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Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2

Page 33

by L M Lacee

  It took some time for the laughter to quieten down this time. Eventually, it subsided enough for her to continue. ‘My word, this speech was longer than I thought it would be, but there was so much to tell you. As I have already stated, we are so very much behind in our understanding and education of technology and other worlds in this Universe. But we will continue to grow, learn, and we will adapt. Read and learn as much as you can from the information on your tablets, and from the vids on your computers, ask questions. We are all here to help each other and make our new lives happy and safe. Okay, that is all for now, a lot said and a lot for you to take in. So travel well and enjoy learning and helping each other. We will make our new life great. Talk soon.’

  Darby cut the connection and Peyton swayed on her feet. Heather helped her to a chair and Helen placed a cup of coffee in her hands.

  ‘Thank you, I am pleased that is over, what did you think?’

  Everyone took seats again as Brenda passed out drinks and plates of sandwiches. The Warriors dove in scooping up the offerings as though they had never tasted food before.

  Peyton could feel the nerves she had held at bay come back full force as she sipped her coffee, helping to thaw the lumps of ice in her stomach.

  Helen shrugged. ‘Seemed okay to me.’

  Brenda agreed. ‘Got all the points in and said everything valid.’

  Heather nodded. ‘Talked about the water and shoes.’

  Netta said. ‘I think they mostly understood.’

  Esther murmured. ‘The Warriors are happy.’

  Peyton snorted before she said. ‘Oh well, we are okay then?’

  ‘Sarcastic much?’ Melody asked, taking a sandwich.

  Heather stated as she helped herself to the plate of food. ‘Because she’s a big shot now, being a vid star!’

  Darby said. ‘No, it’s because they laughed.’

  Peyton grinned. ‘So, alright then?’

  ‘Yep!’ Melody assured her.

  Peyton sipped her coffee, loving where she was right now.


  Seven days into their journey and Peyton was not loving where she was right now. She sat at what had become her favorite dining table in the shipteen otherwise known as Helen’s dining room.

  Helen, Brenda and Esther had coordinated the cooks as well as a meal plan for all the ships. So nobody went without healthy food. Helen and her chefs were really appreciated, especially by the Warriors who were eating consistently well, some for the first time that they could remember.

  When the sisters Nina and Fern had discovered the unused hydroponic sections on the ships. They immediately created teams of scientists, gardeners and anyone else interested in cultivating food to help get them operational. Now a hive of industry was well under way, bringing them all back to life.

  Peyton sat looking out of the large floor to ceiling window at the passing view of space. Which she supposed was why she liked this table’s position so much. She sighed as she considered once again the last few days, and especially the speech she had given. Had she imparted enough information, had she said too much? She did not know and truthfully was to chicken to ask anyone to find out.

  Heather, Melody, and Darby slid into seats around the table. They could all see she was upset, but as far as they knew nothing had happened to make her so. At least no one had told them if anyone had said something to upset her and they would have heard. The three ladies would have told them.

  Heather asked. ‘Hey girl, what’s up?’

  Peyton looked confused as she asked. ‘Why would you think something was up?’

  ‘Oh defensive, a sure sign.’ Melody said as Helen walked over to where they sat.

  Darby asked while she wiggled in her seat. ‘Who moved the table? Its long ways now as opposed to being jammed sideways up against the window, like last time we sat here.’

  ‘I moved it,’ Peyton told her dispiritedly, ‘more people want to sit here.’

  ‘Oh, okay, I like it. You can see more of outside and the dining room.’

  Brenda and Esther placed trays with food, cups and jugs down on the table. Helen told them. ‘She’s been mooning in here all morning.’

  Peyton said nothing and returned her gaze to the window, as everyone took food and poured tea. Helen refilled her cup as Peyton watched her in the window’s reflection. Someone had made sure her huge coffee cup was on the ship; it made her feel sad and good at the same time.

  Before she could really get into feeling depressed, Darby’s small hand turned her face toward her own as she said. ‘No hiding, if I cannot, you cannot. What is happening?’

  Peyton smiled, but it did not reach her eyes. ‘I am not hiding. I am scared… scared shitless! What have I done, I have dragged you and all these people to some far off place on a hope and prayer and I don’t even pray. What have I done?’ Her pitch rose at the end, as the panic that had been gnawing at her insides ever since she had given her speech, finally found purchase in her voice.

  She looked at these brave women that believed in her, in her word and her promise, and felt her soul shake.

  ‘Oh stars, I can’t do this.’

  ‘If not you, who?’ Hawk asked as he and Kerol pulled up chairs and joined them while everyone shuffled around.

  Helen murmured to Brenda. ‘We need a bigger table here.’

  ‘Good idea.’ Brenda agreed as she poured both males a cup of tea, while Esther made them a plate of food each.

  Peyton eyed both Warriors. ‘You could lead them. The Warriors follow you and the females would too. You are liked so…’

  ‘I am liked, really?’ Hawk sounded absolutely stunned at the thought that people liked him.

  Peyton snarled. ‘That’s what you heard. Yes, you ego maniac, you are liked.’

  ‘You really are.’ Melody seconded Peyton, ignoring her tone. ‘I hear it all the time.’

  ‘As do I,’ Heather said, ‘people talk to their healer and they tell me you are patient and you do not yell like some people who will remain nameless.’

  Melody just directed a snarky smile toward her as Darby mumbled. ‘You don’t scare me anymore and never look at me like I am weird.’ At their blank expressions she said. ‘Strange, different.’

  Hawk asked her. ‘Who said that, give me their names?’

  Kerol growled. ‘Tell me, and I will explain to them you are not.’

  Darby blushed and ducked her head shyly, saying. ‘Oh!’

  Esther gave her hand a pat, telling them. ‘This is why they like you both.’

  Helen said. ‘Everyone talks in here, about everything. I hear lots of snatches of information.’

  ‘That is interesting.’ Hawk stated, thinking how these females could be a source of information, a valuable asset.

  Esther opened her mouth, but Darby got there first.

  ‘Peyton, hon, you are glowing.’

  ‘Really am I?’ She snarled. ‘I wonder if it’s because I’m having a moment here.’

  ‘Your point?’ Melody drawled.

  Peyton snapped back. ‘My point Army girl is that you are all meant to be sympathetic. Tell me I am okay, and I am not alone in this. That my family and friends will be here to help me, not discuss how they…’ She stabbed her finger in Hawk and Kerol’s direction. ‘Are liked, which everyone knows because they are so friggin wonderful.’

  Hawk and Kerol froze at Peyton’s angry words. They slowly moved their eyes to the other females around the table and noted that not one of them looked concerned. Hawk lowered his cup to the table as Kerol placed his food back on his plate, waiting for the explosion they knew was coming.

  Heather calmly asked with raised eyebrows. ‘Isn’t that what we did?’

  Peyton frowned and growled. ‘Did you? I must have missed it.’

  Esther told her. ‘No you didn’t girly, you aren’t listening. If there was a problem, wouldn’t you think we would say something quick, smart? Peyton, you are okay, just a little scared of the responsibilities thrown
at you. Although it is really not any different from what you have been doing for months. Just with more people and on ships.’ She smiled as they all nodded in agreement with her.

  Brenda assured her. ‘Pfft! As for the new worlds, there isn’t one person here, who doesn’t want to go.’

  ‘You are also forgetting something?’ Hawk said quietly. ‘You are the Star Daughter, with all the knowledge and wisdom of the Star Child available to you. Of course we… all of us would follow you whether you were or not.’

  Stunned, Peyton sat with her eyes wide opened and her lips slightly parted as Kerol asked. ‘You wish to know why?’

  Snapping her lips together and with a bite to her tone, she said. ‘Oh, very much so.’

  Helen tapped her hand. ‘Enough, this is not you talking, you are taking your fears out on us.’

  ‘I don’t think I am.’

  Esther’s tone sharpened as she said. ‘Girly, you are, now stop it.’

  Peyton spread her hands and asked. ‘Am I really?’

  ‘Yes.’ They all exclaimed, except the men who just sat and watched the interplay.

  ‘Oh.’ She squeezed her eyes closed and took a long breath or two in and out, and when her heart rate settled, she apologized. ‘I am sorry, I lost it there for a moment.’

  The apology paralyzed Hawk and Kerol and gave them pause. To be honest the whole exchanged shocked them to their very core. No one in power ever apologized, and especially not within their hearing.

  Melody took pity on them as she saw the bewildered expressions they were trying to hide. ‘Maybe this is because we are from Earth or maybe it is just us, but this is how we discuss, argue, learn, and mostly how we cope. It is okay, in case you missed it, this is a meeting and make no mistake at these meetings we can be ourselves.’ She grinned as she stated. ‘Well, we are always ourselves. Anyway, at the meetings, we will talk over any problems we are experiencing, what we want to happen in the future. How we can help others and share ideas. What we have accomplished and what we wish to accomplish, who needs advice and how we can solve a problem, whether it is personal or business. We will waylay fears and help one another to do the right thing. We do that by snapping and snarling with the occasional bitching at each other, but it means nothing. It is just us, there is never a repercussion for saying what is on your mind and speaking the truth.’

  Before they could reply, Heather brought their attention back to the discussion. ‘Kerol, you were saying.’

  He nodded. ‘Yes Healer Heather, as I was saying, in all the comments our Warriors tell us about you Madam Peyton. Nikolas, Willian, Lukkas, Kent, and Sarn, who are only some of the ones you have touched with your smile, your grace and your kind words. You never order or issue demands we cannot accomplish. We as Warriors are unused to this, but you and all the ladies treat us as though we matter. It is comforting and a little confusing.’ He looked at all the women as he finally said. ‘We like it.’

  Peyton smiled as she sighed. ‘Oh my, I really don’t know what to say now.’

  ‘Nothing, let’s get on with business.’ Esther grumbled. ‘I have cakes to cook, my boys like my ginger apple.’

  ‘Don’t we all?’ Darby stated.

  Peyton said nothing, she was not a fan of ginger even if it was in a cake. Esther eyed her when she was the only one to not comment and asked. ‘You got something to say girly.’

  Peyton shook her head and eyed the feisty woman. ‘No Ma’am, nothing.’

  The males were fascinated as they listened to the interaction between Esther and Peyton. Again Lady Esther had corrected Madam Peyton, and she had said nothing. These females were very confusing and yet endearing. It was very difficult to associate the females, in fact all the human females to females they had interacted with in their Universe. The differences were glaringly obvious.

  Darby announced. ‘I have my nanos programmed and working.’

  ‘What do they do?’ Peyton asked and before Darby started explaining, she said. ‘In simple terms please.’

  Darby narrowed her eyes at her and said. ‘In simple terms, they will be injected under the skin where they will attach information packets to different parts of the brain that need the information, like language. Coalition for us, English for the Warriors, other languages can be accessed if needed. Also, it will enable the histories of both humans and Warriors to be downloaded into another part of the brain. Then another packet will explain our aims for Maikonia and our missions. Basically, anything we program into them.’

  Melody asked hopefully. ‘Written language.’

  Darby smiled at her tone. ‘No, sorry, no muscle memory. That will be your own concern, but once you have the language, the rest is just practice.’

  Peyton said thoughtfully. ‘We will need to set up classes for the women to learn written Coalition and the Warriors to learn English.’

  Helen nodded. ‘Good idea. We could get the Warriors to teach the females and the females to teach the Warriors. We can set them up in the shipteens.’

  ‘Warriors Jorge and Sarn are exceptional organizers they will help coordinate with the other ships.’ Hawk advised them.

  Kerol said. ‘I have another two males, if we need them as well.’

  Heather asked. ‘Who do we get to oversee this?’

  ‘Oh, I have the perfect person and her friend.’ Peyton declared.

  ‘Who?’ Darby wanted to know, hoping she did not mean her. She had so much work to do already as did Melody and Heather.

  ‘Penny and Jean, you have met them.’

  Darby shook her head. ‘Jean is helping me. I cannot work without her. She is my… Kerol, what is it called?’

  ‘Second in command, Lady Darby.’

  ‘Yeah, my second, but I agree Penny would be great.’

  Melody said. ‘You need Trina Brown she is a language savant. She can speak Coalition already perfectly. It seems languages are her thing.’

  Peyton smirked as she said. ‘Well, that is the meaning of a savant.’

  Which caused Melody to give her a look of speculation before she asked. ‘When was the last time you trained?’

  ‘Ahh, Darby, it was yesterday, right?’

  ‘Yep, definitely yesterday.’ Darby quickly agreed, knowing if Peyton had to train she would be dragged into accompanying her.

  Hurriedly, Peyton nodded to Melody. ‘Okay, we will tap both of them.’

  Esther mentioned. ‘My girls Karen and Amelia will volunteer, they are not busy and they like teaching.’

  ‘We have about a hundred teachers on board the ships, if not more?’ Darby told them after looking at her tablet. ‘Let’s get Karen, Amelia and Penny to tap them and Trina can lead the actual dialect part with any others, who are already proficient in Coalition. I can give them a list.’ She was into her tablet again, tapping away as she spoke.

  Peyton asked her. ‘Can I leave that to you then?’

  Darby told her. ‘Done, all notified, lists sent.’

  Melody asked with a tone in her voice they had heard before. ‘Did they accept?’

  Darby frowned. ‘Why do you ask me that, of course they did?’

  ‘You did not just tell them they were doing it?’

  ‘Alright then.’ Peyton said loudly, heading off Melody and Darby’s argument about how they issued orders or did not. ‘Darby, can you tell us what else your nanos can do please?’

  With a sharp look at Melody, she answered. ‘They will download information on different cultures and their society’s mores and who the rulers of those worlds are. And download information about different species we may encounter.’

  Hawk asked. ‘What about security?’

  ‘I thought that would be a concern so only Peyton and I. You, Melody and Heather as chief medical officer.’ She looked at the frowning Heather. ‘You are the chief medical officer, right?’

  ‘Yes, she is.’ Peyton answered before Heather could. Darby nodded as she continued. ‘So only those people mentioned will have the data to program or rep
rogram them.’

  ‘Why me?’ Melody wanted to know, she had not expected to be included.

  Darby looked confused as she asked. ‘Are you not a Commander too, I thought you were?’

  ‘Of course she is.’ Peyton again answered for her. ‘In fact, let’s clear that up first, thanks Darby. So Commander Roeah which is just not going to work. So with your permission we would like to address you as Commander Hawk for private use, which means family.’

  ‘So basically everyone on the ships.’ Stated Melody with a twinkle in her eyes.

  ‘Yes Melody. That is what it means.’

  ‘Just clarifying. You should try that sometime.’

  ‘Alright then.’ Peyton glared at Melody, giving her the new look she had been practicing. It fell somewhere between disdain, and I am ignoring you. Unfortunately, it only made Melody smile more. It seemed like she would have to practice another one.


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