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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 5

by D E Boske

  I should have checked on her sooner! He chided himself. The Mage slid to her side, gently looking her over. Her pulse was weak and she was fast fading. He drew out the Orb of Healing and began to sing to it as it warmed in his hands.

  Nephraete watched intently because she’d never seen him heal anyone before. He had a beautiful voice and the words he sang were an ancient, elven dialect. She had no idea how he even knew the tongue. She guessed very few elves alive today even knew it.

  As the Mage built up the power in the Orb, Kelindril used one of his many blades to carefully cut the shreds of cloth that still clung to Kizziah’s limp form. Kizziah’s shredded and bruised body made it difficult to recognize her as the once stunningly beautiful elf.

  Darian’s grip on the Orb tightened as he recognized the work of this brutal attack. He could do nothing about it now, but once he healed Kizziah, the hunt would begin. The one responsible better hope that Darian never found him because Darian would kill him like he should have so long ago.

  How this was even possible, Darian could not begin to guess. The Mage knew he would assert his power as the chosen Shangmarrum and would not listen to reason. The other Gor Li’ Khan materialized around the Mage, protecting him as he was vulnerable. The way they had taken to Darian deeply touched the seer. In all her years, she’d never seen them act this way. She had to admit that it was good to see them care for someone who did not abuse their talents.

  Darian let the power build until its music filled the whole room with its beautiful sound. He passed it over her body, but no matter where he focused, the Orb turned from milky white to an angry red. He concentrated on the life-threatening wounds first. This would undoubtedly take several hours. The Mage took his time; he did not want to miss anything. He threw himself completely into the Orb’s magic, giving every bit of himself that he could afford, in order to heal her.

  He felt incredibly guilty because he should have looked for her sooner. He should have known that something was wrong when she didn’t show up for the dance. He let Raylan distract

  him and he would never forgive himself if Kizziah died. He could not let that happen.

  After about two hours, the strain on the Mage’s face became readily apparent. Perspiration formed on his forehead as he maintained his concentration. Kizziah looked marginally better, but the seer was concerned for Darian. She didn’t know how long he could keep this up. She had so much respect for him as she watched him work. All the other questionable things about

  him just evaporated in the face of the healing power he commanded.

  Slowly, so slowly, Kizziah’s wounds began to mend and the bruises began to disappear.

  After two more hours, her color began to return and they could vaguely distinguish her features.

  Without really appearing to do so, Kelindril moved right behind the Mage so that Darian could lean back on the elf ever so slightly, so as not to appear weak. Kelindril could see the strain on Darian’s face and was worried about him.

  It took about eight hours to restore the elf to her former beauty. The Mage looked as if he would collapse, but instead of resting, he asked the Gor Li’ Khan to lay her on the bed where she could rest. He ordered four of them to stay and never leave her side, then stood and moved toward the door.

  “Darian, where are you going? You need to rest,” said Kyler, concern flooding his voice.

  “There will be no rest for me until I find vengeance,” he said coldly.

  “You know who is responsible, don’t you?” asked Kyler, already knowing the answer.

  “Indeed, I do,” he responded without elaborating. He touched the demon stone around his neck and called the Falahari to his side. Grey mist pooled across the floor, quickly forming into the demon Sigorna.

  The mood in the room prevented the demon from his usual sarcastic banter with the Mage. He could tell something terrible had happened. It was late and there were many faces gathered ‘round, including Kyler and Darian, who looked a mess. Darian looked completely drained, but the Falahari knew better than to underestimate him. Even at his weakest, he was stronger than any Mage the demon knew.

  “Darian, what’s happened?” asked the Falahari seriously.

  “There’s been an attack on Kizziah. The intruder left her for dead. Now, you and I will hunt the one responsible,” Darian said in a cold, quiet tone.

  “The elf you’ve been seeing?” he asked.

  “Yes,” the Mage responded.

  “How did this happen?”

  “We’ll talk more on the way,” the Mage said, clearly not wanting to say too much in front of the elves.

  “As you wish,” said the demon.

  “Falahari, you cannot let him go now, he needs rest,” pleaded Kyler.

  “I’m sorry Kyler, I cannot refuse once I have been commanded to do something. But I will

  promise you this, I will keep him safe and he will never leave my sight,” the demon declared in an uncharacteristically gentle tone, sounding like he meant it.

  The demon’s behavior baffled Kyler. He seemed genuinely concerned for the Mage. Cu-

  rious, thought Kyler. He watched as the Mage and the demon departed and he couldn’t help but worry for his friend. Kelindril signaled the rest of his elves to follow closely and left after Darian.

  Kyler went immediately to his father, careful not to wake his mother or the newborn babes. Galavad could tell that something was amiss and his son never disappointed.

  “Kizziah was brutally attacked in her home and left for dead. Darian was able to save her, but instead of resting, he and the demon went after the one responsible,” said Kyler.

  “So, Darian knows who did this evil thing? Did he say who it is?” asked the Monarch.

  “No, but I have my suspicions,” responded the young elf.

  “Who do you think is responsible, son?” asked Galavad.

  “Trétorna, it fits with what the demon and Darian have said about him. I could see it in Darian’s eyes, he knew at once who did it. He was angry and I know he’s blaming himself for letting it happen.”

  “How could it possibly be his fault?” asked the Monarch.

  “He wanted to kill Trétorna when he found out what he’d done, but the other Mages stopped him. Then, when Kizziah didn’t show up at the party the other night, he went home with Raylan. He’s blaming himself for not checking up on her sooner. Kizziah was supposed to come

  with him that night and now this.”

  “Ah,” said the Monarch in a knowing tone. “Well, regardless of the Mage’s appetite, it is not his fault. He will come to realize this at the proper time,” remarked the King of the elves.

  Kyler merely nodded in agreement, but he was not so sure that his father was right. He knew Darian better than most and he could see the sorrow in the Mage’s eyes. Sorrow and guilt. He would not so easily forgive himself.

  “I worry for him father,” said Kyler.

  “I know you do son, but he will be fine. Who went with him?”

  “The demon,” responded Kyler and Galavad made a face.

  “That one will be trouble, mark my words,” warned Galavad.

  “He actually seemed concerned for Darian, father,” said the young elf.

  “Of course, he did son. His life force and the Mage’s are one. If something untoward should happen, the demon will pay the price along with Darian. You’re not suggesting that the demon really cares for Darian, are you?” asked Galavad, aghast.

  “I don’t know for sure. His eyes were sincere when he told me he would protect Darian.”

  “Of course, Kyler, because…” but Kyler cut him off.

  “It was more than that! I know it, I could see… something. He was trying to comfort me,

  father. He wanted me to know that Darian would be alright.”

  Galavad did not want to upset his son, but he knew the demon could care less about Darian or his well-being. The only reason why he cared right now was because he had to, tied to the Mage as he was. Gal
avad’s memory was long and he understood why the Mages of old banned the demons from this plane. That this Falahari was so convincing could be trouble. That Kyler began to believe the demon was most unprecedented.

  Kyler returned to his chamber and found Nephraete waiting for him. Beautiful Nephraete. He went to her and held her close. He felt her hands on his body and he gave her what she demanded from him. Making love to her was the most intense pleasure Kyler had ever known. Nephraete smiled at her lover and kissed him softly. Taking control, she slid atop him. Kyler placed his hands on either side of her, letting her take her time.

  He knew he was deeply in love with her. He’d never felt this before and he was aware of how lucky he was. She could have left him and went to Darian, but she didn’t. She waited for him. He did not understand why he’d been so afraid that Darian would take her anyway. Darian was like his brother and would never do that to him. She tossed her head, biting down on her lower lip and the sight turned Kyler on.

  As she made love to Kyler, in her mind, Darian held her captive. She could not stop thinking of him no matter how bad she felt about it. The Mage was so damn good-looking and there was something about him that drew her to him. She wanted to experience Darian Brade. She wanted to feel him because she knew what he could offer her. Whenever they were in the same room together, they could not stop flirting. Darian always seemed to say something that was meant for only her. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. Just thinking about the Mage aroused her in ways she did not understand. Kyler leaned forward, kissing her gently and captured her breasts with his lips, as he laid her down, taking control.

  “Do you want to tell me exactly what happened back there?” asked Sigorna.

  “This is all my fault, Falahari,” Darian said quietly.

  “What is?” asked the demon.

  “Kizziah, it never should have happened. If I wasn’t such a scoundrel, it wouldn’t have. I should have been there with her. She was supposed to be my date at the dance the other night,”

  Darian confessed.

  “So, what happened?” asked Sigorna, sincerely interested.

  “She never showed. Instead of going to look for her, I went to the dance alone and went

  home with someone else.”

  “So what! Just because you got your dick sucked doesn’t mean you’re at fault here. You

  did get your dick sucked, didn’t you?”

  “That’s not the point, demon.” That was about as much admission as the demon would

  ever get out of the Mage.

  “So, was it good?” pressured the demon.

  “You have no idea,” admitted the Mage with a smile. “What have I become? Look at me, someone I care about got hurt because of me and I’m here telling you what great sex I had last night.”

  “Darian, you are the same as ever you’ve been. Just because you had sex with another woman in the long list of women taken to your bed, doesn’t mean you don’t care about Kizziah. You know as well as I that it would not have lasted much longer with her. Be honest with yourself. You don’t love her. You don’t even love the one that you were with last night. It doesn’t make you a bad person. You are a Mage of The Order. They trained you to live the way you do. It’s who you are.”

  “What if I don’t want to be like this anymore?” asked Darian.

  “Yeah right,” the demon laughed.

  “It was worth a shot,” said the Mage, smiling wickedly. “Now, let’s get the bastard! This kill is all yours,” said Darian.

  “Seriously?” asked the demon, hardly believing his luck.

  “I told you, if you bound yourself to me, I would reward you. My enemies are your enemies and I am a man of my word. Besides, I get the feeling he will suffer more if you exact his punishment.”

  “Have you talked this over with the other Mages?”

  “No and I don’t need to. Delvishan selected me and he has commanded them to obey. If they think to challenge me this time, they will see why Delvishan chose me. I will not stand for anyone questioning my authority!”

  Sigorna sniffed the air. The scent of the one they hunted was familiar to the demon so he could follow it easily. The demon became aroused at the closeness of the kill and it was a frightening sight. He made his way through the thick forest, easily following the foul odor of his prey.

  No words passed between them as they silently followed the trail. They needed none. The demon closed on his prey quickly, following the scent to a stand of thick bushes. Darian prepared for battle, though in honesty, he did not believe Sigorna needed him. Which was a good thing, exhausted as he was.

  Nothing could stop Sigorna at this point. He ripped the bushes out of the ground as if they

  were mere weeds. Their prey lay huddled in a dirty heap, utterly exposed without the bushes to protect him. Instead of showing fear, he snarled in rage.

  “Found your elf, did you?” asked Trétorna, laughing.

  “You’ll pay for everything this night, you filthy, worthless pig!” exclaimed Darian, but Trétorna merely laughed.

  “You’re forgetting one thing, Mage whore, the council of Mages forbade you from killing

  me,” he said smugly.

  “Is that what you think? You think I give a shit about those pompous assholes?” Darian said scornfully. “That’s why you never amounted to much, Trétorna. You misunderstand so much that is going on around you. Delvishan has chosen me to replace Mordikai. I do not need the Mage’s permission or acceptance!”

  For the first time, Trétorna appeared afraid. He could tell that what Darian said was the truth. He’d been a fool to believe that he would escape punishment. Darian was determined to punish him and there was nothing he could do. He could not even defend himself, blocked as he was by the powerful Mage that stood before him. In a way, he was glad he was about to be destroyed. He could not imagine living under Darian’s rule as the Shangmarrum. He’d rather be dead.

  The demon smiled wickedly at him and he knew his death would be a painful one. The first thing the demon went for was the Mage’s penis. He grabbed a hold of it and ripped it off his body. The elves cringed at the sight, but only because of the object of the demon’s anger. Not because it bothered them in any way. The Mage was screaming in agony, writhing on the ground. The demon forced the Mage on his belly and rammed the object up his rectum until he bled.

  “You like inflicting so much pain on others, don’t you? This is what you like, isn’t it? This is what you did to those students. Now you know how it feels. What a turn on, huh?” the demon growled.

  Darian knew he had chosen well. Sigorna deserved this kill and he let him revel in it. The Falahari extended his claws and went for the Mage’s belly. His claws were sharp and the Mage’s soft flesh was no protection. The demon began extracting organs and the Mage’s screams nearly made them all deaf.

  The elves looked on in horror. Not because of the grisly act, but because Darian was laughing at the sight. Was he brainsick? This situation was far from funny. A man was being killed in a horrible fashion, no matter how deserving.

  “Takasha! Darian, this isn’t funny. What’s wrong with you?” asked Kelindril, touching Darian’s arm.

  The look that Darian gave him chilled his blood. He resumed watching his entertainment.

  He sounded like a crazed man and this frightened the Gor Li’ Khan. Trétorna died an agonizing death at the hands of the demon. When he was finally dead, Darian cast a spell that made the body burst into flames. The ash blew away on the gentle breeze, which seemed oblivious of the horrific deeds that had occurred. The elven earth remained unmarred by the flames.

  The Mage turned on his heel and walked away as if nothing had transpired. Kelindril was

  worried for him because he knew the Mage was exhausted. That could be the source of the pecu-

  liar behavior, but the Gor Li’ Khan leader did not think that at all.

  Darian knocked on Raylan’s door. He knew it was late, but he didn’t care. He wanted her,
needed the distraction after the events of this night. She opened the door and he did not wait for her to invite him in. He locked the door behind himself and cast a ward around her home. Then he walked to her, grabbed the back of her neck and drew her to him. His lips crushed hers and his kisses were purposeful, but no less enticing.

  She leaned into him, allowing her hands to roam his sexy body. He grabbed both of her arms and held her fast as he guided her to the bed. He was in complete control and would not relinquish it. He was far different tonight than he had been the night before and it was a definite turn on for her. She liked being in control, but she would gladly relinquish it to him. He didn’t even bother with her clothes; he just pushed up the soft cloth of her gown and pushed her down.

  She cried out at his touch; he was not at all gentle with her as he was last night. Urgency filled his movements. She kissed him, touching his face tenderly as she did so. He responded to her and it was as if he was a different person of a sudden. He slowed down and began to gently make love to her until she raked his back with her nails.

  Soon after, he passed out from exhaustion. She wondered what had happened to put him in such a state. She would love to know what Kelindril had said to him to make him leave in such a hurry. She watched him, deep in Ru Nay’ Sha, and could not deny how perfect he was. His looks, his body, everything about him drew her to him. Rest was a long time coming for her.


  Darian did not wake for some time. Kyler came by to check on him late in the afternoon and Raylan let him in. “How is he? Has he been up yet?” asked the elf prince.

  “No, Kyler, he hasn’t. What happened last night?” she asked curiously.

  “I have no idea. The Gor Li’ Khan accompanied him, I did not,” replied Kyler. “I doubt you will get much information from them, though.”

  “Kyler, I know you know something. Tell me what’s going on.”


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