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Masking the Fae King: Bramble's Edge Academy Year 2 (Reverse Harem Romance)

Page 10

by Brenda Trim

  The atmosphere in the clearing shifted with his declaration. Those that were wary and angry shifted to a cooperative position. Individuals coming together and working toward the good of the many was an invaluable source of pure energy that evil couldn’t suppress.

  “You are right. We need to talk to the king. I’m not sure why he sought out children, but I am not here to question his decisions. This realm is in danger,” the centaur announced.

  “How do we help? We are already searching for the dark object threatening students,” Ryker added as he shifted his stance. His body tingled with energy, making it difficult to maintain a cage around his power. The last thing they needed right now was for him to lose his shit. These creatures seemed as if they wanted to help, but his mother told him not to trust anyone outside his close circle, and he wasn’t about to take the risk right now.

  A nymph stepped forward. Her lithe, feminine form graceful with each movement. She was vastly different than the females attending the academy. She had no wings and couldn’t take flight. The nymphs were all connected to a different element. This one was connected to the rivers which explained the blue highlights in her brown hair.

  Ryker had never been around a nymph before. He’d seen them in passing, but never noticed they had pointed ears and an open aura. “Giving your power to the elements surrounding us is the best way to heal them. Which one of you manipulated the river earlier?”

  “That was me,” Ryker admitted, taking the chance they assumed he was a guard as well.

  “Whatever you did cleared the taint from the water.”

  “I’m just learning. I have no idea what I did that might have helped. I was trying to make waves when I made the water explode from the river bed.” It was an easy admission and didn’t give anything away. Besides it was the truth. If he understood what he’d done he would keep doing it to keep the malignant magic at bay.

  The centaur’s hooves stamped the earth again, but when he spoke his tone was lighter this time. “There’s no surprise there. You are both inept children. And, I’m guessing because you two are closest to the King your energy carries some of his power. When you removed it from the riverbed you somehow cleansed it. When Trixie told us that she felt better than she had in three decades we knew the King must have returned.”

  That was what brought all of these different creatures together. The hope that their fate was about to change for the better. Seeing them all come together reinforced the vow Ryker made to take the realm back and see it whole once again.

  “The King will kill the humans and force them from Mag Mell once and for all,” the brownie declared as he shook his tiny fists.

  Ryker’s emotions were on a roller coaster and went from the high of hope to abject horror. There was no reason he should be upset over the idea of humans paying for their treachery, but he was consumed with it.

  No one deserved to be persecuted for something their leaders had done, and Ryker was convinced most of the human population were not responsible for what happened to their realm.

  Their planet was dying from overuse of natural resources. He couldn’t understand how a race could deplete a planet to the point it could no longer survive. Just thinking about it made him want to jump on the bandwagon with the brownie and remove them from his lands.

  But he didn’t believe that was the answer where humans were concerned. He didn’t have the answers. Fortunately, he didn’t need them at that moment. He had time to figure that part out.

  “Don’t you think that’s jumping the gun a bit? I mean, not all of the humans are responsible for what happened.”

  The brownie’s eyes narrowed, and one corner of his mouth lifted in a snarl. “You might be right, but they have no problem taking what doesn’t belong to them while leaving the rest of us to live in filth.”

  “You have a point, but that’s the least of our concerns right now,” Ryker tried reasoning. “The priority is on identifying the source of the contamination. And, locating the dark object on campus.”

  “He’s right, Horace. There will be none of us to matter if we cannot survive here,” the centaur reasoned.

  “Do you have any idea where this spelled item might be located? We have been searching and come up empty so far,” Ryker replied.

  “The object might be big or small, but you won’t miss it because it will be surrounded by decay,” Trixie explained with a frown. “It will destroy everything living that is nearby.”

  “Which means it will not be out in the open where anyone might happen upon it,” Horace the brownie added. “They will not want the scrutiny or possibility it will be discovered and destroyed.”

  Daine ran a hand through his hair and blew out a breath. “So, it won’t be something large like a bench or statue? We’ve been looking for something large like that.”

  “Not necessarily. It has to be bigger than a charm to affect an area as large as the entire campus, but it might be as small as a vase,” Trixie said.

  Ryker met the eyes of every being in the clearing with them, trying to convey his sincerity as he promised, “We will locate this object and continue our search for those responsible. We took care of Gullvieg last year and had hoped we delivered a massive blow. We will not stop until we are free from oppression.”

  “We will keep our eyes and ears open for more information,” the centaur replied as he gestured to his sides to encompass them all. “How do we reach you if we have information to share?”

  “Place a message under the black boulder by the river and I will retrieve it and share with my fellow guards. If something happens, you can seek out Shineah in the Edge and she will ensure we receive the message,” Daine said.

  The centaur nodded. “Thank you. Knowing the King has loyal advisors like you gives us hope for the future. Let him know we must act fast or we will lose the outer lands forever. If there is anything that he can do to heal that area would be greatly appreciated.”

  Fuck. That’s where Calla comes from. She told them her home was recovering and was no longer a wasteland like they were led to believe. If that area was at risk then her family was, as well. He couldn’t allow anything to happen to them.

  Nodding his head, Ryker vowed, “We will ensure the message is delivered. Be patient, and you must not let anyone know the King has returned.”

  “Actually,” Daine interjected, “It would be best if you lay false trails. We have to assume those responsible have felt the surges caused by the King. Sending them on a wild goose chase will keep them far from his identity. Tell others he is waiting in the mountains to seize control, or at the bottom of the ocean for the right time. Hell, even that he is living in the Edge, but never give details that will point to anyone specifically.”

  “Thank you both. Just knowing all hope is not yet lost gives us renewed energy to fight. You’d better get out of here before you are discovered talking to us. There will be questions as to why we did not kill you on sight, as is our typical way,” the centaur warned.

  “Do us a favor and stop killing students. They aren’t responsible for what’s happening,” Ryker said then waved and headed back to campus.

  The weight on his shoulders increased tenfold, and now he had additional faces to add to his nightmares if he failed. It seemed like an impossible task. The centaur was right. He was a child compared to whoever was destroying their realm. He didn’t have the skills to fight this person. He’d better learn real quick or die trying.

  Chapter 11

  “How are we getting there?” Calla whispered.

  Maurelle turned her head and gave her friend a reassuring smile. Or at least she thought she did. When Calla’s face paled even more Maurelle suspected she didn’t pull it off.

  “We are going through the brambles,” Ryker replied. “It’s the only way to get there without having to travel through the Edge. We will get caught at either border if we try that.”

  “And, how are we going to get through in one piece?” Maurelle asked as she eyed the den
se foliage.

  The thick line of brambles that edged the campus were erect or shrubs with cane like stems armed with prickles or hairs along their branches. Those hairs sought flesh like heat seeking missiles and hurt like a bitch. They caused severe itching and nasty rashes.

  The plant itself was beautiful with lobed leaves and five-petaled flowers that were either white or pink. During the summer months the fruit ripens, and berry deserts of all kinds were made. It’s what makes them love the plant that acted as one border imprisoning them.

  “I’m going to test my powers,” Ryker retorted with a smirk. He’d come back from water class a few days ago upset about the fate of the realm.

  Maurelle convinced him not to set out right away to investigate the claims about the outer lands, but she couldn’t hold him off forever, so here they were sneaking out at a time when they couldn’t afford to get caught.

  “Perhaps that’s not a good idea. What if others sense the mantle when you do?” Maurelle countered. Yeah, he’d dropped that little bomb on her that same day. How the fuck was he supposed to learn if other creatures could sense the royal magic in use?

  Eventually, whoever was responsible for manipulating the Fae was going to find out who he was and come kill him. Her stomach was in knots just thinking about it. She could hardly sleep and wasn’t eating either. She cared more than she should for him. It literally tied her in knots to think about him being harmed.

  She knew she needed to guard her heart better, but when it came down to it, she lost more and more of it to him as time went on. It was stupid to think that Ryker would want to be with her long-term. He was the freakin King of the Fae. Why would he want a watch maker’s daughter?

  There was nothing extraordinary about her regardless of what her parents always told her. The smart thing to do would be to walk away now. That way she wouldn’t be crushed when he inevitably left her for his mate.

  For the hundredth time since she started at the academy, Maurelle chastised herself for thinking too much about her relationship with Ryker. It was ridiculous to even contemplate at this stage of the game. They had evil to uncover and vanquish. There was no time for much else.

  The reminder was bitter and made her chest ache. Yes, she allowed too much of her heart to get involved. Nothing she could do now. She wasn’t walking away when they needed her help. Besides, there was no point denying herself this time with him and the others.

  “Based on what we heard in the woods, I think the only time that happens is when I lose control, or too much power slips out,” Ryker explained as he grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze.

  “Well, I’ll try to help curtail things if I feel your energy spike,” she promised. With a smile, Ryker pressed a quick kiss to her lips before pulling away. Her heart pounded in her chest as a smile spread over her face. She was fucking hopeless and deserved whatever pain she endured.

  “Let’s get this show on the road before we get caught,” Brokk advised.

  “What do we do if they discover we aren’t in our beds?” Calla asked as she nibbled on her fingernail.

  “We are in deep shit if they see through the glamour we cast on our beds,” Daine told Calla while Ryker faced the brambles and lifted his hand.

  The scent of rich, hearty soil immediately filled the area along with Ryker’s energy. The ground rumbled, making Maurelle grab onto his arm. Glancing over her shoulder, Maurelle checked to see if the academy patrols felt anything and were coming their way.

  It seemed like the fact that no one was heading their way should slow her pounding heart, but it didn’t do shit. Her feet itched to race through the shrubs regardless of the risk of injury and sweat beaded her brow.

  They might be standing in the shadows, but it felt like they had a spotlight shining down on them. Right when she didn’t think she would be able to stand it another second, the branches twisted and moved.

  Sweat dripping from his forehead, Ryker’s hands fell to his sides and he stood there panting. “Let’s get through here.”

  “How are we going to fit through there?” Sol blurted. He was shaking his head and eyeing the scant space as if it would bite him.

  “Haven’t you ever done the limbo?” Maurelle teased with a smirk as she approached the bushes. There was hardly any space for them to crawl through, but it was better than nothing. With a shrug of her shoulders she lowered to her hands and knees.

  “I’ve never indulged in the game, but with a sight like that I think we need to play more often,” Sol replied, making Maurelle snort as she laughed.

  “Naked limbo,” Brokk added with a whistle. Maurelle glanced back over her shoulder and winked at them.

  “Are they always like this?” Calla interjected as she followed Maurelle into the brambles.

  “Worse most days, but they can’t help it. They’re ruled by their libido,” Maurelle explained with a chuckle. “Shit,” she cursed when a thorny branch caught her jacket.

  “It gets tight in here. If you don’t want your jacket ripped, then I’d leave it there. Your shirt, too,” she warned them.

  “If you wanted to see me shirtless all you had to do was ask,” Brokk teased.

  “I think she was talking to me,” Ryker insisted. “Shit. Okay, I see your point. But I’m afraid if I try harder that I will leak too much power.”

  She had to lower her torso to the ground and wiggle through the last patch on her stomach. “I’m through. It’s not that bad, although the end is brutal.”

  Reaching down, she helped Calla out next and the two of them brushed dirt and leaves from their clothes and hair. Brokk wiggled through next with curses and grumbling. His back was scratched to shit and back, making her wince. Maurelle went to his side and gently brushed the dirt from his skin before he tugged his shirt back over his head.

  The rest made it through quickly and Ryker used his power over earth to put the shrub back the way it was. Or, at least close the gap he’d made for them to crawl under. She doubted it was exactly like it had been before, but that didn’t matter given this particular bush was a mess of tangled branches, leaves and flowers rather than the pristine shape of most evergreens.

  “This doesn’t look desolate to me,” Maurelle observed.

  “That’s because we aren’t to the outer lands yet,” Calla replied as she started walking. “But you won’t be able to tell a difference because we have spent decades healing the land.”

  Ryker nodded and pulled his shirt on, as well. “How far is it? We need to be back before morning. It might be our day off, but we will be missed.”

  “Not too far. It’s about a twenty-minute walk.”

  “What are we going to do once we get there?” Maurelle’s throat closed up when she thought about how fruitless all their efforts seemed at the moment. Not only was there some new dark object poisoning the students, there was also now more dark magic stripping the realm as a whole, and the risk was real that the outer lands would be lost forever.

  “I’m going to see if I can heal the land,” Ryker said simply.

  Brokk’s head snapped around as he leveled narrowed eyes at Ryker. “But won’t that alert others to your presence?”

  “We really can’t have you taking that chance,” Daine added.

  “We have no choice. I will not allow these lands to be lost. Not after Calla and countless others have spent so much time and energy reclaiming them. It’s not like whoever is responsible will be able to teleport and catch me while we are there.”

  Maurelle gasped knowing he was right. “You’re right. The academy is closest to the outer lands, so whoever might respond will likely be coming from further away than that.”

  “I don’t like this,” Sol admitted. “It’s too much exposure, but I get it. We need to run back to campus as soon as we are done.”

  “You realize we might have to carry him while we run, don’t you?” Daine pointed out.

  “I’ll be able to run,” Ryker promised.

  “You were wrecked during class.
This is a much bigger task,” Daine added with a growl.

  Maurelle held up her hands while they walked. “Stop bickering like children. There’s no point arguing about this. We will do whatever is necessary to haul ass back to the academy.”

  “We’re almost there,” Calla interjected. “It’s just over this hill.”

  “That’s a mountain, not a hill,” Maurelle corrected Calla’s description.

  “It’s not that big,” Brokk reasoned as he turned and walked backwards up the rise. “I can carry you if you want.”

  Maurelle wrinkled her nose as she considered how far they had to go from where they were. “Tempting, but no. I’m sweaty and stinky.”

  “I thought you liked getting all sweaty,” Brokk said in a husky voice as he watched her with half-lidded eyes.

  “Depends. But I am going to enjoy watching you fall on your ass,” she said with a chuckle.

  Ryker moved closer to her and wrapped his arm around her waist. This was very different from the last time one of the others flirted with her. Was he okay with sharing her or not?

  She saw no problem with having a relationship involving more than one partner. She was Fae after all. But given how possessive Ryker was before discovering he was the king compared to now reinforced her fear that he was eventually going to leave her.

  He could be embracing his royal side and getting his freak on. Shaking her head, she set those thoughts aside. She was losing her damn mind if she was as worried about her status with Ryker as she was with the state of their realm.

  “Calla? Is that you?” A male voice called out.

  Brokk, Sol and Daine immediately surrounded her and Ryker while Calla swiveled and searched the area to their left. “Iddo? Why are you over here?”

  A male moved out of the shadow of a tree to their left and walked toward them. Brokk growled in warning while he brandished a knife. Where the hell did that come from?


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