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Owned by the Mob

Page 16

by Raven Rivers

  “This story is getting more unbelievable by the minute.” Karl’s suspicious nature was fairly typical for someone in his line of work.

  Charles pulled out his cell phone and passed it around. One of his men had taken pictures of the scene at that time, encouraging him to come have a look. Swiping through the images, Victor and Karl whispered back and forth.

  Victor’s phone beeped. He picked it up, read the message, and looked up at Charles. “You definitely turned lemons into lemonade. My Indonesian contact says that he has a large pharmaceutical company that deals mainly in herbal remedies willing to pay almost fifty thousand, American. You would have made close to ten thousand off accepting my ten percent. Although it hardly compensates for the loss of life, it is a tidy little profit.”

  Charles replied darkly, “The loss of life is the price of doing business, I’m afraid.”

  Karl turned to Alek. “How is your wife really doing? Is she doing as well as she seems?”

  The men all glanced in her direction at the same time. She waved at them, flashing a beautiful smile.

  “She is more resilient than I ever imagined such a small, delicate woman could be. I can’t get my mind around why that thick bastard, Gustov, thought he could abduct Sharon and live to tell of it.”

  Karl’s face darkened for a brief moment and he said, “Some stupid bastard made the mistake of abducting my Genevieve for about a minute when we were first married.”

  “This is something I, too, remember,” Timur chimed in. “Karl’s response was quick and ruthless. He and his men tore apart an entire working unit from top to bottom to get her back. Trust me, no one messed with her after that.”

  Charles muttered, “The world is full of crazy fuckers. Most days, I’m just doing my best not be one of them.” Everyone laughed and they continued to drink until they were pretty much falling down drunk. Alek nursed his one glass of brandy, having no intention of humiliating himself by being slobbering drunk on his wedding night. No, this was the night his wife would remember for all her long days.

  Chapter 28

  Night Underneath the Stars


  Alek had been acting weird all day, especially during the reception. He was normally a little on edge and just a tad hypervigilant. He had waltzed through his wedding day happy, contented, and seemed to be quietly enjoying his new lot in life.

  Gazing down at the two-carat Marquise-cut diamond engagement ring, she remembered the moment he’d prosed.

  Intent on making Valentine’s Day special, she’d made them a nice dinner, bought a decadent chocolate cake, and decorated the table. Being a chronic overachiever, she’d even traded out their bedclothes for red sheets and a white comforter, finishing with an assortment of heart-shaped throw pillows. It had never occurred to her that he had somehow managed to outdo her in celebrating their love.

  Alek had waited until she had changed into her sexy Valentine lingerie to make his move. Dropping down to his knees, he popped the question, wearing nothing but hot red boxers. He knew her so well. Fancy restaurants and clever contrivances didn’t interest her in the least. Keeping it real and romantic meant the world to her, though. Having slipped the ring on her finger after the formal request, he pulled her down and made sure she understood what a good decision saying yes had been.

  It made her curious what the man had in store for their wedding night. It was hard to wonder about such things as her sexy new husband was trailing kisses down her neck again. What was with this man and necks? Okay, if she were being honest, she’d admit that it was one of her favorite spots. His wet mouth was making her tingle in all the right places. When he added one large hand on her breast and the other found its way up her short black dress, she couldn’t help but moan.

  “That’s what I live to hear, my wife enjoying the pleasure I give to her.”

  “I’ll bet I could pleasure you before we get to where we’re going.” Without meaning to, her tongue slid out to slide along her top lip.

  Lust darkened his self-satisfied expression. Reaching up, he let go of her plump breast in favor of running one finger around her lips. “You will have your long life to pleasure me with your beautiful mouth. In this night, you will refrain from defiling it with my cock.”

  The window between the driver and back slowly slid shut. Sharon almost laughed at Smithy’s reluctance to hear them whispering endearments. Any other woman might be embarrassed, but in her world bodyguards were always lurking around. She’d learned to tune them out and live her life.

  “You’re depriving your wife of the taste of your body on her wedding night. That’s not very nice, baby.”

  “What is the word?”

  “It means you’re my everything.”

  His lips came crashing down hers and his fingers danced over her aching core, teasing, tormenting, and delighting all at the same time. She could feel his wedding band sliding across her skin and it raised some kind of primitive possessive need to fuck him into the next century. Moving against his thick fingers, she rode out a mind-blowing orgasm.

  Pulling her back against his chest, Alek purred in her ear, “My wife is such an eager little kitten tonight. You must pace yourself, for the night is long and your husband has many needs.”

  “Do you have any idea how arousing your voice is? Seriously, baby, you could be reading the dinner menu and I’d want to jump your bones.”

  Throwing back his head, Alek laughed with such careless abandon that it made her chest ache. Seeing him to so relaxed, confident, and happy after spending so many years trudging along under another man’s thumb was nothing short of uplifting and inspiring. It made her wonder how many people could really take off in life if they just believed they could.

  When they stopped, Alek wrapped her up in a gentle hug and guided her into a hotel she’d never been to. He must have made arrangements ahead of time because he took her straight to the elevator and up to the top floor… no, the roof. When the doors slid open, her hands flew to her face. There was a table and two chairs set up with candlelight and champagne, but he’d also had privacy screens set up in a huge circle. When they stepped through, he pulled it into place behind them. That’s when she noticed the rest. He taken her idea from Valentine’s Day and totally ran with it. There was a huge bed with snow-white bedclothes, a love seat, and some snacks sitting on the table for two. He slid his phone into a cradle on a table and music began to play.

  “Dancing or food, my sweet?” he smiled.

  “Dancing because it gets me into your arms.”

  Peeling away her thin coat and tossing it onto the loveseat along with her purse, he pulled her into the center of his little paradise. The moment her front hit his muscular chest, she was a total goner.

  “I thought men had to practice to be good husbands. You hit a home run right out of the gate.”

  Peering down at her, a soft smile slipped onto his face. Touching her on the tip of the nose with one finger, he murmured, “You are mixing sports metaphors. ‘Home runs’ are baseball and ‘out of the gate’ is racing. I don’t know why you use sports metaphors, anyway. I speak women.”

  Laughing at his silliness, she shot back, “I seriously doubt that, but I have an important question for you.”


  Rolling her eyes at his hunting reference, she asked the question that had been weighing on her mind. “Do you think you’re going to miss being a mobster?”

  His feet missed a beat in their slow dance. “I was never a mobster by choice. Your father, Tony, Victor, and even Timur chose their line of work. I was leveraged into it. Though I will probably always carry a gun, my fondest wish is that I never have to use it.”

  “I’m really happy about that, baby. I mean it. I really am.”

  “From this moment on, let us put that life behind us and see what we make of the one God has given us.”

  “You think God brought us together?”

  “Of all the women in the world, that I am now married t
o one such as you must be God’s work.”

  “I’m glad you came to my rescue that day.”

  “You whisper the words that every man wants to hear, my sweet.”

  “You don’t think I love you?”

  “Every man likes to hear his love mate say it.”

  Looking up into his eyes, she spoke what he’d been longing to hear. “I love you, Aleksandr Koshikov. You’re strong, sweet, considerate, romantic, and smart. No woman could ever wish for a better husband. You’re perfect just the way you are and I’d never think of trying to change anything about you.” His face went from pensive to pleased to beaming. “I almost forgot. I’m pregnant.”

  His mouth fell open in a look that was almost comical.

  “Don’t act surprised. You called it that night.”

  Bringing his hand to her stomach, he couldn’t seem to keep the gigantic smile off his face. “Then you are exactly fourteen weeks pregnant with my son.”

  “We won’t know that for a couple of weeks.”

  “I think he will be a boy… or a girl.”

  Staring up at him, she chuckled, “Did I say you were smart? I take that back.”

  “I see what you mean. Those are the only two choices. I cannot decide which I would like more.”

  “How about one of each?”

  “Your sister is having twins. This I have heard already.”

  “They run on both sides of my biological family.”

  “You are certain of this?”

  Nodding at the stunned man, she watched him drop to his knees and put both hands on her stomach. “Since I’m a twin my chances of having a twin are about one in seven,” she explained. “Since there are lots of twins in my family, that increases the odds some. Me being slightly older increases the odds just a little more.”

  “Stop talking. I wish to hear my children play.”

  Trying to be still, her tummy shook with the laughter she was holding in as he placed an ear to her stomach. Knowing that babies don’t usually move around until around eighteen weeks, she was surprised when her tummy moved.

  “It’s true, my children are in there.”

  “How about we cuddle up and you can talk to them all you want?”

  “Nyet, you must eat and drink only water.”

  “‘Cause you’re the big expert on pregnant women now, right?”

  “Nyet, but your brother has told me all about pregnancy and the birthing process.”

  “Well, my brother’s an idiot. When we were young he thought sex was peeing in a girl’s butt.”

  Her sexy new husband looked up with a comical look on his face and she had to laugh. “You, too?”

  “In my own defense, no one ever said girls had an extra hole. It is just not a subject that comes up when you are little.”

  “And until the first time you spunked, you never knew about anything coming of your penis but… well, pee, right?”

  He nodded, looking almost embarrassed.

  “I can almost see how that could happen, but don’t take my brother’s word for anything.”

  Curling up around her on the bed, he pulled her dress off and spent some time just worshiping her belly.

  “We aren’t having sex tonight, are we?” she asked.

  “Are we allowed?”

  “I don’t see any sex police to stop us.”

  “You know what I mean, my sweet.”

  “It’s perfectly safe.”

  “Alright, I will ask.” Leaning down, he whispered something and listened with his ear to her belly. “It’s okay, they’re down for the night.”

  “You’re a funny guy.”

  “I am more than that. Thanks to you, I am a husband and soon to be a father.”

  Cupping his face in her hands, she drew him up for a kiss. A few seconds in and her gorgeous husband was getting aroused. Running her hands over his thick rod, she whispered, “That’s what I want. Being pregnant makes a woman needy.”

  His eyes gleamed in the soft candlelight. “I did not know this. I will have to be extra attentive. I cannot have a frustrated wife on my hands.”

  “No, sir, you surely can’t.”


  Five Years Later

  “Stop right there, young man.”

  Little Al turned and shoved his hands behind his back. “What? I didn’t do nothing.”

  Stooping down, Sharon tilted her head slightly. “God doesn’t like liars now, does he, sweetness?”

  Staring at the floor, he responded quietly, “No, ma’am.”

  Alek had pounded some manners into their stubborn little one early on, thank goodness.

  “Where do you think you’re going with that?”

  Twisting his body back and forth, he answered innocently, “Out to play.”

  “Hand it over.”

  Pulling the lighter from behind his back, he handed it back to her. It was the one with a long neck they used to light the grill. “Go on now, outside with you.”

  His hangdog expression as he opened the door almost tore a gigantic hole in her soul until she remembered her five-year-old was turning into a pyromaniac. As she was about to get up from her knees, she heard his twin sister sounding off just on the other side of the door.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t get it.”

  “I got it but mom just took it away.”

  “S’mores take marshmallows, crackers, and chocolate. The three of us got the…”

  The little ones all stop talking and turned to the door when she flicked the letter slot open. “Stand right where you are. Do not move.” It figured that Cassie’s boys would have had in on this. Pulling the door open, she looked down at them. “Are we supposed to be playing with fire without adult supervision?”

  Digging the toe of his shoe along a seam between the boards beneath his feet, Al shook his head. “No, ma’am.”

  It was little Tonya that was always so sure of herself. Her hands came up to her hips, dangling a bag of marshmallows. Getting chicken-necked by your own daughter was an interesting experience. “We were not playing, we were cooking.”

  “Yes, cooking over an open flame without adult supervision.”

  “Fine, you can supervise but we’re not sharing our food.”

  Kneeling down to look at the rough and tumble little girl who insisted on wearing her hair au natural, Sharon asked, “And just why not?”

  “This is a survival situation. We don’t have any to spare.”

  “Are you sure you’re five? Because you seem a lot older.”

  Flinging her arms around her mother’s neck, she asked happily, “Fire pit?”

  “Sure, why not. I’ll get some juice boxes and meet you back there.”

  “We want soda, not juice.”

  Coming to her feet, Sharon smiled indulgently down at the lot of them. “Remember? This is a survival situation. Juice will have to do.”

  “Fine, but not apple.” Turning, she flounced off with the three boys trailing behind her.

  Alek’s voice sounded off from the porch swing. “So we’re having s’mores for dinner. I guess it beats fish sticks and corn dogs.”

  Laughing, she walked over and dropped a kiss on his lips. “I wondered where you’d gone off to. If you fire up the grill, I’ll bring out the steaks.”

  “Be still my beating heart. Grown-up food, all for me?”

  “Keep it up, I might gobble up all the steak and leave you with kid food.”

  Coming to his feet, he walked inside with her. “Out of the four of them, I think Tonya is the natural born leader.”

  Pulling out a plastic container of marinating steak, she grabbed juice and paper cups. “Girls mature faster. They’ll catch up.”

  “Victor is taking the little ones tonight.”

  Walking outside with him, she dumped some coals in the fire pit. “It’s his Saturday again already?”

  “He swapped with Tony.”

  Grinning at him over the steam rising from the grill, she realized that meant he
’d arranged another romantic evening. Alek loved being in charge of their sex life almost as much as she loved him being in charge. Cuddling on their glider, they watched Tonya walking everyone through making s’mores. Looking up at her handsome husband, she whispered, “Do I get any hints about tonight?”

  “Wear the nurse’s outfit.”

  Biting her bottom lip, she tried not to think about the last time she’d worn it. They’d had sexy time in her office at the clinic after closing. It had been wild and inhibited. “Haven’t you heard? I’m a doctor. Dressing like a nurse is a step down.”

  Lowering his sultry voice, his eyes gleamed with a mixture of lust, mischief, and domination. “I can promise you the sex will be a step up, my beautiful wife.”

  Just like that, she was wet for him.


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  Also from Raven Rivers:

  Click here for a list of all of Raven's Books on Amazon (Free on Kindle Unlimited)

  Fixing Broken Hearts

  The Goldsmith’s Protector

  More than Business

  In The Crosshairs

  The Pretend Girlfriend

  Fake Date With the Billionaire

  The CEO Makes a Play

  To Texas With Love

  Unwanted Baby for Christmas

  About the Author

  From her cozy apartment in upper Chicago, Raven pens her steamy interracial romances that are infused with spirituality and moral conflict.

  34-year-old Raven got her first story published ten years ago and hasn't stopped writing since!

  Her passion for crafting believable worlds and characters has never waned, and she hopes you'll enjoy her unique romance stories.


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