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Page 8

by Aliyah Burke

  None of his suspicion mattered when they got together on an intimate level, though. Then it wasn’t him being a cop and her a witness. It was nothing more than one man and one woman. Him and her. And the exploding passion between them.

  Tasha had come over a few times, which didn’t bother him. The times that Jimmy came, he was much more careful not to leave the women alone with him. One day Jimmy had arrived on his own and Declan had been ready to yell at her but Caro had spent Jimmy’s entire visit in her bedroom, not even coming out to interact with him past a hello and farewell.

  He slammed the hood on his Jeep and tossed the rag onto the small table before he drew his gloves back on and left, pausing to shut the door. The snow had stopped for the day but he knew more was on the way. “Bet by tonight it’s snowing again.”

  Declan was making his way back to the cabin when he spied her tracks heading off into the woods. I must have been under the Jeep when she left because I didn’t hear or see her. Without thought, he altered his trajectory and tracked her.

  Coming upon her, he slowed and stared at the woman who sat on a rock, one foot dangling over the edge. She’d had to climb up from the other side to make it there. From all appearances, Caro was lost in thought. Her arms were latched around her other leg and her chin rested upon her knee.

  The corner of her mouth turned down slightly. He noticed tear tracks down one cheek. They’d been here for a week and while for him it was coming home, he understood why she didn’t quite feel the same. He broke from the tree line and made his way to her. As he paused next to her, she turned her head and stared at him.

  “You need something?”

  He angled his head and moved so the sun wasn’t in his eyes. “Do you?”

  “No. Any idea how much longer this is going to be?”

  Irritation pricked him. She couldn’t be bothered to remain here? “Something else you have to do?”

  He knew she wanted to say something but she merely shook her head. “Just wondering.”

  “I will put in a call tomorrow when I go to town and get some more supplies. Find out if they have a court date.”

  “Okay,” she said. Caro took a deep breath and drew her other leg up.

  “How long have you been out here?”

  “Not sure. Why?”

  “Come on, let’s go inside.”

  She turned and stared between his face and his outstretched hand. She took it and he assisted her off the rock. “Okay, just one thing first.” Caro pulled free.

  “What’s that?”

  Smack! She tossed a handful of snow in his face then took off running, laughter trailing behind her. He wiped the wetness off and tracked her movement across the meadow. I asked for that. I truly did.

  “Better keep running, Caro!” he called seconds before he charged off after her.

  He overtook her without much effort and tackled her to the ground. Her squeal had him grinning as he returned the favor of putting snow in her face.

  “What happened to protecting and serving?” she sputtered as he rolled them over on the snowy ground and stared into her eyes.

  “I’m doing it.”

  She shook her head. “How so?”

  “I’m protecting myself by getting you back and serving my need for revenge.”

  “I don’t think that’s what they meant by that saying.”

  “It’s all in the interpretation, sexy.”

  “More like manipulation of the words.”

  “Depends on which side you’re on.”

  “Mine,” she said with a slight elevation in her tone.

  He laughed again and kissed her swiftly before rising off her and helping her back to her feet. Staring down at her, he couldn’t help but notice how the sparkle had returned to her gaze. This was what he wanted for her.

  What the hell am I thinking? She’s not mine. She’s a fucking witness to a case. I just have to keep her safe then deliver her back in time. The thoughts chilled him in a way the snowy outdoors never could. He drew back and gestured for her to lead the way to the cabin. Right now, he didn’t need her assessing and soft gaze upon him. Sex was one thing but getting emotionally involved was another kettle of fish. One I don’t need to open.

  Once they got closer to the cabin he noticed a vehicle waiting there. From her muttered curse, he realized Caro recognized the driver around the same moment he did. Jimmy.

  Her steps slowed and he cut his gaze to the side. She smoothed away the frown and put an emotionless smile in its place. She shut down. Declan wasn’t sure what to make of that. He’d thought she would have wanted to hit Jimmy up for some recreational sex.

  You’re just jealous at the thought of her wanting to be in bed with another man, his brain commented to him and he wasn’t at all in the mood to listen. Not at all. Regardless if it was the truth or not.

  Jimmy leaned against the side of the cabin when they approached and Declan strode ahead, wanting to keep this man away from her. The desire didn’t come from the part of him that was cop, no, it was pure proprietary need. Caveman attitude and alpha male. Hell, were he a dog he’d think about pissing in a circle around her so the man would possibly get the hint to leave his woman fucking alone. Yeah, I said it. My woman. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with the psychology of that mental thought.

  “What are you doing here, Jimmy?”

  “Wanted to see if Caro would like to come to dinner with Tasha tonight.” He gave a grin—a lewd one. “The little woman has cooked a big meal.”

  Declan wanted to refuse, it dangled along the tip of his tongue, but he didn’t speak. He wasn’t sure the words that would come out of his mouth would actually be comprehensible as opposed to a feral growl.

  “Declan and I would love to go, thank you for the invitation. What time should we be there?” Caro’s words yanked him from the mental image he had of snapping Jimmy in two pieces. Or was that into lots of little ones?

  “What?” His question was mirrored by Jimmy.

  “I’m sorry, I thought you were inviting us both. Wasn’t that the case? This way Declan can drive us down and bring us back so you don’t have to take more time away from your wife and kids.” She stepped up beside Declan, her voice smooth and calm.

  From the look on Jimmy’s face, he’d planned on taking plenty of time away from them. With Caro.

  Jimmy gave a smile and kept his attention riveted on Caro as opposed to meeting his gaze. “Well, I have space to take you down and back. I don’t mind, I’m sure Declan has things to do.”

  Declan crossed his arms. “Actually, dinner would be a great break. I’ve been working hard all day. Tasha is one hell of a cook. Tell her we’ll be there about six, unless you have changed the time you eat.”

  Caro moved to the door and slipped inside. The moment they were alone, Declan held Jimmy’s stare. “I told you to leave her alone, Jimmy. No way in hell I let that woman ride anywhere with you, you nasty bastard. You should be fucking ashamed with the way you treat your marriage vows.”

  “You have some nerve preaching down to me, McBride. You were married.”

  He bristled as was his wont when someone mentioned his past marriage. “Was and I never cheated on her.” More than I can say for her but that’s neither here nor there.

  Jimmy glared up at him before giving a soft snort and moving to his vehicle. He paused by the driver’s door and Declan lifted his eyebrow in silent question.

  “You can’t protect her twenty-four hours a day, McBride. There will come a time when she’s alone.”

  He bared his teeth. “If I find you have done a damn thing to her it will take them a long and arduous surgery to remove the tools I’ll shove up your ass after I beat the shit out of you.”

  Jimmy paled but did his best not to show he had been rattled. “Are you threatening me?”

  Declan shook his head and stepped closer so the only thing separating them was the truck. “I don’t make threats, Jimmy. You’d be wise to not forget that piece of information.”

  His scowl deepened as he climbed in his truck then drove away. Declan didn’t move from his spot until the tail lights had vanished from view. Content Jimmy had truly left, he pivoted and strode to the cabin’s door and entered.

  He heard her by the fireplace and walked to where he could actually place eyes on her. She knelt before the flames and stabbed at it with the poker, rearranging the newer pieces of wood she’d just added.

  She peered at him over her shoulder, briefly, before returning her attention to the flickering fire before her. Her stiff posture told him she expected him to verbally attack her. He didn’t wish to fight with her. Not now. Instead of engaging with her, he went to his room with plans to shower to get the grime from the oil change off his body.

  Walking from his room toward the bathroom, he spied her again. She stood there, staring through the glass. Her body language remained stiff yet he couldn’t help but identify the softness that lingered beneath her hard posture. He knew how she felt against him. Writhing below him. Above him. Beside him.

  Declan acted, didn’t think about it, just went to her and swept her up in his arms before carrying her to the tub with him where he stripped her and put her beneath the hot shower.

  Chapter Seven

  Caro tapped out a fast cadence with her left foot standing by the living room window. True, she normally didn’t mind the silence for she worked in it daily. But this… This was not work.

  “No work. No friends. Just him.”

  Him. Declan McBride. The cop.

  Even just thinking about him had her pussy readying for sex. The slickness grew between her thighs as her nipples drew painfully tight. She increased the cadence before throwing her hands up and stomping to the kitchen where she stared at the coffee pot.

  Declan had left her here while he went to town. She blew out a frustrated breath and filled the kettle then placed it on the burner.

  “Man’s been in a mood since we got back from supper with Tasha. His mood went downhill every time Jimmy looked at me.” She swiped a mug and set it on the counter.

  “Not like I asked that bastard to leer at me or anything.” She rummaged for a tea bag and added it along with three spoonfuls of sugar and a slice of lemon.

  “Didn’t show it to anyone but me either. Man’s good.”

  And he was. Professional all the way around. But the glares he had given her—alone—reminded her nothing of the man who could—and did—deliver her to heights of great passion. No trace of any kindness or even sympathy remained.

  This morning, he’d not even argued. Just had said no to her question of accompanying him. Monotone. No. That was it. Nary a reason. He had just left.

  “And now I’m alone again.” She shut off the stove and grabbed the handle only to swear and jerk back. Son of a… That hurt!

  Caro held her hand beneath a stream of icy water until the burn pain alleviated to where she could tolerate it. Nearly five minutes. She removed it from the water and—with a hot pad this time—filled her mug and let the tea steep as she went to the bathroom for a few things then returned to continue addressing the injury.

  Caro sat at the table as she worked. Footsteps on the porch had her staring at the door. She scowled. Damn man wants to go grocery shopping and take care of his things in that pissy little no account town without me then he can carry everything back in on his own.

  She paused in wrapping her hand with the gauze bandage and tilted her head. I didn’t hear his vehicle. She’d already popped a few acetaminophen to reduce the pain and he could have driven up while she’d been in the bathroom rooting through his medicine cabinet.

  Fear crept in. She slowly rose from her seat, tucking the edge of the gauze in, and began to exit the room when the knock came.

  She wasn’t sure what to do. Should she answer? Pretend she wasn’t here? That the place was empty? Cripes, her heart pounded so hard. She grimaced over the nausea roiling within her gut.

  Forcing herself to the door, she opened it. Shit. Should have pretended I wasn’t here.

  Jimmy stood there, flashing a perfect smile.

  “Hello, Caro.”

  Two words. Two that made her wonder if she’d forgotten to actually put on any clothing today with the way it made her feel. And not naked in a good way. She was cold and wanted to shudder from his gaze. The sound of her name sliding from his lips made her skin crawl.

  “Mr Harstone.” She kept her injured hand behind the cabin door. “Something you needed?”

  His grin turned leery and he raked her from head to toe with his gaze. “I waited for him to leave, you know.”

  This could get ugly fast. She ignored his comment. “Where’s your truck?”

  “Invite me in, Caro.” His grin widened. “I saw how you watched me last night at dinner.”

  Watched him? Was he serious? “I think there’s no reason for you to be here.”

  “Don’t be like that. I saw the hunger. That prick isn’t here now. You don’t have to pretend you don’t feel it as well and there’s nothing between us.”

  He shifted and she watched him, scared to make a move.

  “I promise I’ll make you feel like no one ever will again.”

  Words she full heartedly believed. He already made her feel like no one else ever would. And she could honestly say, she wasn’t a fan.

  “Sorry. As exciting as the offer is, one you’re a married man and that’s just wrong. Two, this isn’t my cabin and I don’t feel right inviting you into his home. If you want to come in, you should return when he’s back.”

  His smile was truly unpleasant. He stepped closer to her and she struggled not to move back. There wasn’t anywhere she could go. She didn’t have her boots on so running outside wasn’t a smart option. Not to mention, Jimmy was between her and freedom. She couldn’t call for Declan—he didn’t have a phone in the house.

  “I didn’t come all this way to see him…” He tipped his head to the side. “I came to see you.”

  “Why me? I never gave you any indication I was interested in you. I’m actually fond of your wife. Why would you cheat on her?”

  “She’s a hick.”

  She’s a lot better than you, bastard. “She’s a sweet woman and the mother of your children.”

  “Tasha won’t care.” He stroked his chin. “I’ve wanted to taste that sweet dark skin ever since you strolled into the room that day we were here.” He shifted his stance. “I know you’re hell in the sack and can’t wait to get you there again.”

  Irritation speared her and she went ramrod straight. “Excuse me?”

  His grin flashed and she scowled at him. “No need to try and be coy. It’s only us. I know all about you, Jasmine Hoyer. You have no need to keep up this pretense.”

  More fear surged up from the soles of her feet to cover her. “My name is Caro.”

  His expression turned evil. He stepped toward her and placed a hand on the door before shoving it open. “It’s cold out here, let me in.”

  She stumbled back and winced when he slammed the door behind him. He sniffed and wiped his hand along his nose. “You know…” he said conversationally. “This could have been much easier on you.”

  “Why would you do this?”

  “Because you seem to want to ignore how much sexual tension there is between us.”

  He moved closer and she retreated the same number of steps.

  “It pissed me off seeing you standing there with him, acting as if you didn’t know me, Jasmine. Acting as if you were somehow better than me when I’d been with you lying in that fleabag motel after we fucked and snorted our way through more money than I’ve seen in a long time.”

  This time it clicked in her head. Jasmine actually knew this bastard. Never again will I pretend to be someone I’m not. This is just insane.

  He waved a hand at her as he shrugged out of his coat. “Just because you change your attire and adopt a new name doesn’t mean I don’t know you. Know how much you love your crank and coke. A
nd let’s not forget the rest of the shit I’ve known you to put in your body.”

  “What do you want?”

  Lewd didn’t even begin to describe the grin he gave. He leaned forward and rested his palms on the tabletop.

  “You know what I want, Jasmine. You know how I like it. Rough. Don’t worry, I won’t leave any marks on you for your bodyguard to see. But I will have you on your knees before me, shoving my cock down your throat. Watching your eyes bulge out as you struggle to breathe. You know how much that turns me on. You as well. I know how you like that asphyxiation play.”

  Could her dread get worse? Probably. And knowing her luck, it would.

  “This isn’t happening. Not here. You want to have dirty nasty sex you come back to Atlanta. Find me there.”

  “Why should I? You’re here. I’m here. You can’t tell me he doesn’t know you’re a whore. He sleeping with you as well?”

  She didn’t know how to respond. Jimmy glared at her. “You slut. You are spreading your legs for him. I thought you didn’t like him.”

  He moved closer and she picked up the scissors, pretending to have done it without thought.

  “Or are you hoping for a little leeway back in the city if you give it up to him now?”

  She gave a small shrug and he laughed.

  “You have to leave, Jimmy. I can’t let him find you here.”

  He puffed out his chest. “I’m not scared of him. He has no jurisdiction here.”

  Somehow she didn’t think that would stop Declan from beating him into a bloody pulp.

  “When will you get a chance to make it back to Atlanta?” I’m never visiting there again.

  “Not for a while. Hard to get away from her.”

  “You seem to do fine out here.”

  He sat across from her and she breathed a bit easier.

  “Are you jealous?”

  Dear sweet Jesus. Hell no. Another little smile was all she allowed. Declan, please don’t be long.

  * * * *

  “My other witness is dead.”

  Cold settled around Declan’s heart at those words from Jackie. “How’d it happen?”

  “I don’t know.” Jacqueline sounded beyond pissed. “He was at a safe house as well but that blew up this morning.”


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