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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 10

by D E Boske

  “What do the books say?” Nymdal asked, not backing down.

  “I will not lie to you, Nym, it will be dangerous. First, a thick, unnatural fog covers the

  land, making it very easy to get lost. Avoid this at all costs, because the things that roam around in the fog will claim you as their own. You will become one of them.”

  “What are the things in the fog, Darian?” asked Nymdal and the Mage shrugged.

  “No one knows for sure. Some say they are phantoms, lost souls forced to wander this world without rest or peace. They are merciless, Nym, and take whoever strays from the path. No matter what you see or hear, do not stray from the path.” The Mage’s voice was soft, serious and compelling all at once.

  “Sounds nice, when do we leave?” quipped Nymdal as he finished his food. Darian laughed and Nymdal joined in.

  “I like you, Nym. I’m glad Kelindril chose you,” said Darian. His amusement cut short when he felt Sigorna stirring and held him in check. It took effort on the Mage’s part because the demon was strong. Normally, Darian wouldn’t try to stop him, but he didn’t think it a good idea to let Sigorna free in the Black Mare.

  “What’s wrong?” asked Nymdal, sensing Darian’s mood change.

  “The demon is trying to come through,” the Mage responded. “Let’s go, Nym. He’s persistent, so it must be important.” Darian rose and left five gold pieces on the table. Nym knew that was much more than what they owed.

  “Darian, wait!” it was Neira, their server. She ran up to Darian holding out three gold pieces along with some silver and copper. “You forgot your change,” she said.

  “That was for you, darlin’,” he said with that sexy smile of his.

  “Thank you, Darian,” she blushed and before she thought about it, she leaned up to capture his lips. He deepened the kiss, as he slipped his arms around her slender waist. His tongue found its way past her lips and her knees grew weak from the intensity. He was a damn good kisser and he knew how to use his tongue. She wondered what else he was good at.

  “Are you busy later?” she asked, scarcely believing the words as they left her mouth. Nymdal wisely hung back to give them some form of privacy.

  “What did you have in mind?” he asked, not letting her go.

  “Hmm, I think you know,” she said, flashing him a smile. In response, he pulled her to him and kissed her again as he ran his hands down to her bottom, pulling her against his growing


  When he released her, she was breathless and filled with need. He asked her, “Do you know how to find me later?” His eyes were captivating and held her in their depths. She found she couldn’t speak, so she merely nodded.

  “Good. Don’t keep me waiting, darlin’. You’ve put me in a delicate situation,” he whispered and she giggled.

  “It shouldn’t be more than three hours, Darian. I’ll see you then,” she leaned up to kiss him once more and went back to work.

  Renlyss saw Darian kissing the server at the Black Mare and her heart clenched in grief.

  It was obvious to her that she never meant anything to him at all. If she had, he would have continued to pursue her and he didn’t. A tear traveled its way down her stunning face. She silently berated herself for her emotions. She knew what she was getting into with the Mage. He never promised her anything, but she thought that he cared for her. Their conversations stimulated them both and always led to explosive lovemaking. She was desperately in love with him and she hated herself for it.

  She believed that he began to have feelings for her too. Now she felt like such a fool. He only asked her to be his consort because he didn’t want to be alone and she was an acceptable replacement for Tynuviel. At this admission, she nearly doubled over with the pain it caused. She ran back to her room because she didn’t want anyone to see her like this.

  Darian locked the door and warded his room before letting Sigorna out. The telltale grey

  smoke boiled across the floor, signaling the demon’s impending entrance. When it was over, the

  imposing Falahari stood towering over them both.

  “What gives, Darian? Why were you holding me back?” he asked, his tone accusatory.

  “I was in the Black Mare, you dolt. I cannot have you running freely around the forest. Galavad would not like that, I’m sure.”

  “Since when do you care what anyone thinks?” asked Sigorna, crossing his massive arms over his impressive chest.

  “I don’t, but he protects this forest and I do not want to anger the elves. They are my allies and friends.”

  A pounding on the Mage’s door drew their attention. Darian thought it was a Mage of The Order. Who else would be so bold as to bang on his door like that? Gods, was he sorry they ever came here! If they thought they had a right to intrude on him, they were mistaken. He yanked his door open, ready to do damage and was stunned into silence. A tear stained Renlyss stood there, so beautiful and… Why is she crying? He thought.

  “Reny, what’s wrong?” he asked, his voice soft and full of concern.

  She’d come here to slap some sense into him, but she saw the look in his eyes. He did care! She had not imagined that look, but she wouldn’t give in to him so easily. He pulled her into his embrace and held her tightly against him as he used his magic to close and lock the door. He smells incredible! She thought, her resolve weakening.

  “Reny, what’s wrong? What happened, babe? Tell me, please,” he was practically begging. In response, she snuggled into him, as her tears subsided. This is where she belonged. Right here in his arms.

  He put her at arm’s length, though she tried to fight him. He was just too strong. He looked

  into her eyes, searching for what upset her. She took him by surprise when she threw herself into his arms and crushed her lips to his. He broke off the kiss much to her dismay.

  “Reny, you will tell me why you’re so upset,” his tone brooked no argument. She supposed he was used to getting what he wanted. Well, from now on, he was going to have to work for it.

  She stood there for a long while, saying nothing. Then without warning, she slapped him hard across the face, and then walked away from him. He had no idea what to make of what just happened, but he needed a moment to collect his wits. He needed to dismiss the demon and get rid of Nymdal. He had a feeling this was going to be a long day and an even longer night.

  “Falahari, why did you need to see me? Is it something urgent or can it wait?”

  “Ouch!” Sigorna remarked upon seeing the flaming handprint on Darian’s cheek. “That looks like it hurts. I just wanted to talk to you, but I can see you have a lot to deal with right now. Tell me about it next time. I’m dying here!” Sigorna exclaimed, before dissipating into grey smoke.

  “Nymdal, I don’t want anyone in here tonight. All of you will stay outside my room. Do you understand?” Darian waited until Nymdal acknowledged the order. “Please, go cancel my appointment for later.” There was no need to elaborate; the elf knew exactly what he needed to do.

  Once they were alone, Darian went to Renlyss. She was in the bathroom freshening up. The tears were gone and she looked breathtakingly beautiful. She wore his favorite dress, pale green with an uneven hem. It hugged her curves and accented her perfect breasts. Long slits ran up her thighs and when she walked, her sexy, curvaceous legs were visible as the dress parted to expose her.

  “Hi,” he said softly, as he leaned on the doorframe.

  “I have never met someone so infuriating in my life, Darian Brade,” she replied.

  “Right back at you, babe,” he replied with his signature smile.

  “This isn’t funny, Darian!” She was really upset, but he had no idea why. They hadn’t been

  together in a while. She broke off the affair, not him, but he didn’t want her to go. He’d asked her

  to be his consort and she rejected him and that stung more than he cared to admit.

  “Are you going to tell me why you’re so upset?” he asked
, his tone softening. She seemed to be judging his sincerity before she spoke.

  “I saw you at the Black Mare earlier, Darian. I saw you kissing Neira.”

  “And that’s why you’re so upset? I didn’t pursue her, she threw herself at me,” he said, his

  tone hardening. Why should he explain anything to her? She left him. She walked away when he needed her the most. Let her be upset!

  “And that makes it ok?” she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Why are you so mad? You’re the one that broke it off, Reny, not me.”

  “Because I thought you needed time to process everything you’ve been through. I don’t think you realize what’s happened in such a short amount of time.”

  “Time heals all wounds, eh Renlyss?” He no longer used his pet name for her and his tone cut her to the bone. He must be getting upset. Good! He should be. She thought.

  “Don’t be daft, Darian. Time can lessen the pain one feels, but never take it fully away.”

  “Did you just come here to bust my balls or do you have something you want to get off your chest?” he asked acidly. He was no longer feeling charitable.

  “Can you pour me a drink, Darian?” Her question threw him off balance because that’s not what he was expecting her to say at all.

  “Of course, what would you like?” he asked, none too nicely. She needed to keep him off balance if this had a chance of working at all. She needed to get him worked up and she was accomplishing that so far.

  “Cryvellan Brandy, please,” she said sweetly. He made no move at first, but after a moment,

  he shook his head and went to retrieve two glasses and the bottle.

  He came back and poured a generous amount into each glass. No sooner had he poured it, then she tossed it back and swallowed it in one gulp, a very unladylike gesture, but one that turned Darian on. It was a rarity when he could find someone who could handle Cryvellan Brandy like he could. It was rarer still when it was a woman. He downed his in one gulp, his eyes darkening, as they traveled over her slim form.

  He took two steps toward her, but she moved away from him. Oh, she was going to make him pay for his infidelity!

  “What’s wrong, Renlyss? Are you afraid of me?” he asked, as he smirked at her.

  “Hardly,” she snorted. “I just don’t want your filthy paws on me, Darian,” she said, as she held her glass out, indicating she wanted a refill.

  She’s toying with me! She wants me to pay for my transgressions. He thought. Fine, I will

  snare her in her own trap and make her believe it’s her idea. He smiled wickedly, as he refilled their glasses. I will have her in my bed soon. He mused.

  When he handed her the brandy, he intentionally brushed up against her, but made it look accidental. She looked at him and he appeared oblivious. She drank this glass slowly, she did not want to get drunk, but she needed to prove to him that he could not manhandle her. She was not to be trifled with.

  “My filthy paws?” he asked, as his gorgeous smile erupted on his face. He could not hold it in any longer and began to laugh. His silvery grey eyes lit up with his humor and swept her off her feet.

  She felt herself falling for him all over again. She bit down hard on her tongue to keep

  herself from laughing. She could not show her amusement, not now.

  “No telling where they’ve been,” she said sweetly, batting her eyes at him. He moved toward her and again she moved away.

  “You come to my chamber, drink my brandy and insult me? I’ve never known you to be rude before, Renlyss,” he said, quietly threatening. His tone took her by surprise, but she would not show it. She could not afford to back down now. He had to know that he could not push her around. She wasn’t afraid of him.

  “You’re a stupid son of a bitch!” she said, her tone cutting.

  “What’s with you, Renlyss? What did you really come here for?” he asked, his arousal complete and immediate. He missed their witty banter and their easy conversation, but what he really missed were the sounds she made when he was deep inside her.

  “You honestly think I came here to have sex with you, Darian? Surely, you cannot be that obtuse. You think I would let you touch me after you’ve been with all those others?” She downed

  the rest of her brandy.

  “I’ve done nothing wrong, Renlyss,” he said slowly, as if speaking to a dim-witted idiot. “I

  wanted you, needed you, and you rejected me. I wanted you to be my consort and you threw it in my face. So, pardon me for not asking your permission before burying my dick into warm, willing, wet…” but he never got to finish. She came at him in a fury. Her speed took him by surprise and her wicked right hook connected firmly with his jaw.

  She was about to hit him again, but he recovered quickly. He grabbed her arms and tugged her to him. Holding her tight against his chest, he crushed his lips to hers. She fought him fiercely at first, but he was too strong. Her knees grew weak from the skill of his lips and she surrendered to the force that was Darian Brade.

  When he was fairly certain she wasn’t going to hit him anymore, he released her. Immediately, her slim arms snaked around his neck, pulling him closer. He unfastened his breeches, pushing them down past his hips and pushed her dress up to her waist.

  “Darian, no,” she whispered breathlessly, as she came up for air.

  “What’s wrong, Reny?” he asked, his tone soft and alluring.

  “What are we doing?” she said softly.

  “Whatever you want, Shazzi,” he replied, making no move until she gave a clear indication of her decision.

  “It doesn’t bother you?” she asked.


  “What am I doing here?” she asked, a bit confused and angry with herself for letting him win. Again.

  “I’m sorry?” he asked. “Reny, I’ve missed you so much and I’m glad you’re here. Please, don’t go.” He sounded sincere and it caught her by surprise.

  “Why didn’t you fight for me, Darian?”

  “I tried to tell you that you were mistaken, Ren. You said I needed some time and I told you that I wanted to be with you. When that wasn’t enough for you…” he trailed off, unsure of what else to say. He wanted to be honest with her, but he also wanted her in his bed. And he thought that if he was completely honest, she’d walk out on him, again. Probably for the last time.

  “I’m afraid of being hurt, Darian. I don’t want to be hurt. Not by you. I don’t think I could recover. I… I love… you,” she finished haltingly. She searched his eyes and saw something… interesting. She’d only ever seen it when he looked at Tynuviel. It was gone as fast as it came and she thought she may have imagined it. His lips claimed hers in a soft, slow kiss that reminded her of everything they’d shared.

  “I want you, Darian,” she explained.

  “Mmm, don’t I know it, baby,” he replied, his tone soft and silky.

  “I felt safe and confident enough to come here today, and yet you still managed to manipulate me,” she said, gazing into his eyes. In response, he lifted her easily and held her as his lips found hers once more.

  “Take me, Darian, now,” she gasped, as she kissed his neck and nibbled his ear. The sound he made deep in his throat made her smile.

  When he put her back down, she nearly fainted with need. He took her hand in his and led her to the tub. He filled it with hot water and undressed for her. He sat in the hot water and held out his hand for her. She stripped in front of him and took his hand. He lifted her easily and placed her in his lap where she put one leg on either side of him.

  “Reny, I’m sorry I hurt you. That was never my intent. I wanted you and only you. I wanted you to be my consort, why did you refuse me?” he asked, his voice betraying how much she hurt


  “I’m sorry, Darian. I really thought you needed some time to sort through your emotions.

  Then when you didn’t pursue me, I assumed you never cared to begin with.”

  “Reny, you couldn’t be further from the truth,” he said, his lips so close to hers. Gently, he lifted her and sheathed himself inside her. Her gasp of pleasure made him smile as his hips began to move.

  The feeling of fullness that he gave her was overwhelming and she felt her body struggle to accept him. She tilted her head back, forcing her breasts close to his lips. He captured her left nipple between his lips, as his thumb stroked her right.

  “Is this what you came here for, Reny?” he asked, pulling her down hard atop him and

  eliciting a growl from them both in response.

  “Yes, Darian. Yes,” she said breathlessly. “I can’t stand to see you with anyone else. I want you, Darian. Only you,” she said, as he felt the pressure begin to build within her.

  “Mmmm Reny, I’ve missed you,” he said, bringing his lips to hers once more. “So, now you want me?” he asked, punishing her with the force of his hips.

  “Always! Oh Darian, always,” she cried, giving in to the exquisite pleasure. Moments later, he found his release. He remained inside her, as she leaned forward to rest her head on his chest.

  “What do you want from me, Reny?” he asked, as he cradled her in his arms.

  “I want you to court me, Darian. I want a very romantic proposal. I need to know that you care for me and if we are to be together, that you will be there, always. I need to know that you will never hurt me, Darian. And I demand exclusivity with you. I will not share you with anyone else. Do you understand?” she said, lifting her head to look him in the eye.

  “No one has ever demanded anything from me before and lived to tell about it,” he responded softly. He put his hands to either side of her face and brought his lips to hers in a tender kiss.

  “I’m serious, Darian. I cannot take any more pain. I love you,” she said, breaking down and beginning to cry.

  “Hey, Reny please don’t cry,” Darian said softly, as he gently wiped her tears away. “I am yours, if you’ll have me.” She crushed her lips to his at his words and felt him thicken within her, as her body stretched to accommodate him.


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