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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 26

by D E Boske

  Darian scoffed. “That hardly seems a reason to attack you the way he did. You’re leaving something out,” surmised the Mage.

  “I waited for him to leave his room today and snuck inside to have a look around. I know where he keeps all his traps and can disarm most. I’ve learned a lot while traveling with him, but I don’t think he realizes how much I’ve learned. Anyway, I found something interesting and that’s the reason why he’s trying to kill me.”

  “What did you find?” asked the Mage irritably.

  “A vial of liquid. He became incensed when he walked in and found it in my hand. That’s

  when I ran and I think you know the rest.”

  “Hmm,” replied the Mage noncommittally, confiscating the thief’s dagger and turning Mordinian about to face him. He released the spell and the thief slashed his empty hand at the Mage who merely laughed.

  “What the…” stuttered the thief.

  “You will leave Torgyn Ro alone, thief. And stay out of any room that isn’t yours,” commanded the Mage. “I dare you to come in my room uninvited,” sneered Darian, shoving the thief on his way. Mordinian stumbled before righting himself and glared with hostility at Torgyn Ro.

  “This isn’t finished, Torgyn,” barked the thief acidly.

  “Thank you, Darian,” said the bard, his eyes wild. “He will come after me again, I’m sure.”

  “Probably,” said the Mage, walking away.

  “Darian, wait!” cried the Bard.

  “What is it?” asked the Mage, a bit irritably.

  “I want to come with you to the Haunted Lands.” The Mage laughed jovially at that. “Escaping death by the hand of the thief only to be killed by the ethereal creatures in the mists?”

  “I won’t be dissuaded, Darian.”

  “Whatever,” replied the Mage, turning his back on the Bard.

  He knocked on Aslyn’s door and did not wait long. When she saw her visitor, she yanked

  him inside and quickly shut the door. She threw herself into his arms and kissed him softly, her

  hands drifting down his body until she captured what she’d been seeking.

  Kelindril and Nymdal stayed invisible, staying quiet and out of the way in the corner, but

  near the Mage.

  Darian lifted her easily and she wrapped her long legs around his waist. She could feel his hardness close to her core and she practically mewled in need. He tugged her panties down and tossed them aside. She released him from his tight-fitting breeches and he placed her back up against the wall. Her chest was already heaving in expectation.

  Nymdal just shook his head in disbelief. He couldn’t understand how Darian could not only have so much sex, but also how he could do it knowing they were right there and probably watching his every move. He never slowed or hesitated. He never seemed embarrassed. If anything, Nym thought Darian relished the attention. What had The Order done to him?

  She felt him, so close to her heated skin, and yet he was toying with her. She brought her lips to his and kissed him feverishly.

  “Darian, please,” she begged.

  “Please what?” he asked her, his eyes cloudy.

  “Please. I want you, Mage,” she begged him and Nym shuddered.

  With a single thrust, he encased himself in her fully and she cried out at the pleasure. “Is this what you want, Aslyn?” he asked her, his voice smoky with need.

  “Yes! Takasha, yes!”

  He pulled out of her and then sank in so slowly; it drove her insane. He began to move as he felt her desire grow. When he felt her muscles clamp down around him, he increased his speed until she collapsed against him, muscles lax with contentment. He kissed her brow and pulled her dress back down her hips.

  “We should get ready, love,” he said softly.

  “Mmm,” she responded dreamily.

  He chanted softly and pulled a parcel out of the portal that opened in front of them and handed it to her. She took it, smiling the whole time. She couldn’t wait to see the dress he’d chosen for her. She opened the package carefully and squealed in delight at the contents.

  The dress was definitely one of a kind. Soft Al-Dan-Tir silk dyed the color of a midnight sky. A fine hand had painted symbols and runes in a silvery paint. She realized Darian must have done it since the symbols were magical in nature. And it was no magic she knew. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she threw herself into her lover’s arms.

  “You don’t like the dress?” he asked, wiping the tears away.

  “I love it, Darian!”

  “Then why?” he asked.

  “No one’s ever done anything like that for me before,” she sniffed. “It’s beautiful, Darian. Thank you,” she said.

  “You’re welcome, love. Now, go put it on. I can’t wait to see it on you,” he said, stroking

  her cheek.

  When she came out wearing the dress, he drew his breath in sharply, she looked absolutely stunning.

  “Aslyn, you look so beautiful, darlin’,” he breathed and she blushed.

  Darian changed into a black silk shirt, black pants, and his leather boots with the buckles up the sides. The black shirt he wore really set off his eyes, but when he donned the silvery grey Shryvven, it stole her breath. She didn’t know what material it was, but it shimmered in the fading light of day. She took his hand as the forest came to life with song and light.

  “Friends. Comrades. Kin and kind. I welcome you all to this celebration. Eat and drink your fill, for tonight we are together. Tomorrow may not be so kind,” said Galavad, looking at Darian as he did so.

  “What’s that about?” asked Kyler and the Mage merely shrugged.

  Kiel asked his sister to dance and she happily slid her hand in his as he whisked her away.

  The tables bordered the dance circle so no matter where you sat, you could watch the dancers.

  Tynuviel sat with Tireniel and she was laughing at something he said. Takasha! She has a beautiful smile. Thought Darian. Will it ever get any easier? Or will I always feel this much pain?

  He felt Aslyn’s hand on his thigh, she had a questioning look in her eyes, but remained silent. He knew she knew something was bothering him, but he also knew she’d never ask. He brushed the backs of his fingers on her cheek and kissed her lightly.

  “Would you care to dance?” he asked her with that sexy smile of his.

  “Mmm, yes,” she responded, taking his waiting hand as she rose.

  Darian was an exceptional dancer and she was amazed at how graceful he moved. Elven dances were oft times complex, intricate affairs, but the Mage moved with exquisite ease. He led her across the forest floor, the other couples giving them room and some even returning to their seats to watch them instead.

  Aslyn felt his hand slide down to rest on her ass and she giggled in his ear. She felt him growing hard against her hip and every part of her body tingled in anticipation. She felt herself falling hopelessly in love with him and she was terrified. She knew he had a long list of women in his bed and she didn’t want to be just another foray. She wanted to be so much more to him. Was he capable of it? She didn’t know, but she also recognized that she could not end it. Even if

  this went nowhere, she didn’t have the strength to walk away.

  To her utter astonishment, before the whole elven population, Darian got down on one knee and took her hand in his.

  “Aslyn, I know we haven’t known each other long, but I feel alive when I am with you. When I am with you, I need no one else. We feel right together. I owe everything to Kinistaya for bringing you into my life. Would you honor me and become my consort?” he asked, gazing into her eyes as he held up a beautiful, round diamond ring. The ring was at least two carats and it was flawless. The unblemished stone caught the light from the fire and shone with a brilliance all its own.

  Tears streamed down Aslyn’s face. She couldn’t believe Darian was asking her to be his consort. Of all the things she’d imagined when Kinistaya approached her with his brill
iant plan, this far exceeded anything she thought could happen.

  “Yes! Of course, yes! I love you, Darian Brade,” she cried between tears. He rose, took her in his arms and kissed her, gently wiping away her tears with his thumbs. The forest erupted with shouts and cheers as the elves celebrated with them.

  Tynuviel looked on, frozen in shock and Tireniel gripped her hand in silent support. She

  knew that eventually he’d move on, but she never thought it would be so soon. She never thought

  he would really give up on her. In the next instant, she was glad she no longer had to concern herself with him. After everything he’d done to her, she shouldn’t want to be anywhere near him. He was a man whore and he’d never be faithful to her. Aslyn would find out the hard way. She’d saved Tynuviel from more pain, so she was grateful. When she looked at Darian, she felt nauseous. She hated him. She wanted him dead. She wanted…

  They danced several dances before returning to their seats. The dancers were clearing the floor as a chair was brought into the circle for storytelling.

  “Torgyn Ro,” said Galavad, putting an end to the conversation. The forest grew quiet as the elves waited for the bard to respond.

  “How may I serve?” he asked, in his clear, strong voice.

  “Would you care to tell us a story?” asked the Monarch.

  “It would be my pleasure,” he said, taking a seat in the center of the circle.

  Darian poured Cryvellan Brandy for Aslyn and himself and listened intently to the Bard.

  The Mage could feel the magic, which was strong with the young man. Darian had never run across another Bard whose magic was as fierce and strong as Torgyn’s. His words bespelled the elves, hopelessly trapping them in the tale.

  Mordinian watched with narrowed eyes as the Bard began his tale. He didn’t know why exactly, but the story bothered him more than a little. Torgyn Ro had obviously known much more than he let on when they met. The little bastard. The thief wanted to slit his throat in that instant. Knowing what he knew now, Mordinian would not have stepped in and saved his life. He still didn’t understand why he’d done it to begin with.

  Unless… Son of a bitch! He thought. He must have used his magic on me to make me save him. Mordinian was not one to care about others and had no moral compunction to save anyone. Not even a child.

  Well, he thought. The Mage cannot protect him forever. Sooner or later, he’ll be alone and I will… But he never got to finish that thought. The Mage’s eyes fell upon him and though he would never show it, he felt true fear. Something he’d never felt before. The thief ground his teeth to keep from quaking. Darian wanted him dead and that was no secret, but he still didn’t know why. After all, he’d tried to help him, but the Mage wouldn’t listen.

  Regardless, Mordinian had no intention of leaving. He wanted to see this through to the end. He wanted to know why The Order wanted Darian so damn bad. He wanted to know what the Mage was looking for and why they were traveling to the Haunted Lands. Lately, Darian had not been acting sanely. Most of them probably had not even realized it since the Mage was crafty and shrewd. But he’d seen the signs and subtle changes in Darian’s behavior. And it wasn’t good.

  Alvos sat across from Darian, never making eye contact with the powerful Mage. A slim,

  blonde haired beauty tapped Alvos on the shoulder and when he turned to see who wanted his attention, he smiled wickedly.

  “Hello, beautiful,” he said, his voice silky soft and she smiled at him, looking him over, her eyes lingering on his lips.

  “Quel Aya’ Dan?” she asked, with a mischievous glint in her eyes. She somehow knew that he didn’t speak her native tongue like Darian did, but wanted to make sure.

  “I’m sorry?” he asked, looking her over appreciatively. She was tall and sexy, with long blonde hair that had soft blue and purple highlights. Her lavender eyes held him captive and he felt his body responding to her attention. It had been a long time since he’d made love.

  Though he was a Mage, Piri-Tuma had become unsafe for Mages loyal to Delvishan and The Order. Months before Aganor began to gather them together, Alvos stopped calling on the girls. He threw himself into learning as much as he could and working on new spells. He had a feeling he’d need it.

  Darian’s absence left a hole that was too deep to fill and no one knew what to do about it. The search was on and if Alvos knew Darian, which he did, they’d never find him. Just before Darian disappeared, he’d met secretly with Alvos to tell him not to trust anyone. He’d said that someone was after him and his staff. At the time, Alvos thought that maybe the cagey Mage was just a bit paranoid. Darian never said a word to anyone after he’d spoken to Alvos. He just disappeared.

  Alvos began to see the signs himself. The Masters and Mages pretended Darian had never

  left, they pretended he never existed and never spoke his name aloud. The Dregian order fell from first place for the first time since its creation and none of them were happy about it.

  The Dregian order was the most powerful faction within The Order. It was comprised of battle Mages who specialized in killing spells and devastating attacks. Very few had learned to heal, but Darian was one who had mastered it and his loss reverberated through Mogan Dar.

  “Would you care to dance?” she asked in common, smiling at him with a wicked gleam in her eyes.

  “I would,” he responded, as he stood gracefully, his long, lithe form unfolding as he came to his full height.

  She looked him over, starting at his feet and working her way up, her gaze stopping to take in the generous bulge in his breeches and finally made its way to his eyes. He held his arm out for her and whisked her away to dance.

  His movements were fluid and elegant and she liked the way she felt in his hands, which were warm and capable. She felt him, hard against her hip and she was really hoping that he’d make a move on her. He was gorgeous; tall and lean with long blonde hair and sharp, green eyes.

  He wasn’t built like Darian, but she could feel his strength. Where Darian was muscular and strong, Alvos was toned and wiry.

  She could feel his ribs through his shirt, which was of fine make and cut. Her hands wrapped around his neck and he hugged her close. She could feel him, thick and hard on her stomach and she wanted him tonight.

  When the dance was over, he twirled her around once and tugged her into his arms. Alvos was not one to miss the not too subtle signs she’d been leaving him. He brought his lips to hers in a searing kiss and she felt her insides liquify. His lips were inviting and his tongue had her breathless. She slid her hand down to stroke him and he deepened the kiss.

  She led him to her chamber and they barely made it in the door before he had her up against the wall. His hands skated up her thighs to tug her lacy panties down without even breaking the kiss. Her nimble fingers had his breeches undone in short order. He lifted her easily and plunged inside her with aggressive force. She screamed in pleasure tightening her legs around him.

  Alvos’s lips went to her breasts, sucking softly, as he thrust in and out of her in rhythmic fashion. The Mage knew how to use his gifts, and before too long, the pressure was building quickly, as he worked her into a frenzy. He felt her tighten around him, her inner muscles clamping down around him, choking the life out of his dick. They slumped to the floor, weak and satiated.

  “What’s your name anyway?” he asked, a lazy smile touching his fair face.

  “Amblyn,” she replied, as he held out his hand for her. “And you are?”

  “Alvos at your service,” he bowed and she giggled.

  “Well Alvos, I hope you do not plan on getting much sleep tonight. I am desperately in need of your services,” she grinned at him lewdly and he grinned back.

  “My dear Amblyn, I will gladly service all your needs. I hope I was not too rough with you?” he asked, gazing into her beautiful face.

  “I’m fine,” she said, stroking his cheek.

  The celebration went long into the night, but
at last, Darian took Aslyn’s hand and led her back to his chamber, Kelindril and Nymdal close on his heels. The Mage was surprised at how happy he felt with Aslyn’s hand in his own. He thought they had a real chance at happiness otherwise, he’d never have asked her to be his.

  She kept gazing at the ring he’d given her and he really hoped she liked it. He blocked out everyone when he asked her. He didn’t want to see anyone’s tear stained faces. From this moment on, he wanted to focus on this woman who’d given herself to him.

  He brought his lips to hers in a tender kiss that quickly turned hungry. His tongue passed her lips and she welcomed the erotic sensation. He pressed himself into her, backing her into the wall as he deepened the kiss. He was aware of Kelindril and Nymdal right there with them, but he paid them no mind. He had rigidity issues that he needed help with.

  His lips traced a delicious line down her neck from her ear to her collarbone. His hands slid the dress off her shoulders in short order as his lips fondled her nipples.

  Her deft fingers had his shirt off in seconds and she relished the feel of his silky soft skin on hers. He went to his knees, parting her legs as he dipped his tongue between her folds. She moaned loudly and he smiled at her reaction. He slipped a finger inside her and she bucked at the sensual invasion. He concentrated on sliding his finger in and out of her while his lips worked on her clit, his tongue flicking over it and driving her insane.

  Nymdal watched intently to what the Mage was doing. He’d never been able to make a girl scream and buck the way Aslyn was right now. He was in need and decided it best to look away and concentrate on something else.

  Darian slid another finger inside her, curving them to hit her pleasure center. “Darian! Takasha, yes! Yes! That’s it,” she panted, writhing against him and bucking ferociously. He felt her clamp down on his fingers and he increased the pressure until she was fully sated. He withdrew from her, licking his fingers seductively, and the sight really turned her on. No one had ever done that before.


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