Book Read Free


Page 25

by Tijan

  He froze, then rolled to me. He lifted his head, searched me, and then rolled on top of me.

  “I love you back.” He said it back to me right before we passed out.

  The sun had long ago rose. I ceased caring.

  I just thought, Good.

  I knew, deep down, but it was good to hear.

  Waking, I knew Raize wasn’t with me. I rolled over, looking, but the room was empty. Glancing at the clock, I’d only been asleep a few hours and hearing noises from the kitchen, I knew the guys were up. Making quick work in the bathroom, washing, cleaning, and I pulled on clothes before heading out.

  I wasn’t sure what I’d find, but I wasn’t quite prepared.

  Blueprints were spread out on the table.

  Cavers had something cooking on the stove.

  I was assuming Jake had made coffee since I could smell a fresh pot being brewed.

  Gus was chewing on a bone smack in the middle of the kitchen, his back legs spread out and his front two holding the bone up for him.

  Jake and Cavers were dressed, ready to go.

  Raize had his jeans on, and that was it.

  His gun was on the table at his side, but he was shirtless and I could see evidence from our lovemaking last night. Yeah… I wasn’t focusing on that, or the fact that Jake and Cavers both knew where those marks came from.

  Moving on.

  I also was so very not thinking about what they heard last night. Denial was my friend this morning.

  “What’s going on?”

  All three heads lifted or turned my way.

  Jake and Raize were going over the blueprints.

  Gus’ tail started thumping against the floor, but he didn’t stop chewing on his bone.

  “Morning. I made coffee.” Jake gestured to the coffee pot.

  We’d taken to bringing one with us, and kept stocking from almost every gas station we stopped at.

  Cavers angled his head around the guys, holding a wooden spoon in hand. “I’m making omelets. You want anything special on yours?”

  Omelets? The morning after Raize found out his mother was killed?

  I just shook my head. “No, thank you.” I moved to the coffee machine.

  Raize didn’t greet me, but I felt his gaze on me until I had my coffee in hand and I leaned against the counter, looking at his over my mug. He’d been waiting for that look, and his gaze swept over me before becoming hooded again. He turned back to the blueprints.

  Jake flashed me a grin. “We got a new mission. Your boy share the details with you? We’re going international, baby.”

  I slightly grinned back at Jake, but then Raize straightened. “Don’t call her that.”

  Jake’s eyes got wide, and he stepped back from the table. “I wasn’t thinking.” He held up his free hand. His other hand had a mug of coffee in it. “No disrespect intended.”

  Raize frowned at him, side-eyeing him. “Have you handled your shit with your woman yet?”

  The grin was wiped clean from Jake. He lowered his hand, and his mouth went firm. He shook his head briefly. “I made that call about my mom, but I’ve not handled it yet. I will.”

  Raize gave him a brief nod before returning to the blueprints.

  “What are you looking at?” I asked as I moved to stand on Raize’s other side, sliding onto a chair with its back to the wall. I was facing where Raize was standing, but rested my coffee on the table by his gun. I moved that over, too, just an inch.

  “This is Marco’s main estate.”

  My eyebrows shot up. “You got blueprints for that?”

  “I got ’em before I left there.” His eyes were steadily on mine. “I knew what I was leaving behind.”


  I glanced at the guys and neither seemed to be paying attention. Cavers was still cooking. Jake was looking toward the living room, lost in his thoughts.

  Gus, well, he was infatuated with his bone.

  Cavers brought over a plate and handed it to Jake before asking, “When do we leave?”

  Raize glanced my way, then to Cavers. “This has to be swift and fast. Eat, then pack, and clean. We go in an hour.”

  Jake paused before he took a bite of his omelet. “Do we not want to cross over at night?”

  “Going down isn’t an issue. We’ll cross south of Phoenix.”

  Cavers nodded. Jake went back to eating.

  I was the only one who kept watching Raize, and he went back to studying the blueprints.

  I knew he’d have everything figured out if he didn’t already, but we’d do what we did by now.

  We’d go down. We’d get his sister. We’d come back up.

  There might be some casualties. I was willing to bet it wouldn’t be on our side, and then we’d handle it afterwards.

  Raize said before that we were going to war, but that statement was about Roman going after his brothers. But this move, this was the first on a chess board and this was the first act of a whole different war.

  And I was in love with Raize.

  I’d follow him into any type of war.

  As if sensing my thoughts, he didn’t look at me, but he reached out and his hand intertwined with mine. Two of his fingers curled around mine.

  We stayed like that until everyone was done with breakfast.

  After that, it was time to start another war.



  We didn’t fly, but drove.

  I was assuming the large arsenal of weapons in our two trucks were the main reason. Just a guess. Raize drove. I kept him company. Every six hours, we’d switch.

  Jake liked gossiping. He mentioned once it was the romantic side in him. I wasn’t sure if I agreed, but okay then. I got him to open up about his woman.

  She was named Tracy.

  She was a hairstylist.

  She was funny.

  A romantic.

  She would snort when he’d tickle her.

  She was also a reformed biker woman, but I didn’t know what that meant.

  I wasn’t sure if Jake knew either.

  She had big hair, and he missed her.

  He didn’t tell me that last part, but it was easy to figure out. Once he started talking about her, he wouldn’t stop. When it got to Cavers, he was more quiet, but I found out that he was not into women.

  “Really?” I sat almost facing him. “I had no idea.”

  He kept facing forward, only glancing at me with the faintest of grins. He tightened his hold on the steering wheel. “Why’s that surprising?” He shrugged his big massive shoulder. “I’m strictly dickly.” That got a full smile from him.

  I smiled back. “Do the guys know?”

  His head folded down on that, just a bit. “Raize does. He gives no fucks about who I fuck, which is cool because that’s not always the case. Especially in this world.”

  He hadn’t mentioned Jake.

  I did then. “And Jake?”

  He was quiet, still not commenting.

  But, another shrug and his jaw tightened. “He made a ‘gay’ comment the other day, but I can’t tell if he’ll care. He might’ve just said it, not thinking. Some guys are like that, but… no. He doesn’t know.”

  That sucked. A lot.

  “Are you seeing anyone?”

  He shook his head. “No. Not for a while. This life, it’s too hard. I mean, it’s not hard. There’s apps, but I don’t know. We’ve been locked down for so long and before that, I didn’t know if I was going to live after I got sent to work for Raize. Bronski’s a fucking dick. You worked for him?”

  My gut tightened. So did my jaw. “For a few days.”

  “That’s good.” He glanced over, giving me a sad smile. “That it was only for a few days.”

  “I shot him.”

  He nodded, that smile turning grave. “I heard.”


  We drove in silence after that. Somehow the need to fill the space wasn’t there anymore and it was another two hours before I spoke up.

  “Are you the boyfriend kind of guy or having fun type of guy?”

  Cavers started laughing, the sound ripping through the cab. The entire mood lifted and once his laughter faded, he said, “I’m both, and when I start seeing someone serious, you’re the first one I want him to meet.”

  “Good.” Then, “Raize knew?”

  He nodded. “He saw a guy checking me out at a gas station. The only thing he said was that if I fuck someone, to keep my mouth shut about all of us and no relationships. Jake broke that rule.”

  Yeah. Jake was the one to break that rule.

  “He really likes her, you know.”

  “Who?” The words were out before I caught myself. I knew who he was talking about the second I asked. I flushed. “I know.”

  “That’s going to be a problem.”

  Another nod from me, and this one felt heavier than the last. “I know.”

  “Raize finds out, he’ll go back and kill her.”

  I looked at him.

  He was watching me, but turned back to the road ahead. “She ain’t you. Don’t know a lot of females who could get where you are. Jake either has to disappear or she will.”


  “Jake doesn’t love her, but he likes her and that’s the problem. His situation is an all or nothing sort of situation, but he ain’t treating it like that. He’s not thinking right. He doesn’t believe Raize will go back and kill her. He thinks she’s in the clear, but it takes one time, one moment when she gets curious.”

  Each word he said was making me shrink into my seat. Further and further until I felt so small.

  “I know, Cave.”

  “He got mad at me for almost shooting Raize and I got it. I understood it. This world, Raize is keeping us alive. We go anywhere else and we’re disposable. Just another guard with a gun. Raize treats us differently and Jake and I both know it’s because of you. You changed the game. You and him. I don’t want Jake fucking that up.”

  “We’ll handle it. Somehow.”

  He glanced over, holding my gaze, and I knew he was thinking we wouldn’t.

  We rode in silence after that.



  Only I went into Mexico.

  I had the others stay behind. I couldn’t risk Ash coming with me. She’d attract attention. Even though she hadn’t changed her hair color back to blonde, there was an air to her that guys liked. She gave off class, elegance, but also a toughness and mystery. It was the mystery that drew guys to her. Jake and Cavers both gravitated toward her since the beginning, and it became even stronger after she stood against me to save Jake’s life. They were loyal to me, but they were more loyal to her. And me traveling with the entire group would draw even more attention.

  I kept with the lone wolf scenario, but as soon as I was past customs, I made a call.

  A day later, a guy walked into a cantina and he swept the room.

  Seeing me, he stepped back outside.

  I followed him.

  He was waiting, but we didn’t talk.

  I passed him, making my way to the motel and once inside, he stepped through the door.

  The door was closed.

  The light switched on and I held up my hand.

  Abram shook his head, but smirked. His hand fit mine and we drew together, clasping each other on the back. Stepping back, he rolled his eyes, readjusting his baseball cap. “Estas loco hombre.”

  I nodded. I was. But we had business to handle.

  “I didn’t know if you’d pick up my call.”

  Abram gave me a long and hard look before sitting down at the table. He stretched his legs out, putting his gun on the table. He was still giving me that look.

  I didn’t move.

  He shook his head again. “I considered not, because if I answer and don’t report your call, you know it could go.”

  I still waited. I knew Abram. He had something to say, he’d say it. He’d just take forever saying it.

  He glanced away, moving the curtain and glancing outside before letting it fall back in place. “Seriously, brother. Marco is out of control.”

  There it was. That’s the real reason he took my call.

  I got comfortable, leaning against the wall. “Where’s my sister?”

  “He’s got her at his place in Guaymas.”

  “He’s got one detail on her?”

  A nod from him. “Four guys, plus the usual security team at his place, but that’s his tourist place. He doesn’t think anyone will touch it.”

  That was good, real good.

  Abram added, “He’s not expecting this.”

  “He’s not expecting me?”

  “He’s expecting you, but not this way. You take Verónica and he’s going to lose it. She’s his hermana, but he’s got a weird ownership over her.”

  I shrugged. It wasn’t that unusual. “I’m sure he’s hoping to marry her off to another cartel, make an alliance.”

  “He shot that chance taking out Morales. The other cartels are watching him to see what he’ll do. He’s already moved in on all the Morales ports. It came out that he was Morales’ hijo.”

  “How was that received?”

  A shrug from him. “There was less resistance to the transition. I think that’s all that was achieved, also made sense to the other cartels about why Morales let Marco live so long and how he expanded so fast.” He leaned forward. “But, compadre, I’m telling you, they are wary of him.”

  I eyed him, hearing what he wasn’t saying to me. “You think a cartel war is going to happen?”

  “Unless he leaves them alone and focuses only on moving north? Which, I don’t think they think he’ll do.”

  “But that’s his plan.”

  Abram gave a wary nod. “I think so. He’s pissed that his distributors up north were taken out. Blames you. Does not like your boss.” He whistled, shaking his head. “I gotta say, I’d be shocked if he doesn’t send sicarios after you and your boss at the same time.”

  I figured he’d go that route, but not after both of us. I’d need to warn Downer.

  I asked, “You know who he’d send?”

  He eyed me, then a stiff and slow nod. “I do.”

  I’d ask for those names after we handled this first order of business. “We have to move. Did you do what I asked?”

  He paused, not answering, and then, “She knows you’re coming and if we leave, we’ll get there in the window she gave us for the approach.”

  That’s what I assumed, coming in earlier so I could rest and scout the area. I needed to make sure Abram was coming in on his own. If I’d seen more police activity or any added Estrada men, I wasn’t going to do the meet for Abram. He didn’t know this, but I would’ve bugged him and tracked him, finding my sister on my own and making my own approach. Using him had been a risk, but I needed to see if he’d be an asset for me later.


  I narrowed my eyes, hearing a sudden seriousness come from him. “Yeah?”

  As if reading my mind, he said, “I know you want to use me against Marco, but I can’t do that.”

  Alarm hitched inside of me. I straightened from the wall. “What do you mean?”

  “You called and I knew I either had to turn you into Marco or go with you.” He stood, picking up his gun. “Marco’s going through his men like candy. He’s either popping ’em or tossing them out. He’s dangerous right now. I can’t stay with him. He knows you and I were friends back in the day, that I did reach out for you in Texas. I’m shocked he hasn’t ordered my execution by now.”

  Now it made sense. Some of the tension eased in me. “You’re deflecting?”

  “I gotta come with you. I’ve heard about your boss, heard he’s ambitious. I figure if you’re still working for him, that says something to you. You think he’d take me on?”

  Now we were in a whole different game here.

  Abram might’ve reported my call to Marco, and now Marco was being smart, trying t
o insert one of his men into Roman’s employment. Or not and Abram was being genuine, needing protection when he deflected.

  “You still in love with my sister?”

  Abram’s eyes got big, and a surprised bark left him. “How’d you know that?”

  “You’ve been in love with her for years, the only reason I could think that you stayed with Marco when I left.” It’d been a hunch, until now. “Marco doesn’t know?”

  “Hell no.” A hollow laugh ripped from Abram. “He’s—you’re right. He’s eyeing the Colombians to marry her off, and make an alliance with them. When she goes, there goes that connection and they’re going to take it personal. When you whisk her off, he could be facing a war against them, too. You called and stated your case, I knew this was the right path. Not just for Verónica, but this is the move that’ll cripple Marco enough where he might lose some of his power. You’re going to be striking a blow, taking out one of his knees. He’ll fall and we can then see who pounces on him, if they keep him down or not. Everyone’s going to be watching and everyone’s going to know who you are, and what you did. There’s no going back after this, if we get her and get out safely.”

  “We will.”

  Another laugh from him, this one short and clipped. “Let’s see, brother. But you gotta know that there’s no turning back for you either. You’ll either have to go all the way up the ladder or you become a ghost.”

  A vision of Ash flared in my mind.

  I firmed my jaw. “Let’s get Verónica first, and after that, if you’re with us, then you’re with us all the way. I got people in place. We just have to get across the border.”

  A short nod from him. “Sounds good.” He checked his watch. “We have to go, or we’ll have to wait another twenty-four hours to move in for her.”


  We had a four-hour ride ahead of us.



  Twelve hours later

  We were in Nogales, on the Arizona side when the call came in.


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