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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 7

by D E Boske

  “By dinner, I’ll be starving,” he said, his voice low and she blushed furiously, for it was obvious he was not talking about food.

  When breakfast was over, the Mage went in search of Aganor and Declan so he could set them straight. They could not demand answers from him anymore. He was the chosen Shangmarrum and they would show him respect. He knew Aganor had advised Declan against his course of action and obviously, he’d declined the wise advice.

  Declan opened the door, stunned to see who stood there. “Darian, how can I help you?”

  “Don’t pretend to be surprised to see me, Declan. Come with me, now.” It was a command, not a request. Declan had no choice but to obey, for he was loyal to The Order and to Darian. He followed Darian to Aganor’s door.

  “Please, come in. I’ve been expecting you,” said Aganor.

  Well, this can’t be good, thought Declan. “Darian, what’s this about?” asked Declan, trying to head off the coming storm.

  “Why don’t you tell me, Declan? What gives you the right to come looking for me, demanding answers for decisions that I have had to make for the safety of myself and The Order? You are not second in command, Aganor is. Delvishan chose us, yet you think you know better

  than the god of Mages?”

  “No, that’s not… Darian, I came to see you because I heard what happened to the elf and

  I wanted to know if you needed help. But, as usual, it appears you had everything under control.”

  “Kelindril seemed to think you were a bit hostile,” Darian knew there was more to it than what Declan had told them. “Care to explain that?”

  “Darian, you are our Shangmarrum. No harm may come to you for the sake of The Order. What will we do if you get killed? We cannot take on the Dark Mage without you. You need to start trusting others to do tasks that are beneath you.”

  “I would never have trusted those tasks to anyone but myself. Let’s be honest here, shall we?” said Darian.

  “Yes, let’s,” agreed Declan.

  “It was you who first stood against me when I wanted to punish Trétorna. I should never have listened to you, but I need your help as much as I hate to admit it. Because I did not stand up for what I believed to be the best course of action, someone I care about got badly injured. Let me paint a picture for you,” said Darian. He thrust his right hand out as he cast a spell, the words rolling off his tongue so easily.

  Vivid images of Kizziah’s broken, bleeding form became visible for them to see. The extent of her wounds quickly became clear as Darian intensified the spell to show them what he’d seen.

  The bruises, bloody gashes, her torn clothes…

  “He left her for dead!” Darian shouted. “He deserved to die and I do not regret his loss for a moment.”

  “How did he die, Darian?” asked Aganor.

  “I let the demon take him, he suffered so much more that way,” Darian admitted.

  “You let the demon kill a Mage of The Order?” asked Declan, outraged.

  “Yeah, that’s right. He was no longer a Mage of The Order, Declan. He lost that privilege

  a long time ago, when he chose to defile students. Students who put their trust in us to keep them safe. We failed them and badly. I was not about to fail in this. You can be angry; I do not care. I made a choice and I do not regret it. The elves offered you refuge and you let that beast roam free. Did you even consider the repercussions of Trétorna’s actions? Of course not, but I have. I have yet to sit with Galavad because I do not know what I can say to make this right!”

  “I doubt you’ll have any trouble. I see how the elves look at you, they admire you, and they respect you. You probably won’t have any trouble at all.”

  “That’s not the point!” Darian threw his left hand out and Declan went flying into the wall. Aganor moved to stop Darian, but the young Mage was too quick. With his right hand, he held Aganor in place. No matter how hard Aganor pushed, he could not break past the magic that Darian cast to hold him.

  “For a Mage, you’re a bit dense, Declan. You’re older than me, aren’t you supposed to be

  the wise one?” mocked Darian, letting Aganor go. Declan, still shaken, had not gotten up off the floor.

  Declan always knew Darian was powerful, but to have the young Mage’s power directed at him… He had not been prepared for that. The ease and speed with which Darian cast those spells! Delvishan had chosen well indeed. The young Mage hadn’t even used his staff. Declan wondered at the power Darian could command with staff in hand.

  “Was there anything else you wanted to ask me, Declan?”

  “No, I’m good,” Declan rasped, coughing from the use of his voice.

  Darian left and went back to his chamber. Kelindril stopped him from going in. “Raylan’s in there, Darian. I’m sorry, but I thought we could keep an eye on her this way.”

  “It’s alright Kel, I need to talk to her anyway,” said Darian.

  He bolted the door behind him and warded his room for privacy. He could kill her right now and no one would know. He didn’t like killing women, but he’d done it before and he supposed he’d do it again if need be. But he hoped it wouldn’t come to that.

  “Darian, is that you?” asked Raylan, coming out from the bedroom, almost naked. She only wore a lace top that barely covered her large breasts and panties to match. She was beautiful and sexy and he wanted her. He crossed the room to her, kissing her and tugging her panties off her hips. He pushed her onto his bed, and she pulled him to her, taking off his shirt.

  Afterwards, Raylan lay cuddled against the Mage, “I’m sorry about the way I acted this morning. It’s just that I felt so jealous. I really like you, Darian and to see you flirting when I’m sitting right there, hurt my feelings. Please don’t take her to dinner, we could stay in,” she smiled wickedly at him, toying with him and he liked it. He appreciated her talents and she satisfied him deeply. It was just her attitude that he didn’t like at times.

  “Raylan, I like you too, but your possessiveness has got to stop. I promised you nothing, yet you act as if I have.”

  “I’m sorry, Darian. I just want you to consider me for your consort. I know you are looking and I…” she faltered at the look on his face because she couldn’t read it.

  “Raylan,” he began. “You cannot act the way you have with Kelindril and at the Leaf and Vine. That behavior is unacceptable and I will not tolerate it. The only reason I flirted with Jayliss is because you made me angry. I wanted breakfast with Kyler and Nephraete to talk about what we need to do to get ready for our upcoming quest. You showed up acting like a petulant child and I don’t appreciate it. You cannot crowd me and hover over me, it’s a definite turnoff for me,” he explained.

  “You weren’t turned off a little bit ago,” she smiled, trying to use her charms to protect her from his anger.

  “I’m serious, Raylan. This is a warning. You do not own me and I will not put up with your possessive behavior. Do it again, and I will end it,” he didn’t like threatening her, but he felt it was the only way to get through to her.

  “The woman I choose for my consort must be strong and independent. She must possess talents that will complement my own, for she will accompany me to council meetings in Kiri A’ Nouell and Mogan Dar. She must be self-confident, intelligent, beautiful and sexy. I will rely on her opinion, for she will watch everything that happens in those meetings and tell me what she sees. Can you be all these things, Raylan?”

  “I’m fully capable of all of those, Darian. I am an elven mage, so you know I am intelligent, strong, and confident. I have a unique understanding of events and can help you with the meetings. I just want to be given a chance, Darian, that’s all.”

  “You have it, but do not anger me again,” he said sternly. She pouted and he kissed her deeply, touching her soft skin. “I’m serious, Raylan. Your beauty will not stop me from ending it should you cross me again. There will be times when I will not want you to accompany me. Sometimes, I need time to
myself. I cannot share everything with you, consort or no. There are things that I can never tell you, for my safety as much as The Order’s. Sometimes, I just like time alone with Kyler. He understands me probably better than anyone alive and he is my friend. We’ve been through a lot and he still stands with me. That means a lot to me and I do not take his friendship for granted. More than anything, I do not like to be questioned about my whereabouts. If you do not trust me, do not get involved with me.”

  She slid atop him, placing her finger over his lips, “Shh, no more talking.”

  Jevich relieved Kelindril and he went for a walk to clear his head. It was a beautiful night, warm, yet not heavy. There was a steady breeze and it felt good on his face. The more he stayed here, the more he fell in love with the forest. At this silent admission, the forest seemed to come alive and sing to him. The leaves on the trees whispered as the wind danced through them, the creatures of the forest chimed in with chirps, squawks, and birdsong. He reveled in the beauty and tranquility.

  “Kelindril, would you like to accompany me? I was about to take a walk. It’s a lovely night for one, isn’t it?” The breath caught in his throat at the voice. He was frightened and wanted to run, but he was Gor Li’ Khan and they did not run, even from death.

  “Kylee.” She looked stunning tonight. The starlight caught in her hair and her dress hugged her hips in a way that Kelindril found arousing. It had been years since he felt this way and she frightened him more than any battle ever had. He held out his arm for her and she wound her arm in his.

  They walked slowly, in no hurry to reach any particular destination. He let her guide him,

  this was her home and she knew better than he where to go. They did not speak for some time, but the silence was a comfortable one.

  “Why did you accompany me tonight, Kel?” she asked.

  “You asked me to,” he replied.

  “Yes, but you could have said no. Why did you come with me?” she wanted to know if he was attracted to her the way she was to him. There was something about him that she could not shake. She did not want to be separated from him.

  “I… don’t know,” he said honestly.

  “Are you attracted to me, Kel?” He didn’t answer for some time. His heart was hammering in his ribs because the truth terrified him.

  “Yes, I am,” he admitted quietly. “Kylee, I cannot give you what you want. You deserve someone who will not let you down, someone strong. Someone that will take care of you.”

  “And why do you believe you are not the one for me? You are strong and more than capable, Kel.”

  He liked the way she said his name and for a moment, he imagined how it would be to

  start over, to fall in love once more. Memories of Elyssa came rushing back to him and he yanked his hand free from hers.

  “I’m sorry, Kylee, I cannot…” he turned and vanished as he walked away from her once more. She sighed heavily. She didn’t understand her attraction to him, but she supposed that’s how love was. You never chose who to fall in love with, your heart chose for you. “Takasha!” she cried as Torgyn Ro spoke from behind her.

  “Are you alright?” he asked, concerned.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she said with a smile that was a bit forced.

  “I’m Torgyn Ro, a bard. I’m studying with the elves.” His excitement was palpable and she smiled a genuine smile this time.

  “My name is Kylee, Torgyn Ro.”

  “My lady, you are most beautiful. Forgive me for being so forward, but I cannot help myself. Why do you seem so sad?”

  “Love, Torgyn, is a cruel thing at times.”

  “May I sing you something, my lady?”

  “Please, call me Kylee,” she said softly. “And yes, please sing something for me to take away this pain that I feel, for I have heard of the magic of your voice.”

  In a faraway land

  Lived a princess so fair

  Who thought love betrayed her

  But the truth was laid bare

  One starlit night love came

  A handsome bard Torgyn

  Asked the princess her name

  She shed tears of silver

  He kissed her just the same

  She giggled at the silly song. “Did you just make that up?”

  “Guilty as charged,” he said smiling.

  “Torgyn, you are quite talented. You have a beautiful voice that is so captivating,” she said truthfully.

  “You’re even more beautiful when you smile, Kylee.”

  “Thank you, Torgyn, that was just what I needed.”

  “Would you care for a drink? I have many stories I could tell you,” he tried. He did not want to let her walk away.

  “Some other night perhaps, Torgyn. Thank you,” she said and then she was gone.

  “Do you honestly believe she would want you, Torgyn? Have you seen the elves? I doubt you could compete for her attention,” remarked Mordinian from behind the bard. “And then there’s Darian to contend with.”

  “What do you want, Mordinian?”

  “What I always want, Torgyn, to get to the bottom of Darian Brade. I will not stop until I know everything about him and why The Order seeks him.”

  “Yeah, good luck with that,” the bard said, as he walked away from the thief. Mordinian watched him go, feeling a mix of emotions that he was not used to.


  In the morning, Darian went to see Galavad. “I do apologize; I should have come yesterday.”

  “Darian, please come in, we have much to discuss,” replied Galavad.

  “How is Tiriel? Would you mind if I check on her?”

  “Of course not, thank you,” said Galavad.

  Darian went to the queen’s bedside and smiled at the sight of her cuddling the two small babes.

  “Ni’ Quehanna, Obst Del’ Rua?” asked Darian and the queen giggled at what he’d said. Roughly translated, it meant, hey little mama, how are you feeling?

  “I’m doing well, Darian. I’m so glad you came by this morning. I never got the chance to say thank you for all you’ve done. I probably would have died had you not been here.”

  “There’s no probably about it, Tiriel,” the Mage said matter-of-factly. “This was a difficult childbirth, fraught with many complications and I am glad I was here for you. The babies look healthy.”

  “Here, can you take her? My arms are so tired,” she said, as she laid the boy in her lap.

  Darian took the small bundle in his arms and cooed to her. She was an absolute treasure

  and he was glad that he’d been able to save them all. He thought about those who had died that day and raw emotion flooded him. Nephraete’s words came back to him then. “In order to save them, you must let someone close to you die and this shall torment you for all your days…” The death of Tiriel’s attendant would forever be with him. It didn’t matter that he knew if he’d stopped to save her, Tiriel and the babes would have surely perished. It took all his attention and strength to save all three of them.

  “What is her name?” asked the Mage.

  “Teslyn,” replied the queen, surprised by the gentleness the Mage was showing. She’d never thought to see him with a baby in his arms. Somehow, it felt right. She thought he’d never looked so sexy, as he did holding her daughter.

  “That is a beautiful name, Tiriel,” said the Mage, lightly stroking the baby’s nose.

  “Thank you,” she smiled at the compliment. “How are you, Darian? Has Tynuviel forgiven

  you yet?” she asked, concerned. She truly wanted things to work out for them both.

  “I’ve let her go, Tiriel. I had to. She won’t even speak to me and I don’t want to upset her more than I already have. I want her to be happy, even if it’s not with me.”

  “I’m so sorry, Darian,” she said, reaching out to grasp his hand.

  “It’s for the best, Tiriel. Every time she looks at me, she will remember what they did to her, exactly as they intended. Tireniel is good for he
r and they make a good couple. In time, she will forget about me and go on with her life.”

  “What about you?”

  “I must choose a consort, for Delvishan will not allow me to remain without one. I must choose wisely and the women have already begun to compete for my affection.”

  “What about Renlyss? She would be a perfect fit for you. She is strong, independent and an elven mage, so she has an understanding of magic. You would look good together, don’t you think?”

  At Renlyss’s name, Darian frowned. “We were good friends at one time, but alas, she is not speaking to me either.”

  “You have some serious women problems, Mage,” said the queen affectionately. “I know you have been with Kizziah and Raylan. Raylan is no good for you, Darian. You should not even consider her for your consort. Kizziah would be a good choice. She is loyal and giving, warm and intelligent.”

  “May I confess something to you, Tiriel?”

  “Of course,” said the queen. She had the feeling whatever it was, it was something he would rather no one know. Which puzzled her as to why he would tell her.

  “I am not sure that I can only be with one woman. I am not sure that I want to be.”

  “Does The Order say you must be with only one woman?”

  “No. My consort must give herself to me only, but I do not have to do the same.”

  “That doesn’t seem fair.”

  “I agree,” the Mage admitted. “When I choose my consort, I want to give myself to her fully, but I no longer believe this is possible.”

  “Would you have been committed to Tynuviel? I’m sorry, Darian, but I need to know.”

  “I would like to think I would have been. I love her, Tiriel. I’ve never been in love and I cannot imagine my life without her in it, but I have never been exclusive with any one woman. The Order… it’s the way I was raised… it’s all I know,” he finished quietly.

  “I understand,” she replied, just as softly. She took his hand in hers and squeezed it reassuringly.

  “Raylan would never cut it as my consort. She is too jealous by far and excessively


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