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EVIL VILLAIN: A Dark High School Elite Romance (The Royal Court Book 3)

Page 22

by Rebel Hart

  “So he should still be there,” I said.

  “Yeah. I’ll give you the address, so you can go out there and take care of things yourself. Leave me out of it,” T.C. said. “Just make sure you tell Venom I helped you out.”

  “I’ll let him know right away,” I said. “Thanks.”

  “Wow,” Colette whispered from next to me. “Deon just went and found a different dad with pull.”

  Still, Nathan pulled out his wallet and took out a wad of cash. “Consider it a tip and to make sure this information doesn’t get back to Connor.”

  He threw it to T.C., who caught it and nodded at Nathan and tossed a piece of paper back at him. I assumed that was the address. “Your secret is safe with me.” Then he looked us over. “Well, did you need anything else?”

  “Not unless there’s more you think we need to know,” I said.

  “One last thing,” T.C. said. “Part of the deal with Connor was always security. He has the place bugged to high hell. If you’re planning on showing up at the doorstep, he’ll know you’re coming before you even get through the door, and you’ll be dead before you get past the doormat.”

  “Don’t you worry about that,” Nathan said. “We’ve got it covered.”

  T.C. held up his hands. “Well, here I thought you were just a bunch of angry toddlers. Well, good luck, kids.”

  We stood up and left the booth, passing T.C.’s cohorts outside the curtain. They walked back in as we walked out. Once we were beyond the rope that divided us from the booths, we all looked at one another.

  “I’m kind of sad that it went so well,” Colette said. “I wanted some action.”

  “Well, going after Connor won’t be that easy,” I said. “Be careful what you wish for.”

  “That’s it for work, right?” Avery said. “Because I have to hit that dance floor.”

  “The fun stops tomorrow,” Nathan said. “So let’s live it up tonight!”

  Everyone cheered and Nathan quickly hunted someone down to secure one of the V.I.P. booths for us to use. Liquor was brought in after we flashed our very convincing fake IDs, and Kyle, Brayden, Nathan, and Nikita stayed behind, while Avery, Alistair, Colette, Jaxon, Sicily, Cherri and I left to head down to the dance floor.

  “There’s gotta be someone here who wants an attractive, younger man,” Sicily said as we walked down the stairs. “D, you gotta wingman for me.”

  “Alright,” I said. I hooked Sicily’s collar, found a gorgeous woman standing with her friends and working on a drink, and shoved Sicily straight into her.

  “Deon!” Cherri yelped.

  Her drink popped out of her hand and went spilling all over her dress, and Sicily looked up, horrified. “Uh, oh my fucking god,” Sicily said. “I told my friend I thought you were hot, and he thought the best plan of action was to shove me into you.”

  The woman blinked a couple of times down at him, then a smile crossed her face. “You owe me a new drink then.”

  Sicily snagged a couple of napkins like a pro from a nearby table and held them out to her. “I’ve got plenty up in my booth, if you wanna join me.”

  She nodded. “Yeah.”

  Everyone apart from me stared in shock as Sicily led the beautiful blond up the flight of stairs and out of sight.

  “I hate that it worked,” Avery said.

  I just shrugged. “He’s like a cat, that one. You present him with an opportunity, even if it’s razor thin, he’ll make the most out of it.”

  “I’ve noticed that about him, actually,” Colette said. “It’s so weird.”

  “Well, Sicily’s pretty weird,” Alistair said.

  Avery grabbed Alistair’s hand. “Whatever. Let’s go dance!”

  Avery and Alistair, and Colette and Jaxon threaded into the crowd and Cherri grabbed my hand and dragged me in as well. Guys immediately started to size her up, so I was throwing glares in all directions as we got further in. Eventually, however, we found a good spot, and Cherri turned to face me. She grabbed my face and turned my attention to her, and her eyes had a seduction behind them.

  “Just focus on me,” Cherri said.

  It was like she was a witch with insane, supernatural powers. “Yes ma’am.”

  The first song we danced to was upbeat and had Cherri swaying her hips back and forth. Her hair flicked around her head, and she laughed and sang along. I wasn’t much of a dancer myself, but grooving along with Cherri felt worth it. The pumps she was wearing gave her ass an incredible lift, and the clothes she was wearing clung to her form like a glove. She held my gaze and sucked me deeper and deeper in, and soon there could have been twice as many people standing on that dance floor and I wouldn’t have known. Cherri was all I could see.

  All I cared to see.

  After about ten minutes, the music changed to a moody, deep purple, and the music slowed way down. The crowd shifted almost as a unit, closing in on their partners for the smooth, slow song. I slid my hands around Cherri’s waist and set them low on her back and she pulled herself against me. Her hands pressed to my chest and she looked up into my eyes, and I couldn’t resist the urge anymore. I ducked down and brought my lips to hers. Cherri waved her hips forward, sliding against my midsection, teasing me. My lips left hers and slid around to latch onto a spot on her neck.

  “Deon,” she sang into my ear, and it sent a rush of chills down my spine.

  When I came back to her lips, it was with more passion, sliding my tongue in her mouth and breathing in her intoxicating scent. I wanted so much more of her than I was allowed to take standing in the middle of a public club.

  Cherri pulled back, and her eyes fluttered to me. “Wanna give my keys to Colette and get out of here?”

  Everything in me tingled at the resonance in her voice. “Like, you have no idea.”



  Colette was beyond understanding when I searched her out from the crowd and gave her my keys to drive my car home. “You’ve just been reunited!” she screeched. “Get it girl!”

  We exchanged a cheek kiss, and then I sifted my way back through the throngs of people to where Deon was standing at the edge of the dancefloor. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out into the steamy night. My whole body was already hot and it doubled outside in the summer night. I held up a hand to flag down a taxi, but then Deon pulled on my hand.

  “I’ve got a better idea,” he said. “Come on.”

  We walked away from the curb and made our way down the street away from the club. We crossed the street and continued down the block, and Deon finally stopped in front of one of downtown Postings’ fancier hotels. He pulled on the door and guided me inside, and my heart leapt with excitement. Deon kissed me, then left me standing in the lobby so that he could approach the desk. I was a little surprised to see him pull out a wallet and brandish a credit card, because it didn’t seem like he would have access to those resources yet, but then I remembered a moment between Nathan and I before I went to go and visit with Venom.

  “You look tired. Is everything okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” Nathan said. “I’ve just been getting everything set up for Deon.”

  “What do you mean?” I said.

  “I’ve gotta make sure my brother is set when he gets back. There’s a whole life he didn’t get to live that I hope he can from now on.”

  Nathan worked with Deon’s parole officer to get his warrant revoked, bought him a brand new car for his birthday, and made sure he had keys to both the main house and Nathan’s house on the Loche estate. It wasn’t a major jump to think that Nathan made sure Deon was set financially as well. If I knew Nathan at all, and I’m pretty sure I did, he probably loaded a card with hundreds of thousands of dollars and told Deon it was his share of their family funds. The fact that neither of them told me that was actually a little enlightening and encouraging. If they had brotherly things, they were developing a trust in one another, and that was good.

  After about ten minutes, Deon came back wi
th some paperwork and a couple of keycards in hand. He had a huge smile on his face and snickered when he got to me. “I don’t think I’ve ever indulged in something like this before. It was weird.”

  “Yeah, getting used to being rich is strange,” I said.

  He closed in on me and placed a hand on my head and pulled me up into a kiss. “It’s worth it for this though.” His voice got low and unbelievably enticing. “Don’t expect me to be as quick to fire as I was last time.”

  I smiled. “I’m looking forward to it.” We walked over to the elevators and climbed on. Deon swished his card key in front of the scanner on the elevator, which allowed him to press one of the top buttons labeled for the suites. “A whole suite?”

  “This is the kind of stuff I always dreamed of doing for you,” Deon said. “A night out, ending in a beautiful hotel room overlooking the city. This is me just trying to get back to where we were supposed to be. To make up for lost time.”

  The elevator reached the floor we were riding to, and Deon had to set the key card in front of the scanner again to get the doors to open to let us out. The doors slid apart and opened into a stunning hotel suite overlooking downtown Postings. The lights from the buildings below were lit up and were casting a beautiful glow into the hotel room. We walked through the front hall and into the living room. There were a few couches situated around a fireplace against one wall, and a chez sitting in front of the windows that viewed the city. There were a couple of other doors that probably led to a bathroom and bedroom, but Deon and I wouldn’t know that for some time.

  We tossed the few things we had on us onto one of the tables and then Deon led me over to the chez. He laid down across it and pulled me down on top of him and I blanketed myself over him. His hands threaded into my hair and I smiled at him.

  “I love you so much,” I said.

  “I love you,” he said. “I hope you’re okay with not getting much sleep tonight.”

  A smile rose to my face. “You have no clue how okay with that I am.”

  My lips found his in the darkness lit only by the lights from outside, and his hands slid down my back and over my ass. He squeezed as I curled against him, already feeling his arousal poking up. My hands dipped between us to fiddle with the buttons of the button-up shirt he’d donned for the night out. At first, I was just trying to get the buttons undone, but then I got annoyed. I sat up enough to get a hand between a couple of the holes and I yanked, snapping the buttons and sending them flying around the room.

  “Holy shit,” Deon said.

  “I was over those fucking buttons.”

  I unwrapped the shirt from his torso and slid it away, then grabbed the base of his undershirt and pulled it up and over his head. If it was even possible, his abs, arms, and pecs were even more defined than they were when he first got out of prison. Maybe it was just because I was so excited to see him when I first got to Felicity’s, but I hadn’t registered that before.

  But everything was registering now.

  “You know,” I said. “You’ve never been properly punished for making Nathan convince me you’d died. Do you have any idea how much that hurt me?”

  Deon looked up at me through sad eyes, shocked at the sudden turn. “Cherri, I—”

  I set a finger to his lips. “Shh.” I stood up off the chez and walked over to the button-up I’d already destroyed and brought it back to Deon. “Rip the sleeves off of this.”

  Deon did exactly that, grabbing the long sleeves of the button up and tearing each of them from the shirt. I tied the ripped sleeves together and then looped them around Deon’s eyes and tied them behind his head. He tensed up a little bit, but I noticed him growing larger in his pants and figured the frustration was probably more with still being sheathed than not trusting me to blindfold him.

  Still, I wanted to make sure. “You okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” his voice was gravelly and low and it sent a wave of chills crashing over my body.

  “Good.” I leaned in and kissed him as I grabbed one of his arms to pull him to sit up on the chez.

  I kicked my shoes off and then sat on the chez between Deon’s legs. I took his hands and guided them to my stomach, and he took over, sliding them up under my shirt. His big hands were enough to wrap fully around my breasts, which he did. “Skipped the bra, huh?” he said.

  “And the underwear,” I replied.

  “You’re really not gonna let me see?” he asked.

  “Not this time,” I replied. “Use your imagination.”

  He squeezed down on my chest, and I let out a moan before grabbing one of his hands and moving it to the hem of my skirt as well. Once again, instinct kicked in, and Deon slid his hand up my skirt and between my legs. While one hand worked my breast, the other started to massage my center. Though a moisture had already started to develop there, it doubled when Deon’s fingers started to flick over the bundle of nerves at my crest. I leaned backwards against him and closed my eyes, letting myself go in the feeling of his hands working me over, knowing that I had total control.

  For too long, I’d had to react to everything that was happening to me. Tonight with Deon, at least on our first round, I wanted to dictate everything that was happening. I wanted to help him bring me the ultimate pleasure and bring him the same as well.

  Deon’s hand slid lower between my legs and poked at my entrance there. “Yes, baby,” I said.

  He slipped his fingers in and I let out a moan so loud it echoed off the window and bounced back to me. Above, his fingers were flicking one of my nipples, while the other below was stirring me up inside. My mind turned to mush, made worse when Deon leaned his head forward enough to latch onto my neck. He bit down before kissing at the spot gently, and unexpectedly, I came.

  “Ah,” Deon said. “You like being bitten.”

  “Maybe,” I said.

  “Duly noted.”

  He continued to work even through my barreling orgasm and then sunk his teeth into my shoulder and held on while he brought me to a second climax almost immediately. My legs shuddered at the intense feeling, never before having experienced what it felt like to tell someone exactly what I wanted and to receive it.

  It was unfair how heavenly it felt.

  I sat forward a bit from Deon, and he pulled his hands away from me. He dragged my top with him as I pulled away, snatching it off, so when I stood up again, I wriggled my skirt down my legs and off. I knelt in front of Deon and widened his legs then, snickering at his length stabbing straight up, a darkened spot showing through his pants. Instead of pulling him out, I ducked my head down and started to nuzzle along the length. Deon tensed up again, his hands balling to fists at his side.

  “Don’t tease me, Cherri,” he demanded.

  I rubbed his shaft through his pants. “I told you, this is a punishment.”

  He growled, but didn’t fight me. My teasing continued, rubbing him through his pants, until I felt I’d caused him enough strife. Pulling his pants and boxers off first, I shoved both articles away, then I went back to just mouthing along the shaft. I didn’t close over, at least not until Deon threw his head back in frustration. Finally, I stuck my tongue out and licked up and closed over. Deon let out a loud grunt and his hands came to the back of my head. He didn’t push or do anything that would suggest his control over me, and it allowed me to totally move at my pace. It was a nice reminder of just how impressive Deon’s length was, and I enjoyed tasting him.

  He continued to let out sweet grunts and groans as I worked, never taking more control. I got slightly lost in it, loving the feeling of him in my mouth, but then he started to swell and twitch in my mouth. His gentle thrusts deeper into my throat suggested he was close, and I wasn’t ready for him to finish just yet. I popped off, keeping a hand in place to stroke him, and smiled up at him even though he couldn’t see me.

  One of his arms flipped across his face. “That was mean.”

  “Don’t worry,” I said. “I’ll give you something bette
r.” I stood up and returned to the seated position I’d been in before, only this time I slid back until I was sitting in his lap and his member was resting like a hot iron against my thigh. “Remember earlier?”

  He offered a dark chuckle. “Ah. You were training me.” One of his hands wrapped around me and grabbed at my breast, and the other dipped between my legs. “Whatever you want.”

  I lifted up a little, and Deon grabbed himself and guided himself into my waiting hole. I lowered over him and his hand settled right at the top of my most sensitive spot and started to rub. What had been pleasurable earlier was now pure ecstasy, as Deon’s hands worked in tandem with his lower half. I rocked my hips back and forth, dragging him along the deepest parts of me until he was targeting a sweet spot deep inside. I let out a moan, and Deon started to fire against the spot, lifting himself into me.

  “Yeah, baby,” I moaned. “That’s so good. I’m—”

  I was cut off by my own orgasm. It was the most powerful one I’d ever experienced, with twinges of rapture snatching at me from all angles.

  “Fuck,” Deon hissed. “Cherri, I can’t.”

  “That’s okay, baby. Let me have it,” I demanded.

  Deon slammed up into me and I rocked my hips backwards to meet his movements. Whether my orgasm never stopped or another ran into me before the last one had completely subsided, I wasn’t sure, but I could no longer make sound, only hold my mouth open and try to keep myself conscious. Deon’s legs started to shake, then he dropped and I rutted down against him, and he exploded, growling in my ear. He flowed into me, and I sang out with pleasure as he filled me up.

  Thank god I made the last minute decision to start birth control at the beginning of the summer.

  We both went limp, and the only sound in the room was that of us trying to catch our breath. Deon’s hands squeezed me, and I could feel his heart bashing in his chest. When we’d recovered enough, we moved our antics to the bathroom, where I kept Deon blindfolded for another couple of rounds before finally letting him take it off so we could run a bath in the giant jacuzzi tub and settle in for a soak.


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