunshoona, who looked at her pointedly and said in a voice that held displeasure. ‘I am sure Peyton or the Warriors will explain who that is later as I stated my time is limited.’

  Melody nodded and mumbled. ‘Sorry.’

  Sunshoona continued. ‘The solar system has nine liveable planets and is known as Maikonia. In the language of the Stars, it means. Home. It is and always has been the home of our Star Daughter or Son, and anyone they deem in need of sanctuary and the safety of Maikonia.’

  There was a sigh of longing and contentment, but whether from the Warriors or women it was hard to determine.

  ‘I see the name and idea pleases you. I am pleased, my sibling stars, tell me the system is empty and the planets and moons desperately need inhabitants as they are dying from lack of occupation. I will tell you a little known truth.’ She leaned closer to them as though she was imparting a secret. ‘If planets are abandoned for too long, they will cease to be. Their suns and moons will fade to nothing; loneliness destroys unconditionally.’

  ‘Are you saying?’ Darby interrupted her, missing the frown that swiftly passed over Sunshoona’s face. ‘That the planets are becoming sentient, are we going to have the same problem there, as we have here, in a few lifetimes?

  Sunshoona smiled kindly at Darby. ‘No, gentle and clever Darby, the planets are not sentient. They are just lonely… very lonely. It has been many of your lifetimes since a sentient being tread on the surface of their worlds and they weep with despair.’

  Sadness invaded the room as the women felt the loneliness she spoke of and the Warriors once again felt the soul-destroying effect, being alone had on someone.

  Peyton cried out, promising Sunshoona she would make sure each planet received attention and vowed not to forget the suns and moons.

  Sunshoona soothed her gently. I know this is one of the reasons you are the Star Daughter.

  Sunshoona turned her attention again to the people in the room, dispelling the feeling of sadness from the air.

  ‘The planets are of a similar type to Gaea, with only a few minor differences. The Stars assure me you all will be welcomed and there would be little to no acclimatization necessary for either of your species. In other words, you can breathe the air and drink of the waters on all the planets and several of the moons. What they look like is up to you to find out. As you can imagine, once I knew of this, I made myself known to our daughter, Peyton. Which I should tell you, took some convincing, as a race you are very skeptical beings. I had to be quite determined with her, eventually she had no choice but to believe me. When the Star Child met with Peyton, they reminded us that there were more than just the females of Earth that needed help. After many hours of discussion, the Star Child and Star Daughter came to an agreement. I will not elaborate on what that entailed, as it was between Peyton and our Star Child. I am aware of the plan they agreed on to rescue not only the females of Earth but the Warriors of Jenersar, which brings us here tonight.


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